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It was rest time for students after lunch and around two o"clock in the afternoon.

Wei Yang led her chatting sparrow friend, Angela, all the way into her room.

“Wow…” Angela looked at Wei Yang"s room, glared up her beautiful eyes, and rushed straight inside. She looked around and said, “Oh my!! Your room is so beautiful!”

“Isn"t everyone"s room like this?” Wei Yang questioned.

“Almost! But your princess bed, your soft quilt, your new wardrobe, your white carpet, oh my G.o.d, it"s so beautiful! Who designed it for you? It is so amazing!!! I also want to ask him / her to help me design. Especially your window sill! I never thought that we could have turned a window sill into such a small couch. It"s really amazing!” Angela clasped her hands to her lips and begged, “Dear, may I approach this tempting bed? Perhaps I can sleep in your window sill this afternoon?”

“Sure. As long as you like it.” Wei Yang nodded and Angela cheered the next second. She opened her arms and legs and threw herself on the big bed, causing her to giggle with her mouth closed.

Angela didn"t care about Wei Yang"s snickers at all. Instead, she put on a provocative pose on the big bed, picked out the brown hair on her forehead and said in a luring voice, “It"s Angela"s pleasure to please my dear Wei Yang.” By the way, she raised an eyebrow and provoked Wei Yang a cheerful smile.

“Oh! I have to say, Wei Yang, you really look like a piece of art, G.o.d"s own masterpiece!” Angela pulled Wei Yang, and together, they threw themselves on the bed. She was able to look closely at Wei Yang"s perfect face, which looked almost without any flaws, and sighed slightly with amus.e.m.e.nt.

“Oh, thank you!” Every woman will not refuse when someone would praise them. And that"s what Wei Yang did, too. She smiled more brightly, touched the girl"s cheek and said, “And our Angela is a real angel, lively and lovely.”

The two women burst into laughter and rolled like a ball.

Suddenly, Angela frowned. “Your face is really exquisite, but… Oh…” She shook her head regretfully, looked disgusted and accused, and said, “You shouldn"t let the dark circles of your eyes climb on your delicate skin! Don"t you sleep well at night? Is it because you are homesick? Of course, I understand, after all, when I first came to college, I missed my parents very much. However, this is not the reason why you are slovenly. You need to rub some powder on at least.” She said it clenching her fist like the female soldiers representing beauty and justice.

“……” Wei Yang was speechless and just swallowed her saliva. Then suddenly, her phone saved her.

“Brother!” Wei Yang was very happy with this phone call from Xiahou Xuan. Oh my G.o.d, she could not stand Angela"s accused eyes. It was like she did not take care of her beautiful face. It was a kind of act of killing the heavenly things. Caress!

“Hmm… Has my little princess had a meal already?” Xiahou Xuan wondered about the girl"s excessively excited voice, but did not ask much.

“Yeah, I ate already!” When Wei Yang was on the phone conversation with Xiahou Xuan, Angela already rushed out of the door to get her pile of cosmetics.

“Then you must take a nap because you didn"t sleep well every night, right?” Xiahou Xuan felt a bit distressed and wanted to persuade Wei Yang to go home.

“Well! I couldn"t sleep well because I wanted my brother to be here.” Wei Yang covered the phone and acted alluring. She frightened Angela who rushed into the room quickly and looked at the room"s nameplate.

“Ha ha…” Xiahou Xuan smiled gloomily, apparently very comfortable with his little princess"s dependence. He grinned and said, “Your brother will pick you up this weekend.”

“Really? But, we can"t go home until Christmas, can we?” Wei Yang looked at Angela, expressed her doubts with her eyes, tilted her head, and then nodded.

“What can"t your brother do?” Xiahou Xuan turned his pen and leaned against the soft back of his chair. His face was filled with a happiness, as if he could only say a few words to Wei Yang, but also be sweet.

Wei Yang"s eyes suddenly turned bright because she can go home in advance. She turned her little head into a rattle and said happily, “Yehey!!! Brother is the best in the world! Brother can do anything!”

“Okay, go to nap.”


After Xiahou Xuan hung up the phone, headache pinched his high nose, and coldness flashed in his drooping eyelids. In the morning, William"s family united with many school board members and refuted him. The act of placing his men on the campus was a last resort. He can only temporarily transfer those people from Wei Yang"s school.

He understood that Wei Yang wanted to go to Edward Royal College. It was definitely not just because she wanted to go to college, but he still can"t force her to say the real reason why. He will wait until she would be willing to share secrets with him. Moreover, this school was indeed worthy of Wei Yang.

“Why?” Wei Yang looked at Angela who already put her eyes on her and asked.

“I heard it… You will leave school early!” Angela narrowed her eyes and placed her hands on Wei Yang"s waist, threatening, and said, "Come on! When are you leaving?”

“……” Wei Yang felt Angela"s two restless hands on her waist. She was very cautious and swallowed her saliva, and then she said, “My brother will pick me up this weekend.”

“Then can you let your brother, the great Xiahou master, take me out too? I promise not to disturb you two! I can live on my own! I just want to go out and go shopping! I always get tired of shopping on this mountain like a s.h.i.t!” Angela"s lips shriveled and she threw herself down to Wei Yang, who was facing the wind from the weak willow. Her face showed a pitiful expression while grinding her teeth at the simplicity of the commodities on the mountain.

“Should… Yes… Well…” In Angela"s increasingly mournful eyes, Wei Yang finally nodded firmly and a.s.sured her as “Absolutely!” Thus, she neglected the two words.

With this, Angela suddenly smiled with her flashing eyes. She got up and stepped in. “Hha, At last!!! I am going to see the sky again!” She spoke as if she was in prison for eighteen years and will be released to be a good woman again. Besides, Angela, did you come to school for twenty-four hours?

Wei Yang was full of brains and black lines and her heart comforted herself. In the past ten years, she must be too outdated. It was not that she"s weird, but because it"s really not!

Angela was about to sleep on the windowsill. Wei Yang had to let her go. After a quick shower, she climbed into the bed and said, “Angela, can you sleep with me these days? Well, I mean, I"m a little unaccustomed to sleeping alone. Okay, okay, I admit, I"m scared. Can you come with me?” With Angela"s strange look of “I know you"re lonely, empty and cold“, she stiffened her scalp and said it! G.o.d! Give her a big hand.

“Of course! Qin Yan has a piano compet.i.tion to attend in a few days and has to practice, so we have less time to date in the evening, so I can sleep with you every night.” Angela"s expression was very difficult that Wei had a rush to give her a blow.

“But… Are you really afraid to sleep alone?” Angela wrapped herself sadly over her chest and shook her head. “You are such a poor child that can"t sleep by yourself… But what about when you are at home? Who are you sleeping with? Nurse? Maid?”

“My brother.” Wei Yang said while looking at Angela"s eyes increasing into wide. Her intuition told her not to answer so honestly, but in Angela"s excited scream, she decisively pulled the quilt turns over and took a nap!

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