Blood - Blood Rose

Chapter 34

Serena"s heart ceased to beat and she hovered on the brink of climax. Would he bite-the way she had?

Heavens, no. He licked. Long, glistening, pink, Jonathon"s tongue slicked along Drake"s shaft. Drake opened his lips and let Jonathon"s c.o.c.k sink in. The whole long, thick length of it disappeared. Jonathon thrust slowly, lifting to watch his c.o.c.k vanish into Drake"s mouth. It must be going all the way down his throat, for Drake"s lips now touched Jonathon"s coa.r.s.e pubic curls.

Take me deep, Sommersby, Drake urged.

I want to f.u.c.k your face, Swift, Jonathon answered, and he gobbled up Drake"s member. The slurping of their fierce suckling filled Serena"s thoughts. Her body tensed, her c.l.i.t was aching and swollen, and she wanted to come...

Enough! Jonathon released Drake and rolled off his partner.

Laughing, Drake levered up on his elbow, and he wrapped his hand around his thick, heavily veined shaft. He clutched tight so the head swelled and reddened, like a large, juicy plum. Join us, Serena, love.

Shakily, she jumped down from the altar stone and padded across damp, cool gra.s.s. All around bare branches creaked and clattered in the breeze. She should be freezing, but aching desire kept her skin hot.

She felt safe. Safe and free.

Drake got to his feet first, drew her to him, and captured her mouth. His fingers delved into her quim, stirring, stretching. You are so wet, so ready for us. Tonight, on this special night, Drake whispered in her thoughts, we should do something very naughty.

Antic.i.p.ation whirled through her like a maelstrom. What could be naughtier than what we"ve already done?

Jonathon, lying on his back on the rich earth, gave her a shrug. I cannot imagine, Serena, love. His large hands slicked his juices and Drake"s saliva along his thick shaft, over the prominent veins, up to the swollen head. His heavy b.a.l.l.s dangled between his muscled thighs.

She was molten between her legs, barely able to stand. As Drake slid his finger into her quim, she locked her gaze with Jonathon"s hungry, intense stare. Oh, this was magic indeed.

Drake"s finger drew out, with a suction sound that made her blush. Gently, he fingered the bridge of skin between her quim and her a.n.u.s. His naked c.o.c.k poked her bottom.

He helped her lay down in the velvety soft gra.s.s, and Jonathon rolled to her right side. Drake lay down at her left. Under partly closed lids, she saw Jonathon"s large, elegant fingers trail down to her black nether curls.

Jonathon rested his hand on her mound, palm hard against her c.l.i.t so her surprised squirming gave her jolts of toe-curling pleasure. Two of his large fingers slid into her soaking pa.s.sage, thrusting lazily in and out. Then Jonathon slid his finger out, and Drake"s finger slid in so quickly she caught her breath.

Do you want us both in your sweet p.u.s.s.y at once? Drake murmured. It would be the most intense pleasure.

A rush of crazed need washed over her. She"d never dreamed of two c.o.c.ks in the same place. Could it be possible? The idea was forbidden, naughty...and she wanted it. Wanted to try. She couldn"t begin to imagine what it would feel like...whether she even could take them both...

"Yes," she breathed aloud.

Drake entered her from behind, and such a river of juices flowed from her that he slid in instantly to the hilt. As Drake thrust, Jonathon kissed her deeply, capturing her tongue, sucking at it. He began to work his c.o.c.k at the edge of her drenched pa.s.sage, beside Drake"s. She took deep breaths against his mouth. was...alarming but good...and she must relax...

She was a vampiress. Anything was possible...and everything was delicious...

She felt a tug as Drake held her intimate lips open to let Jonathon inside. Jonathon groaned as his c.o.c.k skittered to one side.

"You have such a sweet, tight cunny," Jonathon whispered.

She couldn"t speak as Jonathon kissed her deeply again before releasing her to grip his c.o.c.k, to lead it back. By a miracle, his c.o.c.k pushed in a little beside Drake"s, stretching her entrance impossibly wide. The pressure on her was heaven.

Drake moaned in unison with her, teasing her hard nipples with his fingers.

"What does it feel like, Drake?" she whispered naughtily. She turned so her cheek rested against his. "Having Jonathon"s c.o.c.k rubbing yours?"

Drake licked inside her ear. "Angel, I would much rather hear about how good it feels to take two thick poles inside."

Jonathon groaned. He kissed her again, the roughness of his jaw teasing her. "Are you certain, sweetheart?"

Her quim throbbed, and she felt as though she was soaring to a pinnacle. How she loved the teasing pushes of Jonathon"s c.o.c.k combined with Drake"s slow, deep thrusts. Then Jonathon filled her completely, right to her womb, and she gasped at the pleasure, the twinge of pain that suddenly melted in ecstasy.

She tightened her hands, drove her nails into Drake"s hip, Jonathon"s arm.

"There, we"re both in." Drake gave a raw laugh. "I can tell because she"s clawing us."

"Does it hurt?" Jonathon whispered. She felt his entire body tense.

""s so intense, though...oh!" They both began to thrust, filling her, giving her pleasure- She clutched both men, screaming her pleasure up to the moon. Then, like a bolt of power from the heavens, the climax seared through her. I"m coming! Her body came apart, like rose petals in a fierce wind, and her senses scattered to the sky.

Drake bucked against her, mouth straining, his breath in rasps. And Jonathon joined him, shuddering with his climax.

Serena gave a heady, joyful laugh. There could be no greater magic than an o.r.g.a.s.m shared between three.

They slumped onto the soft gra.s.s, still joined. She was drenched with their seed and her juices. She giggled.

"And what is so funny, my love?" Drake asked.

