Blacksmith: You Are Making Mjolnir For The Forging Exam?

Chapter 603 - 603 The Power of Earth"s Highest Technology

Chapter 603 - 603 The Power of Earth"s Highest Technology

603 The Power of Earth’s Highest Technology

Even though the core part of the s.p.a.ceship came from Wu Mo’s skillful hands, its external modules, infrastructure, and so on came from the researchers’ hard work.

They had worked around the clock and put in a huge amount of effort to develop this s.p.a.ceship that could go on long-distance expeditions. Now, it had been easily destroyed by the Dark Starlings.

The Dark Starlings seemed to realize that the satellites could capture their movements. Therefore, they took this as an opportunity to put on a demonstration.

At this moment, Wu Mo was already on standby with a group of national and military leaders. They looked at the screen as the Dark Star s.p.a.ceships got closer and closer to Earth.

“Chief Engineer Wu, what should we do next?” a commander asked. They were all looking to Wu Mo for answers.

Wu Mo took a deep breath and slowly said, “When they enter our firing range, we’ll send out five s.p.a.ceships and launch a probing attack. Then we’ll see how they react.”

“Alright, Chief Engineer Wu.” The commander gave his orders soon after.

In terms of tactical command, they had many outstanding generals from all over the world.

However, in this operation, Wu Mo’s command was the most important because the thirty ships had been built by him.

He knew the s.p.a.ceships’ performance and combat features like the back of his hand.

As expected, eighteen Dark Star s.p.a.ceships slowly appeared within their range of attack. Following that, five s.p.a.ceships were launched from the s.p.a.ce based station.

The dark outer s.p.a.ce was silent, with only a few tiny specks of dust and some silent satellites slowly rotating.

No one knew that a contest between a primary civilization and an advanced civilization was about to begin.

The five s.p.a.ceships used advanced radar shielding technology to mask themselves. As a result, they were able to move forward like shadows.

“Now, fire!” an order came from the base. The five s.p.a.ceships quickly locked onto a s.p.a.ceship in front of them and opened fire.

Five sharp laser beams shot out instantly. However, they were not energy attacks that carried dark matter but pure nuclear fusion energy.

Even so, this energy was enough to turn any s.p.a.ceship into nothingness.

Wu Mo chose not to use dark matter in the normal attack systems.

He planned to use it as a secret weapon at a critical moment to give the Dark Starlings a surprise attack.

Rumble! Out of the five laser beams, two accurately hit a s.p.a.ceship.

The Dark Star s.p.a.ceship that was. .h.i.t was instantly surrounded by green flames. Its speed was also greatly reduced, and it shook as if it was about to lose control.

“How dare they attack us? These low-level civilizations truly overestimate themselves!” a giant green-haired alien roared. It immediately waved its hand and ordered the s.p.a.ceships on either side of it to counterattack.

Following its order, two s.p.a.ceships rushed out like ghosts. They headed straight for the Chinese camp and attacked the five Chinese s.p.a.ceships.

Da da da da… Their laser beams shot out continuously like machine guns, and the power was astonishing. They attacked the Chinese s.p.a.ceships with great accuracy.

A huge fireball bloomed in s.p.a.ce, and a Chinese s.p.a.ceship was. .h.i.t.

“How could their laser beams be so powerful? Are they stronger than nuclear fusion energy?”

When the people on the base saw this, their expressions turned solemn.

Obviously, they did not understand the technology behind these powerful laser beams.

However, Wu Mo was not afraid. He knew that the dark matter that they had yet to use would give the Dark Starlings a shocking surprise.

“Continue to surround them and attack from a distance. Don’t fight them head-on!” Wu Mo ordered.

The current s.p.a.ceships he developed had extremely great mobility, which far surpa.s.sed that of the previous ones.

Now, they could utilize this advantage to continuously attack their surroundings. In other words, they would deploy the “shoot and leave” tactic. They could not go head-to-head with the Dark Star s.p.a.ceships.

The power of Dark Star’s laser beam was too strong, and its s.p.a.ceships also had extremely great defense.

Previously, two of China’s s.p.a.ceships had already hit one of the Dark Star s.p.a.ceships with nuclear fusion lasers.

However, to everyone’s surprise, the ship could still move slowly. It was not completely destroyed.

Wu Mo understood something from this.

He realized that in the future development of s.p.a.ceships, he should pay more attention to improving their defensive capabilities. It might bring about unexpected results.

Following that, China’s four s.p.a.ceships began to circle the Dark Star s.p.a.ceships and form a line of defense.

Meanwhile, the fifteen Dark Star s.p.a.ceships slowly pressed forward in a neat row. Then, they arranged themselves in the formation they were most familiar with.

“Look! It’s the One-line Goose Formation again! This formation doesn’t look special, but it can unleash astonishing power.”

When a general saw this, his expression became slightly solemn.

They had carefully studied Dark Star’s strategic layout before.

However, this snaky formation could always unleash unimaginable power. It was hard to predict.

At this moment, the Dark Starlings saw the four Chinese s.p.a.ceships attacking them, and they smiled with disdain.

“These low-level s.p.a.ceships are trying to give us trouble. What a joke!”

As soon as one of the aliens finished speaking, a s.p.a.ceship immediately moved out.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! It was shockingly fast, like a phantom dancing in the air. It did not seem like a huge s.p.a.ceship at all.

“It’s… It’s too fast!” a researcher could not help but curse.

Wu Mo was also a little surprised. The s.p.a.ceships he developed all had extreme speed and could move in all directions in a very short time.

However, the Dark Star s.p.a.ceship was still faster. It flew about without any pattern, like a mosquito in the air.

It single-handedly intercepted four Chinese s.p.a.ceships with its terrifying speed.

“We can’t let it continue to mess around with us like this!

“Mobilize five s.p.a.ceships and activate the dark matter attack system!” Wu Mo ordered without hesitation.

“Yes, Chief Engineer Wu!” The atmosphere on the entire base instantly became tense.

This was the moment they had been waiting for. Their hearts were filled with antic.i.p.ation and excitement.

Wu Mo had developed the dark matter attack system in the name of China. Once its power was unleashed, what kind of terrifying sight would they see?

Everyone held their breath and waited with rapt attention as they were afraid of missing any details.

However, ordinary people around the world were still in the dark.

A group of warriors were piloting their s.p.a.ceships and engaging in a life-and-death battle with advanced civilizations to protect their blue planet.

Under Wu Mo’s command, the five s.p.a.ceships shot out like arrows and charged swiftly toward the Dark Star ship.

“Target locked. Fire!” As soon as the command was given, the dark matter launch system was activated. Silent dark energy rays burst out, and the starry sky was instantly covered in a dazzling white light.

“This is… not good! Retreat!” A tall green-haired alien suddenly realized that something was wrong, but it was too late.

It immediately gave the order to retreat, but in this situation, it was not easy to retreat immediately.

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