Today"s dose of regular chapter 2/3

Round 2.2

Aunty Wu had opened this store for several years now, running it together with her husband. Although the store was small, it was well-known to everyone in the neighborhood. The couple was honest people, the food was good, they ran the store with integrity, if the neighborhood had any event the two of them often helped and partic.i.p.ated in it. And aunty Wu was like ordinary middle-age women who also loved gossiping and dancing in the neighborhood square.

Aunty Wu kneaded the dough skillfully and shook her head. “I really don"t know. All i know that her name was Duanmu XiaoXiao, and it seemed like she just returned back from United State 2 years ago.”

“So she"s a returner, how ahh.”

Aunty Wu thought for a moment and said again. “Exactly, she also lives in Fu di, i came across her there a few times when delivering some takeaway.”

“Fu di!? That is indeed the most upscale neighborhood near us ahh.”

The place that could be regarded as the mansion neighborhood. For average person even if they didn"t eat nor drink for a whole year, they couldn"t even afford a toilet there.

Everyone who loved to gossip, instantly p.r.i.c.ked up their ears and listened closely.

“Look at how pretty and young this girl is, could it be that she is you know……” The implication in this words weren"t so good.

Aunty Wu who was a forthright person, immediately threw out some words. “You see, what kind of mistress who would be jogging around with a police dog. You should stop throwing dirty water into such a young girl. Although i still haven"t seen many sides of this world, but seeing this girl i could easily say that she is a good person.”

“You"re curious about her so much, but our brothers who were your customers everyday you didn"t even care for them.”

Right at this time, Uncle Wu who had finished delivering some takeaway was already back. He listened to what they had said but just smiled, didn"t speak anything.

Aunty Wu said. “Well, I"m really curious about her, but this girl… didn"t say much at all. I asked her one sentence she will also answer it in one sentence, i asked her a little much she didn"t even reply anything. It made me kind of embarra.s.sed when trying to get some information out of her.”

Uncle Wu"s hand easily cleaned up the used chopsticks, and also chimed in. “This is true, this girl started buying breakfast from here since two years ago. She"s so polite, but didn"t talk much, like she didn"t want to be in attention.”

Someone asked. “She"s with a police dog, is she a police officer?”

“Unlikely, she"s so tiny. So i presume she would be a dog care taker.”

Aunty Wu said frankly. “Ah, i really don"t know!”

“Looking at her age, it seems like she"s still so young. I also a.s.sume that she just graduated from university. Girls nowadays seems unwilling to be a dog care taker, this work could be very exhausting.”

“Why do you people care so much about this girl. Your own daughter was already a lawyer and over 30 years old, right? She even already have a boyfriend, right?”

“How can we suddenly talk about my daughter.”


In a small shop, with piping hot steam bun they were enthusiastically gossiping, smiling and laughing at each others. And with this the day start to begin.

In Fu di, it was the most lively time in the morning. Many elderly were coming out to exercise, office workers were bustling out of their house, housewives were coming back from buying groceries and sending their children to their school. In the tree-lined roads there were many people coming and going.

Duanmu XiaoXiao and Sesame walked slowly into the neighborhood. She had been running for 5 kilometers, so the remaining 1 kilometer would be for walking. Although Sesame was a dog, he didn"t need to be dragged out to urinate or defecate. He had a character of high breed dog. Since she moved here two years ago, aside from rainy days she would always run with Sesame, such an exceptional regulation of her. So over time, people in the community would recognize her, but wasn"t really familiar with her. But sometimes they would run into her. In today"s society, communication in the neighborhood was rather a bit indifferent, they would only greet others when run into them. But as the door were closed every house"s problem were their own problem, they would never mix in it.

Although the weather was a bit cold, she wore a crop tank top with sport shorts. Her skin was dazzlingly fair and white. And as she looked very young, with very pet.i.te figure, she was only 160cm at most, but the ratio of her body was perfect and beautiful. Although her body was small, every time her perfectly rounded chests moved it would excite man"s senses. She also had the flattest stomach that could be achieved, with a v-line peeking from her shorts, it seemed to have zero fat in it. She also had a very stick up honey-peach b.u.t.t, it made her legs to look extra tall and thin.

