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The climate on the island in November was not too cold. After finishing her music cla.s.s, Wei Yang returned to her room and wore a loose coat then went outside.

“Where are you going?” Angela was looking for Wei Yang so they could have dinner together, but she saw that her wearing a pair of sporty clothes, so she couldn"t help but ask.

“Ahh?” Wei Yang blinked her eyes, then hooked Angela on her chest and whispered, “I have something to do and I need to go out alone. If Professor Andrea comes looking for me tomorrow morning, please tell her that I will come back at noon. I will not bring my phone.”

“Go out? What will you do? Who are you with? Why not bring your phone?" Angela frowned.

“There"s something I need to do. I promise to tell you when I get back.” Wei Yang can only say this much.

Angela looked at Wei Yang for a while, then nodded and said, “You"re not a child anymore and you should be responsible for yourself. But you need to be careful. I will wait for you in my room tomorrow at noon.”

“Yeah! Thanks!” Wei Yang patted Angela on the shoulder and quickly ran out of the corridor, but not so fast since she had a foot injury.

To prevent students from going to the sea without proper guidance, the school installed infrared rays on the artificial coast of the seaside. So, when unknown people were detected, the alarm would go off.

Wei Yang was wearing special gla.s.ses, so she can clearly see the infrared rays. She jumped over the static infrared lines and dodged those that were moving. She smoothly arrived at the sh.o.r.e and looked around to make sure no one was there before getting on a speedboat prepared by Xiahou Xi.

She skillfully launched the speedboat and headed to her destination.

Ten minutes later, a large oil tanker appeared on the sea level and sailed for a while. Wei Yang"s speedboat arrived at the bottom of the tanker and climbed up the ladder with the help from the people at the deck.

“Lady, I am Xiahou Cang.” A man wearing a light blue shirt stood on the deck. His black hair fluttered in the wind, with a fresh smile on his face. It appeared that he was a good talker, but it just seemed like so.

“Um. Let"s go to the mission site now." Wei Yang wiped her hands, then looked up.

"My lady, you don"t need to be so urgent. As the old master instructed, you just need to send all the goods to the destination. After all, it"s already done. It"s your first task and it"s not too difficult."

Xiahou Cang was also one of the Four Dragon guards of the Xiahou Family. He was the humorous and witty guardian of Xiahou Xuan. He stayed on the Indian Peninsula for a long time, so this was his first meeting with Wei Yang.

"Trial only?" Wei Yang raised her eyebrows. Besides, Xiahou Xi was just an old fox for her. Without 100% a.s.surance, he would never press the chips.

It"s not too early for the tanker to sail back to mainland Australia. After getting off the ship, Wei Yang and Xiahou Cang rushed into a car. Wei Yang didn"t want Xiahou Xuan to know about this, because she could foresee it with her toes that if Xiahou Xuan learned about this, he would surely stop her from doing such a thing, even with just a slight danger.

At sunset, a dark blue curtain hung in the night sky and the sparkling stars gaze at the crowd. On the open land beyond the noise, rows of iron houses were neatly lighted with dim beams. On the far right, there was a round building similar to a lighthouse. The top of the tower was not too high, with red lights flashing and searchlights sweeping in from time to time.

After Xiahou Cang drove off-road vehicles on the highway, he rushed into a path with more woods. After two minutes, they arrived at the destination. Wei Yang"s eyes bulged to what"s in front of her - there was a flat, s.p.a.cious cement field, and a white cargo plane parked on the ground. The cargo was being loaded.

A black man standing at the door was waiting for the car to come over and immediately ran up and bowed his head to help Wei Yang open the door. They were at the base of a material delivery department in Australia. Wei Yang scanned the surrounding area as soon as she got out of the car.

The man seemed to be in a bit of a dilemma. He bowed to Wei Yang and said, “My lady, the headquarters will send us eight more people here.”

“Tell me about it.” Wei Yang motioned him to go on.

“Yes, my lady. The eight men are the land and air force commanders of the M countries to reinforce the State B. The people of the M countries want us to safely deliver them to the capital of the B country, Caravelle.”

“In the case of country B, did you refuse their entry?” Wei Yang leaned her body against the car. This time, they were transporting firearms to an area near the coast of State B, which was re-opened for religious reasons.

“There"s no explicit refusal. But the left-wing of country B doesn"t agree with the dispatch of country M, so the right-wing of country M and country B hope that we can secretly deliver these eight people.” The black man explained further as he lowered his head because he clearly felt Wei Yang"s anger. Sure enough, she will burst out after hearing this.

“Wait! What? A Secret delivery?! Who the f.u.c.k took this case!” Wei Yang couldn"t help blurting out. After all, it was her first single arms business after waking up. It didn"t matter whether the task was difficult or not; she didn"t want any loss.

“Yes, it"s the head of the family… It is said to sell a face of M**…” The black man can"t say it. The owner didn"t know that today"s task would be accomplished by Wei Yang. Otherwise, how could she suddenly have more dangerous demands?

Wei Yang took a puff at the corner of her mouth and thought that she was unlucky. It"s her good brother who gave her bad things.

“Hey…” Xiahou Cang laughed, covering his mouth and turning his head. Wei Yang"s shoulders were still trembling. It seemed like she was very depressed and feeling pain.

