Shen Chao is clever himself, and by following her line of sight, he determined who she was looking for.

“Instructor, you have a visitor!”

When Xiaoxiao looked up, she saw Jing Sa and froze.

Lin Jun"s face was so red from the death grip of her hand on his throat. He was pinned to the floor, and he had to slap the tatami with his hand to admit defeat.

The moment she let go of him, he immediately coughed uncontrollably. 

She grabbed a sports towel off to the side and wiped her sweat, gesturing for them to take a break, and walked past.

"Ajing, what brings you here?”

Jing Sa hurriedly replied: "Xiao Xuan, I have something very important to ask you for help, I …”

Xiaoxiao sighed and interrupted her, “It"s inconvenient to talk here, follow me!”

Lin Jun and the others were so happy they thought they were given reprieve, they could finally rest. They lay down on the ground and not even willing to get up.

When Xiaoxiao reached the door, she paused, turned her head and said, “100 push-ups, no rest until you"re done.”

All at once, wails echoed throughout the hall.

Jing Sa followed her to a pavilion near the field for rest, and sorted her thoughts out on how to open up.

"You should know my taboos." Xiaoxiao was one step ahead of her.

It"s obvious she had guessed her purpose for coming.

As a friend, she didn"t beg Jing Sa to understand, but at least not to touch her bottom line.

“I know, I know all about it! But Xiaoxiao this is a line of young lives, they are all still children and today another child was kidnapped, this is the ninth one.”

Xiaoxiao"s brows knitted, “So soon?”

The kidnapper actually set about on his next victim in a short time, causing headlines everywhere in recent days. Now, it was pushed as a priority case.

Jing Sa explained, “Right now, he"s just gone missing. We still haven"t received a letter from the kidnappers, I don"t rule out other possibilities, but I think this possibility is too low.”

When the police have gone about it for a period of time, their instincts will develop accurately. 

“It"s all undetermined, but you come to me like a headless fly? You really haven"t changed a bit, just think you"re right and go about it with a one-track mind to the end.”

Jing Sa thought she didn"t trust her intuition. She was embarra.s.sed, but also nervous, so defended: “I"ve been in the police force for so many years, it"s from experience!”

“If I don"t help you, are you going to stand downstairs at my house in the middle of the night, as you did in America, until I"m willing to give in?”

Jing Sa blushed. She guessed it right, she really had this intention.


No need to ask, just one look at her face was the answer.

"This matter isn"t similar to when I was a kid. This is a murder case!" Jing Sa felt the need to clarify that she was not hard-tempered, but realistic.

Xiaoxiao raised an eyebrow, “So you still remember that incident when you were a kid?”

“Of course I remember.” She never forgot. After all these years, she still felt she was right, and then she reiterated very seriously and earnestly, “Even now, I still think Tyrannosaurus rex is better than Triceratops!”

The tone was the same as it had been back then, the bully who thought she was the most right person in the universe.

Xiaoxiao really missed seeing her like this.

That was in the sixth grade of elementary school. They went to the museum for biology cla.s.s. The lesson was about dinosaurs. There were also T-rex and Triceratops skeleton displays there. She clearly remembered how obsessed Jing Sa was with the T-rex after that tour, and simply made an idol of it.

When Jing Sa excitedly asked her what she liked, she referred to Triceratops.

Upon hearing this, Jing Sa looked at her incomprehensively and asked, “Why would you like Triceratops?”

Xiaoxiao: "Tyrannosaurs are all c.r.a.p, little arms and legs, but it"s just a giant chicken with big teeth!”

Children hate others belittling their favorites, and Jing Sa was the same way. She was angry and anxiously retorted, “That Triceratops is simply a horned pig.”

Xiaoxiao said calmly, “There"s a shield on his triangle head that can kill your giant chicken in a minute.”

Jing Sa"s face was flushed but she couldn"t find a reason to refute. She stretched out her index finger and pointed at her nose while trembling, “Wait for me!”

Xiaoxiao thought that was the end of it, treating it in the same way as someone who likes spicy, while another likes sweet. It was just a matter of everyone having different tastes. Unknowingly, Jing Sa went home and stayed up all night searching for proof that T-rex is superior to triceratops. The next day, she blocked her on the way to school with panda eyes. 

“Some scientists believe that the T-rex can run 72 kilometres an hour, thus pushing it at the top of the food chain, a top predator that can eat all animals.”

Xiaoxiao detoured and walked to school with her bag on her back.

“Oh? So what?”

“So, the T-rex is stronger than the Triceratops!” Jing Sa"s smug appearance summed her view vividly.

“You must have gone home last night and looked up Tyrannosaurus Rex on a search engine, right?”

It"s a chickens.h.i.t generic sci-fi.

Jing Sa choked on her words and could only suffocate with a roar, “That dinosaur of yours eats gra.s.s!”

“What about it?” Xiaoxiao felt that what it eats doesn"t mean it"s weak.

Jing Sa was speechless.  After holding for a long time, she could only stomp and leave, then there began her thick bottom mode. She followed her around all day long, not even letting her go when she got home, demanding that she admit the Tyrannosaurus Rex was better than the Triceratops, and even waited foolishly downstairs all night.

She was really scared by her at that time, she had to give in.

If she can insist on the T-rex and triceratops like that, how much more on this murder case. In fact, she had a feeling that Jing Sa would come to her.

Some people, they never change.

Right? – When you say dinosaur – T-rex comes to mind…I used to think they were the strongest too…funny Xiao Jing Our Score

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