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Qin Yan"s eyebrows trembled. He wrapped his hand around Angela"s waist, smiled naughtily, and asked, "If I will give this to you, would you like it?"

“No! No, no, no! Absolutely no!” Angela refused after seeing Qin Yan"s smile which looked terrible!

Qin Guan went to the stage to give a speech. He welcomed the freshmen and expressed his expectations from each of the university department. He ended his speech with the official commencement of the dance.

"Have I told you that you look so beautiful tonight?" Qin Guan held Wei Yang"s tender hand while the other rested safely on her side.

“Thank you.” Wei Yang chuckled and her delicate cheeks showed a slight little fluorescence, which attracted Qin Guan"s attention. Probably because of Qin Guan"s concentrated stare, Wei Yang got a little embarra.s.sed, then she said, "The gift you gave me a while ago, I really like it."

"That"s good. But can you grant my simple request in return?" Qin Guan asked, but was forced to look away just to ease the pressure on Wei Yang.

“Well, maybe.” Wei Yang winked and answered naughtily.

Qin Guan sighted pretentiously, taking her around and said, "I"m too cautious because it might make Miss Xiahou scared.”

“Really?” Wei Yang whispered, then blinked and smiled, “Don"t worry, I am a good citizen.”

"Hmm… It"s my birthday in three months. I just want… Ah… Can you be my girlfriend?”

Wei Yang"s feet suddenly stopped. She looked up and asked, "If I"m not mistaken and remember it correctly, three months from now is the end of the year and there"s always a sacred feast at the end of each year and the venue would be at the Qin family mansion."

"Hha! Wei Yang is really smart; so quick to link things up." Qin Guan suddenly felt embarra.s.sed for his desperate moves, wanting Wei Yang to be his muse on his birthday. But then, it seemed impossible for Wei Yang must also accompany her brother, Xiahou Xuan, to the banquet.

Wei Yang answered with a lonely tone, "For me, it"s okay if the occasion is only your birthday. But it so happened that it is the same day as the year-end banquet in the underworld and I have to attend because I have to accompany my brother."

"Maybe there are other girls who can accompany your brother?" Qin Guan insistently asked without hesitation.

"Don"t he dare!" Wei Yang exclaimed, focusing her gaze at the gla.s.s. But on a second thought, she wondered what would her reaction really be if Xiahou Xuan would be with other girls. She shook her head and tried to dismiss the idea, then she thought again, "Why couldn"t my brother take someone else with him? Even so, I should ask him! Hmp!"

"Okay. But can you at least come ahead of time? I just want to celebrate my birthday with you and Qin Yan, alone?" Qin Guan tried to compromise.

Wei Yang thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes. But you have to arrange it well. You should know that Miss Xiahou"s time is very expensive!"

After that, he ended up with a beautiful spin, drawing his muse close to him, then the music changed. They gave each other a salute and left the dance floor together. Their talent and beauty were very well matched.

The next day, the photos of the two people"s good dance were placed on the headlines of the LMP newspaper. They looked so attractive in everyone"s eyes. On the other hand, Luo Weiqi frowned and crushed the school newspaper like a ball.

"It seems like my brother is disturbed." Luo Lixiu suddenly entered the room, but Luo Weiqi didn"t notice him. Luo Lixiu saw the scattered pieces and his pale lips drew a sarcastic smile.

"Hey, where did you come from?!" Luo Weiqi exclaimed and looked at Luo Lixiu"s fingers – his nails were stained with a small piece of newspaper sc.r.a.ps.

The distressed face of Luo Lixiu"s didn"t change. Behind him was Luo Weiqi"s sofa where he headed to sit down and lean comfortably. He coughed a few times and said,  "What"s the latest news from our father?" Luo Lixiu was a sick son who was never loved by his father. Often, he can"t get any positive news.

