Episode Thirty-Nine | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

I blame my editor.

This bundle of information was gathered by my brother. Nevertheless, I can’t by any means believe that he collected all this by himself.

I’m not saying that he has little ability in info gathering, it’s just that by oneself, I believe it would be limited. Additionally, the information on Ogasawara Makoto had to be from before she caught my eye, in which case there had to be an investigation period of at least two months. That’s such a short amount of time, so to have collected this information himself, it’s near impossible.

Not to mention that the same person snooping around on a specific thing seems too suspicious.

In other words, as I have used Satonaka, there is a high possibility my brother has connections. Moreover, the amount human resources I don’t even know are different in comparison to me, who is limited to Satonaka. The only people who can press on and have no problems would be Satonaka and I.

Which means the person who a.s.sisted in this isn’t an ordinary person. It’s very possible that my older brother thought this person was worth his trust, but it’s also possibility that there isn’t just one.

Seriously, my older brother is already a nuisance by himself.

“I don’t know where my brother’s eyes are……”

I mumbled to myself as I stared at the PC.

His a.s.sistants have to be in the same area, which means they are decently close to ensure my actions are directly reported to him.

That means when my brother gave me this USB, he was also silently telling me, ”I have been watching.”

An uncontrollable chill went up my trembling body.

A warning and intimidation. If I were to do something absurd, then this is certainly evidence that he can stop me anytime.

Suddenly feeling uneasy, I clicked on the person at the beginning of the index chapter. Kijima Aoi, in other words, me. However, when I clicked I nearly fell back from the picture that came up.

“Did they have a duplicate key……well, even though this is really obvious, I wasn’t aware of it at all……”

Not only did my brother walk down the town I live in, he also came into this apartment.

He not only collected this much info, but he even invaded my room and I didn’t notice at all.

He didn’t leave any evidence behind, so I didn’t notice till now.

He deliberately came here to threaten me. He doesn’t want me to talk to or meet Ogasawara Shizuka.

‘She’s dangerous’ he said, but, if you ask me, I think my older brother is a lot more dangerous in many other ways. If my brother said she was like him, then isn’t she expected to be as well?

I’m feeling a little fed up.

But, well―

“I don’t match my brother’s expectations……my capabilities are far too different to his……”

Even if she is similar to him, I can’t think she’s as or even more troublesome as him.

If that’s the case then there is also a possibility that Ogasawara Makoto didn’t notice my brother’s movement, like me.

My brother did say this information was a weapon. I agree with that too. Information is key to messing with someone. In the time that they collected this good stuff, her very depths could be explored.

In which case, she isn’t as dangerous as my brother.

It seems like that, but, on the other hand, there is something baffling. The fact that Ogasawara Shizuka knows about me.

Ogasawara Makoto’s life before meeting me is certainly different. It’s natural that she’d be suspicious.

As someone who is considered dangerous by my brother, it’s only natural to a.s.sume she knows about me. Though, judging by the way Ogasawara Makoto acts freely by herself, has she really not noticed or is she sitting back and letting her do whatever?

If I suppose that it’s the latter, then there’s the possibility that she left her alone when she noticed my brother.

However, why did she do that? Even when I consider it, it’s impossible to comprehend.

Clicking on Ogasawara Shizuka’s chapter, I reviewed the data.

The information about her was quite normal.

Her relationships are good and she’s relatively gentle. Her grades are not particularly outstanding, and she doesn’t seem like a leader. She also doesn’t seem to a.s.sociate with the opposite s.e.x. Other than that, nothing unusual comes out to me.

Besides the fact she’s a peerless beauty, my brother’s view on her is different from the person she is now.

Currently, there is nothing doubtful about her that appears to be different from before.

I can’t check, but there’s also the possibility that she tormented her before third or fourth grade.

However it seemed to have gone away after a year or two.

I thought there was a fight between the sisters, but since there was no conclusive evidence on it the truth was left unclear.

Now it seems that there certainly was a fight between them, though this would’ve been from Osagawara and Sasaki Family

Why did the Sasaki family exchange a child with the Ogasawaras? It isn’t written as definite, but it was all my brother’s speculation.

The Ogasawara family seemed to have received wives from the Sasaki’s before for several generations. However, it seems to be old news as they have estranged from close relatives to distant ones.

Both families seem to be famous to some degree, but the Sasaki’s seem to be located more at the top. The Ogasawara were more prosperous socially in the past.