"All I ever dreamed of being was an ordinary Englishwoman." She closed her eyes and gave a sigh of pure delight. "I am so happy I am not!"

As both men"s softened c.o.c.ks slid out, Drake kissed her lips. "You are my salvation."

"My light," Jonathon vowed.

"My heart."

"My soul." Still lying on the ground, Jonathon crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"My universe." Drake drawled, fixing Jonathon with an equally belligerent glare.

"Your peacemaker," she laughed, aware of the ripe, primal scent of both men marking her. She belonged to them. And they most definitely needed her.

Jonathon lifted her hand to his lips. "I love you, dear wife."

"Wife?" Serena gasped at the word as she sat up. Jonathon embraced her, then released her to let Drake nuzzle her neck.

"Yes, love," Drake whispered. "We want to marry you. Both of us."

Serena thought of Althea"s unconventional marriage and laughed. She wiped at one tear but knew it was no longer foolish to weep in joy.

"You are proposing marriage?"

Both dropped to one knee in front of her. Vulnerability showed in Drake"s silvery-green eyes and in Jonathon"s shining, darkly silver ones. Both men glowed with hope.

Serena blinked away tears. "Then yes, Jonathon. Yes, Drake. I want you both to be my husbands."

Jonathon embraced her, and Drake joined in. "We have a few hours until dawn," Drake suggested. "And I do like making love in the countryside."

"So do I," Jonathon agreed.

Serena drew each man"s hand to her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Laughing, she gave herself to her destiny- to the utter completeness of love.


"I had hoped to find Vlad Dracul"s journals before we left." Serena backed down the ladder and gazed at the towering shelves of the Royal Society"s library.

Drake grinned. "I wish I could help, my love."

"Soon you can." Serena smiled. Drake was an enthusiastic pupil at his reading lessons, but perhaps the true allure was carnal pleasures. Lessons always goaded him into seduction, and seduction led to imaginative s.e.x. She even fondly stroked the ladder as she stepped back to the floor. Two gentleman, a lady, and a ladder...

Defying danger and death made s.e.x all the more enticing...

Of course, she was a vampire, and falling off a ladder couldn"t hurt her. But still...

"I am pleased that Lord Denby has taken over the Society in Ashcroft"s place. He is a very good man, Denby."

Drake nodded, but his perceptive gaze smoldered. "And you miss Althea, don"t you?" He patted the straight-backed chair beside him. A memory flared-of her legs spread wide on that proper, uncomfortable chair with both Drake and Jonathon lapping at her p.u.s.s.y...

She felt a telltale flush of desire wash over her cheeks. "It is close to Althea"s time. I am worried. At least she has forgiven Brookshire and Bastien for kidnapping her and taking her to Italy."

Drake grinned and leaned back, his long legs stretched out. "I suspect the "kidnapping" sparked many s.e.xual fantasies."

"Well, there is something freeing about being bound-" And her words died as she remembered Drake promising that very same thing. How true it was. She had trusted Drake, trusted Jonathon, and found exquisite love.

"In her last letter, Althea wrote that her father had joined them in Italy and loves the warm climate-"

Serena gazed up at the rows of books, hundreds and hundreds of books on the history of vampires. There was so much she wished to learn, but she too would be leaving England with the men she loved. In a few months, she would also be in Venice, basking in the warm Mediterranean breezes, having sweaty lovemaking on sultry nights.

"I wish I had found books about my mother. Or my father-"

Drake broke off her lament with a soft kiss. "You will see your mother in Italy, and you will learn all about your past then."

She nodded, wrapping her arms around his warm, strong neck. "But I do know that my future is what is truly important. My future with you, with Jonathon, and-"

She broke off as the door creaked open. Immaculately dressed, breathtakingly handsome, Jonathon strode in. Serena frowned-she knew when Jonathon was nervous, and she stood, curious. He held out a letter. "It is in Althea"s handwriting. I hope that means all is well."

Serena tore it open as Jonathon and Drake joined her. She didn"t truly need candlelight to read, but instinctively she moved to the light. Relief and joy flowed from her heart as she read. "Thank heavens! Althea has had a baby girl-both she and her daughter are well." She read further...

"Oh dear!" She clapped her hand to her mouth. "Both Brookshire and Mr. de Wynter attended at the birth, and now they insist that Althea is the most magnificent woman in the history of England.

Which she is, of course."

Serena lowered the letter and smiled, first at Jonathon and then at Drake. "She is going to call her daughter Serena." Her lips trembled as Drake reached out and gently brushed a tear from her cheek.

"She is named for an angel," Jonathon murmured by her ear.

Serena stroked her still flat stomach. There is something that you both must know... She knew it was time to share it with them both, and she wished to do it in the most intimate way.

Jonathon"s dark brown brows drew together, and she knew he hadn"t guessed. Surprise dawned in Drake"s reflective green eyes. Then delight lit up his face.

Serena nodded, bursting with happiness at Drake"s joy. I believe it might be twins. I am not certain, but I suspect it. And vampiresses have a certain sense.

Jonathon blinked. Twins? You are...enceinte?

She nodded. Our family of three is going to become five.

Serena, this is the most wonderful gift you could give us. Drake lifted her, swirled her around with her feet off the floor.

She heard such joy in Jonathon"s laugh as he cut in on Drake and proceeded to twirl her dizzy around the room. It was so wonderful to be happy about this. And to know her husbands were every bit as delighted.

"We do have time before the ship sails," Drake broke in aloud. "Time for magic." Great seriousness touched his eyes. "As long as it will not hurt the babies."

"Oh no, vampiresses are strong. Althea a.s.sures that all should go well. We have much time for magic," Serena promised, breathless.

"Yes," Jonathon agreed. "We have eternity."

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