Blood-Sucking Empress

Chapter 16: Destroying the b.u.t.terfly Spirit

Chapter 16: Destroying the b.u.t.terfly Spirit

“You, just what thing are you?” Die Wu looked at the woman opposite, disbelief etched into her panic-stricken features. She couldn"t believe that this person had dealt with her with just a single move.

“You"re the thing. I don"t want to waste time talking nonsense with you. If you want to keep your life, surrender the snake"s dantian, otherwise I will personally retrieve it.” A b.u.t.terfly spirit who had cultivated into a spirit by stealing another demon"s dantian, this thousand-year ability was just a joke. It would be considered decent if her true cultivation power was only around six or seven hundred years.

Dantian: primordial spirit essence located in a cultivator"s "pill core" which is usually located in their abdominal area, the heart of their power)

“You!” Die Wu"s eyes rapidly darted back and forth, thinking that she actually hadn"t taken too severe of a loss. If she couldn"t beat the other party, then it was best to run. Die Wu tried her best to gather the remnants of her essence from her damaged cultivation in an attempt to escape!

“Don"t try to run away. It"ll be in vain, a waste of effort.” Qianhe Liyou finally got to the point, not wanting to waste time with this b.u.t.terfly spirit anymore.

The b.u.t.terfly"s spirit was surrounded by the black and blood-red mist in an instant, and she began a desperate and painful struggle, “No, no, no…”

In about half an hour"s time, the b.u.t.terfly spirit"s body had shrunk and shrunk, finally transforming into a palm-sized b.u.t.terfly. Then, two dantian, one large and one small, one pink and one brilliant gold, materialized into the air. The b.u.t.terfly spirit lost their thousand-year cultivation in one go. With a wave of her sleeve, the two inner dantian landed into Qianhe Liyou"s outstretched palms.

“Get lost. There will be rewards for good deeds and karmic retribution for evil ones.” Qianhe Liyou advised the b.u.t.terfly. She had taken the b.u.t.terfly"s spirit thousand-years worth of cultivation, but she did not rush to kill the demon and instead left a survival path for it, hoping that it could correct its path.

The small b.u.t.terfly fluttered out of the room and Qianhe Liyou also let go of the hand that had been holding Feng Xue, her expression reverting back to her indifferent, cold mannerisms, making her seem like a complete stranger.

Feng Xue was a little overwhelmed by Qiahe Liyou"s indifferent att.i.tude. He wanted to say something, but then he saw Qianhe Liyou suddenly stretch out with her pale, elegant finger and gently tapped his brow, his consciousness fading away into darkness. When he awoke, he could feel that the cultivation and power he had lost for a long time had been fully restored!

“You unlocked my seal, you really unlocked..thank you, thank you so much…” Feng Xue was so excited and overjoyed that he was at a loss for words. This woman was so powerful that she instantly defeated the b.u.t.terfly spirit and also unlocked the seal on his body. He couldn"t even believe that what happened in just one night was all reality!

“Here.” Qianhe Liyou handed the two dantian into Feng Xue"s hands, "You can use them, save your friend. There are two hours before sunrise, so I want to rest here. You can go or stay, do what you want.” This man had recovered his cultivation and found his friend, so it was time for her to leave.

Whichever Feng Xue would decide to do, it had nothing to do with her. Currently, she was not in her normal physical state. A current of heat had been cycling throughout her body, making her feel very uncomfortable.

Feng Xue gratefully took the two dantian pills, carefully looking at them with excited eyes. These two dantian were the things that demons and fairies like them dreamed of getting. Each of them could gain hundreds of years of cultivation in one go. This person had so easily given them to him.

“Benefactor, thank you, thank you, benefactor, I, I really don"t know how I can repay you, can you tell me your name?” He still didn"t know the name of his benefactor. Although he was a demon, demons still knew to repay life-saving graces. But he just didn"t know what the benefactor wanted? Feng Xue contemplated for a while, but couldn"t help thinking that in the beginning, he had taken off his clothes so unashamedly but the benefactor hadn"t taken the opportunity to do anything. This benefactor was truly a gentlewoman, and she had even given him such precious dantian pills. He really didn"t know how to repay her.

