Blue Screen Blues

Chapter 43

Athena was laying with her head against the wall still crying. She closes her eyes and thinks hard about these past 18 earth years. She remember herself and the other 2 girls that were on board and Thinking about making a game world.

18 Years Ago:

"So, you want to Try and make one?" Alexandria asked her while holding a gla.s.s of wine in her hand.

"Sure, why not. Earth is getting Overcrowded anyway this would help cut down on wait times by giving the mortals something to do other than rushing for the earth queues. I"ll help out with map designs, government structure, Coding rules, and game mode designs like I did on the Earth project" Athena said to Alexandria.

"I"ll do the coding, and animal creation. I"ll let you do game modes and map designs for sure. What about you Harmonia what do you want to do?" Alexandria asked her.

"If she does the general map outline, I"ll go behind her and Do the Ocean scenery, Do the elevation balance for all the Mountains, Lakes, Rivers and Forests, and at the same time I"ll get to work on Spell creation, and balancing" She told them.

"That would be Awesome if you did the Spell balancing equations for us since your brother Ian is still too proud of himself still for inventing the Law of Thermodynamics" Athena said while laughing at her.

"Hey Please stop ripping on him. I know he is weird since he is a little nerdy, but I really want you to stop making fun of him. It"s starting to p.i.s.s me off Athena" Harmonia replied back to her.

"No f.u.c.k that. He"s f.u.c.king annoying. He tried to lecture me on the law of Entropy the other week while I was trying to help with the S.A.R.S. virus project we are about to implement soon" Athena told Harmonia.

Harmonia throws her hands up and walks away p.i.s.sed off at her.

"But hey Before I do help you with this project Alexandria do you mind if I play a round on earth really quick. It will help give me some inspiration for the map I will make for us" Athena asked.

Harmonia who was p.i.s.sed off still for Athena picking on her brother smiles at her and walks to her.

"I don"t mind at all. h.e.l.l, I will help you with the creation of your Avatar" Harmonia said with devious smile.

"Ahh cool. I will play a quick 1-year game, explore the world and Doc.u.ment what I see" Athena said while they followed her to the earth control room area.

When they enter this Blue room, there was a guy randomly hitting a b.u.t.ton every 10 secs while he read a book called: "How to create a Universe for Dummies" Next to him was a big red b.u.t.ton that said "Emergency FLOOD Switch" The word "FLOOD" was Crossed out with a big giant "X" and replaced with the word "STOP" Above it. The b.u.t.ton was Inside a G.o.d Level Bullet proof gla.s.s case with the words "DISCORDA DO NOT TOUCH!"

" Dumb question why not just screen the world from here and draw your inspiration from that" Alexandria Asked.

"Because I just want to see whats changed these past 500 years" Athena said with an excited tone.

"You know When I played the game last time, I didn"t make it that far. Its changed since the Roman Expansion" Alexandria said while trying to convince her not to do it.

"Don"t try to change my mind Clementia. We warned you about the Black Death Plaque Update patch we were going to introduce in the game, but you got drunk and played it anyway" Athena said with a b.i.t.c.hy tone.

"Ugg I wish you would stop reminding me about that!" Alexandria said feeling paranoid.

Athena walks onto the Start platform and starts Modifying her appearance so the game would send her in. She Selects her play year as "Current game date" which was July 3rd, 2001.

"Hey, can you guys add in some G.o.d Mode exceptions for me?" Athena asked them

Both of them walk over to a separate control panel and add in 2 admin pa.s.swords, while Athena also enters in her pa.s.sword on her own screen. Then a Screen of Privileges appears.

"So here is what I want to do, send me down there with me already in my 30"s, turn memory wipe off, and enable Vacation mode. But Turn off Pregnancy mode for me please. I want to have a little fun while I am there, but if I accidently get pregnant for some reason that means the game won"t let me initiate vacation mood" She tells the girls.

Alexandria Slides her finger on the pad in front of her and the big screen on the wall shows Athena"s G.o.d mode exceptions she had for her character she was creating.

The screen said: Memory wipe: Off Starting Age: 30 Pregnancy mode: Off

"Ahh that all looks very good to me. Alright I"m ready to go" Athena said while giving Alexandria a thumbs up.

