Episode Forty-One | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

“Can you apologize properly?”

“Yes! It’s alright! I’ve somewhat made a breakthrough!”

I lead her by the hand as I walked to the residential area.

It’s already past nine a.m.. This means the school and work morning rush has ended, so there isn’t a lot of pedestrian traffic. But it’s not like there’s n.o.body; in the background, there were office workers in their suits and a group of supposed housewives, who are having an energetic conversation in front of a house.

At the time, no one was presently in a school uniform, so with Ogasawara Shizuka having one on, it’s attracting a lot of unwanted attention.

I didn’t expect this. After all, my purpose today was to wait and see. When in all actuality I’m taking her to my apartment.

Although I didn’t ask her to, I just forcibly brought here.

In any case, I must go to the apartment as soon as I can. I don’t want to be seen with her anymore, but since Ogasawara Shizuka raised her voice awfully loud in reply, the pa.s.sersby and idle, gossiping housewives stared in suspense.

Additionally, even if she wasn’t wearing the uniform, one look at her figure was all it took to know that she was a middle schooler.

No, it could be said her wearing it helped. I would have went badly if she wore plain clothes and then mistaken for a tall primary schooler. (They do not wear uniforms most of the time.)

If it were reported to the police, of course her and I they would be pulled for questioning.

“Hurry up. I don’t want to stand out too much.”

With my eyes facing forward and pace quickened, I called out to her as my hand guided her.


She gave a cheerful answer which made the pa.s.sersby look.

I said I didn’t want to stand out. Please, grasp the current situation and suppress your self-a.s.sertion.

Although a junior hanging around here during school hours would attract attention, it would be even more unusual if an unknown man in plain clothes was with her.

Not only that, but she’s a beautiful girl. It can’t be helped that she would attract attention from just that.

It would be a lot easier with Ogasawara Makoto. The idiot is quite the beauty, but how do you say it? There seems to be an aura of disappointment that the idiot carries, which is more than enough to protect her.


“Y, Yes!”

When I called back to her while hastening my pace, her voice rose in spite of her being out of breath.

When I briefly glanced back, I saw that she was grasping my hand and desperately following me while gasping for air.

It seemed to be a little too fast for her.

“Since my house is near, well, um, that is, hold on.”

“Y, Yes! I’m alright!”

Unlike me, who was walking a bit too fast, Ogasawara Shizuka runs lively in spite of her vigorous breathing.

There is a consider height different between us. Naturally the length of each of our steps is different, too. So of course she would be desperately running if I picked up the pace.

But I don’t intend to slow down. She would’ve fine if she was guided away by the police, but someone else was with her.

I’ll labeled as pedo by guiding a junior. My image that I steadily built up by being an honor student would come crashing down in an instant.

Thus, if she was seen with Satonaka, it wouldn’t be bad since they’ll appear to be the same age.

However, Ogasawara Shizuka is a middle school student. Her childishness makes her seem primary. I’d rather die than seem like I’m h.o.r.n.y for a little b.i.t.c.h. Even if it was a strange misunderstanding, there was no way I’d let it build up.

No matter how beautiful she is, I don’t want a tsurupeta. (Shirupeta literally means slippery of flat. This term is often used with non mature idols.)

Incidentally, Ogasawara Shizuka doesn’t believe that she has any extraordinary talent, and she seems to have generic stamina. This is very different from Ogasawara Makoto, who has abnormal dash power and amazing strength.

Well, I said she was normal, but I think Ogasawara Makoto might be the strange one.

Satonaka is also like that. Her physical strength is average, but she has fast reflexes and a natural spring.

Pulling the frantic Ogasawara Shizuka while she breathed heavily, I felt a strange affinity.

I never said it out loud, but I feel like she’s low spec when compared to Ogasawara Makoto and Satonaka.

“I’ll call you Shizuka. It’ll be confusing I don’t decide a name since your older sister is also Ogasawara. I don’t use honorifics as well. It isn’t to my liking.”

“Y, Yes! Of course! It’s fine to call me by my first name!”

Nodding exaggeratedly, she smiled joyfully in spite of being out of breath.


In spite of my worrying, we arrived at the apartment without anything happening.

“Is this your house? It’s an apartment in the urban part of the city.”

Clenching my hand, she complained as she looked up.

