Daily dose of this week"s chapters 3/3

Round 4.1

Edited by WhitesRabbit

Tan Palace was located in the first-rate residential area of the richest area in the west of S city next to an airport. It was filled with European-style mansions. Each mansion had a wide private garden, an indoor or outdoor heated swimming pool area, a home theatre, a gym, a spa, a jacuzzi, and in some ultrluxury mansions, there was also a secret room with built-in high-tech equipment similar to that of the White House"s safe house.

These ultrluxury mansions were all located in Tan Palace. There were only 18 buildings like this, available in 8 different styles – British Royal Mansion, British Manor, British Town House, French Fontainebleau, French Riviera, Italian Florentine, Italian Tuscany, and Spanish Marabella. As can be seen, these 8 different styles that made up the 18 mansions were completely different to one another architecturally.

It was said that if you wanted to buy a house there, you needed to pay a deposit of 10 Million Yuan before you could even choose what kind of mansion you would like to buy.

Well, a mansion was still a mansion, there was no set market price for it.

The wide and winding Jianhe Road was lined with many luxurious mansions. Tan Palace was a unique area due to its combination of n.o.blesse and artistic concept. It was a place where you could make your dream house into a reality, while also letting you restore your spirit and promote your social rank in the S city.

And Kang Family was one of the families who resided there.

The Kang"s house was in the British Manor style. It didn"t have a bas.e.m.e.nt but it was a four-story manor complete with all the relaxation, recreation, socialization, and hospitable reception that was offered by Tan Palace.

The luxurious master bedroom on the fourth floor, despite its very royal design, still looked very empty. The thick curtains over the French windows were still closed, blocking the rays of sunlight. An occasional gust of wind and beam of sunshine were still able to sneak in from a small gap and landed on a man who was sleeping peacefully.

The man who was sprawled across the bed"s blanket only covered up to his waist, revealing his perfect back muscles. His skin was as clean as porcelain, with a tinge of wheat colour. His hair, messy from sleep, covered a portion of his face; but you could still see that his features were extremely gorgeous.

He was sleeping soundly and his breath was very even. As time went by, the sunshine that was peeking inside slowly moved onto his face and started to eat him up, disturbing him into changing his position. A cool breeze slightly blew across him, causing the silky hair on his forehead to move. This revealed his two beautiful brows and his closed eyes that trembled slightly but didn"t open. His hand then reached across to the pillow beside him like he was looking for something…

His eyes were still closed; but after a while, when he still didn"t find what he was looking for, he finally gave up and buried his head deeper under the pillow and mumbled, ” Glutinous Rice…”*
(Glutinous Rice (糯米- Nuomi) is a sticky type of rice, it tastes sweet and sticky, of course.)

His voice sounded out with a hint of laziness in it.

A furry head suddenly popped out from the other side of the bed and Glutinous Rice stood tall with its ears twitching. It was an adult German Shepherd with long dark grey fur that looked very soft. The colour of its legs and belly were light brown, giving one an idea of how well-bred it was. It had a n.o.ble air around it, but you could easily determine its gender. Its air was very different depending on its gender and Glutinous Rice could look very regal but also had a hint of gentleness. Needless to say, she was absolutely a female.

Glutinous Rice looked at her owner with her brown apricot-shaped eyes that matched the colour of her coat; she also looked at her owner"s hand that had recklessly stretched across the bed. She rubbed it with her head, as if she understood what her owner wanted. She then ran towards the coffee table on the other side of the room and grabbed a remote control that was on it. She then ran back to the bed and placed the remote on the man"s hand. After a while, she licked him with her cold wet tongue.

The hand finally touched the remote and pressed a b.u.t.ton.

The floor-to-ceiling curtains automatically opened slowly revealing the 270-degrees French windows. It happened to be spring now so the sun was shining brightly, illuminating the gorgeous interior of the bedroom. The man, who was still in bed, seemed to be very reluctant to get up as he buried his head deeper under the pillow. Until, suddenly, he finally raised his head and slowly sat up. His eyes, still clouded with drowsiness, were half-opened. He slowly raked his messy hair from his face.

He touched the remote again and pressed another b.u.t.ton. A large plasma TV in front of his bed turned on and began broadcasting various news and gossip regarding the entertainment industry.

“Today is the ceremony for the first shooting of the drama starring Kang Xi as their lead actor. This costumed drama is adapted from a famous web-novel of the same t.i.tle, “Ripple Water of Dyed Green Brocade”*. The ceremony is to be held at B city. Although Kang Xi can"t attend because of personal reason, there are still a very large number of fans that are flocking the area where the ceremony will be held. This has caused traffic in the surrounding areas to be very congested. The number of reposts and comments on the drama"s Weibo page have also gone through the roof, exceeding previous records. All netizens and viewers are really looking forward to this drama. Kang Xi himself has said that this drama is going to be very thrilling to watch and that he felt very honoured to be the leading male character…”
(*:《水潋青绡锦衣染》 is the original t.i.tle of the drama. If you had a better translation of it please feel free to tell me. Fyi, there is a novel with the same t.i.tle at Qidian, it was written on 2008, I think, but I don"t really know if it came from the same author or not.)

The reporter on TV spoke excitedly; but the man on the bed just smirked and patted the place besides him, motioning towards Glutinous Rice.

Glutinous Rice shook her tail excitedly and jumped onto the bed, rushing towards the man"s arms.

“Ok! Ok!” He laughed and stroked Glutinous Rice"s head; his clear voice was truly captivating.

He got out of the bed and stretched his body.

Under the sunlight, he was visibly very tall with broad shoulders, a small waist, narrow hips, and long legs. He also had a six-pack whose lines were very defined.

He patted Glutinous Rice"s head who had rubbed her head at his feet like a spoiled child. He then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Glutinous Rice cleverly waited outside the door while lying on her stomach.

He soon walked out looking very refreshed while the TV continued to talk about various entertainment news.

Suddenly, a very close-up image occupied the entire TV screen — it was Kang Xi"s face.

Looking at the man on the screen"s relaxed and handsome face and that of the man in the room, naturally, the two were exactly the same. The real one perfectly matching the one on TV.

Without his hair covering it, one could easily see his clean and smooth face that was much more delicate than most women. Sufficient to say, his handsomeness was able to make people stare blankly. He was so handsome to the point that people could even be blinded by it. His handsomeness was also such pure masculinity that it could make many women (and even some men) fall head over heels, lose their minds, betray their parents, and even sell their own sisters.

The man, Kang Xi himself, immediately turned off the TV and walked downstairs with Glutinous Rice hot on his trail.

Translator"s Note:

Now we met with our ML ?… you"ll find how funny he is in the future chapters.

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