In the middle of the night, I sat at my PC while holding laughter.

The image shown on the screen is a Holstein. It isn’t figurative speech for a busty woman, it’s a genuine cow. In other words, the image is a cow getting milked in a cattle barn.

“Kuku, regretfully, even for her……she will easily be deceived. When thinking about it my laughter can’t stop!”

Downloading the image of milking a cow, I write an outline sentence. Then paste it to the image.

In addition, to make the image of the milking cow connect with the image of the ma.s.sage, I created an explanation and attached it to the outline.

You know what, I’ve been reducing my sleep in order to create the doc.u.ment from scratch. It’s reference material to learn a sophisticated technique about the breast ma.s.sages.

Naturally, most of it is bulls.h.i.t, while at the same time I’m include my own words, but this way if there is reference material or something, Ogasawara Makoto will hold no doubt and obey.

In fact so far more than 50% of the book that I looked at in front of her, is homemade by me.

“When I casually put it on table, she sometimes reads it. Therefore I cannot help but laugh when she willing agrees.”

I was using a lot of commercial books, until around the full body ma.s.sage. Then the reason I mixed in more homemade doc.u.ments, was because I began the constipation reduction ma.s.sage; the resources I homemade increased to 80%.

And now the encouragement of the breastfeeding ma.s.sage will take place. Its contents, normally I will never tackle it.

The forgery doc.u.ments are projected by the screen of my PC. When I read the t.i.tle, I carelessly burst into laughter.

『If it’s Mother’s Milk, ask a Milking Cow! A Milking Cow is a Professional of Mother’s Milk!』(1)

Such absurd words are written in bold, followed after with a description and images underneath.

The image is a Holstein milked by a milking machine, and then there’s an image of a cow being milked by human power. An explanation is attached to those images; the similarities with milking a cow and a human being, a method to increase the amount of breast milk, and a process to make the flow of breast milk better, I made up these suitable explanations.

That’s what I’m going to do. It’s right out milking. Of course, breast milk won’t actually flow from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. If it came out it would be amusing, but it still won’t appear. Even so, I don’t have any particular problem if it doesn’t come out. Practicing on her when she a.s.sumes her breast milk doesn’t flow smoothly, that situation will deceive her as many times as I like. Besides, she will almost definitely accept if I put together this reference material. (2)


The following morning, with the reference material and kit which I made almost throughout the night, I attend school early.

Middle School was something that I dedicated to study every day and night, but to be honest it was painful. Even if I desperately try to cram it my brain has a limit, and I gradually realized my limit. It was genuinely hard. (3)

But in order to sink Ogasawara Makoto into the abyss of despair, my brain will continue to revive for indefinitely. If I could direct this motivation to studying, perhaps I could surpa.s.s my older brother. (4)

For this one week, I called Ogasawara Makoto to the science room in the early morning, claiming to take a record of her a.n.u.s in order to get accustomed to exposing, and by slowly making the test tubes bigger, the inside of the a.n.u.s is shown more clearly, rising her urges and shame exceptionally.

Furthermore, she still shows that bashful behavior, however it seems she certainly gained a tolerance to exposure, in fact, she took off her underwear in the science room so I could insert the test tube inside her a.n.u.s.

It appears she’s well grounded in exposing.

And then after school I would concurrently perform the a.n.u.s development in the warehouse, because in the science room I trained her in stimulating her shame, it became a custom that the anxiety and tension would blow up in the warehouse.

Thanks to that, I succeeded applying a habit only to the a.n.u.s. A climax comes easily when using tools, but even a finger alone is enough to get a climax.

So after yesterday’s training, I told her tomorrow I‘ll be beginning a new ma.s.sage.

Her reaction toward it looked somewhat disappointed despite obediently agreeing. She probably thinks her favorite a.n.u.s ma.s.sage was finished. The climax at the a.n.u.s seems to be very pleasant to her.

Well, in the end her worries are needless anxiety. At any rate I’ll be developing the a.n.u.s and the b.r.e.a.s.t.s at the same time. Ultimately, the pleasure itself will definitely double than the time with only the a.n.u.s. Knowing that fact, Ogasawara Makoto will be swallowed by the vortex of pleasure, completely sinking her body further into it’s sea.

Then when the daybreak of growth for the b.r.e.a.s.t.s is finished, I’ll begin the development of the c.l.i.toris. The c.l.i.toris has the highest sensitivity among the erogenous zones of a woman. If that development finishes, then Ogasawara Makoto will already become a slave of pleasure, the abyss of despair is near at hand.