“Is it be okay to suddenly come in? Um, if you didn’t contact them beforehand, it would bother or surprise whoever is in that house……”

She asked with a little concern while looking at me for an instant.

She seemed to be saying that if I suddenly bring a woman to my house, my family would be surprised.

It seems that she unexpectedly has an honest thought pattern.

“It’s no problem. I live alone, so there’s n.o.body to scold me.”

After she heard my answer, she turned her view from me to the apartment, then back to me, and then finally back to the apartment again.

“Eh!? You live alone!?”

She looked at me briskly.

“Eh? Wha!? You’re a high school student, yeah!? Or do you just look young!? Or are you a son of a capitalist!?”

Can she not comprehend the fact that I live alone? She was so surprised that her eyes rolled in bewilderment.

Ogasawara Shizuka was also a daughter of a highcla.s.s family and a student, so the concept of a minor living in an apartment alone would seem beyond strange to her.

Ah well, this was probably a normal reaction. If I knew of a high school student living alone in an apartment, I feel like I would show the same reaction.

But strangely, a proper reaction was uncommon.

n.o.body showed this sort of reaction around me.

Satonaka knew me in the past, and Ogasawara Makoto also didn’t mention that I live alone.

She didn’t ask anything about it, or search into my past. Perhaps it was not normal, but I just felt I could bring her into my room.

“There are a lot of reasons, but I don’t want to explain them to you. What you need to decide now is whether or not to enter that apartment. You can choose either of those two options.”

Saying that, I shook my hand off. However, she immediately grappled the hand I broke free from.

“I was, I was just a little surprised! From the beginning, I decided!”

Grasping my hand with both of hers, she looked straight me with a tightened expression.

She didn’t seem to be hesitating, but I sensed that she felt insecure.

Ogasawara Makoto also acted without question, but she was somehow different.

Does this fellow understand? If she goes inside, she’s closed off from everyone else.

She’s convinced that she’s in there just because I brought her here to meet Ogasawara Makoto

But that doesn’t mean it’s true. What in h.e.l.l will she do if it’s a lie?

Of course, I have no intentions to involve such a shirupeta b.i.t.c.h, but she really has no sense of wariness.

“You really trust me a lot, don’t you? I’m doubting your ethics after following a man you just met to his apartment so nonchalantly.”

She really is beautiful. A number of pa.s.sersby would make advances on her. So by now, she should know the kind of creature a man is. But, what is with this?

I had already said this, but it’s strange.

“Well, I’m not worried. I trust you because Makoto does. I have no doubt that you’re her boyfriend.”

“No, I’m not her boyfriend.”

“I know Makoto better than anyone. Makoto may not look it, but she’s reliable. She has a better eye for people than me. So I’m not worried that I’m following a complete stranger.”

“Hey, didn’t you hear what I said? That I’m not her boyfriend? My G.o.d, are you sisters taught to not listen to people?”

“Sooo, let’s go faster!”

“I guess I’m not wrong……”

Ignoring me and saying whatever she wanted, Ogasawara Shizuka pulled me by the hand towards my apartment. Then when she looked back, she saw me, glaring at her while standing firmly still, and pulled even harder.

This person really doesn’t understand. Even I say this, it won’t help.

When she caused her sister to be trapped, she couldn’t find a way to apologize. Perhaps she was under the illusion that it was just a temporary problem that would go away.

She’s in a slightly dangerous state.

What if she was rejected in this excited and uplifted state of hers? How big of a drop would that be? It would be a sudden push that sends her back down.

Furthermore, it wouldn’t mean that she was just pushed off. Her fall would be equal to her rise.

As her eyes got accustomed to the light, they should become to same darkness; perhaps even more.

Do we stop for now? Is it too dangerous to let them meet in her current state? Is it a bad idea to stop until she has recovered?

Nevertheless, it’s important to be forceful. There’s a saying that says, ’Strike while the iron is hot.’

It’s a crucial moment for Ogasawara Shizuka, who was once absorbed and couldn’t pick up her feet. While there is hope, desire, and the iron is hot, isn’t this absolute the best chance?

If I miss this opportunity, there’s a possibility that she’ll hold herself in a sh.e.l.l even more than before.

What’s the correct answer? Do I push or do I pull?

s.h.i.t, where’s Satonaka at a time like this? That person is strangely great at easily getting to someone’s heart.

