Blood-Sucking Empress

Chapter 9: Enchanting guifei

Chapter 9: Enchanting guifei

When Qianhe Liyou arrived at Luoxian Palace, Luo Weiqing stepped out of the entrance, looking anxious. He had estimated that the Empress would have long retired and ended morning court by this time. Although the powerful King Dowager had summoned him, he still did not want to provoke the Empress. But he did not expect that as soon as he walked out of Luoxian Palace, he saw the Empress approaching from a distance, adorned in a blinding golden robe with dragons embroidered on it. It looked like the Empress hadn"t even changed out of her official court attire before coming to Luoxian Palace.

“This consort greets the Empress, this consort came to greet the King Dowager and thus got delayed in serving your Majesty. pPlease punish me as your Royal Majesty sees fit.”

“Get up, what is King Dowager doing right now?” Qianhe Liyou hadn"t meant to blame Luo Weiqing. Moreover, she hadn"t come here with the purpose of retrieving him.

“Responding to your Majesty, when this consort said goodbye, the King Dowager said he would be reading a book.”

“En, you…” Qianhe Liyou just wanted to say "you are dismissed, zhen will now greet the King Dowager" but before she even opened her mouth, she heard the rapid sound of footsteps approaching her. The greatest a.s.sets that zombies had were their hardy and physically enhanced bodies. The body and blood, all seven orifices, were absolutely enhanced to the point that a zombie"s physical const.i.tution was levels above ordinary people. Naturally, Qianhe Liyou"s sense of hearing was much better than most.

“This, This servant wants to see the Empress, there is an urgent matter to report.” The approaching person was wearing a Sky Prison guard uniform and was stopped by one of Qianhe Liyou"s guards, before nervously asking for an audience with the Empress.

"What"s the matter?” The leader of the Sky Prison guards who was accompanying the Empress immediately asked, his tone suspicious and gaze suspecting.

“This, this is about the Enchanting guifei. The Enchanting guifei said that he is pregnant with the dragon seed!” Such outrageous news was reported by the soldier. The servant didn"t believe it at first, but it turned out the Enchanting guifei, or Imperial consort, had been telling the truth. The Enchanting guifei was initially doubtful and had summoned an Imperial Doctor for a diagnosis. The Imperial Doctor then solemnly confirmed that it was indeed a pregnant man"s pulse and advised that it was best to tell the Empress as soon as possible!

TN: guifei means Imperial consort of the highest rank. The King Consort is technically just King in our story, but I added a consort since it has a better ring. Luo Weiqing has the highest ranking as the person in charge of the Imperial Harem.

After this Enchanting Imperial Consort heard this, he became even more hesitant but summoned up the courage to send a guard over to inform the Empress, knowing that he was about to bear the first heir of the Qianhe Dynasty. Now that he was locked in the Sky Prison, if something were to happen to the fetus, even if he had eight spare heads, it wouldn"t be enough of a punishment for his crimes.

Naturally, Qianhe Liyou heard the guard"s words and couldn"t help feeling inwardly surprised. A child? She had never even thought of having one, and now that she received news that she indeed was about to have one under these circ.u.mstances—it felt too sudden.

"What"s the matter? What"s the commotion?” Qianhe Liyou was still in the middle of thinking when a gentle voice reverberated into the air, the noise and restlessness of the Empress" procession ceasing instantly.

“Greetings to the King Dowager, long live the King Dowager!”

“Please rise.”

Luo Yu received word from his palace attendants that the Empress had come to visit and had been waiting to receive her for a while. However, after several minutes, after seeing that the Empress still hadn"t entered, he inquired for his attendants to report the current situation. After hearing that someone seemed to be locked in the Sky Prison, he walked out to investigate the situation.

Qianhe Liyou closely observed the man in front of her, the King Dowager"s imposing and elegant presence was exactly the same as the last time she saw him, seamless and flawless. She reluctantly looked away. According to the past and present palace traditions, she should have gone up to greet the King Dowager first and respectfully call him "Royal Father". But the problem wasn"t about the greeting. The problem was the fact that she would have to call him Royal Father, an elder. This point she could not tolerate. For a cultivator that had lived thousands of years, how could she acknowledge a forty-year-old man as her father!

“Empress, King Dowager, King Consort, this Sky Prison Guard has an important matter to report. It is about the Enchanting guifei.” The guard figured that it was finally time for her to report what she knew about the matter.

“Let the guard walk over.” Qianhe Liyou had already heard the matter, but she let the guard approach anyway.


“The guard respectfully walked over and saluted to the royal procession. She carefully recounted the matter again, but this time in more detail, and at the end, she also added a message from the Enchanting guifei himself.

“…..The Enchanting guifei said he hopes that the Empress can visit him. He says he has something very important to tell you.”

The Sky Prison guard finished pa.s.sing on the message and waited silently for the Empress"s response. Qianhe Liyou had long come to a decision, but she kept silent and curiously noticed that Luo Yu"s complexion did not look good. It seemed like he cared about this matter, but why?

“Empress, is this true?” Luo Yu had lost his composure and sense of boundary momentarily, even going as far as to ask if this matter was true. How would she know if the guard"s words were true or false? She had only arrived at the situation a step earlier than him. How was she supposed to know if it was true or not?

