Qianhe Liyou gently lifted the man’s chin, crinkling her eyes as she examined the main in front of her. Intelligent, elegant, and gentle, he was like a gently glowing gemstone, someone who really deserved to be described with the saying “as gentle as jade.”

“The King Consort remain. Everyone else, leave!”

“Yes!” The crowd scattered, leaving behind only a distrustful Luo Weiqing.

Qianhe Liyou saw the man’s doubtful expression, and a flicker of interest appeared inside the deep pools of her eyes. Gently, her hand brushed past the man’s pale white neck. It was from here that sweet smell was coming from the most…

Luo Weiqing told himself not to be afraid. Though the Empress was a brutal and viciously temperamental person, the most he had faced from her was mocking comments and ridicule. Because of the Empress Dowager’s support, his second year in the Imperial Palace, though leaving him feeling as if he had been wronged, had pa.s.sed with him safe and unscathed…

It was just, feeling the Empress’s hard-earned affection directed towards him, he couldn’t help but feel extreme fear instead. It didn’t help that the Empress’s body was emitting extremely cold air as well, making him want to shiver!

“Are you scared?” Feeling the body under her hands shiver, Qianhe Liyou suddenly fell into low spirits.

“This servant doesn’t dare!” Hearing the Empress’s displeased tone, Luo Weiqing controlled the trembling of his body with great effort. Still, although he told himself not be fearful, he felt that the Empress right now was ten times as terrifying as she usually was. He was also unsure about why the current Empress seemed so different; not only had she imprisoned her most beloved consort into the Sky Prison, but now she had asked him to stay behind, making him extremely fearful. This fear contributed to the doubt he was feeling right now.

Qianhe Liyou naturally knew Luo Weiqing’s meaning, and did not say anymore. Instead she withdrew her fingers, pulling Luo Weiqing’s body towards her until they were meeting eye to eye.

“We don’t like loud noises, nor do we like it when people yell next to our ears. If you feel that it hurts too much, just bite Us…” Qianhe Liyou spoke the longest sentence since she had woken up, the words of which filled Luo Weiqing with a strange fear. Before he could properly digest what the meaning of her words were, though, Qianhe Liyou’s movements explained everything immediately!

“Ah…wu…!” It hurt, hurt so much! Luo Weiqing couldn’t help but want to scream. However, just as he was about to the Empress’s words repeated in his head. Instead, he bit his lips painfully, forcing the pained screams back into his stomach!

At this time, Qianhe Liyou’s head was attached to Luo Weiqing’s left neck. The two fangs unique to jiangshis fiercely bit againt Luo Weiqing’s neck, greedily sucking up the fresh blood that poured out. The excess blood that hadn’t been swallowed trailed down Luo Weiqing’s pale neck…

Luo Qeiqing knew that the Empress had bit him, and could feel the piercing pain of something sucking away at him. The blood in his body was steadily falling out, preventing him from becoming alarmed; instead, he could only feel his head becoming dizzy, his body progressively turning lighter, until, after an unknown amount of time, all that was in front of him was darkness.

By the time Qianhe Liyou finally released Luo Weiqing, half an hour had already pa.s.sed. Usually, it didn’t take nearly as much time to eat a meal. It was just that this Luo Weiqing’s fresh blood was too delicious, leaving her unwilling to part with it, savoring the taste for a few more precious moments.

Satisfied, Qianhe Liyou licked the remaining traces from the corners of her mouths and gently picked up the unconscious Luo Weiqing. She placed him against her bed, checking his current conditions, and relaxed at finding that he was merely suffering from excessive blood loss. Afterwards she stood up, put on the discarded shoe that had never had a chance to be put on her, adjusted her clothes and walked in front of the copper mirror.

Although this body had its own yin and yang souls, they could also be considered to be her own. Still, she needed to spend more time examining herself, such as what effects the extra yin and yang souls had on her. One difference she had found was that in the short period of time she had lived in this world, her mood changed more frequently, no longer the apathetic neutral it had been before. The only thing she did not know was if this was a good or a bad change.

Qianhe Liyou stood in front of the copper mirror, studying herself. Her previous body did not look much different than the one she was in right now, with long black hair and dark eyes, delicate features, and exceptionally pale skin. However, it was not the same, either; excluding appearance, she could already feel that the aura this body gave off was different. Before, her body exuded yin energy, giving off a gloomy and cold impression. Right now, an inferior energy was also being given off, one of the sinister and wickedness of mortals.

“Qianhe Liyou, you are a part of me, both evil and sinister. In order to cultivate the correct path, I sealed you inside of my yin and yang souls and drove you out of my body. Never did I imagine that in order to cultivate to the Heavenly Realm that I would need to find you once again. Still, I am no longer the weak jiangshi I was so many years ago. Millenniums of cultivation have taught me that in this world justice and evil are nothing but jokes. What I cultivate now I want to be determined by my own right. Before, when I couldn’t cultivate to the Heavens, it was because I was missing you. Now that you and I are one, I have become the true me. This next century will be my cultivation period as well as your legacy. I will use your ident.i.ty to walk down this final mortal path…”

Towards the mirror, Qianhe Liyou muttered quietly, as if she was an entirely different person. Strands of golden light twined around her body, causing her entire body to look extremely strange!

By the time Luo Weiqing woke up again, four hours had already gone by, and the sky was starting to turn dark. Before he even opened his eyes he felt that his head was extremely dizzy and hard to think with, and could only uncomfortably move his body. All of a sudden, however, he felt a cold gaze directed on him, which forced him to become sober. Rigidly, he sat up.

Within the inner chambers, he could only hear the sound of his own breathing. His intuition, in contrast, told him that someone else was here, and that the other person was watching him!”

He weakly bit his lip as he forced himself to sit up. Afterwards he hobbled off the bed, kneeling onto the ground. “Empress, this servant is terrified!”

He didn’t need to look. He already knew to whom that icy cold gaze belonged to.

“You can get up.” Putting down the book on her lap, Qianhe Liyou flatly answered his statement. Before, when Luo Weiqing was still asleep, she had went through the palace halls to find a book to amuse herself with. One of the books had content similar to Cla.s.sic of Mountains and Seas, which she felt was extremely interesting.

“Yes, many thanks to your Royal Highness.” Luo Weiqing rose, although his body was extremely weak. When he stood his footing was unstable, causing him to wobble here and there.

Qianhe Liyou saw his pale and wan appearance, and faintly furrowed her brows.

“Send in someone!”

The door was gently pushed open. The Empress’s personal attendant Feng Ying walked in, kneeling near the door.

“Your Highness, do you have any commands?” Feng Ying turned thirty this year, and had served as the Empress’s maid since childhood. Though they had grown up together, she did not fully understand this Mistress of hers, and furthermore feared her immensely. Although in the same breath, it could be asked that in this entire kingdom, was there anyone that wasn’t afraid of this brutal and savage-natured Empress!?

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