Unlike Ogasawara Makoto, who couldn’t even guess a person’s mood, Satonaka could recognize the distance between them and shorten that distance instantaneously.

Perhaps Satonaka a.s.sumes there is a risk while also not expecting a return. By that, I mean she doesn’t believe in the convenience of befriending someone to get them to answer.

The only one who would do such a stupid and hopeful thing was Satonaka. So I just have to make a completely different plan from the one I used.

Unlike the distorted path I created, hers is strong, s.p.a.cious, and thoroughly straightforward.

I could say that it’s because she’s the president of the Integrity Mausoleum student council, but it’s different. She’s had this fascinated on people before. But even then, even when she had fallen down countless times, she would stand up smelling of dirt.

In other words, she got that power on her own. The power to bloom was within her. I had nothing to do with it.

Satonaka would have forcibly pushed her way amongst the two sisters, and before you knew it, she would have took the role as a buffer.

Maybe I should have waited for Satonaka as I first planned? But it’s too late to be sorry now. The only thing I can do now is to move forward.


After getting off of the elevator, we walked through the hall and stood in front the door.

When I changed directions, I fixed my eye on Ogasawara Shizuka who was in front.

Intervening would probably be less aggressive and wouldn’t feel as direct.

“I left a note when I went out, so your sister is probably inside. But naturally, she doesn’t know you came.”

When I spoke in a serious tone, she looked down, firmly grasping my hand, and nodded while she blushed.

Although I thought she became a bit too excited that it was dangerous, now that we’re here she seems fine.

Well, she is a middle school b.i.t.c.h, so it was probably my imagination.

With that in mind, it seems bringing her here was the right choice after all. If I give her time to relax down, it’ll clearly be difficult to step forward.

Nevertheless, it will be painful without Satonaka. But it’s too late now; I already went into action.

It was my own fault, but I think I may get the desired results by making them contact each other directly. Then again, perhaps it would turn out differently if I contacted Satonaka.

There was no way of knowing whether making them face each other will be good or bad.


“Y, Yes……”

She gave a small nod. Her slender voice trembled.

Although she should have prepared for this, she was still at a loss.

There would be no meaning if I gave her time. No, if I gave her time, her hesitation would have only grown.

I opened the door for her and gently pulled her by the hand to go inside.


No, that can’t be possible. Satonaka is the only one who has the key, and the door was locked. Which means she’s still in this room.

Her shoes are still here. They are the new loafers I bought at the shopping mall.

“It, It’s quiet……”

At the front door where there wasn’t a single sound, Ogasawara Makoto had a slightly uneasy expression.

Even though it doesn’t feel like she’s here, I feel strangely uneasy.

“Uh huh.”

I grimaced before taking off my shoes and placing them on the floor.

It’s very strange. Ogasawara Makoto has very sharp sense. I thought she would be able to tell it was me without even looking.

Besides, I left a note on the table. If she saw it, she would have jumped out of the room when I came back.

I don’t have a problem if she’s sleeping, but I can’t help but feel on edge.

“Stay behind me. Don’t go in front of me.”

“Wh, Why?”

“There is no reason. It’s just in case.”

This is Ogasawara Makoto we’re talking about. Even if her younger sister came with me, she wouldn’t think to scare or be openly angry.

However, I felt uneasy. If my intuition wasn’t reliable I wouldn’t worry about it, but unfortunately, it was.

With it nagging at me this much, it was generally a bad thing.

“Since 90 percent of a person’s life is filled with unfortunate events, predictions of such events happen to come inevitability often.”


“Nothing, just talking to myself.”

Hiding behind me, Shizuka followed cautiously.

There really were no signs of anyone being here. If Ogasawara Makoto was here, she would have noticed me.

When we arrived at the end of the corridor, I listened carefully with my hand on the doork.n.o.b.

I could only hear the quick and short breathing of Ogasawara Shizuka behind me.

I slowly turned the k.n.o.b and opened the door.

I front of me was Ogasawara Makoto, wrapped up in a blanket while quietly sitting on the floor.


When I called heedlessly out to her, she slowly turned to me with a smile on her face.

“Welcome back. You’re also with Shizuka?”

To her words, I quickly looked back.

She was certainly here. However, since she was completely hidden behind me, Ogasawara Makoto couldn’t have seen her.

