[BL NOVEL] Black b.u.t.terfly (Part 6) Black b.u.t.terfly, Where does the Black b.u.t.terfly Go Drink Water by Beep Beep Beep

*** -After they came back to the station, before Jude was about to request the case file, he found a note on his desk first. Jude thoughtlessly opened the paper. As soon as he saw a familiar sharp and clean font, he tilted his head little bit. Tim who was looking for the file instead of his partner saw him and came to him with a curious look. “Why? What is that?” “Ahh. Well….. it’s nothing. It says what time I should come for the counseling again.” “Again? Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, aren’t they sick of it? Ah, and it looks like Mr. Zejens is staying at a motel right next to the station. Because he can’t go back to his house, they sent him there by himself. Probably because he got mentally shock.” “Hm, that’s true. I’m gonna go somewhere for a second.” He put the note in his pocket and said to Tim smiling. Of course, Tim had a curious look. “Why? Where?” “Ah, the reason for my life.” “Food? Buy me some too.” “Okay. I’ll be back soon.” He waved his hand at Tim and swagger out the station. He didn’t forget to ask a police to get him a recorder before he went out.Jude felt his gun on his waist to make sure, and he took out the note that he shoved it in his pocket. A thin and polite font. -Detective, the unsub is a childish kid. You know it, right? Shrugged his shoulder once and the detective with a dark blond started to walk again.    “-Came out from police station. Which room is Mr. Lloyd Zejens staying in?” “Um…. Room 304. I think he’s still in there.” Jude put back his police badge that he showed it to the motel owner and went up the stairs. 301, 302, 303. Jude walked touching a thin crack on the cement wall, and with a whistle, he stopped in front of the Room 304. Knock, knock, knock Underneath a flickering light, a dry door sound hit his ears. Soon, slowly the door opened. A man in his 30s little bald looked very tired probably because of the incident that happened few days ago. His blue eyes somehow showed vanity, and it even looked like asking not to talk to him. But ignoring that atmosphere, Jude smiled. “Mr. Lloyd Zejens, remember me? I’m the detective you saw that day. My name is Jude. I have something to ask you. Can I come in?” “…….Ah, yes……….. Come in. But…..” “Is there a problem?” “……..No….. I’m just little tired, so can you finish it fast?” “Sure.” Jude answered easily and went inside the room right away. Motel’s specialty boring interior. Because Jude sat on the chair even before he offer it to him, Lloyd came in hesitantly. Looking at his exhausted face, he could’ve at least give him a sympathetic word, but Jude brightly opened his mouth. “Wow, the compliments were overwhelming. The neighbors told me you were a very obedient child.” “……Is that so……?” “Were you and your mother close? I heard she was pretty strict, but it seemed like she treated you well. Was she gentle because you were an only child?” “….No, no…. It wasn’t always like that. She wasn’t flexible or soft, but she always said the right things. She was little… rough….” “Aha. Then do you know if anybody argued with your mother recently?” The man’s sight was always on the carpet, but he looked at Jude once. Lloyd fixed his gla.s.ses and licked his lips. “I already told you those. Why are you asking again?” “If a person commit that kind of cruel crime, there"s supposed to be a big argument. I thought you knew because you always visited your mother. Think about it, shoving a dead body’s hand in her mouth for a few small argument doesn’t make sense. And he even poured food waste on her, wow, this is not enough for a just argument. Maybe getting abused for at least few years continuously. You know normally they don’t do those kind of things?” “S,stop. I threw up few times already. I couldn’t even look at the scene properly.” Lloyd fitfully shook his head and wiped his sweat. Jude waved lightly with his hand and continued his word like he didn’t see and hear that. “So, did she have a close relative? Like a neighbor or acquaintance. Anybody who interacted with her.” “…….Huuh? I’m, I’m not sure. I don’t know in detail, but I know she called aunt occasionally. But why….?” “Ahh, because she didn’t really interacted with the neighbors, so only people she can insult are probably her family or relative? That’s why I’m asking.” “Ah…. I see. You work hard.” He licked his lips once more. Jude stared at that action for a second and threw a word like pa.s.sing by. “Perhaps, do you know where your mother’s kitchen knife is?” His gloomy eyes looking down until now suddenly glint at Jude for a second and got wide with puzzled look. “Ah, huh? Didn’t the killer took it?” Bingo. He held his sigh that was about to come out unconsciously –Ahh! I can finally rest for a while now! I can have my time to eat!- Jude nodded his head. Jude swallowed his word, “Ah, yeah. The killer took it. But how did you know the weapon that we figured it out today, Mister? You said you couldn’t even look at the scene well? No well, I am thankful that you didn’t drag that long” and smiled and answered scratching his head, “Ah, yes. The killer took it. I was wondering if it was in the house or something, haha.” Lloyd’s blue eyes were forcefully smiling like he’s servilely agreeing with him. “Then, since I asked what I wanted to ask, I have to go now. Ahaha, my partner is pretty scary.” -Click. Jude pressed the stop b.u.t.ton of the recorder that he started to record when he sat on the chair. He stood up. Now the only thing he has left is to call his trustful partner. He kind of loosen his strength and walked to the door. When he tried to grab the door k.n.o.b, something pa.s.sed him with a fast speed. Bang! Jude automatically reached out to his holster because of a rough hand came out from his back pressing on the door. But soon Jude felt a cold feeling behind his neck, so he closed his mouth and bend down his neck little bit. He smelled burnt from a rough breath coming next to his face.

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