“He"s very smart, very professional, and I think he"s probably the best criminal to date…….”

The director"s office, Deng Keyou"s face was red with anger, gradually turning green, white foams gradually bubbled on his lips as his fists pounded on the table.

“Listen, the deputy captain of a criminal police brigade is openly praising criminals to the media, are you kidding me!”

Just after this, the speaker of the laptop sounded with Jing Sa"s next compliment.

“To use an a.n.a.logy, I think this criminal is like George Clooney….”

Deng Keyou"s neck suddenly swelled, and he yelled: "And George Clooney, you"ve been holding the criminal up to the sky, where have you put the face of the police? The dumpsite? Do you know how much the bad impact you"ve caused!  Now it"s all over the internet that we cops are p.u.s.s.ies and rallying about throwing rotten eggs at the station!”

Jing Sa stood straight in a corner of the director"s office. n.o.body dared to let out even a heave of sigh. The media tumult has subsided, but the fire of the director could not be quelled with a few words.

“Why don"t you talk, aren"t you good at it, I"d like to hear how you explain it!”

"Chief, I…I"m suffering too!"

"Suffering?!" Deng Keyou spat again, "What could possibly drive you into suffering, I see you"ve been running the case like crazy!”

He grabbed a cup of tea on the table and gulped mouthfuls of it. Jing Sa was frightened, scared that the cup would soon come flying in her direction. So, she subconsciously moved to the side.

Deng Keyou is in his fifties, and like many middle-aged men, his hairline had receded to its highest point, revealing a large, shiny crown, which also made the rippling blue veins on his head particularly clear as day.

Jing Sa was shocked. Now, she"s just afraid that this old man"s veins would burst.

“Chief, I really didn"t mean it. Believe me, I swear I only did so to catch the culprit!”

As if he had heard a joke, Deng Keyou snorted, “Is this criminal going to come to our station and turn himself in just because you complimented him?”

If that was the case, what"s the point of having the police?

"This is…. This is the sword moving with a side stroke!"

Deng Keyou was even more furious at her a.n.a.logy, "What sword moving with side stroke, you"ve just trampled on the dignity of the entire police community with you! Tell me, you"ve always been shrewd in the force, why have you gone stupid at the critical point? Can you even say such words? You may say so in your heart, but you even had the audacity to voice out in front of the press. Where have you put my old face? I"ll be heading to the Provincial Public Security Bureau for meetings later, who the f.u.c.k would still listen to me.”

Jing Sa stood still and let him vent. Now, anything she says would be taken wrong.

She stood there for an hour and was scolded for an hour.

In the end, Deng Keyou ran out of words to say. Since he can"t hit women, scolding was the only way out. He looked at Jing Sa and surmised that she"d been taught and swallowed his sullen breath.

“Xiao Jing, it"s not this Chief who wants to scold you, but you"ve gone out of line this time!  If you"re under pressure, just say so, if there"s a problem, just ask, aren"t we here to help you? You"re already old enough, but still have no boyfriend…."

Jing Sa couldn"t help but interrupt him, “Chief, it has nothing to do with whether I have a boyfriend or not!”

"Why wouldn"t it matter? If it doesn"t, you wouldn"t have gone nuts!"

He is certain that her work is stressful and emotionally empty, which is the rhythm of finding opportunities to get back at society.

Jing Sa can only roll her eyes, she has no choice but to suffer in silence and go through unspeakable bitter suffering.

Since Xiaoxiao warned her that absolutely no third party was to know about her involvement in the case, she naturally had to keep her word.

"Everything"s already done, and the consequences are there for you to see. So, withdraw temporarily from this case and write a proper review!”

“How does that work!” Jing Sa shouted.

Deng Keyou shouted back, “How come it won"t work!”

“I"m in charge of this case, I…”

Deng Keyou waved his hand to interrupt her, "You don"t need to say anything anymore, I"ve already decided! Go reflect on it, and let Lao Zhang take care of the rest! Get out!”

Jing Sa refused to go out, standing there like a stubborn donkey.

“Get out or I"ll remove you from office!”

The ultimatum has already been thrown, there"s no use for her to be stubborn.

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