Blood Type: Dragon

Chapter 241

With the help of the perfectly timed opening of Kaora"s exit door, Elric brought the Emperor over at the holy land of the Tunga - the hidden world of Light Elementals deep inside the Earth"s surface. 

The moment they entered was also the time when the exit door closed, thus trapping the Emperor inside the world of light Elementals.

The Emperor was still in a dazed state. In just a blink of an eye, he was punched a hundred times and forced him to this place without even resisting a bit. His body was still paralyzed by the Heavenly presence that a.s.saulted him when emerged to devour Elric at the desert sand.

Not to mention, Elric seems to have overtaken the test of heaven, thus his normal attacks now possessed the heavenly essence.

Fortunately for the Emperor, he has an immortal body. As a naturally formed being made from the millions of acc.u.mulated negativity through all realms, he was the complete embodiment of darkness and has an almost infinite potential. 

The only downside was that he was trapped in the vast and colorless Realm of Darkness. As time pa.s.sed that he gained sentience, he was fascinated by how the beings from other realm were able to live colorfully. 

He may have the ultimate power but his life was dark and empty. He wanted something else. He wanted fun. He wanted a journey. He wanted a body that will excite him and make him understand what it would feel to be really alive.

He envied their freedom, the colorful lives, love, and brightness of their lives. He also coveted the meaningful physical contacts, the temptation of the fleshy matter, and their bright smiles that he could never understand. 

The more he watched them, the more he realized how empty he was. He started to feel hate, anger, greed, and l.u.s.t forever other realms to offer.

All this almost infinite negativity, the Emperor molded them into his current army. He tried a thousand times to break the barriers that limited him from his realm and invade the other only to lose miserably every single time. 

But then he learned to wait, he learned to observe and realize that laws that maintained the balance between the realms together with the authorities responsible for it.

The more he knew about the world, the more he wanted them all. All! All of them! He wanted to devour them and know how they feel!

Slowly, he took advantage of the available options that come ones every full lunar eclipse. As a powerful being that possesses an overwhelming power, getting inside the other realm is like an elephant trying to fit into a needle"s hole.

He realized he needed a better opportunity and a better environment.

And thus he started to make a detailed plan.

He started by creating smaller Shadows that would scout for him and bring valuable information. He was able to plant seeds that slowly matured over time and as a result, they are now that millions of gigantic Shadows that are taking over the human realm.

Slowly but surely, he managed to plant seeds of hate, greed, l.u.s.t, envy, and betrayal in the hearts of the Elemental Lords. With those emotions growing in their hearts, they swiftly fell into his plans only to end up destroying each other.

It was all part of his plans. Everything went according to his will until this man arrived.


Elric came out of the white river while dragging the limping body of the Emperor. Then, he slammed the dark figure under the Tree of Temptation. 

"How..." the Emperor has plenty of questions.

All of Elric"s timing was perfect.

He was just seconds away before devouring the Guardian s.h.i.+ps and their knowledge and attaining the wisdom for final evolution only to get intercepted by the man before him.

Then he dragged him under that desert land, only to fall on his set up. 

He was paralyzed and got pummeled until he reached the current place with a perfectly timed entrance to a closing door.

No matter how much he looks at it, they were not mere coincidence but perfectly calculated movements.


He finally understood. It was all because of that being. To be able to antic.i.p.ate even the movements of heaven is only something that a perfect and mysterious human can do. 

However, he soon recovered his confidence.

"Hahhahahaha! What are you gonna do next, oh strongest Alpha Dragon? Kill me?" 

It was a confident question from the Emperor. He knew that he has an undying body. Even if Elric will pound his body and incinerate them into ashes, the Emperor would only feel a temporary pain before quickly recovering back to his peak state.

After all, he was the embodiment of darkness and is indestructible. 

"Well, let"s see about that," Elric replied rather confidently as well. His hand suddenly rose and a certain royal blue fruit located at the east side of the Tree of Temptation was suddenly plucked and flew into Elric"s hand.

The Emperor saw the blue fruit and immediately panicked. He tried to summon his strength to fight back but the presence of Light essence in the air was his nemesis while Elric continued to dominate him with raw strength. After all, the strength of a heavenly Dragon was not something to mess with.

The Tree of Temptation is a tree planted using a seed that came from the heavenly realm. The fruits it produces contained various unimaginable powers and effects that could easily break the balance of the world. 