Though she probably guessed there was another person.

In addition to reading the note, she could have made an a.s.sumption that her sister would come with, even though that would be very unlikely.

Which means, she knew that her sister was here, Ogasawara Makoto remained calm as if nothing was different.

The reason she didn’t run up to me after I entered was because these two are at ends.

It seems logical. It could be stated as such, but something feels off.

“Ogasawara? Is there something wrong?”

I called out as I entered the room and approached her. Her gaze then swims around in spite of her smiling.

As I expected, something is off. She is hiding something from me. But what? If she didn’t leave the apartment, she couldn’t have changed here while I was out.

Moreover, n.o.body could have visited since I didn’t tell anyone in my cla.s.s my address.

“Ogasawara, what is it? Answer me.”

Even when I asked, she just smiled without replying. Weird. This isn’t like her. I don’t think it’s a simple problem like her sister coming.

I left Ogasawara Shizuka and edged up to Makoto on the floor. Her eyes still swam as she smiled awkwardly at me, but her mannerisms couldn’t escape my scrutiny.

I stood in front of her, supported myself with my knee on the floor, and stretched out a hand to her shoulder.

I suddenly heard a low sound. It was a crank that I had heard before.

The next moment, I felt a soft touch behind me and felt something cold touching my nape.

“Please don’t move. I’ll cut your throat.”

It was a cruel and cold voice. When I looked back, Ogasawara Shizuka was behind me, but holding a boxcutter at my neck.

“Do you intend to kill me?”

When I glared at her, sweat went down on her cheeks as her shaking lips twisted into a smile. Her smile was cramped.

“I couldn’t believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. For Makoto to have walked into a man’s room. I thought she learned her lesson of being toyed by Tatsuya.”

To her words, my body reacted with a twitch.

She was toyed with?

When I quickly looked at Ogasawara Makoto, she was carelessly smiling from ear to ear.

She ought of heard her words, but she didn’t pay any attention.

Feeling relieved, I glanced and scowled at Shizuka.

“Be careful of what you say. A little b.i.t.c.h like you can’t know what is good or bad to say.”

“Please be quiet. Don’t talk. Hey, Makoto, is this person important? If so, I’ll take him away. I’ll murder them in front of you.”

She is clearly provoking her. This little b.i.t.c.h is evil after all.

She’s gonna kill me? She didn’t even have the nerve to speak to a certain somebody.

“If you want to kill me, then do it. I don’t care at all. That doesn’t matter now. Oi, Ogasawara, what is it? Did someone come over?”

“Wa, Wait just a second!?”

When I hissed at the idiot behind, I jerked my body back. As a result, pain ran from the back of my neck.

“A, Aoi-shan, pwease dwon’t move, your newck, your nweck ish cwut, twehere ish blood.”

Fl.u.s.tered at my neck being cut, she hastily held out her arms to the wound.

Fl.u.s.tered at my neck being cut, she hastily held out her arms to the wound.

“Quiettt fool, this is nothing. Leave the idiot in the back. She has no intention to kill anyone. Aghh, this little b.i.t.c.h doesn’t have the courage to.”

As I call out to her, I grasped the hand she held out to me.

Even if my neck is badly cut, it’s fine. Such a thing doesn’t matter. The problem is what Ogasawara Makoto is trying to hide from me.

Bright red, she stared at me with a smile.

“You are Aoi-san after all. I knew that you decided to meet Shizuka-san, and thought it would be alright now. After all, nothing is impossible for you.”

After saying this, she let out a delighted laugh.

“Apparently, that isn’t the problem here. But what are you hiding? You can’t say it to me?”

“It’s nothing bad. But I can’t say it. I promised.”

“Promised? Promised who?”

“I can’t say. They told me not to.”

“Why is that?”

It was weird that she would keep something from me. Ogasawara Makoto had a lot of questionable points, but that was because I didn’t ask. She would probably answer me if I did so.

She has a secret from me. Moreover, she said she cannot say it. That’s how she speaks.

Does this mean this promise is more important than my question?

“Wait a minute! What’s with you! You were hit by a box cutter! It broke your skin and you’re bleeding! But even so!”

The little b.i.t.c.h’s scream arose from behind.

I felt a stinging pain from the cut. Due to her hand shaking, the blade’s edge was digging in.