“Oh! It"s the eldest and the second brother who packed up a few monsters on the sea floor. Unfortunately, the pillow wind blew over his head, touched his father"s displeasure, but temporarily fell out of favor. Two silly pairs of mothers and sons!” Luo Weiqi sneered as he picked up his blue cup with soda, full of ice. He drank, then suddenly looked up as if he"s chilling and just enjoying the refreshing sense of coolness that instantly spread on his throat, quickly bringing him satisfaction.

“Ice cold water is still a good drink.” Luo Lixiu raised his eyebrows and said.

“Why?” Luo Weiqi asked indifferently.

“Kidney disease.”


Luo Weiqi"s mouth pumped, then he softly put down the cup thinking that he would never drink it again! "Damaging my kidney? How bad is this!"

Those days, almost every day at noon, Angela wanted to take Wei Yang to the Fengyun Tower just to read a book, but she"s always just been rejected by her. The reason was that, except for the few wooden chairs at the top of the tower, some chairs were made with iron which made it very cold when used.

At noon, Angela nagged her again. She whispered to Wei Yang, "Don"t you really want to go? The minister is free today! He can take us to the top of the tower and let us sit on the wooden chairs!"

“But I just want to stay here in the room to read books." Then Wei Yang reluctantly pointed to the "Introduction to Arms Economy" and "Basic Firearms" on the table.

“Ah?” Angela continued her efforts bitterly, “But you"ve had an excellent monthly exam lately! I"ve heard that many professors praise you!”

“But… Not all.”

“Do you want to stand on top of Fengyun Tower by yourself?" This time, Angela finally understood why Wei Yang studied so hard for more than a month.

"Yes. Since the Fengyun Tower is a symbol of LMP, then I, as a young lady from the Xiahou family, can"t just fall into second place! Otherwise, it would show that the Wei family has overwhelmed our Xiahou family." She said that she would relate with the Wei family as usual, but as the young lady of the Xiahou family, she also had the responsibility to do her best not to dishonor her family and if necessary, add glory.

"Oh…" Angela seemed to understand. Then she nodded, saying, "It seems like the young lady of Xiahou family is not so good. Sure enough, as I remember what my father told me, "Where there is great power, there is also big responsibility." Now I seem to understand it more."

“Well, your father will be glad that his daughter has finally grown up, my Dutch piglet.” Wei Yang choked her laugh and nodded happily, but Angela was provoked to toss and turn. The two girls didn"t stop tickling each other until the cla.s.s was already about to start.

Wei Yang wiped the tears caused by their frolic and said, "It"s all your fault! Look, I only have less than an hour to read!"

“Oh, no!” Angela took pleasure in her misfortune with a hen"s head and smiled, “Oh, let me think about what will be the next cla.s.s… Oh, it"s the Basis of the Fire guns…”

"Ah! I"ll go!" Wei Yang only knew that she had cla.s.ses in the afternoon, but she forgot what those cla.s.ses were. They both knew that Professor Harris didn"t have patience to wait, even his twin brother, Professor Federline. Those twin brothers were not oil-saving lamps.

"Ah! There are only eight minutes left! Ugh! Terrible Professor Harris!!" Although Angela also had a cla.s.s, she already prepared her textbooks last night and can go anytime, that"s why she"s just relaxed and feeling a bit comfortable then. She wanted to pinch Wei Yang for being neglectful.

“Oh, f.u.c.k! Where are my socks?!”

“Oh dear, don"t wear…”

"Shut up, Angela! Oh, my hair"s like a bird"s nest!"

"Uh-huh. It"s quite like – – ah!" Angela wanted to fix Wei Yang"s soft hair to poke fun, but she suddenly saw her hair in a mess. She panicked and they both screamed while fixing their hairs.

By the time they hurried to the cla.s.sroom, the bell started ringing.

Angela gave Wei Yang a "good luck" look and headed straight to the cla.s.sroom, while Wei Yang, with a bitter face, grabbed the door frame and secretly peered through the crack, expecting Professor Harris hadn"t arrived yet.

"Oh? Why is the door black? Has the curtain been drawn and the lights are off?" Wei Yang murmured while looking at the black door that was slightly open.

