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After bathing and blowing her hair, the two people laid down in the quilt.

Wei Yang was in sideways position, pressing her body on the chest of Xiahou Xuan. Her little head moved slightly until she found her most comfortable position. She rubbed her lips and then she asked, “Brother, the Xiahou family wants dominate this part of China and rule the underground world?”

In the mind of the Wei Yang, a positive proposition was formed – that is, the Xiahou family of Asia didn"t want to only be third in the underworld. They attempted to rule over China by expanding their reach to many areas and enhance their strength.

Xiahou Xuan put his hands to Wei Yang"s head, brushed her hair, and then smiled. He bowed and held Wei Yang"s small face kissing her forehead and said, “Not only for Xiahou"s family. It is our home.” He knew that clever little Wei Yang didn"t think of it as fact.

When he became the new Xiahou master, he told himself that he would lead his family to a brighter future and make the Xiahou family the three-legged end of the underworld. After going that night, he was more eager to have the strength to compete with Ling Yue who was known as the underworld king. The theories about the future also proved that his urgency was only correct – to get the country of China should be the first step for a brighter future!

In his words, Wei Yang smiled slightly, but immediately, she wrinkled her eyebrows and said, “The gangster forces in China are not strong, but the military is involved. If it will not be good, it will be difficult to dominate China like it will only become a fishbone that will be stuck in the throat.”

“Well, you"re quite right.” Xiahou Xuan pinched her little nose as a compliment and said, “So I have to start from the Xiahou family. The military forces are deeply rooted. The military forces are also deeply rooted. But the four big families should not be underestimated.” The state of China was like a dragon lying in the East, which was influenced by the feudal ideology for a long time. Its blood flowed with the elements of oligarchy. Since the military can blend with the gangs, he may use the power of aristocracy to fight the forces of the military and obtain the power of the rule of the black.

“But brother, don"t forget. The representative of the military is one of the four largest families. It is a representative of the n.o.bility. Moreover, if there is a conflict with the military, it will be difficult for the Chu family to do so." Wei Yang first started chattering up in front of Xiahou Xuan, but was unable to finish talking because Xiahou Xuan suddenly put his fingers on her lips.

“Oh, don"t worry. I will deal with Chu Dong Tang.” Xiahou Xuan pinched the nose of Wei Yang again, embraced her, covered the quilt, and said, “And you, our young lady of the Xiahou family… You go to sleep now."

Xiahou Xuan obviously didn"t want her to worry about those things. In this case, Wei Yang didn"t take it for granted. After all, she was not interested in the expansion of Xiahou"s power. Also, with the sensitivity of her true ident.i.ty, obviously, she should not be involved in such cases too much.

Nodding her head, she closed her eyes and then suddenly opened it again and said, “Brother! You have forgotten something!”

“Ah?” Xiahou Xuan mysteriously touched her nose. The little girl still remembered her bedtime story. “How can you forget to tell me a bedtime story every night?! Go, lay down and tell me a story!”

Fortunately, Mo was more comprehensive to tell a story than him. Or Xiahou Xuan just wanted not to expose again his "bed time" story when he was a child to Wei Yang?

Wei Yang hummed, pouted her mouth, and then grabbed Xiahou Xuan"s pajamas towards her waist and listened.

In Xiahou Xuan"s deep voice, she soon entered a peaceful dreamland, holding the Xiahou Xuan"s pajamas with her little hand, and didn"t let go of it.


In the next two months, Wei Yang only stayed in the manor. Every morning, she read famous Chinese books, while every in the afternoon, she spent time with Xiahou Linglong to practice holding a gun and ride the horse. Even if there was a storm out of the city outside, she still enjoyed drinking tea just to tease Chu Dong Tang.

There was still less than a month before the compet.i.tion of the four major families in Beijing will start. Through the comprehensive strength of each respective families, the reputation, financial resources, and power were the required to show and compare them against the other families. It was a compet.i.tion between the n.o.bles. When the next family was called on the line, it was Xiahou Xuan"s turn for Xiahou family. By that time, one of the members of Xiahou family had to hand over the seat of the owner.