Although it cut through, it was only a thin layer of skin. Even if she pushed down, it wouldn’t go that deep. It was only cutting by being drawn back.

In addition, even if she could cut my windpipe with a single stroke, it wouldn’t go as intended. I would still be able to speak.

I invited her in my room. I never thought something like this would happen. I just thought that I would be making the two meet.

So even if she cut through my windpipe, it would my fault for my optimism. I couldn’t read her. It’s my fault for not being able to prevent this.

“I really will kill you!”

“If you want to kill me, do it. Do whatever you like, I don’t got time for this. Your big sister is keeping something from me. It is very upsetting. Very irritating.”

“Ahaha, Satonaka-senpai said your irritation is a signal of being interested. Which mean you’re worried about me? Mufufu, I’m happy.”

“Shutttt uppp idiot! You might think that, but I’m interested in something different. You’re misunderstanding, f.u.c.king idiot.”

I extended my hand towards Ogasawara Makoto, who had a big smile on her deep red face, and grasped her shoulders, pulling her in. I then lightly head b.u.t.ted her.

“Oww!? It hurtsss.”

Although she said it hurts, she looked happy when she rubbed her forehead.

Apparently, she seemed to somehow notice as well. The idiot behind me wasn’t able to kill me.

Nevertheless, she was calm. A blade just cut into my neck. I already said this, but she should be a little more worried.

“I will, I will kill you! I really will do it!”

As her scream echoed through the room, she put full force into the box cutter on my neck.

Ogasawara Makoto only stared at it a little concerned. She seemed anxious now.

“Ogasawara, I don’t really understand what is going on, but I get that you have some reason. I also understand why the idiot behind me is doing something stupid. Not only that, but I also get a general idea of why you’re like this. Someone told you something. However, you can’t tell me who it is. Is that right?”

“As expected of Aoi-san, you’re very much correct.”

She nods at my guess. I see, so it was that sort of thing.

Ogasawara Makoto trusts the person who told her, and whoever that person is, that person told her to keep quiet.

That is all I know about the two.

If it was Satonaka, Ogasawara Makoto would have told me honestly. So it couldn’t be her.

In which case, there was only one other person. I also believe if I state who, she will nod.

Someone who can influence her to be silent.

“There is only one person……”

G.o.d d.a.m.nit. I thought he went home, but did he stay?

But when thinking about it, isn’t it obvious? My brother handed me a USB and gave me a threat, but he should of also considered the possibility it would influence me to do it.

While I was convinced that he left, I wasn’t able to get to how he could have gotten all this info so quickly.

“Ehehe, sorry. When I thinking about the future, I thought it would quite convenient to get others to agree by doing what they want.”

Laughing with a bright red face, her eyes swam as she hid a guilty conscience.

Future? Convenient? What was this?

“What did you say?”

“Eh? No, just, won’t that person become my big brother-in-law later? I decided it would be good if I got him to like me. Even you seem to be no match for him, and so he a.s.sured me I’ll have his support! I also got a picture. Your big brother is a good person!”

Draw closer to me, her expression tightened in spite of being soft, and she weakly told me who the person was despite saying that she couldn’t tell me.

Oi, don’t you have to hide it?

“Ogasawara, you told me who. Didn’t you have to keep it a secert……”

“Eh!? I didn’t! It wasn’t your big brother!”

“I don’t really care…… but you really are an idiot.”

She said that he wasn’t really the person, and, in a panic, she tightly hugged me.

What did you do with Sasaki? It wasn’t my concern. I also had no intentions to hear about it.

However, there is no mistake that she had a hard past. Nevertheless, this idiot still manages to smile.

“I said don’t move! I really will kill you!”

Ah, I had forgotten about this pain in the a.s.s brat.

When I quickly glanced back, Ogasawara Shizuka, face pale, shook as she glared at me with teary eyes and a runny nose.

She said she’d kill me, but she hasn’t. Even so, a limit will be reached. It isn’t the little b.i.t.c.h that will be beyond my expectations with this inducing.

If she stabbed me in front of her sister, doesn’t she think that her sister would get angry?

If she was able to make a promise with someone, there is a possibility it might happen.

However, I don’t think it’s likely. Ogasawara Makoto is an idiot who takes everything I do seriously.

In which case, I have to do something.

Before that, though, I have to check with her.

