The icy grey sky bustlingly grumbled. The thick, heavy black clouds couldn"t endure the burden of its weight, and soon gave in. Heavy rain poured down, and it was lightning and thunders all over. It was a beautiful white light that seemed to tear the sky. It was like a demon"s minions, mercilessly destroying the final salvation of humanity. Woe! What was it? Did it just take one? It instantly collapsed things.

Standing in the midst of a sea of ​​fire, she ridiculed her eyes and looked through the smoke-filled windows, low to the ground and reaching high up the ceiling. On the highway, in a car that was coming from an emergency, was her most loved one. The man who made her love; the man who made her breathe hard. And with him, how could there be nothing to protect her? Only this man knew power, and status, and all of this. She had a long way to let go; but when she fell in love with him, she completely let go.

She slowly raised her hand to her face, covering everything in front of her eyes. A bitter smile rolled over her mouth. Who could even bear it, right? Reluctantly never seeing her loved one again… Huh, huh, stupid woman. But that"s the way it was.

All she could sense was the scorching fire filled with strong smoke, until she gradually lost consciousness. And in the end, she seemed to hear who was jealous, so desperate, so piercing. But who was that? She doesn"t know; she forgot, leaving only a sore, sore heart…

"You have to stand strong at the greatest of your power, while I take off all the power and give up your game."

"You want me to stay by your side, and so I will arrogantly put away the edge and wait by your side."

"But when I see you holding the so-called evidence handed over by the others, whispering to me about the unfathomable ambition opt not to be ousted, I"d only laugh, with my heart broken inside."

"This thought - death - seemed to be the end. But I don"t want to… I"d fight to breathe in the wind and rain. Fortunately, for tens of thousands of years, the ups and downs and danger made me seem to forget the pristine love I once fell deeply into and thought I"d never escape from."

"I only hope that one day, when everything unfortunately flashes on my mind, I could still ask, "If you stood outside the sea of ​​flames, were you not willing to give up or were you sad?""

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