The b.u.t.terfly which was seized with a spiderweb, entangled repeatedly on its beautiful wings by spider’s thread, already becoming impossible to escape.


Finished the record meeting in the science room, I wrote down in the ‘Observation records of Her Transformation’ like always.

While running the pen in the notebook, I look next to her in a side glance, while bending forward with both hands on the table she has both her legs open to shoulder and b.u.t.tock pushed out, not moving an inch when I got up.

Before she would usually put back her underwear and leave the science room.

Thoroughly ogled the test tube inside her a.n.u.s, gets even more excited when I take her photograph, raising her breath with a flushed face.

As I thought, she’s soon going to begin to move.


Ogasawara Makoto, to me who’s silently running a pen on a notebook, talks in a low voice.

The training in the science room has been the main drive for shame, but the pleasure itself isn’t giving a whole lot. To put it simply, she never reaches a climax in the science room.

For Ogasawara Makoto who loves having the a.n.u.s pecked at and twisted, the training in the science room has as well became an important process it extinguish in the warehouse, it will become frustrating.

In other words, I believe before long she’ll resort to asking for it. After all, today is the last day of the recording meeting, the pleasant feeling of the record meeting in the science room disappears from tomorrow. I thought that today it would begin to work, but my predictions was totally on point.

But to get her going to say it on the last day, it seems she’s really shy. She won’t act if she isn’t cornered.

“Yes? What’s wrong?”

I raise my face from the notebook and move my eyes to her, she faces slightly down, crossing her hands in front of her skirt while fidgeting the body. The face and ears are burning red.

Additionally her white underwear taken down to the knee is the same, her love juices overflows from her p.u.s.s.y and streams down to her inner thigh just from looking at her a.n.u.s. Despite the neat appearance wearing the uniform, the neatness and obscenity form a precise balance, bringing an abnormal bewitchment.

“Th-this day, um……it’s the end, is that right?”

The eyes shake while the lip tremble. The low voice also seems to vanish in it.

Ogasawara Makoto, has probably franticly considered it before reaching today. I must give her detailed explanations about the duration of our recording session one way or the other. And I must have repeated this inside my brain over and over again.

Without her knowing that I have seen through her intentions.

“Well, with this one week of observation, there isn’t any particular abnormalities seen in the a.n.u.s. And the bowel movements has increased better than ever before, the skin complexion is more glossy too. So for the moment, I intend to stop the a.n.u.s observation with this.”

She listens to my words in silence, reacting to the word bowel movement, hanging her head down with a further flushed face. But lifts her face with her lower lip bit.

Now, what on earth sort of plan will she use? And how does she intend to persuade me? This is very enjoyable.

“To-to tell you the truth…….”


Her low voice shakes along with her eyes. Her trembling and anxiety is completely driven by her understanding of the situation. Although this was in the plan, I have given her reason to doubt me.

Shy character and m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t habit in addition to that. She really isn’t cut out to lead people with her planning skill.

“M-my rear……”

“Rear? What is it? Is something up with your rear? Is it also uncomfortable? Or is it painful?”

Her eyes greatly shake right to left, her voice shook even more and seem it could vanish at any moment. For her to be suspiciously behave such embarra.s.sment towards a suspicious person, I was shaking towards her words.

Ogasawara Makoto swallows her saliva and raised both hands that were crossed in front of her skirt and recrossed them on her chest, intertwining her fingers restlessly. And gradually breathing heavily, she became so tense it seems she’s likely to fall down at any moment.

“Rear……it’s itchy. So, um, could you inspect it in further detail?” (5)

With her type of big black eyes, that seemed at any moments tears will overflow, she stared at me without breaking away.

The body and knees that tremble. Heavy breathing. Biting the lower lip.

Her plan was really honest and direct.

I want you to better observe this uncomfortable feeling in the a.n.u.s. Nevertheless it’s definitely a lie. Besides judging from her word choice, her real intentions is transparent.

It isn’t itchy or hurting, but her expression says impatience. You plead it was itching and hurting, but did you consider that I would suggest to have a medical examination at a hospital? But it’s same for just itching. It’s normally recommend to go to a hospital.

So, I decided to poke at that troubled flaw.

“Does it itch? When I checked there wasn’t any abnormalities seen. But if that’s true, then a specialist should check it―”

“The-there isn’tl!? It isn’t such a important and serious matter! Since it’s only a little bit itchy, I only thought that you should observe it a little bit more!”