"Miss Xiahou." Harris heard Wei Yang. His eyebrows twitched a few times, then he opened the door. The girl who was leaning closely at the door got off balance and fell on him.

"Ah-!" Wei Yang didn"t notice that the door suddenly opened. Since she went out in a hurry that day, she ended up wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes, more than 10 centimeters, and ran all the way, making her legs sore. She couldn"t keep her balance, that"s why she fell down on him.

"Miss Xiahou, is that how you would act in front of your professor after being late?" Harris looked down and frowned at the girl who hit his chest.

Wei Yang felt that the body in front of her was cold and ironic; it was really unpleasant. She was about to talk when there was a sudden pain in her right foot, so painful that she could only bit her lips and almost scream. Misfortunes were not yet done! Her foot twisted!

Wei Yang, still speechless and nervous, thought that though she heard bad things about him, he still had a good heart.

“What are you thinking?! Raise your right foot! You will never die because of this simple pain!” Harris scolded her.

Wei Yang shut her mouth, glancing at him and thinking that he really didn"t care about whatever he said to her, but she still wanted to hear those words from him someday, "Miss Xiahou, the first lady, is in my cla.s.s."

She abruptly added, "But why does this man with a damp and cold breath make me feel a little comfortable?"

After arriving at the infirmary, Harris immediately called the school doctor, then waited at the door.

"Oh, poor child. Your foot is swelling badly! You"re a too careless kid!" The school doctor was a middle-aged woman with brown hair named Charlotte Brandt.

Mrs. Brandt put a cold towel on Wei Yang"s right foot and prepared the ice bag all by herself. In less than a minute, Mrs. Brandt took the ice bag and the cold towel. She then praised Wei Yang for being a brave child because she didn"t cry for the pain, provoking a sneer from Harris.

After the cold compress, Mrs. Brandt fixed her ankle with a bandage, limiting the mobility of Wei Yang"s foot and pulling the collateral ligament or muscle of the wound to avoid further injury.

“Good girl! And now, you can have your professor take you back again to your dormitory.” Mrs. Brandt gave Wei Yang a rehabilitation manual for sprained feet. Apparently, she knew Harris and Federline, and she seemed to enjoy seeing their cold faces.

Sure enough, Harris wrinkled his eyebrows and his face turned cloudy and rainy. Then, he reached out, taking Wei Yang up and strode away.

When Wei Yang stooped down to Harris, he quickly took her high-heeled shoes on his hands. She looked at the bow-shaped bandage on her right foot, blinked, giggled, and thought, "I like Mrs. Brandt."

“You silly b.a.s.t.a.r.d!” Harris looked at Wei Yang in disgust, and even more disgusted when he saw the bow, and said, “Maybe you can paint that naive bow your favorite color!”

“That"s a good idea, Professor!” Wei Yang wrinkled her small nose and said while Harris continued to sneer.

On the roadside, some students watched them secretly, then suddenly the cool breeze around became more intense. Those students that stood on the roadside were trembling and frozen, and some even fled behind the big trees just to hide! It was obvious that the professor"s horrible name was not fabricated!

Pa.s.sing through the Greek corridor into the gate of the black castle, the crying shout from Mrs. Miller could be heard, “Oh, my poor child, what happened? What"s wrong?” Mrs. Miller hurried forward, pampered Wei Yang, brushed her hair from forehead to behind her ear, then looked at her tightly wrapped right foot and sighed.

“She"s stupid to sprain her right foot.” Harris spared no effort to release poison from his tongue.

“Oh… You should be gentle with your students, Crowe. They are still children.” Mrs. Miller said disapprovingly with her tone a bit weak because she always couldn"t tell if he was Harris or Federline.

It"s said that no one in the world could break them apart. But of course, fortunately, those twins were not mischievous. If someone would ask any of them, they would definitely tell which one they were.

“Yes, a 19-year-old child.” Harris sneered, then asked, “Where"s her room?”

Mrs. Miller secretly showed a “helpless” expression to Wei Yang, and then led him upstairs.

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