“It doesn"t matter if this matter is true or not, I have already made my decision.”

“And that is?” Luo Yu asked.

“The Enchantress partic.i.p.ated in the rebellion, her clan, and all nine generations will be executed, so naturally I wouldn"t want his child!” Qianhe Liyou had never entertained the thought of having a child, let alone a child born to her by a stranger!

“What? Huang"er, this is your child, how can you not want it?” Luo Yu"s eyebrows raised, obviously shocked. The rest of the attendants and palace guards mirrored similar expressions varying from shock to surprise.

“This child wouldn"t have a good, easy life when it is born. What will it do even if it is born? I have already decided on this matter. You don"t have to persuade me any farther.” Human beings aren"t necessarily happier when they are alive. Moreover, life and death had long lost any meaning to Qianhe Liyou. As a zombie cultivator, she was long considered "dead" herself.

The people present were all stunned by Qianhe Liyou"s detached and disinterested tone. Listening to the indifference and coldness in it, they couldn"t say anything, even if they inwardly didn"t approve of Qianhe Liyou"s att.i.tude.

Qianhe Liyou returned to her quarters, a quiet Luo Weiqing trailing behind her. She sat down, but saw that Luo Weiqing was standing beside her with an unreadable expression.

“Huh, do you even have something to say to me?” That expression and face really made her feel that Luo Weiqing was an eyesore at the moment.

“Empress, this consort wants to be quiet but there are some things that I have to say. Even in ancient times, a tiger, although cruel, will not devour its own cubs. Empress, this year Your Majesty is 22-years-old. There are already dozens of consorts and concubines in the Imperial harem. Everyone in the harem is trying their best and looking forward to leaving the Empress with heirs. It"s just that for some unknown reason, not everyone has had the blessing to do so. Although the Enchanting guifei has indeed made a mistake, he is currently pregnant with the Empress" child, maybe even a potential Royal Princess. In the future, he will become a national pillar, his child a potential heir to the throne. This Royal Child will learn to master the four arts, playing chess, calligraphy, and painting, gentle and as elegant as a block of pure jade. Your Majesty will also be called "Royal Mother" in the future. No matter how much your Majesty dislikes or blames the Enchanting guifei for his crimes, the Empress can"t be so cruel as to kill your own child!”

Luo Weiqing fell to the ground with a loud thump, not leaving any of his thoughts unspoken. He was not trying to pretend to be a good person and pleading on behalf of the Enchantress. He just didn"t want an innocent little life to be erased off the face of the Earth just because of an adult"s mistakes. It was especially unacceptable that this decision had come from his wife, the Empress!

“Zhen has already stated zhen"s will to move on from the matter. Are you fighting against zhen"s imperial decree?” Qianhe"s icy cold tone stung the air, her body stiff and unmoving. She had absolutely no expectations for the fantasies of parenting that had poured out of this man"s mouth.

“Empress! This consort does not dare resist the Imperial decree, but is Your Majesty not even a little bit moved? Your Majesty heavily favored the Enchanting guifei in the beginning, to the point that he became the envy of everyone in the harem…The Enchanting guifei has indeed made mistakes, but your Majesty loved him so much at the beginning, and although Your Majesty may have lost all affections for him now and has become ruthless, the unborn child is innocent! Empress, this consort pleads that the child is spared, the child of someone who the Empress had loved so dearly…” Luo Weiqing squeezed out his words, his voice overflowing with emotion. His tone and way of speaking was markedly different from his usual restrained and cautious behavior. He was currently full of desperation to convince the Empress to spare the unborn child in question.

“Why? Just why are you going this far to defend him?” Qianhe Liyou was currently very confused at the moment. The Enchanting Imperial Consort had bullied Luo Weiqing for a long time, the King Consort, yet he didn"t harbor any resentment?

“…Your Majesty! This consort is not interceding on behalf of the Enchanting guifei, but rather on the behalf of the Empress" unborn child. This consort is interceding on behalf of your Majesty"s heart! This consorte hopes that his wife is a kind and righteous person and sincerely hopes that the Empress will not do anything regretful!”

“You dare! Luo Weiqing, do you know what you"ve just said?” Qianhe Liyou"s angry growl shocked Luo Weiqing out of his emotional outburst, leaving him pale-faced as he realized he just said something that shouldn"t have been said!

“Are you dissatisfied with zhen? Just what do you think of zhen in your heart? Cruel? Cold-blooded? Hmph, no matter what it looks like, it is not someone of your rank who can so easily label and degrade. Remember, zhen is your wife and the supreme ruler of this country. Zhen can divorce you to become a widowed Master fallen out of honor with the rest of upper society. Or do you think that just because zhen has treated you well these past few days, that I will tolerate your presumptuous actions?” She never allowed anyone to speak to her in this tone. What"s more, her husband belonged to her and she was considered everything in the eyes of Luo Weiqing. How could this man dare to speak to her using such a tone!

“This consort is frightened. Please calm down Your Majesty!” Luo Weiqing lowered his head even farther, his trembling voice full of visible panic. He hadn"t meant everything he said, but how was he to explain this?

"Get out!” She would never allow anyone to interfere with her decision!

Luo Weiqing stiffly got up to stand, but hesitated as if he still had something to say…..

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