“Hey, Yang Yang needs to go first to the house for a while because Beijing will be very chaotic this month.” Because of the compet.i.tion, Xiahou Xuan had a rare time to spend the afternoon with Wei Yang. Just only that day, he had a time to drink tea with Wei Yang.

“No!!” Wei Yang suddenly shed tears, twisting a small round table of pastoral style. A set of gla.s.s tea cups and a few dish snacks which were carved on the table splashed on the ground and were broken into pieces.

“Be careful!” Xiahou Xuan frowned and then he immediately held Wei Yang towards his arms and called a man to clean up the broken gla.s.s residue on the ground, and said, “Why did you do that? What if the gla.s.s sprang up and cut your foot?”

Wei Yang admitted that she was very happy when she heard that Xiahou Xuan cared for her, but still, she was very upset at him. She once again screamed unreasonably, “You said that I am a mischief?!”

Without Wei Yang telling anything more, Xiahou Xuan immediately recognized his mistake, hugged her, and apologized. He said, “No, it"s my mistake! How can Yang Yang make a mischief? Don"t be angry anymore."

A sweet, relieving sensation spread all over her body. Wei Yang looked at Xiahou Xuan"s eyes like she was begging, and then she flashed into his arms and said, “My brother shall spoil Yang Yang!”

“Ha ha… That, I don"t want. ” Xiahou Xuan tapped the back of Wei Yang with the tone of his voice in strange piety. He laughed lowly, driving Wei Yang"s chest of micro tremors, pa.s.sing into the ears of Wei Yang, and then went straight to the bottom of her heart where she felt some embarra.s.sment.

After a while, Wei Yang bit her lip and finally said, “But if my brother does not accompany Yang Yang, Yang Yang will be afraid.”

“Don"t be afraid. Mo will accompany you. No one in the family will hurt you. On the contrary, they will protect you.” Xiahou Xuan took Wei Yang"s shoulder and said in a word, “Don"t worry, my family is your family too. They will protect Yang Yang too like they protect me.” His statement was everywhere to apply for no regrets, because for them, it was a tradition. But for Wei Yang who still did not understand love, she easily felt as most warm and touched.

Wei Yang blinked and was silent for a few minutes before she sighed, and then she said, “Okay.”

“Good!” Xiahou Xuan said happily and kissed Wei Yang"s forehead.


Xiahou family was in Australia, which was known to Wei Yang before. Sitting on the plane to Australia, Wei Yang sighed repeatedly while squatting at the window. Even her favorite orange juice was abandoned aside.

Mo was sitting next to her. He looked at her and her favorite orange juice. He thought that there might be something wrong with Wei Yang, so he finally asked her, “Miss, would you like some tea?” He remembered Wei Yang"s preferences, every detail was clearly printed in his mind, no worse than Xiahou Xuan.

Wei Yang turned to look at Mo, and then she shook her head, and said, “No, I don"t want. I don"t want to drink neither.”

“Are you all right? Is there something wrong?” Mo asked her and felt a little nervous and worried about her.

“Ah? I"m just not…. comfortable here.” Wei Yang patted her chest and shook her head weakly.

“Mo, can we just go back home? Can we just stay there? How about staying in your house? I just don"t want to stay there." Whether it was the Xiahou family or the Mo family, as long as they would see her, it was likely that things about Wei yang will be asked! After all, the difference between her current appearance and ten years ago was not too big except for fact that the facial contour then was more mature.

Mo thought for a little about what Wei Yang just said to him, nodded, and said, “If you are not comfortable, we can stay somewhere you will be comfortable.”

“I will arrange to ensure safety.” He added.

Wei Yang still shook her head, then she paused and flounced towards Mo"s body, leaned on him, and said, "Even if this is the case, there is no difference. I still have to go to my brother"s house and meet his family."

Mo raised his eyebrows, laughed, and said to her, "Oh don"t stress yourself too much! As the idiom says, just be amiable, then you"ll be loved."  He tried to comfort, but it seemed not to be effective.

Wei Yang just looked up at him and then twitched her lips and stopped talking.

"Ah? Is she already feeling despised?"

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