Blacksmith: You Are Making Mjolnir For The Forging Exam?

Chapter 681 - 681 Dark Star"s Revenge

Chapter 681 - 681 Dark Star"s Revenge

681 Dark Star’s Revenge

Wu Mo was full of confidence.

He could sense that although the thirty Dark Star battleships were powerful.

However, they did not surpa.s.s the previous ten battleships by much.

Wu Mo was sure that he could go up against this team.

All of humanity was on tenterhooks. They knew that the alien civilization had not stopped. It had even sent dozens of s.p.a.ceships to attack them.

“My G.o.d, this is like an alien s.p.a.ceship team in a science fiction movie. Can we beat them?”

“This is like Star Wars. I’m deeply worried about the survival of our human race…”

“What’s the use of worrying? Anyway, this kind of thing depends on China. To be specific, it depends on Mr. Wu!”

At this moment, the top pilots of the s.p.a.ce shuttle piloting school were all ready to pilot the warship into s.p.a.ce at any time.

The battle this time was even more dangerous than before.

It was a large-scale interstellar war. Their lives were on the line.

“Are you afraid?” An instructor held back the tears in his eyes and asked his students who were preparing to leave.

“Sir, we’re not afraid!” they answered firmly and sincerely.

They stayed under Wu Mo’s encouragement. Those who hesitated had already left.

These students knew their mission. They were willing to carry it out.

This meant that they were unyielding and willing to sacrifice themselves for mankind.

This kind of spirit was so selfless that it moved people deeply.

The instructor could no longer speak. He was so touched that he almost choked.

Other than these outstanding s.p.a.ceship pilots, the mech piloting school also sent out a batch of mech pilots.

They would be piloting the close-combat mech that Wu Mo had meticulously designed.

They went deep into the battleship and remained on standby. They were ready to engage in a fierce battle with Dark Star’s mechanical beasts at any time.

The technological strength of the Dark Starlings was not bad. The mechanical beasts they developed were very powerful.

It was a critical moment for these pilots.

They would pilot mechs and fight the mechanical beasts!

“Everyone, stay alert at all times! Our mission this time requires you to remember your responsibilities. Think about why the school has trained you so hard. Now it’s time to accept the results. Now, go forth, warriors!” an instructor said affectionately.

After these warriors left, he rubbed the corner of his eyes with heartache.

He had done his best to nurture these students. They were now valuable members of society.

In the face of the imminent life-and-death battle, these students were about to go to the front line. As their instructor, the sadness in his heart was indescribable.

Similar scenes could be seen everywhere in China. Everyone was willing to contribute to this war.

If they were qualified, no one would choose to retreat.

On the other hand, those who were timid and afraid of trouble shrank back. They dared not say a word.

“Chief Engineer Wu, thirty Dark Star s.p.a.ceships have entered our attack range. We await you orders!”

An urgent message came from the base on Eternal Sun.

Wu Mo sat in the command room and looked at the information on the screen. He knew that this was the best time to strike.

However, he decided to gather more information before taking action.

“Send out a scout ship and check what’s behind their fleet to see if there are any other methods of ambush,” Wu Mo ordered.

As soon as he finished speaking, a few small reconnaissance ships immediately flew out of the s.p.a.ce base and disappeared into the darkness ahead.

“This is amazing. Not only can they block radar signals, but they can even disappear from sight!”

When the other persons-in-charge of the Planetary Alliance saw this scene, they were all shocked.

After a while, the scout ship returned successfully with important information.

Within ten light-years behind these thirty Dark Star s.p.a.ceships, there were no other s.p.a.ceships waiting for them.

This meant that these thirty s.p.a.ceships were the main force of this invasion.

“Alright. Let’s. .h.i.t them hard! “Wu Mo decisively gave the order.

Battleships flew out from the s.p.a.ce base one after another and headed toward the battlefield.

Not long after, eighteen new battleships lined up and charged forward.

They were white and blue in color. They also had smooth lines and a futuristic design.

The strength of the humans was on full display at this moment. They turned into sharp swords that were about to slash the Dark Starlings.

“There’s a problem. Look! What’s that?”

Everyone in the Dark Star fleet also noticed the situation.

A magnificent scene appeared before their eyes as eighteen Chinese ships proudly flew into the distance.

“Hmph! These primitive fellows actually created so many s.p.a.ceships.

“And this batch seems to be of a higher level?”

In the command center, all the Dark Starlings were shocked by this scene.

They already knew what kind of strength the Chinese s.p.a.ceships had.

However, the s.p.a.ceship in front of him was clearly of a higher grade than those.

“Let us teach these primitive fellows how big the gap between us is!” a Dark Starling roared.

The Dark Starlings despised this primitive civilization from the bottom of their hearts.

They decided to use wave after wave of bombs to completely destroy the humans’ s.p.a.ceships!


Terrifying explosions sounded one after another. As such, the light from the explosions illuminated the dark universe.

At this moment, the planet began to shake, and war officially began. Everyone on Eternal Sun was shocked!

For those who didn’t know anything, their jaws were about to drop.

As for those who knew the inside story, their expressions were firm, but their hearts were filled with worry.

“Look! Our pilots have taken off!”

The young pilots piloted their s.p.a.ceships and headed toward the battlefield. They were ready to enter the fray.

Apart from automated s.p.a.ceships, human-piloted s.p.a.ceships were absolutely indispensable!

After all, at the critical moment, only humans could react and achieve unexpected results. This was something that an automated s.p.a.ceship could not achieve.

“Chief Engineer Wu, the other side’s s.p.a.ceship has already started to attack. Should we open up the distance or fight directly?” a deputy commander asked urgently.

Wu Mo ordered without hesitation, “Attack from the front. Use the automatic s.p.a.ceships as the defense line. The armored s.p.a.ceships will protect the two wings. The attack s.p.a.ceships will stay at the back.”

Following Wu Mo’s series of nervous commands, every organization in front of them quickly moved.

The Interstellar War had officially begun!

A ship rushed out from the flat s.p.a.ceship fleet. It was prepared to launch a frontal a.s.sault.

Their s.p.a.ceship was extremely strong.

They were also confident that they could smash China’s s.p.a.ceship into pieces!

“Come on, guys from the primitive civilization, we look forward to your performance!”

Every operator on the flat s.p.a.ceship rushed forward excitedly.

Of course, they didn’t intend to use the most primitive way of fighting.

At a distance of about one thousand kilometers, they immediately launched a terrifying plasma beam explosion!

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