Blacksmith: You Are Making Mjolnir For The Forging Exam?

Chapter 476 - 476 Another New Monster Appears

Chapter 476 - 476 Another New Monster Appears

476 Another New Monster Appears

“Focus the composite missiles on the monster’s head!”

The old chief had no choice but to make the second best choice.

The composite missile was a powerful strike method in the post-military era. It was neither a nuclear bomb nor a ground-to-air missile.

The composition of its ammunition was complicated.

Basically, it was a series of explosions that acted as a spider web. They were far more powerful than ordinary missiles!

Ten composite missiles flew hundreds of miles from the launch base and hit the giant monster in the head.

Awooo! Awooo!

The giant monster was heavily injured by the composite missile, and it tried to escape.

However, due to the heinous crime it had committed, how could the people allow it to escape?

Wu Mo had a flash of inspiration. He pointed ahead and shouted, “Quick, aim for the bulge below its neck!”

It was then that people noticed a red bulge about fifteen meters below the giant monster’s neck.

Wu Mo observed and discovered that the behemoth had deliberately made use of human blind spots to hide the protruding part. That way, it could prevent human firepower from touching it.

As such, Wu Mo boldly speculated that the bulge was most likely the monster’s weakness. It might be its heart or another important organ.

In the next moment, with help from the blue high-definition automatic locking device, a composite missile hit the bulge with precision.

The giant monster let out a miserable howl, and blood gushed out from all parts of its skin like it was a huge water pillar!

The giant monster glared at the human city and plunged into the sea.

“Hurry!” everyone exclaimed.

The giant monster fell into the sea and created waves that drowned the ruins because they were hundreds of meters high.

The nuclear submarine chased after the giant monster relentlessly, and the crew vowed to kill it.

The terrifying beast, which was more than five hundred meters long, seemed to be detached from reality. It had been reduced to a character in science fiction and movies.

In the end, the giant monster was destroyed about seven nautical miles away from Pingning Harbor.

It did not seem real!

People realized that the turning point of an era had arrived, and mankind was about to welcome the most powerful enemy on Earth.

The shocking change in China shook the world.

All countries requested it to share information, worried that the sea monsters would flee to their own countries.

The entire world was in a state of panic. When the images of the sea monsters and the port city’s destruction were displayed before their eyes, no one had peace of mind.

Many researchers who were interested in sea monsters traveled to China from thousands of miles away in an attempt to get a closer look at the sea monster’s corpse and the destroyed ruins.

China was naturally willing to gather the wisdom of the world to a.n.a.lyze the mysteries behind the sea monsters’ actions.

At this moment, the threat of the sea monsters made the world even more united.

On the research base, Wu Mo was working on repairing a secret device in the Heart of the Ocean.

He activated the remote control to activate the high-frequency automatic particle jumping mode.

In short, the light wave captured the signal and formed a jumping rhythm to resist high-intensity particle interference.

Wu Mo had not expected such a scene, but the Heart of the Ocean had been developed with great effort, so it was not rare for it to have concealment functions.

Now was the time for it to come into play!

After activating the hidden device, the high-frequency jumping particle mode was activated, and the Heart of the Ocean’s terrifying data collection ability was instantly restored.

At this moment, within a thousand miles of the sea area in the southeastern coast, nothing could escape the Heart of the Ocean’s monitoring.

Finally, one day, strange data appeared in the information center’s connection library. Wu Mo and the relevant technical researchers immediately rushed over to investigate.

The technician told Wu Mo, “Chief Engineer Wu, there seems to be an extremely strange spatial fluctuation in the observation nest. The infrared detection shows that it might be a huge s.p.a.ce.”

Wu Mo could not believe his eyes when he came to this conclusion.

There was a huge s.p.a.ce hidden in the nest of the sea monsters. It was like a small world.

How was this possible?

Wu Mo quickly gave the order for the Heart of the Ocean to focus on the environment inside the nest.

The Heart of the Ocean had a comprehensive set of functions, and one of them was to focus on a single area.

The Heart of the Ocean’s detection was accurate, and its efficiency increased. It quickly figured out the cave’s composition.

The world fell into panic. When the truth of the cave was revealed, Wu Mo frowned and thought deeply about the key reason.

This huge s.p.a.ce was definitely not created by chance. What kind of secret was it hiding?

If Wu Mo could a.n.a.lyze the composition of s.p.a.ce, he would be able to find the source of the sea monster.

Were they victims of the nuclear pollution of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom, or were they descended from another world, non-Earth creatures?

On the other hand, the old general had already ordered the officers to strictly guard the coastal cities and patrol the sea area for a few days.

The sea monsters had not reappeared yet, or because they had defeated their companions in the coastal cities, they were wary of the strength of humans and did not dare to act rashly.

However, everyone had a feeling that this calm was only temporary. A storm would eventually arrive.

The Inst.i.tute of Special Biology continued to test the Life First injection. If the plan was successful, Wu Mo would receive a huge reward and develop more inventions.

For example, the effects of Life Second was doubled based on Life First. It was unbelievable.

At this moment, Wu Mo finally obtained a result through the Heart of the Ocean’s special detection mode: The s.p.a.ce around the nest was extremely unstable, and the light that pa.s.sed through it was distorted, making it seem strange.

To understand the mystery, a small robot had to be launched into the nest to film the environment.

Such small robots were not rare. China’s top technology could easily deal with it.

Not long after, the development of the robot was completed. It followed the submarine thousands of meters deep into the sea to explore the unknown nest.

“D*mn it! How did this happen?”

When the robot entered the nest, it sent back an image. Wu Mo was shocked speechless.

The nest was not a dark place but a huge s.p.a.ce. The air was also strange.

Indeed, the elemental capture information from the front revealed an unusual composition of soil, air, and matter.

The robot was affected by strong electromagnetic interference and could not move forward.

Wu Mo fell into deep thought. If he could drain the seawater and reveal the nest to the world, the truth would be revealed.

But he also knew that this was wishful thinking.

This discovery shocked Wu Mo. He knew what this meant.

What secrets were hidden in this vast s.p.a.ce?

Was it some kind of mysterious force that drove these sea monsters, or was there a deeper reason?

Facing this unknown world, Wu Mo felt deeply challenged.

However, he was determined to unravel the mystery behind all this to protect mankind from the invasion of sea monsters.

Suddenly, the robot was immediately destroyed after it sent the terrifying image.

The image froze on the computer screen of the central command center, showing a steel-like monster with a cold and heartless gaze.

It was extremely thin, like a giant six-winged mantis.

“Unbelievable! A new species of monster has appeared!” Wu Mo exclaimed.

The appearance of the new monster was completely different from anything he had seen before. Did it come from the depths of the nest?

Wu Mo realized that there was not only the t.i.tan Squid and the golden-scaled monster in the undersea world, but also a third type of monster.

After reporting this to the old chief, his reaction was the same as Wu Mo’s. He was shocked.

“Everyone, please take a look at this third type of monster. It looks like a giant six-winged mantis. We must be prepared in advance!”

Wu Mo’s heavy words echoed in the meeting room.

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