The reason was unknown, but in order to keep it out of the reach of the unwanted hands, it was placed in the center of the land of Tunga under the protection of all Elementals of Light - the strongest Elementals. A wall of light was also placed on its border to keep the earthly creatures who coveted its power at bay. 

The only way to get inside is by removing the negativity and greed of the fruits of Temptation in one"s heart or using the hidden door of Kaora which is now completely gone after being used by Arkhoz"s team.

For whatever reason, the Tree of Temptation is the tree that can be both beneficial or destructive. 

Under Kaora"s guide, Elric plucked a certain fruit for a certain purpose.

Before the Emperor could even move away, Elric forcibly shoved the fruit inside its wide mouth.

"No! No!" the Emperor was genuinely scared this time because the fruit that Elric fed him was the Fruit of Obedience. 

"No! Do you think you can make me surrender like this!? Don"t make me laugh! I am the Emperor! I will~ I..."

The moment it touched his mouth, the fruit melted like a smooth liquid before being absorbed into his system like a flash.

The Emperor"s resisting body quickly relaxed. His wicked expression calmed down and is now looking like an emotionless humanoid demon. It was the instantaneous effect of the Fruit of Obedience. 

"Not everything can be solved using violence," Elric whispered calmly as he stood before the calmed Emperor.

"Wisdom and knowledge is more scary. No matter how powerful one can be. Trust me, I learned that the hard way." Elric said with a meaningful gaze.

The bright land was such a pleasing sight before him. As if counting, he waited for more than ten seconds before finally telling the Emperor,

"Unsummon all your people."


At the same time outside, the Dragons, Ancient Humans, Elementals, and the Guardians were at the full peak of their a.s.sault.

The entire world was in constant battle through the forces of the Emperor versus the combined of Elric"s Dragon descendants together with the last defenders of the earth.

It was a long and hard fight. Though the Shadows were dying really quickly under the powerful Dragon fires, their ability to escape and multiply was a problem that cannot be solved by sheer strength alone.

"Kukuku~ You might have won today but I shall return! hahahaa!"




In the cities, mountains, underwater, caves, and the sky, the intensity throughout the world was a sight to behold. There were burning fire, rampaging tornadoes, falling rocks from the sky and earthquakes.

Chaotic was not enough to describe the whole situation.

The energetic descendant Dragons of Elric are starting to reach their limit. Their power was starting to diminish and are showing signs of slowing down.

"This is futile.. I have destroyed about a ten thousand Shadows already, but there seems to have no end of them!"

"Aren"t we trained just for this day?"

"I was not expecting to fight an endless and undying opponent!"

"Then overcome your limitations and become a heavenly Dragon like father!"

"Ugh. Easily said than done."

"What is father doing at the moment anyway?"

"I don"t know. Maybe taking down the Emperor?"

They were talking while fighting the h.o.a.rd of incoming Shadows when suddenly, the started hitting nothing but air.



The shadow suddenly disappeared. The huge dark planet that was covering the sky has also vanished like it wasn"t there at the first place.

The Entire human realm was suddenly empty of a single Shadow. It was like they were fighting illusions all this time!

The Dragon voice of Lesse echoed at the ears of all the Dragons.

"Elric has subjugated the Emperor..."

On the other hand, the Guardians, Ancient Humans, and Elementals were rejoicing happily. The days of their struggle has finally come to an end.

"Finally! We won! We won!"

"We survived that nightmare..."

"Praise the Alpha Dragon!!" 

It didn"t take a genius for them to understand what just happened. Arkhoz"s crew has succeeded in finding Kaora"s door and summoned Elric, the Alpha Dragon. Although no one really saw Elric except the clue from the bright flash before the Emperor disappeared. 


On the other side, Elric is currently looking at the Emperor with a serious expression.

The Emperor has unsummoned all the Shadows throughout all the realms only for the latter to recovered his true power. 

The humanoid Emperor was his weakest form. The moment all the shadows returned, his power exploded into a new level not even the power of the Tree of Temptation was able to contain him.

At the moment, Elric is facing the true Emperor.

A wicked and victorious smile appeared on the latter before he transformed into Black Ten Winged Heavenly Dragon. 

"Let"s start the real fight shall we."

"Was expecting this."

Elric also transformed into his Ten WInged Heavenly Dragon form and faced the Emperor who now looked like him except for its pitch-black scales.

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