Blacksmith: You Are Making Mjolnir For The Forging Exam?

Chapter 560 - 560 Sharing the Star Map

Chapter 560 - 560 Sharing the Star Map

560 Sharing the Star Map

That’s right, Wu Mo would often interact with everyone on the official website. He would answer questions and explain the precautions for using the three potions.

However, people noticed that he had recently disappeared. They wondered what he was occupied with.

In reality, Wu Mo was currently in seclusion on the research base. He was investing his time in the research and development of an unprecedented scientific weapon.

He was developing a small-scale s.p.a.ceship, which was based on the s.p.a.ceship from Carlot.

This s.p.a.ceship would be equipped with a controllable nuclear fusion reactor, which would propel it forward with perpetual energy.

Wu Mo’s purpose in developing this small s.p.a.ceship was incredibly clear… He wanted to explore the other civilizations in the universe and find out if Carlot had begun to take action.

Mankind had to be prepared. Otherwise, the arrival of an advanced civilization would catch them off guard.

Not long after, Wu Mo finally came out of his seclusion. He had successfully created a small s.p.a.ceship.

This news shocked the entire world and even overshadowed the three great potions!

“Wow! Mr. Wu has actually developed a small s.p.a.ceship! I heard that it’ll break new ground in s.p.a.ce exploration. I wonder if it’s true.”

“It must be true! With perpetual energy from controllable nuclear fusion, the s.p.a.ceship could theoretically move in a fixed direction.”

“Sigh, I really envy China! It looks like they’ll be the first to realize their dream of flying in s.p.a.ce.”

“What’s the point of being envious? We have to work hard to catch up. Otherwise, we’ll lose out!”

All kinds of conspiracy theories about China quietly spread.

Some people felt that China was developing weapons and its aeros.p.a.ce field in preparation to rule the world.

They believed that China had mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology.

China had made impressive achievements in the aeros.p.a.ce field, and the small s.p.a.ceships it developed were even expected to break through the galaxy’s barriers. The country was preparing to conquer the starry sky in the future.

Everyone knew that there were several powerful countries in the world with the ability to develop their aeros.p.a.ce field and successfully launch many artificial satellites.

However, the gap between them and China was widening!

China’s previous s.p.a.ce station had already made countless countries envious. Now that Wu Mo had developed a perpetual-motion s.p.a.ceship with the potential to travel through the galaxy, many countries coveted it.

For a time, many began to secretly boycott China, but many others also remained humble and traveled there from afar. They hoped to learn about China’s advanced aviation technology.

Everyone was amazed when news of the small s.p.a.ceship got out!

The old chief was also present when the mysterious s.p.a.ceship was unveiled on the base.

The moment everyone saw the s.p.a.ceship, they were stupefied by its sci-fi elements!

“This s.p.a.ceship is completely different from anything we’ve seen. It’s like a miraculous creation from a sci-fi movie!” A capable officer sighed.

Other officers nodded in agreement.

No existing s.p.a.cecraft had such a design. It was hard to wrap their minds around it!

The various high-tech elements, streamlined design, and dazzling silver light on the s.p.a.ceship made it seem otherworldly.

The press conference for it was about to begin.

To show the world that China had the latest s.p.a.ceship, Wu Mo would personally answer questions from well-known reporters around the world.

This small s.p.a.ceship would carry the hope of mankind and explore the unknown beyond their galaxy.

It was completely different from the previous man-made satellite probes because it could carry people. This meant that humans would truly set foot outside the galaxy!

The previous moon landing could not even compare to this. Traveling within the galaxy was vastly different from traveling out of the galaxy!

The press conference was packed with people, and the number of attendees far exceeded the previous ones.

Venturing out their star system meant that China had mastered the world’s leading aviation technology.

It all came down to China now. This would determine whether or not mankind could realize its dream of s.p.a.ce travel!

Countless reporters gathered at the scene, and their eyes shone with antic.i.p.ation for the future. They rushed forth to hand Wu Mo their microphones.

The scene was a little chaotic, and an officer frowned as a result.

Staff members quickly maintained order and determined the priority of interviews by drawing lots.

“Mr. Wu Mo, what kind of advanced technology have you utilized for this small s.p.a.ceship?” the first reporter asked excitedly. “What makes you sure that it can break through our galaxy’s barrier?”

Everyone was aware that the Oort Cloud was a powerful barrier.

It was like a cage made up of comets. Only by breaking through the Oort Cloud could they truly break free from the galaxy’s “restraints.”

However, for many years, no one had been able to break through this layer. Even the satellites that had roamed the universe for decades still lingered within the galaxy.

Others looked at the first interviewer with disdain. They felt that he had wasted a precious opportunity to ask more pertinent questions.

“This s.p.a.ceship can break through the barriers because it carries a controllable nuclear fusion reactor. The reactor will provide it with continuous energy,” Wu Mo replied helplessly.

The reporter sat down in satisfaction.

“Mr. Wu Mo, are you planning to gather the resources of the universe and dominate the world by crossing the galaxy’s barrier?” the second reporter asked.

The staff members who were present felt awkward when they heard this sharp question.

Wu Mo smiled and slowly said, “That’s a good question, but before I answer it, please watch this video.”

He waved his hand, and his staff immediately turned on the projector.

While everyone was still confused, Wu Mo revealed the answer.

“This red box contains an extremely precious piece of information about the universe. I will reveal it to the world for the first time!”

With that, the data in the red box was reorganized, and a resplendent star map slowly appeared.

Everyone was amazed. The star map depicted nebula regions, chaotic star belts, vacuum zones, red giant stars, and so on.

There were notes on every planet. Their names, sizes, and distance from each other were listed.

Even though the map only covered a small area, the degree of detail in the star map was astounding!

“What exactly is this?” someone could not help but ask.

Wu Mo smiled and extended his finger, which attracted everyone’s attention.

“You’re all looking at a partial map of the universe and our location!”

His finger landed accurately on a striking red dot in the corner of the projected image.

Everyone was surprised. The simple question ended up leading to a journey of exploration in the universe.

The resplendent starry sky map became a witness as the red dot on Wu Mo’s finger ignited the fire of exploration. Not only did this arouse people’s curiosity, but it also indicated that China was determined to enter the depths of the universe.

The screen showed a vast expanse.

There were endless resources in this universe, but this temptation was not China’s goal.

China was pursuing mankind’s dream to explore the mysteries of the universe and advance human civilization.

The small red box carried China’s beliefs and symbolized cooperation as well as sharing.

“This is Carlot, the planet that once gave birth to the terrifying Dark Ghoul!”

Wu Mo’s voice was firm, and his words contained a hint of mystery.

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