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“But, as an elder, I am more experienced. I can point out a little bit more for you." Xiahou Xi swayed his head and Wei Yang praised him slowly, and then said, “Anyway, the fourth of the four blood guards, Wei Ping, died, soon after you ‘died". Is it not a very strange thing?”

When Wei Yang heard those words, she raised her eyebrows and felt confused.

She already found out about Wei Ping in the family database yet she had no impression of this woman, but she believed that she could be regarded as one of best blood guards of Wei Lan because of her excellence in service.

"The blood guard should be absolutely loyal to Wei Yang but why has Wei Ping died? What happened? What has Wei Ping done to Wei Lan to get rid of this loyal and capable man?" She thought.

After a twist of mind, she leaned over the back of the chair, folded her hands on her knees, and raised her proud chin slightly. “So, you"re going to tell this to Xiahou Xuan, then?”

“Of course not.” Xiahou Xi laughed, touched his white beard, and said, “Your true ident.i.ty does not have much conflict with you as the young lady of Xiahou family. After all, the Wei family is not yours now, Wei Yang, but to Wei Lan.”

Wei Yang raised her eyebrows again, and chuckled, “Xiahou Xi, your investment will not necessarily be rewarded.” Her mind was so fascinating that she could understand the thoughts of the old man once and for all.

The Wei family was already in a big position and they decided that the overall situation will be fixed. Xiahou Xi already knew that Wei Yang will not regain the power of the Wei family. It"s not that she didn"t dare because she can"t, but she can"t already indeed, because he understood that Wei Yang will never do anything to hurt Wei Lan and that taking power will inevitably lead to turbulence. In other words, Xiahou Xi was almost certain willing to live Wei Yang as Xiahou Wei Yang, and the surname "Xiahou" was the name that will bring benefits to Xiahou"s family.

“No, I have always believed my own eyes.” Xiahou Xi still smiled and his eyes were sparkling.

“But.” Wei Yang shrugged and relaxed her body, expressed her consent, then she said, “Oh, do not forget, I am still a girl with only eight years old memory. Maybe I can"t help Xiahou family at all. Of course. In general arms sales, I can take the handle, but I don"t think that"s the reason why you"re protecting me."

Xiahou Xi never lost as a businessman.

“No, no, you can.” Xiahou Xi seemed to have more confidence in Wei Yang than himself. He put his hands up on the desk and smiled wickedly. “Don"t you know? People always think that Princess Wei is born a dark princess. I believe that as long as you train for a period of time… Besides, for you, some skills have long been an instinct. What you need most is just the ten years of experience lost."

“Oh! You are encouraging me ah?” Wei Yang indifferently hummed then she added, “However, as you said, as long as I have time, I can naturally make up for the ten years of experience that I"ve lost." Wei Yang said with high self-confidence and arrogance. How could she possibly think that she could not?

“Haha! Oh, in that case, it"s great to hear that from you!” Xiahou Xi saw Wei Yang thoroughly and his heart was like a big rock falling to the ground. In the past, Wei Yang was the one he wanted to guard his family against, because she would probably be the reason of end of the Xiahou family. For him, she was the most dangerous person, but then, at that time,  Wei Yang became a member of his family. Maybe, she"s the last to take away the world"s underworld hegemony, but it will be his Xiahou family.

“From now on, you are already the young lady of the Xiahou family and I will acknowledge and announce it tomorrow to all people so that they will know that you have a direct power to Xiahou family." Xiahou Xi immediately took a large piece of cake and cheered, so that he could not tolerate Wei Yang"s regret.

“Why are you giving your trust to me so easily?” Wei Yang"s mouth pumped and thought secretly, "Why does this old man seem so hurry in arriving at a decision making him so anxious? Is he still afraid that I will go back to my family?"

"Of course! Because it is you, Xiahou Wei Yang, so I gave it so easily, so fast! Besides, you will not hurt Xiahou Xuan, right?" Xiahou Xuan and Wei Yang were getting along with each other. In the hands of Xiahou Xi, he also determined that Wei Yang should be different for Xiahou Xuan, even if it was not love.