“Answer me one thing. Just now, the blade that’s placed on my neck is somewhat painful, but why are you so calm?”

“Eh? That is, um……”

After hearing my question, she closed her eyes slightly. Was it because she didn’t want to say it?

Well, it’s fine. I got the rough idea.

Since my brother came here, there was a large possibility that she prepared herself to be calm. So I felt that since she knew, she could calmly believe that this could be avoided even if the worst situation occurs.

“Quit getting so close! Makoto! Do you think that I can’t do it!? Haven’t I taken everything from you!? If you don’t want it to happen anymore―”

With a cry that spread throughout the room, she remarkably pressed the blade into my neck even harder. Her hand was shaking.

What was she going to do, kill me? She keeps saying she will. She is all bark and no bite.

She would never do it since she did all of this in the hope her sister would kill her.

How did you come up with such a stale plan? Was it when we met or was it when you tried to throw yourself off the cliff?

In any case, she never intended to apologize. When she said she would, the only thing she thought about was dying.

She was using me to meet her older sister.

When I met her for the first time, I felt it. Her eyes looked like she had given up.

When we were coming here, she was strangely uplifted because she believed it would be all over soon.

Her life ended by making her sister feel sad. As such, she wants to be put to peace by her sister.

Tsk, what a big idiot.

“Your older broth―someone said something to me. It’s very important for me to scold Shizuka, but I can’t do it. So……”

Ogasawara Makoto, whose body was leaning up against me, backed away.

“I’m sorry to dump everything onto you. Aoi-san, for Shizuka-san, please help me.”

She sat down on the floor, lowered her head and laid her hands down on the ground.

“Haa, there’s no reason for you to say that. I just do as I like.”

I stood up and lifted Ogasawara Shizuka by the wrist.

Face pale, Ogasawara Shizuka looked up at me with tears streaming down her big dead black eyes. Her teeth shuddered.

This reminded me of something she said. ‘There was no one who would scold me.’

“Ogasawara, say my name.” (1)

I lifted her wrists even more, and as I looked down at Shizuka, who was grimacing in pain, I asked Ogasawara Makoto.

“The Legendary Kijima!”

When I look at Ogasawara Makoto, she stared at me with a full smile. Her eyes were shining with hearts.

‘The Legendary Kijima’, I heard this first from Satonaka. She inspires Ogasawara Makoto too f.u.c.kin’ much.

Well, it’s fine, just fine. It’s the ideal opportunity to show this idiot how much of a devil I am for the first time in awhile. She should be shivering with fear.

“I understand. So, I’m the Legendary Devil, Kijima. Ogasawara Shizuka, you’re out of luck. When I’m not happy, I don’t let women or children off.”

While speaking, I tighten my grip to the very limit. As a result, the box cutter then fell onto the floor.

f.u.c.king idiot. This small, scared villain, who was only able to cut a thin piece of my skin is no match for me, a genuine villain.

Grinning as I lifted her wrist with my left hand, I then raised my right. I raised it overhead and then took it down quickly.

My palm dug into her cheek, pushing her head up. A dry scream could ran out through the room.

I lifted her by the wrist as high as I could, but somehow the tips of her toes were still on the floor. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that she was almost hanging midair.

Not able to withstand the pain from her cheek, which was now swollen red from the merciless slap, she scowled while shaking her head.

“I’m sorry, but you didn’t listen. A bad child who can’t apologize has to be punished.”

When I lifted my hand again, her body trembled. She’s clearly scared.

My palm sunk into her cheek as I mercilessly struck her again.

Hanging in a midair state, Ogasawara Shizuka arched her back and screamed.

“Eh? I didn’t hear it. Can you really not say it, or does a little b.i.t.c.h like you not know the words?”

Her expression further strained in fear as I raised my hand again without hesitating.

As her body shook, a liquid dripped down her white thigh.

“Oi, oi, a middle schooling wetting herself? This bratty b.i.t.c.h is an embarra.s.sment.”

Catching a glance at my risen hand, Ogasawara Shizuka didn’t even scream, but her shivering teeth echoed as her small, trembling body withered back.

Just pitiable. Was her resolve already broken? If this was Ogasawara Makoto or Satonaka, I would be laughing. However, I don’t intend to beat them like this.