Who wouldn"t love to see such a beauty drenched in sweats to pa.s.s by them every morning. Especially the young unmarried male, when they saw her, their eyes would immediately shine brightly and excited their spirit. There were some who dare to ambush her, thinking they would met when running and used this chance to get closer to her. But alas, but her speed when running was unbeatable, after 2 km they would left far behind her, that even her shadow couldn"t be seen.

In addition to the young men, there were also many female who would stare at her. Their gaze was full with jealousy and hatred. Many of the female wanted to ask, what is the secret behind her chests or what to do to achieve a v-line? But it was a pity that their ego made them couldn"t do it. They could only bite their lip with belly full of hatred.

But the children in the neighborhood only had their attention towards Sesame.

“Sister 600, can i touch Sesame?”

600 was the nickname the children had given to her. Because her name XiaoXiao (皛皛) the letter of it was to hard for the children to read it. They misp.r.o.nounce her name as 6 of hundred (百) as it the same as white (白), and so they called her 600.

In theory the children should had been scared to touch Sesame, because he was such a big dog, making one afraid to approach him. But Sesame was from a very good blood-line of police dog, besides he was very smart his fur also looked very soft and pretty, and his body also very well proportioned. He had been very well-trained, so he wouldn"t bark so suddenly without reason, all this made him to look very docile. When some brat dare to secretly pinch his ears, he would still act calmly, he wouldn"t bare his teeth to frighten them. And so the children didn"t afraid of him anymore, but treated him as a live plushed toy. Everytime they saw him, they would always demand to touch him. People at first was afraid that Sesame would bite the children, but everytime some brat were touching Sesame, he would act very docile and so they gradually felt relieved.

After a while when the children had enough touching, XiaoXiao took Sesame back home.

She then removed Sesame"s collar, he rubbed his feet on the mat at the door. After rubbed it cleanly, he then walked inside the house and went straight to his dog food feeder. It was already 7:30, and the machine was ready to let out his food. Seeing his bowl was full with food, Sesame immediately buried his head in and started to eat.

XiaoXiao put the bought breakfast on the dining table. She went to the bathroom again to take a cold shower. Then changed her clothes into t-shirt and jeans, she released her ponytail and combed it down. She didn"t put on any makeup just draw some on her brows. Heating up the soy milk and the steam bun she bought earlier in the microwave, and then slowly eating it.

Exactly at 8 o"clock, she got up from the sofa and grabbed her backpack, keys, then put on an oversize black windbreaker and also her military boots. She was ready to go out, as she opened the door the phone in the living room started to ringing. While the phone was ringing, she didn"t immediately pick it up but let it to ring for a while. And as it stopped ringing it immediately change into voice message.

“Duanmu, this is Doctor Zhang, remember you have a psychological counseling appointment at two o"clock. Don"t miss your appointment again, as your psychiatrist……”

The door was closed ruthlessly, as if she didn"t hear the message. She led Sesame into the elevator to the bas.e.m.e.nt garage.

Her car was the Land Rover Freelander, the very old type, for her figure this car was extraordinarily large for her. As she opened the pa.s.senger seat"s door, Sesame leap up and sat on the seat besides the driver. On the seats there was already seat belt ready for pets, which was what Sesame was waiting to be buckled in.

XiaoXiao slowly drove the car out of the garage and went under the shining sun. Rushing into the highway, because there was traffic in the road up a head. She went to the suburban district, in the rush hour she could speed up until 60 m/s. As she drove fastly in the highway, the radio inside the car was announcing today"s weather and also some traffic information. Sesame lolled out his tongue and put his head out of the window. This was what dogs really enjoyed to do when inside the car, they never seemed to get bored with it.

“Now this is a breaking news. There have been an increasing of child abduction in the recent days. The kidnapped children were range in 6-7 years-old, and all of them were boys. The MO was all the same in every accident, so police believed it was done by the same criminal gang. Now, if you……” Before the radio was done announcing the news, XiaoXiao immediately turned it off.

She frowned her brows, and breathed out a sigh, and concentrated her mind back to driving, her trip was smooth without any accident.

Translator"s Note:

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