The Sasaki’s originally had an honorary social standing and appeared to have won prosperity from the post war economy period, but then it began to decline once it ended.

On the Ogasawara’s side, they also prospered from the post war, but their standing was lower than the Sasaki’s. However, the struggle to survive came from the end of the economic boom. From then they have maintained a decent social status at some level.

As such, the estranged Sasaki and Ogasawara families grew closer over time, which caught my brother’s eye.

The Sasaki family, who happened to be ruined, seemed to be grasping at straws that were the support of the Ogasawaras.

Then, a moment years ago, Tatsuya, the legitimate child of the Ogasawara’s, and Shizuka, the legitimate child of the Sasakis, were switched.

My brother made the speculation that it was possibly the Ogasawara family taking advantage of the Sasaki’s weakness.

Offering a child has been a method of improving relations between families since historical times..

In other words, to receive receive their support, the Ogasawara’s legitimate child was taken hostage.

In other words, to receive receive their support, they would hold the Ogasawara’s legitimate child hostage.

A verbal agreement cannot be trusted. If the request was to hold the child that carried their blood hostage, then it meant that the fate of Tatusya Sasaki, the eldest son of the Ogasawara lineage, was laid on the Sasaki’s shoulders.

This meant they had plenty of reasons to take on their support.

However despite that, I cannot find the reason for Ogasawara Shizuka. Even if we a.s.sume that Sasaki Tatsuya was taken hostage in the Sasaki’s, what was the reason for Ogasawara Shizuka being entrusted to the other side?

“Aha……oi, oi, that couldn’t have happened in this day and age……”

Although I didn’t reach the same level of speculation as my brother, it was possible that Shizuka may go back to having her family name be Ogasawara.

Sasaki Tatsuya is an Ogasawara’s child. If he were to marry a wife from another house, then the Sasaki bloodline would become extinct. More over Sasaki Tatsuya knows the truth, meaning the peace and security of the Sasaki family would be shaken.

The only way to prevent that would be to make a direct descendant for the Sasakis. In other words, they would make Ogasawara Shizuka inherit the Sasaki bloodline by marrying Sasaki Tatsuya.

It is illegal to let siblings marry. However, once they are put up for adoption it should be fine.

Moreover, as Ogasawara Shizuka was left to the Ogasawara household since childhood, she has close ties to them.

Did they, along with the Ogasawaras, also use the hostage child to bring up a daughter?

“He is the perfect tool. He’ll serve as a stud father……”

All in the name of the houses, it started on the arranged adoption, ended at the the custody and even became the reason the two have to concede a boy, even if they don’t love each other.

No, I don’t know whether or not they hold feelings for each others, but.

“One can think this is a little small……”

I had the label of failure slapped on me by my father and was driven out of the house, but there is nothing to change the fact I’m a child of the Kijima household. Besides, it wasn’t troublesome with receiving support and living uncomfortably.

If my father had felt like it, I would have not been able to live, after all, I wasn’t truly left to the wolves. I get that. However, the fact is I was given up on. Furthermore, both my mother and older brother let my father’s thought slide. No, it isn’t that they agreed with words, they simply said nothing. That is the same thing as agreeing, though.

The fact of the matter is that I’m painfully helpless.

There’s no end to see at the top, and there’s no end to the bottom either. I certainly am a human blessed in cla.s.s. I’m probably just weak.

Ogasawara Makoto said herself that she was, ”The unnecessary child”, but it seems Shizuka is that child. A flesh doll in defiance of ethics. A puppet and a tool.

Treated as a doll by her real parents, she was pushed upon the Ogasawaras To remain there to maintain a strong connection with the Ogasawaras.

Although all of it is my brother’s speculation, it makes perfect sense.

When overlaying my own theory with his―

“It is very likely that Ogasawara Makoto knows the truth. Naturally, Sasaki Tatsuya as well. As for what I don’t know, it’s the reason why Ogasawara Shizuka did those things. Perhaps when taking into consideration the gap of time after her hara.s.sment of Ogasawara Makoto……”

If Ogasawara Shizuka knew everything.

Ogasawara Makoto might have wanted to protect such an unfortunate step sister. So, she told a lie. A lie that she was the adopted child.

First, to have no mistakes, she thought over an alibi with Sasaki Tatsuya.

Afterwards, she also got the support of her parents.

If this guess is right―

“It’s beyond miserable. Believing herself to be the legitimate child child without a doubt in mind, she got prejudice over her stranger sister and tormented her.”