She waves both hands in front of her chest, and shakes her head in a fl.u.s.ter.

There won’t be any problem by going to the hospital. The problem, would be the doctor saying there is nothing strange. If that’s so, then she doesn’t have any means to talk to me.

But then, it would be troubling to me if she went to the hospital. If an expert sees it, it will be obvious at glance. It would be noticeable that her a.n.u.s has expanded.

If that happens they would most likely ask her various questions. And if it’s confessed she has been receiving ma.s.sages from me, it would be over at that point. But, that’s why I’m pressing at this place.

Going to the hospital equals having no problems found when she will have a medical examination, equals I can no longer touch her a.n.u.s in the early morning, equals unpleasantness. I have reached said conclusion, that as long as there is no serious abnormality, Makoto Ogasawara will not go to the hospital

“It-it isn’t really serious! Only a little, um, I want you to perhaps continue to check it a little more……”

When I suggested to go to the hospital, she falls into a panic and is extremely trouble. I’ll give out a helping hand there.

“Are you alright even if you don’t want to go to the hospital?”

I stared at her with concern as I said so, at that moment she spread a smile and nodded many times over.

Now, now is the time to dominate! This is explicitly the start to dominate. I will have to work hard in cajoling her.

“I-I’m alright! It really isn’t that serious!”

She starts to raised her voice that appeals desperate, I’ll take advantage of the opportunity shown.

Really, if she wanted to deceive me, she should put more detail into her planning. She can’t see that it’s full of holes. Well, this airhead’s plan is a joke, there’s no flexibility corresponding to adapt even if she known her plan’s flaw is poked at. For this reason I want to bully her, but I’ll let it slide for now.

a.s.suming it is exposed she wants me to continue the voyeuristic training by me, it would be awkward if she ran away because I poked her flaw too much.

Despite this, I decided to allow it at this moment. But, I want herself to willingly say she wants to be exposed. If she wants to be exposed this much, doing it the same way would be boring.

“I get it, I will once again check it, even though I’m not an expert. But make sure you properly go to the hospital if the discomfort gets bigger.”

“Y-yes! Thank you!”

I blew out a small sigh and grabbed the test tube and penlight by hand, then she answers lively and nods with a big smile.

Do you want me to look at your a.n.u.s that much? The neat and sweet self is now just a mere shadow of her past, is what I would like to say, however her neat and sweet atmosphere is still vaguely brought out, to the point that it could be said amazing.

I don’t even need to give instructions, she bends forward and with both hands on the table, pushing out her a.s.s and opens both legs to shoulder length. I stood in front of her a.s.s, quickly inserted the test tube in the a.n.u.s when I rolled the skirt.

To adjusting the position, I merely just stir the test tube around, it appears she very much likes it. Rather than that, she wants the test tube to be stirred.

Still it’s splendid. If she on the warehouse, she will c.u.m loudly. Therefore for the time being she needs to acc.u.mulate her resentment by publicly exposed as much as possible.

“It’s the same, I haven’t found any abnormalities as far as I can see.”

“I-is that so? Please do try to look even more, in the back, in the back it itches.”

While her whole body blushes she breaths heavily, twisting her neck and turns over to the rear, staring at me sideways. A strange light that usually wasn’t there seemed to dwell in her eyes.

Her reason is on the verge of collapsing. She doesn’t have any problem exposing her a.n.u.s anymore. If development with the b.r.e.a.s.t.s is completed, a sesson with being exposed nude outside is something to keep in mind. (6)

This airhead will do anything as long as she steps on the stage. Therefore I will let her step on the stage without her break.

I push the test tube to about the inside limit of the milk bottle, and enlighten the inside with the penlight. Because the thickness of the test tube increased, I can see inside really well.

Before the viscous liquid increases to clings all over the gla.s.s, the undulating wall of flesh swells.

The finished a.n.u.s is really in excellent condition. This might take in a p.e.n.i.s easily. The appearance of the meat wall covered in mucus undulates, her organ is no longer just for excreting waste, it has now become an organ that will pump out a man’s l.u.s.t.

Then to have utility, she should soon get used to excreting in public.

“Just as before, there isn’t any abnormalities to be found. Ogasawara, perhaps there might be an abnormality when excreting. So will you try to exhaust the test tube by yourself?”

When I ask she waves her white b.u.t.tock in a fluttery fashion, then the movement of the rear stopped.

“Uh, exhaust……is it?”

She stares at me while looking askance, while muttering in a low voice, her skin that’s already blushing turns redder, the b.u.t.tock convulsiones and the breathing raises.