"What"s funny?" Wei Yang gently asked. When Xiahou Cang turned his head, she suddenly changed her face and said gloomily, “Show off your white teeth!”

“Ah, no… I"m sorry my lady.” Xiahou Cang gulped and felt his whole body, even his liver, trembling in fear, then just bowed his head silently.

He secretly knew about Wei Yang being the former Princess of the Wei family. She was indeed well-known, even her terrifying expression! In the Xiahou family, except the old fox, Xiahou Xi, and the housekeeper, only Xiahou Cang was the person who knew Wei Yang"s true ident.i.ty.

Wei Yang looked at the cargo plane beside her and pulled up a strand of hair which was blown by the night wind. She said, “It was a gun that could easily escape, but now my brother is so angry that he directly lost an untimed bomb." But it didn"t matter even if it"s still difficult for her!

Caravelle was located along the coast of the Indian Ocean. The deadline for transporting these people was next day at dawn. There was enough time to deliver the arms and people by batch.

“Xiahou Cang, you"re responsible for escorting all the goods. Don"t worry, this is not too difficult.” Wei Yang smirked.

With stiff face, Xiahou Cang said, “That d.a.m.n eight people, I will send them by boat.”

Xiahou Cang looked at Wei Yang"s smile and nodded in amazement, “Well, we"ll see you tomorrow morning in Caravelle.” After turning around, he thought, "Is it Wei Yang"s charm which  hooked off everyone?"

Most people trusted her as they knew that this woman was so powerful and indestructible. The Vietnamese defenders who swept the battlefield in the Middle East were willing to devote their whole lives to Wei Yang because of such convincing leadership. Even if Wei Yang was buried in the sea of fire, she would rather leave the Wei family on her own initiative and never serve two masters.

Wei Yang"s approaching boat was not big enough. It"s just enough for ten people to sit down: eight  "goods" to ship – one sailing and one for herself. The size of the ship was just enough for sailing in the sea at night, not difficult to hide from people"s eyes.

As soon as she stepped on the ship"s deck, Wei Yang heard the eight incompetent military commanders whistling at themselves. They were not very pleasing in her eyes.

The next moment, she raised her eyebrows, smiled, then pulled (harmoniously) and moved the gun up, only to hear a "click" sound after pulling the trigger. Then she said, “I don"t want to blow up this gun to each one of you before arriving at Caravelle, so shut up and follow me!” Wei Yang thought that sometimes the word "Lao Niang" (Old lady) of Xiahou Linglong was much more refreshing than the word "Young lady".

When they heard her words, all of them outraged and wanted to argue and resist. But they reluctantly settled down upon Wei Yang"s freezing eye contact.

With a cold hum, Wei Yang went to the cab and directed the crew to start the boat. There was a breeze at sea and the stars darkened. A high-speed boat was on the sea, breaking through the floating waves, heading to its destination.

In the cab, Wei Yang sat on one side, looking at five flashing yellow triangle symbols that suddenly appeared on the computer screen. She sneered a bit and was sure that it was an ambush! The enemy should be prepared for both, whether on air or at sea.

Wei Yang brought her headphones and immediately called the naval commander to keep her informed of the movements of the five ships that appeared around her boat. When she was about to turn around, the commander shouted, “No, we have been surrounded! There are two ships on the left and one at the back!”

“What are you panicking about?” Wei Yang frowned and scolded, then ordered the crew, “Listen to my command: carry on, as usual!”

The crew knew that their duty was to obey the orders of their young lady. So, they kept the speed of the ship even if they felt nervous.

Wei Yang"s eyes suddenly narrowed and shouted, "Retreat!"

Instinctively, the crew withdrew immediately.

The next second, the crowd heard the loud bombing and shouting from both sides. The moment Wei Yang shouted her order was when both sides launched an attack at the same time. Her ship retreated, so the surrounding boats from left to right turned into dog-biting attack.

“Keep moving!” Wei Yang turned to the commander saying, “Keep me updated about the five ships if you don"t want to die!” Then she strode out of the cabin.

There was no one on the deck, but the seven commanders were not too wicked. Each of them, with guns, hid on one side of the ship and opened fire on a boat that was coming from the side, providing a good cover for Wei Yang.

She picked up her weapon and stood on the deck. She carried the anti-tank missile on her shoulder, aiming at the boat that was tailing their ship. Then she fired! The ship blew into pieces and only a loud roar was heard.

At this time, there were screams from the two ships on both sides, “Not good! The ship was blown up!”

“Command Center! Call the command center! Retreat! All retreat!”

Wei Yang smiled in the breeze. A few strands of black hair fell from her ponytail and got stuck on her side cheek. She gently brushed them away and picked up two loaded pistols from her side, jumped on a broken boat on the left, and felt relieved that those soldiers and generals were defeated.

Three minutes later, all the shots, shouts, and curses stopped abruptly. Wei Yang jumped back to her boat and blew hot guns. She felt happy that her gun skills were better than what she could remember, and that her dodging were more flexible. For a moment, she felt like her body was lighter and easier to control.

The eight officers were stunned, realizing what a terrible woman Wei Yang was - cold, fierce, and distorted. Five enemy ships were wiped out by a woman in just a few minutes

“Accelerate the ship!” Suddenly, the fierce breeze of the sea made Wei Yang squint. Through the microphone in her ear, she turned her head and ordered the way.

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