Ogasawara Makoto would have surely told a lie to her sister. But did the family sympathize with her thinking, or did they begin to lie at the start?

In any case, if Ogasawara Shizuka knew the truth it would obviously go to h.e.l.l.

It is a beyond childish plan. She will notice her situation one of these days.

I can’t believe that an adult would consider it, so did Ogasawara Makoto start the lie?

But then again, whoever started the lie is trivial now. The problem is what impact will her knowing the truth would cause.

“If it were me, what would I do? The fact that I believed my older sister, who was adopted, is the legitimate child, and then realizing that I was just a tool……I can either deal or just accept it.”

Sasaki Tatsuya’s and Ogasawara Makoto’s relationship seemed to be intimate up to Middle school, but they also went their separate ways in High School.

During the period before the three graduated from Middle School and entered into Highschool. I think something must have happened between the three.
That trouble would be she knew the truth.

I thought it would have went down worse, but she isn’t bullying her sister anymore, and she isn’t openly being suspicious. In which case, since she knew the truth, did she become a better person?

That is……very unlikely.

The fact is that Sasaki Tatsuya, Ogasawara Makoto’s only support, became estranged and Ogasawara Makoto doesn’t want to go home.

“I can’t think of an answer even when reflecting on this……”

Looking to the side momentarily, Ogasawara Makoto was wrapped in a blanket on the floor, breathing comfortably as she slept.

“If I think about it for a bit, the answer should be……”

Satonaka said her drawings were an expression of herself.

When she knew the truth, was far from settling, the problem appeared to worsen.

With that in mind, Ogasawara Shizuka pretended that their relationship had healed on the surface, but behind the scenes it’s very likely she maneuvers secretly.

Going back to the time where she publicly tormented her as much as she wanted would be more difficult.

Furthermore, if we a.s.sume that her criminal intellect is like my brother’s, then just Satonaka and I won’t be a match.

“s.h.i.t, if that guy Sasaki knew everything and left it alone. Even if there was some sort of reason, I despise you.”

The reason he put some distance between Ogasawara Makoto was probably because he successfully fell for Shizuka’s plan.

No matter how hard it would pierce the very support of my heart, my brother made sure I knew.

If there was distance from Ogasawara Makoto, he should have chased after her. Even if she persistently said, “Stay away from me.” he should have used a clever plan to got near her.

Before I knew it, I stood up. I realized I was now standing up from my seat.

I have to meet them. I must meet Ogasawara Shizuka directly. Even if it’s a stupid plan, I cannot just stand back.

I had intended to have Satonaka investigate the internal affairs, but if I don’t see her face to face there doesn’t seem to be any meaning.

Even when it’s going against my instincts, making some sort of excuse would be deceiving myself to run.

I hated that I was compared by my older brother. I knew that since I couldn’t win I deliberately tried to advance in a different way. But eventually, I fell down, unable to pick myself up as I cried.

One day, I believed my brother would hold out his hand to crying me.

Then he did; he offered a hand with advice on the dangers of doing this.

The situation hasn’t changed. I didn’t change in any way. I have no right to denounce Sasaki.

“Sometimes, you follow your instinct without resisting……”

I have to meet her. There is no plan. There will be nothing happening at that meeting. Perhaps it will ruin the situation a lot more.

But, but even so…….

“I’ve got a bad feeling that I became stupid just for you, Makoto.”

As I whispered to Ogasawara Makoto, who was exposing a foolish face as she slept, I left a note on the table and went out the room.


I wrote down the home address of Ogasawara Makoto, but I really did leave the room without a thought.

The time is currently two at night. To had left the room so late at night, what was I thinking?

“It’s freezing…….I don’t like being cold.”

I arrived near her house, but if I hang around the neighborhood at such a time, I’ll definitely be thought of as a suspicious individual.

Not being enthusiastic enough to go back to the apartment, I bought a can of warm, convenience store coffee and drank it while sitting down  on the parking lot curb.

My breath was white in the cold night.

“Four more hours till sunrise, I think……”

I muttered alone as I grasped the coffee with both hands.

I should have at the very least wore winter clothes. As I am now, I’ll be freezing to death.

But that’s fine, this is fine. Without thinking at all, I sprang out of the room. I decided that for this idiot, I would become one, too. For the first time, I obeyed my will.

But, it’s actually different. That isn’t what happened. I didn’t move for stupidity in the end. I moved for myself.