Wei Yang gave a slight glimpse, then nodded firmly that she would not hurt Xiahou Xuan because that was the man that she called big brother, the man who had a place in her heart.

“Then, next month, I will teach you personally.” Xiahou Xi suddenly sighed and nagged, “Ah, Lao Tzu is looking forward to see this moment for a long time! G.o.d knows how jealous he is of your father! It"s a very happy thing to teach you, such a clever child! Not like that stinky little boy! it"s good to grow up, but of course if you are still young. We are so stupid like a pig!"

While listening to Xiahou"s words, Wei Yang couldn"t help but recall what Xiahou Xuan told her about his childhood and giggled with her closed mouth.

“Ah, but now it"s alright, all right! Lao Tzu can experience a talented daughter!”

Wei Yang"s mouth pumped with her eyes slanted and disdainfully shouted, “The old man, less tender! And me as your daughter? You are too old for me to be your daughter! I can call you grandpa!"

“I call it a man of old age and a thousand years of ambition. People can"t always be old.” Xiahou Xi"s old face was red, but he tried to be sophisticated.

Wei Yang turned her white eyes because she felt annoyed and said, “Your virtue is good but it"s already for those old ages. It"s hard to hear and it means X!”

“… These two statements are very hard to hear!” Xiahou Xi took a hard look at her eyes and stared at her with anger.

When Wei Yang saw this, her mood became much better. She smiled, got up, and left.

Shen Lao, who was standing outside, suddenly came to Xiahou Xi"s room when Wei Yang left the room.

“My Lord…” Shen Lao"s heart was a bit hesitating, then she continued, "I don"t know if I should say it necessarily."

“Haha, I know what you want to say. But the old man"s life is a little bit boring, so I want something a little risky and exciting! Xiahou Wei Yang… Yeah, no one can be sure if we should be raising a tiger or… We don"t know. But what about gambling?" Xiahou Xi laughed and looked at the picture of Xiahou Xuan on the desk. His cloudy eyes softened while he was looking at his good grandson.


Wei Yang"s room was next to Xiahou Xuan"s room, probably to reduce her discomfort while staying on Xiahou"s house. Her room was made in the same design as the Beijing Manor. All the items were exactly the same, even the bed. There were many toys such as bears and rabbits.

“Miss, what else do you want?” The two maid servants put her salute in a large milky white cabinet, then turned to Wei Yang and bent over, and then the woman on the left asked loudly.

“Just make me a pot of tea in Biluochun.” Wei Yang was sitting on a big bed, feeling the soft quilt, but still feeling a little disappointed. Even if everything was familiar, she was still not used to it.

Shortly, after the two maid servants went out, Mo entered her room with a pot of Biluochun intercepted halfway through the room and saw Wei Yang lying on the sofa beside the fallen window, and then whispered, "Here"s your tea, Miss."

Mo knelt down and put the teapot and the teacup on the coffee table.

“Mo…” Wei Yang opened her eyes and hugged him immediately and repeated his name with sadness.

"Mo… Mo…."

“What"s wrong?” Mo"s body turned to be a little stiff, but he tried to soften his voice and patted Wei Yang"s beautiful back.

“I"m not happy. I"m still uncomfortable here! I don"t like here!” Wei Yang shriveled her lips and shook her neck then said, “I"m still afraid…"

“What are you afraid of?” Mo knew that Wei Yang was left alone in the house a while ago because of Xiahou Xi, that"s why she was a still uncomfortable and he needed to spoke to her.

“Afraid of…” Wei Yang bit her lip, then stuck her little head in his neck and whispered, “Mo, I don"t want to sleep alone, I can"t sleep, I"m afraid…”

“Then Mo, will guard the young lady until she sleeps.” Mo"s heartbeat suddenly went fast as he heard Wei Yang"s words. The scent of the laurel fragrance sprayed on his sensitive neck, causing him to tighten his body and become speechless.

“Good!” Wei Yang smiled with her narrowed eyes.

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