“Ogasawara, is it fine to stop here? Isn’t she your important sister?”

I looked down at the shaking Ogasawara Shizuka, and asked her sister while grinning.

But I think even if she told me to, I wouldn’t.

“It’s alright. You’re Aoi-san.”

Ogasawara Makoto looked at me as she sat up straight on the floor. Tears welled up from her big, black eyes while her hands tightly gripped her thighs.

She wants me to stop since her important, younger sister was writhing from pain and fear right in front of her. But she knew that saving her would do nothing.

The moment she stabbed my neck with a box cutter, giving in to her was no longer an option. But this person, Shizuka, tried to escape using this less than perfect method..

Since she can’t end her own life, she’ll just make her older sister despise her to the point of wanting to murder her.

“You’re going to have to clean your own a.s.s. Hm? a.s.s? a.s.s, that’s right……”

Something occurred to me while I raised my hand.

When I released my gasp from her wrist, Ogasawara Shizuka, who was hanging midair, collapsed in place. She then picked up her hand, placed it on her swollen cheek, and sobbed while trembling.

She continued urinating. A puddle started to form on the floor where she sat.

“I didn’t hear a sorry.”

I grabbed her head and pushed it forward before pulling up her skirt.

Not able to resist, she could only weep as she slouched with her bottom raised.

I raised her skirt and pulled down her white underwear without hesitation.

Two white, undersized hills were exposed.The difference between her and Ogasawara was that the former had tight and thin rear.

“A punishment for a bad child is a spanking.”

I grabbed the Ogasawara Shizuka’s waist with my left hand, and then placed her stomach on my left knee. When I made sure that her bottom was up and that she wouldn’t fall, I raised my right hand.

“There’s no other way. This is necessary to get you to face this differently and apologize.”

When I purposely raise my voice for her to hear, I took down my palm hard.


A dry, sorrowful cry echoed throughout the room.

Her b.u.t.tock, which was like snow, now is a deep red.

“I didn’t hear you say sorry. I won’t stop till I hear it.”

I rose my hand. I could feel the trembling of hers.

To my hand that was relentlessly taken down again, her undeveloped bottom waved and turned red.

It isn’t a hobby of mine to use violence to get women to obey. However, this is a different punishment.

This person needs to feel pain to understand. She has to feel scolded.

It’s a gentle but cold att.i.tude. She had been left with that lonely impression.

As Ogasawara Makoto had nowhere to stay, this person didn’t as well.

‘Am I not worth being scolded? Am I so trivial of a human being that isn’t necessary to be scolded?’

The image of her older sister scolding her must of been dazzling.

With the longing sound echoing within the room, was a frail shriek of pain.

Ogasawara Shizuka definitely won’t apologize to her sister. While enduring the pain, she’s taking the scolding deeply within.

This person’s existence was searching for a scolding.

As screams, sobs, and pee came out from the acute pain, she still didn’t ask for it to stop.

“Shizuka, I’m a villain beyond your imagination. Since my character is already so warped that i cannot be fixed, I can’t break anymore.”

I raised my voice and slapped her a.s.s mercilessly.

Her undeveloped b.u.t.tock as so red that there was no more white in it. Each time I hit it her, Ogasawara Shizuka would arch back, give a scream, and convulse as she began to squirt out urine.

Beyond comprehensible pain was being hit at the same place.

Nevertheless, she didn’t ask for it to end. The peerless beauty’s face wrapped into a mess. Tears were overflowing from her big, blank eyes.

There is no sense leaving this punishment half done. If feeling are act upon she’ll blame herself again. I simply know this because Ogasawara Makoto couldn’t do anything.

But I’m different. I’m the great villain who is a savage without any feelings of compa.s.sion.

Sitting straight up, tears dropping, Ogasawara Makoto bites her lower lip and watches without pulling her eyes away.

Right in front of her big sister she wanted to be killed by, the younger sister received her punishment.

Continues to not ask for forgiveness, she screams and squirts p.i.s.s.

This means she takes on the punishment for her crime. When forcing all this onto me, the weak, younger sister is released from her sister’s spell.

It was completely, and utterly troublesome, but I believe it isn’t a problem for a great villain such as I to be holding such a crime. On the other hand, if I’m carrying this much I should be something like the very best.

Spanking is a piece of cake for me.

(1) (TLNY: Say my name.)

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