If I step forward here, I feel like I can perhaps change myself.


Two hours have pa.s.sed since I sat down at the store’s parking lot.

“Haa, Haa haa―Co, Cold, it is really, cold, uuuu”

My body rattled with involuntary shivers. If I were to hug myself into a ball, then it would be possible to hold in the heat, but that’s almost meaningless. My body was already chilled to the core.

I would often shelter myself in the convenience store to take in the warmth, go to the restroom, and buy a warm drink, but as one would expect, I started to receive weird looks from the salesman.

“Uh, two more hours―stay calm, two more hours. It isn’t impossible, two more hours isn’t impossible.”

Since there were no visitors in the parking lot this late at night, I raised my voice to try to distract my mind, but what could I do about the cold?

It is about past four now. Two hours have pa.s.sed since I got here, and two more hours will have to pa.s.s before sunrise. This means that it’s finally the turning point.

“What am I doing? What is the meaning of doing something so insignificant? Wouldn’t it better if I go back?”

I said while enduring the cold. What on earth am I doing? Although I said that I would do this on my own volition, I felt that I had lost all sense of choice in the matter.

Since I can’t get into contact with Ogasawara Shizuka, the only way for me to see her is by ambushing her. Yesterday and the day before yesterday were holidays, so she’ll definitely be attending school today. In other words, I have a high possibility of meeting her if I make it to the front of Ogasawara Makoto’s house.

Therefore, there is no need for me to wait here all night. If I were to ambush her in the morning, then that would’ve fine.

“O, Once I get home, I, I’ll make a clearer and wiser plan to c, come back with.”

My lips trembled from the freezing cold, and I wasn’t able to speak clearly.

I should go home immediately. Coming again later would be the better choice since there isn’t any meaning to staying here and enduring the cold.

Although I know this, my body just won’t budge. My movements have slowed down from the cold, but it not because of that.

In order to find out the reason behind Ogasawara Makoto’s behavior, I’ll put up with the cold. Though it isn’t like I’m here to see just how long Ogasawara Makoto has been desperately exerting herself or anything.

It is because of my willpower and that I want to, that I’m still here.

Since I’ve decided to stick to what I want to do, I might not run away. But―

“Th, The fact that it, it is cold, doesn’t, uuhh, go away.”

I was disgusted with my new obedience. I’m tired of running from place to place to blame something.

Even if I can’t change, it’s important that I put a foot forward.

If I cannot, I will keep moving forward until I can. That is all.

It may not be as easy as I say it, but―

“It’s so d.a.m.n coldddd, s.h.i.t!”

When I look up, I see a perfect starlit sky. The clear night was evidence that winter is quickly coming.

It certainly is cold. But, the sky is quite beautiful. Since I now don’t hate myself so much, I can freely ponder its beauty.

But it’s cold.


The time was five-forty. It was a long night, and truly a long fight.

The sun came out and graciously gave gifts. The sun is really amazing. It repeatedly warms me up.

It was really good. I thought I would die midway. It was that cold.

I didn’t think about this, but what would’ve happened if it had rained? Would I have been able to see the light of day again?

“U, Um, excuse me, you really saved me.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”

I borrowed a blanket and container. I was able to finish the remaining time in the cold by being wrapped up in the blanket. In addition, the now empty container had warm soup.

When holding them out and thanking him, the man scratched his head, gave a frivolous laugh and took the items.

This man works part-time at the store’s night shift, and with me sitting down at the curb, it appears he thought I was someone suspicious.

Well, I can’t fully deny that.

Perhaps since I seemed to be a high school student, he was worried whether or not to report it.

But since I wasn’t injured, he called out to me to decide whether he should or shouldn’t report to the police.

I said I would be able to leave quietly in the morning, and told him not report it.

To tell the truth, he said I could enter the break room, but I politely declined.

But he also gave me strange looks when borrowing those items.

“Errr, although I thought you were a beautiful girl, you turned out to be a guy.”

“A, Ah……Y, You said enough……”

The idiot bluntly said that with a foolish smile.

Normally I would’ve nearly killed him, but since he was nice I’ll call it even.

“Slip of tongue. So, there’s a eroge promotion viewing? I’ve never heard of it.”

“Y, Yeah, it’s a secret, limited promotion just for members.”

“This early in the early morning? Isn’t it usually at night?

