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Wei Yang and the silver snake just exchanged conversation for a long time, took them almost half day, when suddenly, Wei Yang found out that the whole time they were exchanging conversation, she was actually speaking alone. The little snake already fell asleep and would occasionally squint its head or will nod its head but couldn"t understand much. So, Wei Yang took a breath and gave up. She just let the little snake sleep.

Wei Yang just waited for the little snake and didn"t sleep at all. After the little snake woke up from its nap, the snake turned back to being a long life silver lock and hung around Wei Yang"s neck. While Wei Yang sat on the sofa and played with her small socks, Xiahou Xuan walked and came inside her room. She, then, stopped playing with her small socks.

“Oh, you"re already awake?” Xiahou Xuan went over and took Wei Yang in his arms and looked at the long life silver lock on her neck but didn"t ask.

"Yeah!” Wei Yang nodded, then suddenly burst into tears, grabbed Xiahou Xuan"s coat then said, “I don"t want to ride horses today. They are bullying Yang Yang!"

“Cough, cough… Hmm, hey…” Chu Dong Tang seemed to be thinking of what happened a while back. One cannot resist laughing and spurting out, causing unanimous glare from several people in the house.

“It"s okay. Yang Yang will not ride horses today.” Xiahou Xuan patted Wei Yang"s little back and comforted her. Then he added, “Oh by the way, I have something to do tonight. I"ll be home late. Is it okay if you will sleep with Xiahou Linglong just for tonight?”

“NOOO!” Wei Yang shook her head and did not agree. She hugged Xiahou Xuan and couldn"t help but say, “No!! You"re not allowed! Yang Yang will only sleep with her brother! I don"t want any other than you!"

“Ok, ok. Xiahou Linglong will be accompanying you here at home while I"m away, okay?" Xiahou Xuan"s tone sounded helpless, his lip just can"t help but bend up. He looked at Wei Yang and thought, "Sigh. Haha. She is so cute especially when she is being so much clingy to me."

Wei Yang gave up and just reluctantly agreed.

Xiahou Linglong was standing on the side and felt convulsed. How did she feel that she was being disliked?

Xiahou Xuan did a lot of things recently, so after comforting his little princess, he took Mo to hurry on to their business matters while Chu Dong Tang was kicked away by Xiahou Linglong.

“Can we play archery? Let"s see who"d shoot the red heart more!” Wei Yang picked up the bow and arrow and shook it against Xiahou Linglong.

After a few minutes…

“Whoa, you are really good!” Xiahou Linglong amazed by Wei Yang"s archery skills and thought, "Is she really a kid?"

Three minutes later, she was suddenly completely embarra.s.sed because Wei Yang shot a total of twelve arrows and all fell onto the red heart while she shot eleven arrows but none of that touched any of the hearts.

“Seriously? Are you really an eight years old kid?” Xiahou Linglong put down the long bow while her mouth pumped to ask.

“No, I"m eighteen years old!” Wei Yang smiled with pride and her flying brow was shining with the summer light.

Xiahou Linglong looked at her for a while and then with an indescribable smile, she took Wei Yang"s shoulder and said, “Wei Yang, I"m going to kick the court tonight. You want to go with me?"

“Oh… But my brother said that we should wait for him at home tonight." Wei Yang answered with her crossed arms and pouted mouth.

The mouth of Xiahou Linglong pumped once again and she looked at Wei Yang with disdain, and then she said, “Are you the kind of person who is obedient?”

“Of course!” Wei Yang lifted up her fist and said, “But today I am going to make an exception for my aunt!” After that, she turned and went to the dressing room.

Xiahou Linglong was silent for a moment and then suddenly broke out on her thoughts, “Do not ask the old! This b.i.t.c.h! Why does she keep on calling me Aunt! Not sister or miss!!! Ugh!”


“Why are you going to play the game?” Wei Yang asked while taking a sip of orange juice and sitting in Xiahou Linglong"s exquisite car.

