The company readily agreed,  intending to take the time to devise a plan that can win his favor. 

On the contrary, Kang Xi only meant play on some minor roles in costume dramas and buy some soy sauce firstand wait for his limelight to pa.s.s.

Right after signing with the company, he soon got his first role, the second male lead of an urban romance movie, which was a work the company had been preparing specially for the male lead. In the end, the male lead was once again crushed into the pieces by Kang Xi. 

Since fate has spoken, Kang Xi fell into the entertainment world since then and couldn"t climb out. This being the case, he settled with his circ.u.mstances with good will, but he demanded to complete his university degree.

After graduation, he formally began playing male lead roles. Because he wasn"t trained since he was born, his performance wasn"t excellent nor poor, but his overly attractive face guaranteed ratings.

In the course of time, he developed a keen interest in acting. He enrolled in acting training and began to hone his acting skills.

The leapfrog from being an ido to a powerhouse commenced from the remake of "Kangxi Emperor." The drama became so popular that Kang Xi brought home his first trophy.

As he grew older, his appeal doubled, coupled with increasingly better acting skills, he conquered audiences of all ages, young and old, and the number of his fans has skyrocketed. This was directly proportional to the number of trophies he bagged. He suppressed major awards ceremonies. With a wealth of trophies, people who don"t know him would have thought he was selling trophies.

Some film critics commented that Kang Xi is a rare genius actor in fifty years.

However, movie fans believe that this is all nonsense. Producers were demanded to do their best and unify the painting style when filming. Because every time they watch movies, they thought that other actors, including the female lead, became backdrops behind Kang Xi"s stage. At least they should also find a few actors who are at least closer. 

Now, at 27, Kang Xi is a legend in the entertainment industry.

He is also recognized in the entertainment industry as a double decker, the No NG King.

No NG King refers to when he"s playing a solo show. No matter how long the scene is, how many lines there are, and how difficult it is, he will do it all at once. When he"s playing, his co-actor would commit NG endlessly. 

Once, there was a picky director who tearfully approached Kang Xi after he killed the play in one shot, saying, "Can"t you let me scold a word or two? Or one sentence, just one is fine."

That drama won 9 awards at the National Film Festival. When the director took the stage to receive the award, he quoted this sentence again, causing several directors in the audience to silently shed tears and sigh deeply: Finally found the same group. 

This has also doubled the pressure on many artists when they are playing rival roles with Kang Xi.

There have been rumors in the circle that whoever plays with Kang Xi will end up in the hospital"s gastroenterology department for emergency treatment.

In this regard, Geng b.u.mei is impartial in his heart.

In the face of Geng b.u.mei"s fluttering figure, Kang Xi stretched out a palm to cover his face and pushed him away. “Go, I haven"t had breakfast yet! Where"s Chen Ma?”

"She went out to buy food." Geng b.u.mei followed him into the kitchen. "What breakfast are you talking about, it"s already lunch. Don"t eat. Let"s head to the airport first. I"ll ask Xiao Chen to buy you a sandwich to pad your stomach. When we get on the plane, you can eat whatever you want." He advised while opening his notebook and reminded him one by one, "We need to make a stop at the city film studio at 17:00, Director Xu and Director Zhang want to discuss the movie with you. We are bound for Xin Ronghua at 20:00. The crew intends to hold a welcome party before the shooting.  Tomorrow"s workload isn"t that heavy, you"ll have to set a time to meet Producer Li. He said that there"s a drama tailored for you." 

Kangxi rummaged through the refrigerator, took a slice of bread and bit it in his mouth, but he did not respond at all. He went to the coffee maker and poured himself a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

Nuomi followed closely, wherever he went, it followed. Kang Xi pulled a bit of bread and threw it to her, and she immediately jumped to catch it.

Kang Xi opened the side door of the kitchen to the garden and allowed Nuomi to play in the garden. In the garden, Mr. Chen was watering flowers and plants.

Geng b.u.mei came hot on his heels, "Also, when your sister went out in the morning, she reminded me to tell you to call aunt."

His aunt is Kang Xi"s mother, who is now in Zurich, Switzerland because of old age and a heart failure. She is recuperating there, and Kang Xi"s father naturally is there to accompany her.

Kang Xi is the youngest son born when his mother was 42 years old. He has a sister, 17 years older than him, who has a daughter, Kang Xi"s. She just went to college this year and is a 19-year-old girl.

Kang Xi lives with his sister, brother-in-law and niece and another old couple, Chen Bo and Chen Ma, their housekeepers, who are responsible for taking care of him and his sister"s family. Xiao Chen whom Geng b.u.mei just mentioned is their son, Kang Xi"s a.s.sistant. He doesn"t live with them because he has his own house.

Kang Xi"s brother-in-law is a pilot and his father is also a pilot. He is currently retired. His only sister who once aspired to be the first person to launch a rocket in the family, failed to realize her dream, because of an unplanned pregnancy and a daughter, but she"s still working in NASA as an aeros.p.a.ce science and technology worker. 

They don"t have many relatives. They have an aunt, who resides in Hamburg, Germany, an awesome twin sister. She is married to the vice president of the German LTU Airlines. That brother-in-law and his father are both pilots of LTU Airlines. Before his father retired as a Gold medal pilot, his students were all over the LTU. Later, he doesn"t know how his father pulled it off, 20% of LTU shares went under his family"s name. His father became the president of the LTU airline Branch in S City. 

It is said that his uncle, the German vice president, chased his mother back then. But his mother had already married his father at that time. He had always suspected that this share was the result of his father"s revenge against his uncle. With his father"s character, he"s capable of it.

At present, his aunt is very happy. At the age of 33, they had a son, his cousin, and he is 8 years old. He is currently working hard to learn how to be a successor of LTU Airlines.

With Geng b.u.mei"s reminder, Kang Xi looked at the clock. It is 12 o"clock Beijing time and 5 o"clock in Switzerland. His mother is probably still asleep, so he decided to call in the afternoon.

After drinking coffee and eating bread, Kang Xi and Wei Bao talked about the contracts of the studio. After agreeing to some points, a.s.sistant Xiao Chen was already done packing their luggage properly. Geng b.u.mei finally heaved a sigh of relief. He pushed Kang Xi out and boarded his exclusive nanny car, then they rushed straight to the airport.

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