“I, It is. I don’t understand it that well either, but I got a notification……”


The man was showing suspicion. He had asked about why I was sitting here, which I then thought of a story that there was a promotion party on an adult game close by. Even though I told this lie in the heat of the moment, what could I have done? It would’ve been troublesome if he asked me what eroge I’d buy.

“Well, bud, you don’t seem to be the type of guy who would be doing an all-night to buy eroge.

“Ah, Aahah, quite so……”

Putting his hand on my shoulder, he gave a nod. He seem to have understood something.

“You are an erotic man after all! A man does not hesitant for eroticism! I know how you feel! I understand it very well!”

“Y, Yeah……”

The man stuck out his thumb and smiled refreshingly.

That may have done the trick nicely, but I don’t feel good about it.


The time is half past six. I had kept watch in front of Ogasawara Makoto’s house for thirty minutes.

“That guy was really nice to have given me a bean-jam bun and coffee. Perhaps I should use that convenience store from time to time……”

The man who had provided so much for me then gave me a bun and coffee when I left.

I don’t usually eat bean-buns that much, but it’s unexpectedly delicious.

“Well d.a.m.n, that is a big house.”

I muttered, eating my bun as I looked at the Ogasawara house in the distance.

This area is said to have prestigious families according to my brother’s information, and it definitely seems so.

There was a big gatepost at the entrance. From there, a clean garden could be seen. At the back of that, there were houses, but the whole of the community wasn’t visible.

This place is one-tenth the size of my parent’s home. It’s small, but there is no doubt that this neighborhood is huge while being considerably cozy in comparison. Additionally, because it’s located in the city in comparison to my parent’s suburban home, the area would naturally be smaller.

“Since countryside land is cheap, a lot of it isn’t utilized……”

Swallowing the bun I chewed, I then sipped the warm coffee.

“Although I came, since they are living the good life, there is a possibility she won’t be traveling to school by foot……”

Ogasawara Makoto seems to, but from that, I cannot conclude that her step-sister does as well.

If Ogasawara’s words are to be trusted, then her sister should be doted on by her parents-in-law. Going to school by their car is also be plausible.

As I thought that, a small door opened beside the big gate. It was a door that was often used for cars to come and go.

A girl with twin tails came out. I couldn’t see it clearly from such a long distance, but she was wearing a dark blue sailor suit. It was the uniform of a middle school nearby. Even the stories from Ogasawara Makoto and my brother didn’t even detail such information. But when looking at her, there was no mistake.

She travels by foot, alright. If she had gone by car, then my fight against the cold would have been for naught.
Hiding behind a telephone pole, I heaved a sigh of relief and began to follow her.

On an unrelated note, that bean bun really was delicious. Was it because I ate it outside?


After chasing her for a while, I quickened my pace and approached.

It’s slightly early to be going to school. There are a few people around, but it’s a lot less than at peak hour. It’s better to take the initiative when there are so little people before it increases.

But then again, even if there isn’t anyone in particular to be extremely cautious about, I should be.

“I’m sorry, but can I have a moment of your time?”

Lining up next to her, I fixed my eyes forward and talked with the most refreshing smile I could pull off.

“Yes? Eh? Who are you?”

Surprised, she looked at me when she stopped. She didn’t seem to be afraid, just surprised.

“I want to talk about your older sister. It doesn’t need to be now since I can be flexible. I’ve only came here to say this.”

It’s important to convey this clearly to avoid confusion.

I can’t lose my cool; I wanted to talk now, but the other person will have their circ.u.mstances. If I make a poor impression and she starts to hate me, then the discussion will be complicated.

Besides, this is just my guess, but this person will surely jump in if I say the word ‘older sister’. Afterward, I should watch her move.

“Ah, you’re that person Makoto is crazy about.”


I was prepared for her to be more or less suspicious, but she looked at me like she strangely understood.

Her big, black eyes were slightly alluring. In contrast, Ogasawara Makoto’s eyes would be cla.s.sified as droopy, but what is with―

Something is strange. Although she’s a beauty that is not often seen, something is definitely strange. However, I don’t know what.

Do I shake her a little?

“You’re prettier than your photo. At the same time, I thought you appeared stubborn, but I guess not.”

What is so peculiar about her? Deciding to shake up my words with wanting to know no matter what.

“Ah, thank you. Since it’s not rare that someone tells me I’m pretty to my face, I humbly thank you.”

With a smile, she lowered her head lightly. As one would expect, she’s so used to praise. Corresponding is natural to her.

But she was able to catch it successfully. This person is indeed strange.