She’s ashamed. And now, the shame will become the drive for her pleasure.

The pleasure doubles by the shame. The evidence is certainly there when she began to fall into exposing.

“Yes, forcing strain is the same as bowel movement. By observing the injection of the test tube it will show if there is or isn’t any abnormalities.”

While I talk with a plain straight face, she’s is obviously excited to hear those word. The difference levels of enthusiasm is quite humourous. Due to the difference in enthusiasm, it has further driven her to madness.

“I-I understand. T-then……I’ll push it out.”

“Right, I’ll entrust it to you.”

Ogasawara Makoto stares at in a side glance, but then separates her eyes from mine, the tip of her eyebrows dropping, and at once she puts strength into the entire body. But the test tube hasn’t yet to change.

“Ogasawara, there isn’t anymore time today. A person might come. Will you exhaust it as soon as possible?”

“Y-yes, I’ll do my best……haaaaaa, nn, nuuuu”

To my question she nods, closing her eyes more tightly than before while the body stiffens, she began to raise groan.

The test tube began to push out, my heart pounded.

This airhead, really began to p.o.o.p in public. Such a ludicrous and pathetic figure.  Ogasawara Makoto who is a neat, sweet, popular beautiful girl, has a test tube inserted in her a.n.u.s and pushes it out in front of a man.

Who on earth could say they images such a appearance with Ogasawara Makoto?

I put the penlight in the test tube, turned the light on. Thereupon the appearance of windingly and undulating meat all became bare. To drain an alien substance, the a.n.u.s entrance and inside wriggle.

“Ah, i-it’s coming out, all of the test tube is coming out”

Once the discharging begins, the effect of the also lotion increase, then the test tube is revealed entirely.

Large quant.i.ties of slippery and shiny mucus painted on the test tube, Ogasawara Makoto who begins to feel the rush almost exhausted it all from the a.n.u.s in one go.

“Sorry, I wasn’t able to confirm since the test tube was pushed out faster than I thought. I ask to do it once more.”

“Wha!? Naaaaaa!!!”

I caught the test tube by hand just before it fell from the a.n.u.s onto the floor, then pushed it back in the a.n.u.s.

Caught by surprise when suddenly reinserting the test tube, she bent forward and looked up at the ceiling, without any embarra.s.sment she gave a moan as the b.u.t.tock convulsiones. However she didn’t c.u.m. She won’t c.u.m with this level of stimulation, I know that well since I have teased her a.n.u.s exhaustively.

I held the camera, pointed the lens to the a.n.u.s which began to discharge again, pressing the shutter continuously. And the b.u.t.tock shakes and twitches whenever it flashes.

“P-please don’t take a photo. Such an embarra.s.sing appearance, don’t take it. That ah, you took it, you took a photo at the place where it’s coming out of the a.s.sss aaaaah”

Ogasawara was aware that the moment she excreted was photographed, she who further writhed in shame, began to be get confused.

Grasping both hands on the table, gushing in sweat, she violently shakes her head while desperately pleading, ‘don’t take the photo.’ While the tone of voice is weak the a.s.s shakes.

No matter how you look at it she seems delighted. It’s evident that she has also built up a tolerance to photographing with the camera. Then, the time to shoot a video will be soon. (7)

“I-I’ll do it any number of times, I’ll do it just right, please thrust it in my a.s.s at once, please jam and stir it, I haven’t c.u.m yet”

“Oi, oi, calm down. Since it has been observed, there is no reason to that.”

With that she said, she will shortly c.u.m. The test tube doesn’t have any ruggedness, the surface is smooth. In other words, that means at the time of excreting the pleasure will be very little. Furthermore, she’s discharging with her own strength, and even though the shame is big it won’t counterbalance the receival of pleasure with that.

Makoto Ogasawara got in a excited state due to the voyeurism and photography, her current state is on the verge of life and death.

“-usual tool, use the usual tool, Kijima-san, it’s a request. please give me that sort of usual tool”

Waving the b.u.t.tock, she pleads while shaking her head violently. In spite of being condemned with great shame, she seems to be going mad due to not being able to c.u.m. Throwing away her honor, she keeps saying indecent words.

While watching her indecent and disoriented state, I put back the exhausted test tube into the a.n.u.s, repeating it and playing to my heart contents.

After she had her a.n.u.s thoroughly play’d with, today’s recording session ended without her being able to c.u.m.

In the notebook which I opened on the table, I listened the information that was obtained with today’s observation, while Ogasawara Makoto looks down from behind.

