“Why are you wanting to find out what brand of napkin someone likes to use?”

Kang Xi slowly chewed the wonton down and said in a matter-of-fact tone, “She"s grown up like that. If she goes out to buy a packet of sanitary napkins, she could meet ten or so hitches…” he grunted, “How can I let a man chase her, with so many men out there, she could cram in a green leather train.”

Love rivals should be smothered one after another, never be soft.

Ji Xiaonan did something ridiculous. He left the dining table, went straight to the garden, and looked up at the sky: it wasn"t raining red.

Kang Xi ate his wonton slowly, his expression bland, as if what he had just said was the most normal thing in the world. After finishing, he wiped his mouth gracefully, “Eat up and make haste with your task, I"ll give you seven days.”

When he left, Ji Xiaonan pinched his face so hard that the pain made him realize he was awake that this was not a dream. He took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

After the call was answered, Ji Xiaonan almost split his head as he screamed, “Lao Geng, something big has happened!”

Geng b.u.mei, who was roused from his sleep, was reminded of Kang Xi"s grim face. That guy really asked Lao Ji to check for him?

“Lao Ji, don"t do anything, she just knocked him down. Don"t make a mess! He just wants to retaliate!”

Ji Xiaonan was in the dark about the mainstring, but it didn"t matter. He was pretty sure that Kang Xi was definitely not retaliating.

“Lao Geng, ah Lao Geng, how could I say this. You have been serving His Majesty for so long, but you are still too unprofessional. Where is he going to strike revenge, he is clearly wanting to bed her.”

Geng b.u.mei spluttered, "Huh?!"

“Where are you now?” Ji Xiaonan asked.

“I"m at the Chunyang Hotel in B City!”

Ji Xiaonan asked Chen Ma for a paper and pen, and wrote down the hotel address and concierge number, “Wait for me, I"ll come with Xiao Bao and find you!”

Once he ended the call, he called Wei Bao too.

When the phone went through, still with the opening line, “Xiao Bao, something has happened! Don"t ask just yet, where are you? I"ll come to you. Yes, let"s go find Lao Geng together!”

Ji Xiaonan groaned as he finished eating his wonton and rushed out like a gust of wind.

In the main bedroom on the fourth floor, Kang Xi took off his shirt and sat on the bed shirtless and fell in some kind of contemplation while Nuomi was left sniffing his shirt on the floor.

Hmmm, has the master"s scent.

She immediately curled down and nestled on it.

Kang Xi walked over to the nightstand, opened a drawer, and took out a delicate box with a picture inside.

The picture was in a kindergarten just in time for lunch. The children in bibs were sitting in a row; the ones in blue were boys and the ones in pink were girls. Looking at the angle of the photo, it should have been taken by the kindergarten teacher.

A group of toddlers were eating, some with rice grains on their faces, some with mouths smeared with oil, some were crying and refusing to eat.

One boy and one girl, in the pile of babies, were so beautiful that the other children instantly became the background.

The little girl sat quietly in the far corner, with her curly hair, her little white face, her pointy little nose, and her little red mouth sipping her soup with a spoon. And not far away from her was the pretty little boy, obviously peering at her.

With the boy"s delicate facial features, he could be recognized as Kang Xi at a glance.

Kang Xi lay down on the bed, raised his hand and looked at the picture, his fingers brushing over the little girl.

“She really hasn"t changed a bit, she"s still as ruthless!”

After a long time, he frowned and dialed a familiar number on his cell phone.

The loving, gentle voice slowly echoed, “Who is it?”


Ouyang Miaomiao, who was far in Zurich, Switzerland, heard her son"s voice and jumped up happily, pushing Kang Yu, who came to talk to her, away, “Xiao Xi, why are you calling?”

“Nothing, I just missed you, how are you doing?”

Miao Miao nodded, “Good, how about you?”

“I"m fine too!” He paused, “Mom, where"s dad? Put him on the phone, I have something to tell him!”

Miaomiao suddenly gasped, "You"re looking for your father?!" That tone was as if she had heard the scariest thing in the world. After a pause, she cautiously asked, "Xiao Xi, tell me honestly if you there"s some problems with your brain, don"t you hide it from me!”

Kang Xi sighed, ”Mom, I"m perfectly fine. My medical report has been sent to your email, didn"t you read it?”

Of course she has seen it, “Then what do you want with your dad!”

If not to secretly conceal that he is sick, she could not think of any other reason for her son to find Kang Yu. Since childhood, Kang Xi has not kissed his father much, the two father and son are like two dogs s.n.a.t.c.hing food, and will bare their teeth as soon as they meet.

“Of course it"s a man"s business. Mom, just don"t you ask, put dad on the phone first.”

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