Suddenly Hecate comes walking into the room with neat long Blonde hair, wearing a red and black German Dirndl dress and balancing a Scythe on her noise.

All the girls look at her and laugh.
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"Ready for death duty! She says to the man in the char who was bored as h.e.l.l.

During this Distraction Harmonia taps on the Screen that Alexandria was using to give Athena her Exemptions, and she quickly turns "Pregnancy" Mode on, and then hits enter. The wall behind her shows this input change but Athena was too distracted by Hecate"s Shenanigans to notice the edit and Confirmation screen.

She keeps walking to the other side of the room with it balanced on her nose and then walks out of the room without saying a word to them

"That girl is weird" Athena Said laughing.

"I can agree with you on that" Harmonia said while laughing at Hecate, and her prank she did.

"Alrighty anyway like I said, I"m ready to go" Athena told the girls.

Harmonia Laughs a little bit and pulls out a Neckless in her pocket. She walks up behind Athena and puts it around her neck.

"Here you go, here is a Gift. Have a safe journey. I"m going to get to work on my own little law of physics for the game engine" Harmonia said while waving at her.

She then walks out the door laughing under her breath, while Alexandria gives her a thumbs up and sends her down to earth as Human.

Athena Remembers Sp.a.w.ning in at Asheville, North Carolina inside the cities regional airport. She was wearing Dark blue jeans, a peach colored blouse, tangerine colored Sungla.s.s"s, and country girl boots. Her were positioned in a way to keep her long blonde hair out of her eyes. She had a Purse in her hand, and inside the purse was some money, along with an Alabama state Driver"s License that said, "Minerva Erica Wildwood".

She hasn"t been to this world since the 1500"s and noticed that this place has changed a lot. She walks down the sidewalk and decides to cross the road. Confused at how much this world has changed since the roman times, and the middle ages she doesn"t pay attention to the world around her. Suddenly she hears a Car blasting its horn at her and her mind comes back down earth. She almost got hit by a Honda Civic. The woman driving at the car was screaming at her to pay attention. Then she speeds off. The lady"s unkind nature Athena off, and she writes down "Civic" on a note pad. She walks around the city and explores and enjoys the mountain Scenery. She takes a hiking trail and loves it. She then walks downtown and buys a Random Bus ticket. Having no real destination right now, she kept hearing people talk about a place called "Atlanta" on the hiking trail she was on. She decides to take the bus there and go explore. Athena Gets on the bus and begins her wonderful 7-hour adventure by bus.

When she gets off the bus, it was nighttime, and She walks up to one of desk clerks of the station and askes for directions to the nearest "Inn".

She gives her directions, and she walks over to it and grabs a room. When she gets in her room, she notices a Driver"s license study Handbook laying on the table, and picks it up and starts reading it, and takes in the knowledge, then goes to sleep.

In the morning she wakes up excited and alive. She walks outside and finds a car rental place and rents a car. She gets behind the wheel and goes for a ride. Never driven before, her first 50 miles were scary, but when she got the hang of it, she loved it. "This was so much better than having to sit behind a smelly horse" She thought to herself.

She buys a map and starts. .h.i.tting places in the mountains. She takes a trip up to Blue ridge Georgia, then Rides up to Bryson city, North Carolina. She Takes occasional stops along her way and enjoys the view of the mountains she was driving through. She then drives up to Gatlinburg, Tennessee and decides to rest for a little bit. She opens up her map and randomly throws it in the air. The book lands with the Alabama State pages open and she throws a penny up in the air. The penny lands on Mobile, Alabama and she makes a random 8-hour trip there just for fun.

When she gets there, she goes to the beach and draws a picture of the setting sun on her note pad.

She then goes and gets a hotel room and notices she was running out of money. She goes and gets a job at a Truckstop as a waitress and with her pretty looks, she earns some pretty big tips in a week. She then learns about what truckers do and decides to cash in on her good looks even more. She turns her rented car into a Terminal and pays the Rental bill she had for it. She gets back to work and informs her boss she was leaving the next day. She finds a Trucker who was going out West and she rides with him. The man was respectful and Treated her nicely in return for just somone to talk to. Sometimes she would have to play the "I"m not from America Card" on him when he would ask her a question she didn"t know how to answer. He teaches her a few things about all the states they drive through. When They get to the state of Colorado, she decides she was going to get off there and continue her journey.

