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After breakfast, although Wei Yang and Qin Guan did not say a few words while Angela and Qin Yan kept on making noise, the four of them rendered the atmosphere very well.

Because it was the first day of school, there were always so many things to do for a minister, so Qin Guan left right away after eating. Qin Yan was a piano teacher a.s.sistant in the piano cla.s.s and he had this cla.s.s on the first day of his soph.o.m.ore year, so he also left right away.

While Angela and Wei Yang were only students, they had more time for leisure. Cla.s.ses will begin at 8:30. They still had half an hour to walk around the campus road and breathe fresh air.

“Oh… The young lady of the Xiahou family.” Three blonde girls came to Wei Yang"s table. They were junior students as shown by the three little roses embroidered on their sleeves. The cuff embroidery was for the high school students while the dark green b.u.t.ton was for the middle school students, same for all three branches.

“What can I do for you?” Wei Yang frowned slightly, but tried to slide away a smile on her lips at the same time, enough to let people feel n.o.ble and inviolable.

Selena Smith, the girl standing in the middle, folded her hands and wrinkled the perfect eyebrows. She laughed and said, “A person, who is not a pure-blood Xiahou, dares to be recognized with the name "Miss Xiahou"? I really don"t know how you climbed into that position. Or maybe, it"s just your pretty face?”

After that, the two blonde girls behind her laughed together while covering their mouths, twisting their backs, and swinging their hips.

“Thank you for your compliment.” Wei Yang grabbed Angela"s arm immediately, who wanted to speak for herself, so that she could sit at her desk leisurely, raise her proud chin, and wear the aristocrat"s fake smile.

“You!” Selena said. She"s only there to provoke Wei Yang. She can"t stand the privilege of this girl in school. For her, Wei Yang was just a person who had no Xiahou family background at all!

“Miss Smith, looks like on the first day of school you are very busy?” A crisp male voice came from behind the three girls and everyone looked at it, but it was an arrogant little boy surrounded by a group of other boys.

Selena"s face changed slightly. She looked at Wei Yang as she was walking to her side, stood in front of her, and then gritted her teeth and said, “Why should Master Luo meddle in my affairs?”

Luo Weiqi held his hands in front of his chest, raised his chin like Wei Yang, and smiled gracefully and n.o.bly saying, “Hmm, what did you just say, Miss Smith? This little woman, cover her!” After he finished talking, the two chubby boys behind him smashed their thick arms to show some threat, so that the unscrupulous Wei Yang, who was watching those three blonde girls, almost burst into laughter.

Selena looked uncertain. Her face turned from white to red, and then to black. Then, she hummed and yelled, “Of course, we don"t care about you covering or doing any kind of protection for her! Unfortunately, this n.o.ble Miss Xiahou seems to like to be taken care also by the Luo family. It is not our problem anymore!” She said "Xiahou" and "Luo family" very heavily.

Although, the overall comprehensive strength of the Mediterranean Luo family was not comparable to the Big Three family, it still steadily occupied the throat area of ​​the Mediterranean Sea for a hundred years, enough to show its strength which definitely made others unable to look back. However, the young master of the Luo family was going to pull the big lady of the Xiahou family into his own protection circle. This kind of act was really ridiculous.

Luo Weiqi seemed to realize this, so his ear turned red, but still tried to straighten his spine to keep his look.

Suddenly, he felt a delicate little hand on his shoulder, and then he heard a sound like a nature.

“Of course, I would like to be protected by master Luo.” Wei Yang laughed with an unspeakable falsehood and a fine eyebrow, and then she hummed and said, “Miss Smith, don"t try to change his mind. And in fact, it was only Luo Weiqi who wanted to protect me, not the whole Luo family. Such remarks from a Smith"s mouth, I have to suspect that the Smiths" tutoring has reached such a bad point!”

Selena"s face turned pale and she couldn"t think of how she"s going to slap Wei Yang"s face, such a big b.i.t.c.h! The Luo family protecting one of the members of Xiahou family? She could not bear it! This will not only be retaliated by the Luo and Xiahou family, but even the Wei and the Ling families will not stand by and just watch the Smiths. She thought that the gangster giants shall not exist!

Wei Yang pressed the strength of her body on Master Luo"s shoulder and smiled low. She pointed to the restaurant exit ahead and said, “I suppose Miss Smith will not go back here and she is not welcome in my eyes.”

Selena took a breath and with the help of the two girls around her, she left Wei Yang with a look of "just wait and see" and eyes of mockery as she left the hall. In LMP, the strong were respected. In three hundred years, it did not change. That time, if Wei Yang lost, then everyone would use such a look to "baptize" her.

“You! Can you come down for me?” Luo Weiqi, who was under the pressure with a cute little face, said with a gnash of teeth.

“Oh! I am sorry.” Wei Yang apologized without sincerity, rubbed the hair of Master Luo, and complained before the other party"s hair because his beloved hair was messed up, “Hey! Too much gel! It"s hard to touch!”

“You! You!” Luo Weiqi was angry and it seemed like two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He felt like he couldn"t do a thing and will just be standing in front of Wei Yang.

Keep your breath away! She can do it by herself. I want you to be sentimental!

“Ha ha ha…”

Seeing the lovely young master being so angry, Wei Yang and Angela looked at each other, smiling perfectly.

Looking at the two crazy women, Luo Weiqi looked back at them with his tiger eyes.

“OK, don"t be angry. I"ll treat you lunch.” Wei Yang stretched out her hand and pinched the juvenile"s slightly cheesy cheeks. Suddenly, he felt good when Wei Yang touched him.

“Don"t pinch my face!” Luo Weiqi drew a smile on his lips and remembered his mother who was also fond of pinching his face in the family. Suddenly, he was sad to discover that women are a kind of creature who could not be provoked sometimes!

Wei Yang continued to laugh while Angela could not bend down also laughing, and then they left the restaurant. They were going to cla.s.s. The first cla.s.s was the basic course of firearms. She was so interested in the cla.s.s that she should not miss it.

In a farce that was just brought by Smith, she also knew that Luo Weiqi was the young master of the Mediterranean Luo family. Wei Yang recalled and dug up some memories from her brain. The Luo family had a total of nine sons. Looking at the age of Luo Weiqi, he should be nine years old but she didn"t know because she didn"t remember in the past ten years.

“Unfortunately, I"m a medical student and I can"t go to cla.s.s with you. But our public cla.s.ses are together. Then I"ll see you after cla.s.s. I"ll come to the door to see you." Angela led Wei Yang to the door of the cla.s.sroom, then said goodbye to her and turned to her cla.s.sroom.

Wei Yang looked curiously at the cla.s.sroom and a strange feeling rose in her heart.

Wei Yang"s newspaper was an ordnance major. In the past ten years, many military equipment were updated. She should get familiar with them quickly. Otherwise, if she can"t help the Xiahou family, Xiahou Xi"s business will be a big loss.

Apart from some specialized courses in the field of ordnance, the junior and senior high school, and the university departments were required to conduct public courses, mainly in English, Chinese, cla.s.sical music appreciation, etiquette and social intercourse, piano, violin, zither and wine tasting. In these public lessons, the aristocratic children were dabbled in, but this did not mean that they were all proficient, so it was still necessary to repeat the study over and over again.

College students also had to choose at least one course as an optional course in addition to the other professional courses. Mostly it included some sports, such as golf, bowling, equestrian, martial arts, archery, fencing, tennis, and so on.

Wei Yang only chose tennis lessons.

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