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Xiahou Xi was not very old. The next day he already knew about what happened to Wei Yang and there was a flutter of chickens and dogs in the house. But the most miserable thing was that, Xiahou Zhi, the poor scapegoat, led him to see Wei Yang for the whole month and she would radiate her with dead light!

Later, Wei Yang was really distressed by her three escorts while she had to go out again.

While waiting for Wei Yang to gather her mind and self, Mo looked at the pale and very serious face of Wei Yang. Suddenly, Mo touched the back of the head of Wei Yang and said, "Those three escorts will accompany you while you are taking your meals and bath, and they will sleep with you. These are all commanded by Xiahou Xuan."

Xiahou Xuan was busy dealing with some important matters in Beijing and it will take him a long time to stay there and return to Sydney few days later.

But in Wei Yang"s mind, "Mo is very important person! I don"t need those escorts!"

It was August 31, the day before the opening of the Royal Edward College. It was already time for all students to arrive.

“What about my brother?” Wei Yang sat in the courtyard and watched the people coming in and out to carry on their own salutes and buy various supplies.

“The boss has an important matter in Beijing. He can"t go with you today.” Mo just repeated the same answer, though this was the twenty-third time that day.

“Hey! You"re so dependent to boss! You"re not a child anymore! You"re too big to be accompanied by the boss in school!" Xiahou Zhi said while facing Wei Yang and shooting her like he was holding a gun. Obviously, he was still angry.

Wei Yang rolled her eyes and nodded, “I am only eight years old. How do I drop it?”

Xiahou Zhi choked and angrily threw his sleeves away, but Wei Yang felt like he was defeated and fled.

For these two consecutive months of mutual swearing, Mo had no words for the two.

“Can"t you really go with me, Mo?" Wei Yang pouted her lips, embraced Mo"s arms, and said unhappily, "I want to go to college, but no one will accompany me on bedtime. Even you Mo, I can"t sleep!”

The boarding system at Edward Royal College was a small apartment that was fully furnished and Wei Yang knew already that she will be sleeping alone starting that day!

Before, Xiahou Xuan or sometimes Mo accompanied her to sleep. But from that day forward, she will go to college and no one will sleep with her!

Although the college can also accommodate two students, how can she tolerate strangers entering her territory? Without her approval, she could not sleep without peace of mind.

“But you, miss, is growing up and will be growing up and you can"t stop that.” Mo whispered and put his palm on the top of Wei Yang"s hair and added, “Me and the boss can"t always be around you, my young lady.”

"Nooooo!” Wei Yang frowned. She didn"t like what Mo was saying. She took Mo"s hand and stood up and shouted, “I want you to accompany me! Why you don"t want to accompany me!!”

Mo was stunned and then laughed, “But the boss and I always have something to do, and the young lady has to learn –” He wanted to teach Wei Yang to be independent like a child in a book, but Wei Yang was interrupted by his anger.

“What!? No!! No! I don"t want! I hate you! Mo is the most annoying!” Originally, there was nothing wrong with her in the morning, but just because Xiahou Xuan couldn"t come to accompany her that day, and Mo too, she suddenly felt like those two people did not love her. That"s why she felt very unhappy.

“I don"t want you to accompany me anymore! Even my big brother! I will go by myself!"

After that, she pulled on her bag and ran away.

Mo was speechless, surprised, and thought, "How suddenly did the child get angry?" He turned his head and just stared at Xiahou Jiuyan with doubtful eyes.

“A woman has a day to lose her temper in a month.” Xiahou Jiuyan"s cheek muscles moved and a half-sound spit out such a sentence.

Xiahou Zhi and Mo, who heard his statement, were stunned at the same time, and then “popped” out, spitting out their saliva. The dead face usually had a low sense of being silent. How could it be so frightening when it opened its mouth?

“But this young lady loves to lose her temper every day! So just leave her alone.” Xiahou Zhi laughed and waved his hand goodbye to her and said, “This woman shouldn"t be spoiled! You see. You and the boss have already been spoiling her! That"s why, you can"t make peace at home!”

“Ahem, you must not forget that you also have half credit of this situation!" Xiahou Jiuyan gave Xiahou Zhi a squinted eye and in a tone of a voice defending the girl whose medicine and poison were equal to him, then he turned around and went into the house to get some herbs he just returned from China.

"…." Xiahou Zhi just pouted his mouth.

Mo raised his eyebrows and looked down at the empty lounge chair. He suddenly widened his eyes and pulled Xiahou Zhi"s neck and asked, “Have you heard what the young lady said?”

"Ah? Hmmm…” Xiahou Zhi touched his nose and looked at the sky for quite a while, thought before he took a breath and replied, “Oh G.o.d!! She said she wanted to go to school herself!! But I believe that the young lady has a plan and she was indeed a disaster star! It so easy for her to go anywhere! If she goes to the plane by herself, she can"t guarantee if the plane is safe or will crash halfway!"

Mo"s face clearly agreed with Xiahou Zhi"s thoughts. His reaction shifted and walked out of the door.

Xiahou Zhi naturally followed Mo outside the room and thought that although he always scoffed Wei Yang to make her annoyed the past few days, he still liked the girl very much in his heart. He did not want her to have an accident or lose even a strand from her hair cascading down her back.

On the other side, Wei Yang, who ran away in a hurry, giggled and laughed. Although she was truly mad at Mo, it was only a little bit because she could not be angry with Mo. That was to say, she just wanted to fly back by herself.

Wei Yang went to the store first, bought a black jersey that was not conspicuous, changed into it, tied her hair in a ponytail, combed it in the opposite direction for a few times, disturbed the soft tail, and bought a white cap to wear, then went to the airport to buy tickets.

Her salute will be sent to school by her own, so she won"t have to worry about the consignment problem.

After avoiding a few black-faced people with a familiar face, Wei Yang leaned back against the marble pillar, spit out her tongue, pressed her cap lower, took advantage of those people"s inattention, and mixed into the security team.

Trembling and excited, Wei Yang succeeded in sitting in a small economy cla.s.s seat. She exhaled, but did not take off her cap. After taking off, she called the flight attendant for a gla.s.s of orange juice and then turned to the window for a moment.

Unconsciously, she remembered something that brought a real smile on her lips. She stroked her forehead and felt missing them while thinking about them. Those four different personalities, but still loved her little boys. In the past ten years, they should be very handsome!

And while thinking of her loss tie clip, Wei Yang"s face sank a bit and brought some worries. Through some means of Xiahou Xi"s, she already knew that the tie clip was sold by Ling Yue"s men from the South China Sea. When the gold merchants got it, she also asked Xiahou Xi for someone to check it, but there was no news until then.

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