No matter how long she’s been dishevelled, she’ll calm down over time. And the memory doesn’t fade away.

Regarding me repeating those indecent statements, due to calming down she’ll be a.s.saulted by terrible shame.

She experiences true pleasure when exposed. In addition to the shame of the exposure, the pleasure will be tied to exposure as well, driving a even larger shame when exposed.

Why did she do such a stupid thing? What triggered issuing such indecent words like that, scold herself, and feel disappointed? Remorse is what further results in stirring up shame, and increasing it depends on a degree of exposure.

“Once again no abnormalities were found. But since you raised a complain about discomfort, I can’t ignore it. I decided to continue observing it from tomorrow, if there is no problem?

While running a pen on the notebook, I asked Makoto Ogasawara while she faced behind me without looking up


A approval isn’t replied, it was a trembling voice that’s afraid.

“I-I……is it perverted? In front of you, to say such a thing……”

It began. An excuse to cover up herself being disheveled. It’s one of Ogasawara Makoto’s special reflection meetings.

“I-I……when something is put in my b.u.t.t, my head becomes blank. It feels really good, and indecent words, um……without me wanting to……come out……”

A whisper seemingly vanishing from under the nose, it’s known she’s about to cry without looking.

Things I want to say include,’You aren’t perverted.’ and, ‘There’s nothing wrong with it.” I want to open my mouth and say it to her.

Then I will give the honey. Falling further into voyeurism, and further becoming confused and mad.

“Oh, well, the a.n.u.s is one of the places that‘s sensitive among the human body, it seems their nerves are the center of feeling pleasure. Moreover, in your case the sensitivity is risen by ma.s.saging. If that’s so, then it’s usually normal that the pleasure doubles.”

I put the pen on the table while replying, picking up my face and looking back.

Ogasawara Makoto has watery eyes and a flushed face at the front. Attaching the left hand to the chest, the right hand to the lips and chewed the finger nail, shivering.

“It’s also because of my first time practicing. Knowledge isn’t the only thing in the books, according to it, you kept reason better than usual. It usually appears more disarrayed and obscene. Well, from the start you personality was a diligent hard worker. Your mental strength also seems outstanding.”

This is better than usual. She normally gets more mad disordented. In fact, she has a tendency to be easily indulged into pleasure. Usually pushes herself, forcibly adapt ing to the surrounding people’s needs. Although there wouldn’t be a problem if it’s her true intention, but even herself hates her shy and timid behavior.

With such a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic character, she’ll run away from remorseful feelings by looks down on herself, and tends to try and rely on pleasure.

For this reason I’ll praise with, ‘You’re wonderful, it’s fine.’ If given too much candy it grows arrogant, however the type like Ogasawara Makoto will condemn herself if I don’t give it. And will eventually break.

The point is when to make use of the candy. I watch her reactions and att.i.tude, giving candy at every important point. As a result, this fellow becomes obedient forever.

“Or, my skill may be poor. Usually it seems to be more pleasant. I have no choice but to apologize for everything. I’m sorry.”

I said so while lowered my head to Ogasawara Makoto.

All the responsibility is on me. This to her, will be more a whisper of honey to her.

There is nothing bad with yourself. You’re normal. The person in front of you says so. Moreover, to be mad disordered for how long, I said that I’ll take all of the responsibility.

You have nothing bad. All the responsibility, you should force it upon the person in front of your eyes. (8)

This excellent plan has been reached. And surely if she opens her mouth it will be this sort of thing;

It isn’t Kijima-san’s fault.

Upon pressing the responsibility to me, marinable words will be born.

“I-it isn’t your fault!  I-I-I want to please you, and only do my best.” (9)

When I lift up my face, her frighten state was lost and stared at me smiling while saying.

I successfully got in.Even though this may appear this way, she was able to make an excuse for the exposure. Moreover she isn’t h.o.r.n.y, normally. On the contrary, it’s a strong woman keeping reason than normal.

Her restraints coming off is almost completely at hand.


It’s after school, holding a bag full with the tools that I brought from the house, I go to the warehouse.

Development with the b.r.e.a.s.t.s begin today. My heart cannot help but be excited. (10)

When I enter the warehouse, Ogasawara Makoto who was already waiting for me, stood up from the sofa that she sat down on and looked at me.

“Thanks for the good work, Kijima-san.”

And then bows politely.

“Oh, glad you could make it. Thank you for always cleaning up.”

I look around at the cleaned warehouse, giving words of showing appreciation to her.

