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Most of the people in the ship were stunned at her, especially when they saw that she was wearing such a ladylike dress. They suddenly felt the thunder rolling in the summer with rain and snow.

“Reporting here, my lady! There are pirates!” A voice came from the headphone.

Wei Yang suddenly frowned and after three seconds of indulging, she ordered, “Get rid of them immediately! They are just striking us but those big guys are still behind us!”

After that, she clapped her hands and smiled faintly, “Brothers, we need to work! Team, work! Loosen your muscles and bones! Go!” Her gentle and sacred smile can make almost all men intoxicated. However, the coldness of her command can"t be ignored because once she got disappointed, they have no choice but to lie at her feet, crawl and kiss it.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. After they recovered, they smiled, took and put on their earphones, and listened to her every command. Then, they went out and did it in an orderly manner.

“Is there a problem with the big guys?” Mo smiled and asked Wei Yang who seemed so comfortable with the incident.

“If you can, just greet those big guys in front of our ship." Wei Yang leaned over and drew a devil"s smile on her lips, then said, "Help me beat and make them cry for their mothers."

“As you wish, my lady.” Mo laughed, then walked out the door with Wei Yang.

The small probe vanguard boat was quickly given seconds by several ordinary crew members. Wei Yang took the telescopes and looked at the pirates who were chasing them. She hummed a few times as if she was thinking of a big plan, then after a few moments, a series of orders were issued and the men were allowed to go down. They laid ambushes around the cargo ship and were just waiting for the prey to get closer.

“Want to climb my boat? Let"s see if you have the skill!” Wei Yang sneered and her long hair tossed with arrogance.

“There are helicopters!” Mo stood beside Wei Yang. At their feet was a rocket launcher ready to blow up the enemy ship.

“Uh hmm… I knew it, it was a military! It"s not pirates! What is the a.s.shole government doing here? It seems like they"re looking for treasures huh? But seeing their cargo ship coming, I"m afraid they will accidentally reveal what"s on our cargo ship. I must first think of some strong plan!" Wei Yang sneered, her hands folded over her chest, then she turned her head to her earphones and ordered, “Attention! You must pay attention to them especially those guys on the sky! Give them a little bit of good vibes! Let those idiots wake up and tell them that not every ship can be robbed by them!”

A group of people received this order from Wei Yang and they suddenly felt alive because finally, they can use bullets to communicate with the enemies! Because the past few months, Wei Yang was always too calm in leading them. They were a bit bored, thinking that their leader was cheap. But that day, it was different – they suddenly felt alive. It was also a way to feel that adjusting their daily routine was definitely not a bad thing.

As the battle began, the helicopter that was discovered also approached near them.

"Don"t let that G.o.dd.a.m.n helicopter get close to us!" Wei Yang narrowed her eyes and covered her ears. It"s not an ordinary helicopter; it bore the name, "Stone Tea Falcon", which was the South African CSH-2 Rooivalk, an armed helicopter.

Mo recognized it. He already knew the characteristics of Stone Tea Falcon, that"s why he took the rocket, seized the opportunity, and immediately fired at the oil storage area!

Only a "BOOM!" was heard and the fascinated Stone Tea Falcon burst into flames. It broke in half in mid-air and fell into the deep sea. None of the pilots and soldiers survived. If they were conscious, they might regret that they didn"t fire when they still had the chance!

"Get rid of all of them! Don"t spare anyone!" Wei Yang leaned back on the fence while behind her was a raging fire. The flames waved, making her delicate little face look arrogant. She used the telescope to look at the black spot in the distance, squinting her eyes so her vision would see farther. It turned out that the black spot was a large military tanker.

During this period of time, there were always a lot of unexpected things. Wei Yang also discovered new things, such as her vision will change according to her own wishes and she can easily jump on a platform of five or six meters with the long lock on her neck that turned into a silver snake.  It all became strange, but she had to say that these things also made it much easier for her to deal with things. Then she suddenly thought, "Perhaps, this superpower-like thing is the result of the fire incident? This is a wonderful gift though!"

But no matter what, she can"t let others know. After all, human beings didn"t believe in this kind of unusual power.

When they heard the orders of Wei Yang, they intensified their attacks on the enemy and quickly grasped the initiative of the battlefield.

Twenty minutes later, one of the oldest and most capable men in their ranks of ten men, that was sent by her brother namely "Riverside", suddenly came to her and immediately reported the good news, “My lady, the enemy has been completely destroyed.”

“Good job!” Wei Yang called her ten men together and held a small meeting.

“The news came from the headquarters just now, that there were still some enemies nearby the sea, bearing the name, "Road Stone", that"s owned by the country C of Eastern Europe. They came to this area just to find the shipwreck from the ancient Egypt because it is said that there are so many treasures inside that ship and the old master ordered that they should keep them until the Egyptians come.” Wei Yang looked puzzled, then smiled lightly, “Of course, we can take the treasure in the boat, as much as we can. The Egyptian government just wants a boat.”

Hearing those words, the ten men immediately cheered up, and they were all eager to try.

“Wei Yang, don"t go down. We will handle it well.” Mo said to her, stopping her from getting a diving suit.

“No, you should stay here on the ship and pay attention to the military tanker in the southeast. I"m gonna be the one to go underwater. In fact, it is safer down there than staying on the ship.”