Xiahou Linglong habitually sneered a little and then she said, “Some of the eyes hiding on the garbage dare to s.n.a.t.c.h things from the hands of the old woman. They live impatiently.”

Wei Yang nodded and laughed. “My father said, if you want to take a prey from the mouth of a beast, you must be prepared to be eaten!”

“Your father?” Xiahou Linglong asked, raising her eyebrows.

“I will not tell you! Haha!” Wei Yang groaned like a naughty girl and then turned her head to the window.

The lights flashed outside the window and tall buildings flew away from behind. The pedestrians on the road were in a hurry; some carried their loved ones while some rushed towards their homes.

Wei Yang suddenly felt a little cold. For a moment, she even wanted to go back to her house, to her real family perhaps. She thought about some miracle like her father would wait for her outside, see her come home late, and would still cuddle her to tell her, "Don"t come back too late, daddy will worry."

Then she suddenly thought, "I really want to see my father, my family. I miss them, I miss my whole family." Wei Yang didn"t notice that she was unconsciously crying. Her tears fell and slipped down her cheeks. She felt cold.

“Oh, Wei Yang. The boss is on the phone.” Xiahou Linglong got Wei Yang"s phone and handed it over to her.

Wei Yang didn"t look back and just reached for her mobile phone because she didn"t want others to see her crying face like a little cat. She sucked her nose and said, “h.e.l.lo?”

“Wei Yang, why did it take you so long to answer the phone? Is there anything wrong with you? Is Linglong is around you?” Xiahou Xuan asked a series of questions which obviously showed his concern and worries about Wei Yang.

Wei Yang smiled sweetly and shook her head although the other party could not see it, and then she said, “Nothing, she is by my side.”

“That"s good. Call me if you have a problem, okay? Please take good care of yourself. Your brother is worrying about you.” Xiahou Xuan said it softly with a warm smile on his face. Talking to her for a little while made him feel happy.

"I will."

Wei Yang just hung the phone with a smile.

After getting off the car, Xiahou Xuan felt regretful. He regretted that he did not bring Wei Yang with him. Although the environment was not too mixed up, it is still b.l.o.o.d.y.

"Aren"t you happy?" Xiahou Linglong saw Wei Yang"s face with tears but her eyebrows were bent and she could not help but ask curiously.

“No, I am very happy! Yang Yang is very happy because my brother called and we talked.” Wei Yang nodded, erased the tears on her face, picked up the orange juice on the side and drank it up.

“What are you afraid of?” Wei Yang blinked her eyes indifferently. She already saw this kind of thing, and she often followed her father"s hand to get into the field.

Wei Yang frowned, turned her head, and looked at Xiahou Linglong and asked her, “Do you have any other agendas?”

As for Wei Yang"s apparent suspicion of contempt, Xiahou Linglong"s long mouth twitched several times, and then said, “This, of course. You don"t do safety measures. Do you think the old lady would dare to bring you here? I don"t want to be cramped by Xiahou Xuan."

“Okay!” Wei Yang nodded, but she tried to touch a few steel needles in her pocket. She still believed in herself.

In front of the two people was a senior entertainment club. It can be seen that there was just some good decoration, not much business.

“Drug trafficking here?” Wei Yang saw people in the doorway and asked softly.

Xiahou Linglong as really surprised. Wei Yang can naturally see that there was drug trafficking in the club because the people who were under her did it also.

"But how will a girl who only eight years old know all of this?! I have to tell Xiahou Xuan that this girl seems to have too many secrets and it might be a big trouble in the future!" She thought.

When she gathered her senses, she nodded, and couldn"t help but ask, “How do you see it?”

“From those people in and out on the doorway, I can see it.” Wei Yang pointed her finger at the door and she added, "People who use drugs have more or less characteristics, such as people who are skinny and with hollowed eyes and trance. And if you guess well, you"d know that there will be some people in this street entertainment venue selling drugs."

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