“N-no, since cleaning is my only merit. Also, you must be tired from ma.s.sage practicing day after day, I wanted you to feel relaxed even just a little.”

She looks down with additional embarra.s.sment, muttering in a low voice and then looks at me while blushing.

I convey her sentiment by smiling back at her, then sat on the sofa.

“So, I intend to to go into a new ma.s.sage by today, but there are various ways of describing it. First, will you take a look at this doc.u.ment?”

Sitting down on the sofa and subsequently Ogasawara Makoto sat down next to me, I presented the bulls.h.i.t articles that was taken out from the bag.

She receives it with a state that doesn’t even contain doubt. Further moving her body closer to mine, she began to take a look at the doc.u.ment.

Tightening the facial expression, the figure diligently reads the doc.u.ment, she acted like a completely capable a.s.sistant.


She corrects her posture as she mutter, covering her lips with the doc.u.ment in both hands, bringing her body even more in contact with mine and glanced at me with flushed cheeks.

“It’s like, a ma.s.sage for women whose breast milk doesn’t come out smoothly. As it’s in the doc.u.ment, breast milk, in relation to cow’s milk, is no different. They’re definitely breastmilk experts. Then if I perform it like milking a cow, then the breast milk should come out smoothly.”

“I see……”

Ogasawara Makoto nods in admiration to my words. Because the false doc.u.ments supported my speech, she appears to have completely accepted it.

To her overwhelming foolishness, my abdominal muscle and diaphragm twitches. I want to laugh. I just want to roll around laughing here and now.

“And so far you’ve been using the swimsuit, but from now on will be exposing the b.r.e.a.s.t.s. It will have quite a lot of restraint to you. So I prepared new clothes.”

While feeling like I’m dying from holding in laughter, I said while taking out a certain thing from the bag.

It was a leotard of tight black fabrics. Since the fabric is tight, if worn it will naturally be transparent.

“It wont be a problem if I perform it through the leotard tights. Moreover the ma.s.sages won’t be affected because the cloth is thin. And the apex of the breast, that’s if I cut only part of it on the nipple, it can reduce the exposure than if I took off the swimsuit to expose the b.r.e.a.s.t.s.”

I speak my words indifferently as if it was equivalent, her face blushes a burning hot red.(淡々と語られる俺の言葉に比例するかのように)

Wearing this thin leotard, frankly it would be more embarra.s.sing than being completely nude. Moreover to perform the milking, it’s absolutely necessary to expose the nipples, hence why I’ll only cut the nipple portion of the leotard. That way it’s milking a cow.

She’ll be wearing only the leotard as well. Naturally both her a.n.u.s and p.u.s.s.y would be seen through.

“And then, together with the milking ma.s.sage, I intend to continue the a.n.a.l ma.s.sage.  So opening a a.n.a.l hole in part of the leotards, I will insert a stick from there.”

Her putting on a see-through black leotard on the body, at the tip of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s the cloth part for the nipples is cut, dropped onto her hands and feet with the nipples exposed just like a milking cow. Along with a portion of her a.n.u.s opened, inserted with an a.n.a.l stick that has beads about the size of a ping-pong ball.

The appearance is too obscene just to imagining it.

“Well then, I leave this to your judgment, also I prepared an eyes mask so that you won’t be embarra.s.sed as much as possible. It’s up to you whether you’ll use it.”

Not break from my persistence businesslike posture, I said while placing the black fabric tight leotard on the table and put the eye mask on top.

Ogasawara Makoto stares at them with a bright red face, reached out without saying anything and took the eye mask by the hand, holding it in her chest.

“How soon…will you begin it?”

And then muttered while looking down. Apparently it seems she’ll wear the transparent leotard. Furthermore, it seems she’ll wear the eye mask too.

“Oh, I want to begin it immediately if possible.”

“I understand. Then I’ll change my clothes.”

To my words she nods while looking down, stands up, and cuts around to the rear of the sofa. And made a rustling sound while seemingly beginning to change clothes

From the situation this morning, I thought that things will carry out smoothly without resistance, but she’s truly following obediently here.

Is it the transparent leotard? Is it just the nipples being exposed? In addition, is it also her a.n.u.s being p.r.i.c.ked recklessly? Won’t she normally resist a little more?

Although she began to fall this much into exposure, it’s indeed too easy.

I a.s.sumed she’ll resist this case, and prepared a plan to deceive her, but that has entirely been wasted.

Therefore, thinking up this plan got me too worked up. Give me back my sleeping time.

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