“Don"t call me benefactor, I"m not your benefactor.” She didn"t do all of this for the little fox demon to repay her favor, it just happened to turn out this way.

“You are, you are, you saved me and Xiao Jin. Please tell me your name, and I will repay you.” Feng Xue was very persistent in asking and he would never receive someone"s grace without repaying them in full.

“Troublesome, shut up.” Now a large fire was roaring in her body. This man was really persistent, sloppy, and annoying. Qianhe Liyou opened her eyes and looked at the man in front of her, impatient emotions leaking into her eyes.

Feng Xue"s whole body trembled on sight as he saw that pair of cold and fiery gaze. Blinking a little aggrievedly, he got up and cradled Xiao Jin in his arms, softly saying, “Xiao Jin, I"m sorry. I made you fall to this state, here, this is your dantian. You should take it first and recuperate slowly. After a while, you"ll be able to regain your human form.” Putting the golden dantian onto the table, Feng Xue gently stroked Xiao Jin"s slippery, scaly body, his eyes very gentle.

Qianhe Liyou suddenly heard there were no more sounds. When she opened her eyes, she saw the scene of Feng Xue gently stroking Xiao Jin. Her eyes flashed suddenly, a touch of blood-red gold brilliance appearing in the black sea.

“Feng Xue, you better leave now!” Qianhe Liyou"s voice was unusually low, emitting a very obviously dangerous and murderous aura.

Feng Xue was not stupid. Of course, he could hear the difference in her tone. He looked at the woman in front of him with surprise, and then after meeting those fire-stained eyes, he suddenly understood everything.

She had drunk that tea, it was impossible to not have any reaction…

“I"m not leaving…you…do what you want to me, I, I"m willing…” Feng Xue said quietly, his face half red after sputtering out his last few words.

“There is no need for you to do this, I already said this, I am not your benefactor. I do not want you to repay me in this way, leave now.” Qianhe Liyou closed her eyes again. At this moment, she had felt the urge to do something, but she didn"t want to do that to someone who dedicated their life in the name of repaying a person"s grace. She disdained those types of people!

Feng Xue, after being rejected, as he had thought of something, his ruddy face instantly turned pale. He asked, his voice wavering, “You, are you disdainful of me? I, I have done those things..”

Whether it was a human or a demon, certain things were still regarded as equally important. His life in the brothel during these past two years would always be a painful and dark memory in Feng Xue"s life.

Qianhe Liyou felt more and more irritated after hearing Feng Xue"s words. It already happened, was self-pity and self-esteem useful at this point? She did not pity him and naturally would not comfort him. This man, saying such things at this time, did he really want her to do something to him to prove that she did not dislike him?

Hearing silence from Qianhe Liyou, Feng Xue surmised that his guess had been correct and he couldn"t help but feel miserable. For a brief moment, he felt a strong urge to cry.

“"I apologize, I once again suggested such lowly and depraved things, but, nonetheless, I want to know your name. Would you please tell me your name? If you do, I will immediately be on my way…”

“Qianhe Liyou, that"s my name. You may get out now.”

“Qianhe Liyou…you, you are the current Empress!” Feng Xue looked at her with a gaze of astonishment, obviously stunned. He knew that she was a mysterious figure, but he could have never guessed she would be the Empress, who was known for her cruelty and licentiousness…why was the person in front of him so different from the rumors?

“Forget it, if you"re not going to leave, I will go.” Qianhe Liyou couldn"t suppress the rising irritability in her heart, and seeing the sky was beginning to lighten with shades of pink and yellow, she decided it was time to return to the Imperial Palace.

Thinking of this, Qianhe Liyou quickly got up. Feng Xue cautiously watched her, looking as if he wanted to say something. Qianhe Liyou noticed this but didn"t want to have anything to do with this person anymore. She was feeling extremely irritable at the moment and just wanted to leave, but when she walked to the door, she suddenly felt a pair of frail arms hugging her from behind.

"What are you doing?” Qianhe Liyou"s voice dropped several degrees in temperature. Didn"t this man know rejection?

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