Since I said ‘older sister’, I’m someone who is concerned about Ogasawara Makoto, which means she can guess that I go to the same school as her.

But for just meeting a guy, she is clearly not very wary.

In addition, when she said, ”You’re the person that Makoto is crazy about”, it showed that she didn’t know what I looked like the moment I pointed out her sister.

That means she’s staying when she hardly knows me. Nevertheless, she’s strangely not cautious.

Moreover, Ogasawara Makoto is famous for being beautiful in her own way. Her young sister is also just or more beautiful as her sister. A person might lie about saying they know her older sister. Not only that, Ogasawara Shizuka is a kid in middle school. She should be more cautious or shaken.

Simply, she’s far too calm. At first glance, I look ordinary, but depending on the situation someone ordinary could be creepy.

Besides, I purposely mentioned photograph. I told her that I saw a photo that she didn’t know about. The only logical way for  her to act would be wary. She definitely didn’t, though.

“Do you know me?”

In order to shake her further, I threw a frank question.

If she were pretending to know me, then this question should more or less frighten her. Additionally, if she were trying to hide her unread, it would most likely be difficult to control her eye movement.

“Eh, you don’t know? Although it’s only recent, Makoto stays out, comes back late, and looks awfully happy that I thought she maybe got a boyfriend. It’s simply that.”

Showed neither flinched nor showed troubled, she replied with a natural answer.

She wasn’t upset after all. It’s only a gut feeling, no, I think it’s different.

Her brown eyes stared at me. I thought I saw those eyes somewhere; they resembles Satonaka’s.

Her eyes are just like Satonaka’s dead fish ones, but there is also something completely different. I don’t feel Satonaka’s unyielding strength at all.

Is this person really dangerous? Does that kind of person have these eyes? Perhaps this person isn’t. I don’t feel life from her eyes.

I don’t understand the reason took my whatever I teach


A full smile on her face, I unconsciously backed away.

“I had thought that whether you were chosen from your birth was a fact, but I think it’s different, no? Nevertheless, if she choose you I cannot decide what kind of person you are.

I backed up as she drew closer.

There is no soul. There is no intimidation. There is nothing. But I’m afraid. I’m afraid of her eyes. This person is―empt.

“Is there time? Don’t you want to talk for a bit?”

She stopped approaching me and then suggested while looking at me confused.

I felt nothing of hatred and resentment from her empty eyes. The only negative emotion I can image in her vacant eyes, I don’t believe has a word.

I thought she resembled her, but this person resembles a castaway sh.e.l.l of an cicada. A pretty sh.e.l.l left behind. Even tho there is a face, it’s a vacant sh.e.l.l thrown away.

“I know a great place to talk. If you’d accept, please follow.”

Looking at me, who obviously is disturbed, she doesn’t move her eyebrows, let alone her expression, and walked along aside from me.

Is this what my brother was talking about? Isn’t she a completely different creature?

Although she’s certainly dangerous with not being able to read, I don’t feel she’s evidently dangerous like my brother. Plus, she’s a pea-sized kid that’s even more delicate than Ogasawara Makoto. I probably should exceed in not only physical strength, but physical ability as well.

If I maintain constant distance and secure an escape route, I may be able to come out of this even if she suddenly takes out a knife.

It seems I perhaps a.s.sumed correctly, though. It’s definitely likely Ogasawara Shizuka understood their situation and accepted it.

The reason for her lifeless eyes is due to deemed a doll made out of flesh.

“Tsk, my watchout was for nothing……”

I thought a monster would had sprung out, but she’s only a kid who has been in despair from their circ.u.mstance.

Being persistently teased her step sister, did she fall to an immediate despair discovering her own circ.u.mstance? That is a very selfish thing.

Basically, she stopped fighting. Even if she was neglected, she’s deliberately ruining herself.

I hate this type of person.

Rather than this person, someone who puts themselves in a pitiful situation, grieves, and then pose as a drama queen are still more stand able.

I don’t want to talk to her. Anything I say will be useless. Her eyes have completely given up. I’m the one who came out here to talk, but I hate her. I don’t want to a.s.sociate with this sort of person.

Why the h.e.l.l did my brother think was dangerous? I’m little interested in that.

“Well, it’s important for you to hear what I have to say.”

Having been dodged and surprised too many times, I must know the cause of her cornering Ogasawara Makoto.

I followed Ogasawara Shizuka, who turned her back from me and went on.

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