Wei Yang saw that he still disagreed, so she pouted her lips. Mo took a deep breath and knew that he was already defeated. He was unable to bear her look, leaving himself with no choice but to fulfill her wishes.

“If anything happens, let me know immediately.” Mo helped her wear her diving suit and get the oxygen cylinder tank.

"Noted!" Wei Yang took the oxygen mask and put it on her mouth, then went into the water behind the four divers. She didn"t want Mo to go into the water, mainly because he had caught colds few days ago. She"s afraid that he was still not completely well. Diving was not suitable for him.

The location of the shipwreck was not too far and deep. The four divers in front of her quickly swam around it.

She looked closely and found that the hatch door was locked. After several attempts, she found that it seemed impossible to open it without force. She knocked on the iron door, which was very heavy and could not be destroyed by ordinary fixed-point explosives. If a much powerful gun was used, the sea water would surely pour in completely and it would be inconvenient to find something inside.

The person next to her patted her arm and pointed to a keyhole-like object on her finger.

Wei Yang looked over and squinted her eyes. The pattern was very familiar to her. "Oh! It"s very similar to the brooch that I gave Angela! As if that was an ancient Egyptian thing, the brooch is probably a key!" She thought.

Wei Yang made a gesture telling them to stay at the side of the shipwreck, then twisted herself upstream.

“Why did you come back? Are you all right?" Mo asked her immediately and pulled Wei Yang out from the water.

After taking off the mask, Wei Yang went inside and said, "I think I know where the key is. It was my mistake because I think that the brooch I gave Angela is the key to the door of the shipwreck. I think I should go back and talk to her. I will just make a deal that I will share some treasure with her if she will let me borrow the brooch."

Listening to Wei Yang"s tone of voice, he believed that she seemed very happy. Mo, forgetting his worries about Wei Yang, thought, "As long as she is happy and safe, I"m all good, too."

“Oh, by the way, I just met a giant catfish!” Wei Yang said before diving into the water without waiting for Mo"s reply.

After an hour, Wei Yang went straight into the shipwreck, then took out the ruby brooch and fiddled it, then she pressed it on the iron door. Upon hearing a "click", the door was finally open.

Wei Yang shook her head and motioned the four divers to follow her. The four men entered the shipwreck and slammed the door. On the inside of the ship, there was no water coming in. It was very convenient for them to move. It"s just that there"s almost no oxygen around, so they can"t take off their masks.

Soon, Wei Yang and her men found the location of the treasure. They expressed their happiness by dancing silently and Wei Yang smacking on her mouth, then the four divers looked at Wei Yang and she gestured to take all the treasures away.

Wei Yang wiped her sweat.

Suddenly, there was a movement coming from the outside. It seemed like the people of Country C already arrived.

Wei Yang took off her mask and said a word, then she immediately put the mask on back, “I"ll be the one to fight them and you should take these treasures away!” She meant to deal with the people outside, but Riverside obviously did not agree with such a dangerous plan. But because it was the order of Wei Yang, he could only hesitatingly listened.

After looting the treasure, the four men used some tools to open several holes in the ship and smashed them out, while Wei Yang, on the other hand, stood alone in the narrow aisle, attracting the attention of the country C people, so that her men would have time to carry the jewelry, some sh.e.l.ls, and some other things to their boat.

The door was blown open, and the sea water poured in. Wei Yang squinted her eyes before the seawater went splashing on her. She fired on several people in front of the door. It was an armor piercing bullet, so the penetrating force was naturally indifferent. Soon, the sea water turned red – pale red blood.

Shooting in the water exploded a small chamber, and so the two remaining people dared not to shoot no more.

They saw Wei Yang"s figure then. Knowing that she was a woman, they felt ready for close combat.

Wei Yang sneered and waited for the two men to approach. She quickly kicked the first man"s leg so that he will be unable to stand. With a flash of her figure, she locked her arms around the other man"s neck, put the gun onto his temple, and gave him a shot.

Then, Wei Yang swam over, kicked the man under her feet, gave him a shot, too – the poor pistol blew up.

She felt numb for a minute, and then suddenly, she felt the burning sensation on her hand. Wei Yang looked at it and found that it was bleeding. Fortunately, there was no exaggerated damage on her skin and flesh.

As she was going upstream, she found a piece of white clothing on the side of the shipwreck, then she frowned and thought, "Everyone was wearing a black diving suit. How could there be white clothing?"

“Wei Yang…” Luo Lixiu thought about it for a long time before he came out from the side of the shipwreck.

Wei Yang was surprised for a while, then frowned. She just couldn"t speak; she could only point at him her index finger and express doubt.

Luo Lixiu was about to speak, but suddenly, he saw that the long life lock hanging around Wei Yang"s neck turn into a long silver snake. It crawled around Wei Yang"s neck, squinted its head, and then spitted out its tongue, as if making a protective gesture.

“That thing? What is it?” Luo Lixiu was also surprised. He had long felt that Wei Yang was not an ordinary human being, but this kind of dead creature became such a spiritual creature, which he only saw for the first time.

The silver lock tilted its small head, seemingly observing whether Luo Lixiu was suspicious for Wei Yang, then twisted its small tail and leaned closer to Wei Yang. It knocked on Wei Yang"s oxygen mask with its head.

Wei Yang was not very clear about what the silver lock meant, but she tried to take the oxygen mask down.

Only then had she understood.

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