The man drops her off at Salida, Colorado and she decides to go and explore the area again on foot. She draws more pictures that inspired her, then decides to learn how to Ride a bicycle. She does so and Decides to bicycle to 58 miles to Leadville. She remembers getting hit by a Honda Civic, at a low speed at an intersection, and her blackmailing the Woman to drive her to Denver.

In Denver she decides to get a room and look for a job in the morning. She gets one as a house painter and learns more about the Area from the jobs she gets a.s.signed.

Then after about 3 weeks of doing that, she decides to use her good looks to find another truck driver to take her to the Legendary state of "Wyoming". The person she finds was also a nice guy, but she decided to "Have Fun" with this one on the journey there. He takes her to the city of Cheyenne, and she gives him a thank you gift.

Athena then remembers exploring, working, and traveling to Arizona. She decides to Go gambling at a Casino and ends up making a huge amount of money with a budget of $300. She takes her winnings of $12k and opens up a bank account and keeps exploring the country.

She then gets bored and wants to go visit her old homes in Greece, and Rome. She Decides to fly there on a plane and lives it up on the way there by getting drunk on the flight. When her plane lands, she goes out and explores and then she gets disappointed at how much this world has changed since she first created it. Being sad about this, she decides to Rent a Sailboat by herself and sail around the Aegean Sea, then feeling excited and cheered up she sails all the way to Rome while she relaxes and remembers all the wars She took part here when she was younger. She took her time exploring the area on the water, and at night set anchor and slept in the cabin and starts to feel lonely here. When she arrives at Rome, she turns in her Sailboat to a Terminal, and decides to cheer herself back up by visiting the Colosseum that was still standing to this day.

She walks around the Area with a cheerful att.i.tude and has flashbacks of the Roman empire days she played here. She then goes to the Vatican City, feeling secretly p.i.s.sed off about her loss here. She remembers when Aesculapius challenged her to a bet about him starting a Religion that would be bigger than hers. She remembers when he went down to earth drunk and had limited G.o.d powers turned on. She remembers him cheating and him gaining ma.s.sive number of followers due to this dishonest and unfair advantage. She also remembers getting p.i.s.sed and initiating the events to get his dishonest a.s.s crucified. She also remembers him Trolling her after he died by coming back to life just to shoot her the bird and say, "I Won b.i.t.c.h Suck it!", Which really made his Joke Religion Really take off after he left the game.

She was standing in front of a building that"s sole purpose was to remind her He won, and is still winning, even though he doesn"t play on this Realm anymore. She proceeds to go inside the Vatican and starts asking questions to everyone inside. She spoke with her native Latin tongue to theses Priests and they entertained her and spoke back in Latin. She learned about this religion everyone here was dedicating their life to. She learns the Virtues and the basis behind Christianity for fun. She challenged the Priests with hard questions, and they entertained her the best they could with a Christian themed Answers.

At the end of the Visit here to the Vatican, she realized the Catholics were all cool, and decides to attend church this weekend and learn more about the people who come here just for the fun of it. She will put aside her Feud with Christians just for a little bit.

After she leaves the Vatican, she grabs a hotel and explores the Area all for a few days. On Sunday she joins a Church ma.s.s as an experiment and likes the connection everyone had with each other. She then decides to randomly fly all over the world the next day. She visits Germany, Norway, Romania, and Russia, and spends a week in each country exploring. While in those countries she decides to Dedicate every Sunday morning to attend a Random church in those countries and tries to see if there are any Culture differences between countries in the Christian faith. She was shocked to learn about the protestant faction of the Christian religion in Norway and makes it a mission to learn more about it in the future. After her visit in Russia, she decides to Fly back to the USA.

When she gets there, she lands in New York on 9/08/2001. Now getting the hang of this new Life, she goes and Explores the Northeast of the United states. However, With Athena never being in this region of the country before, she quickly realizes People in the Northeast were huge a.s.sholes.

She Remembers holding a Door open for some kid, and the kid b.i.t.c.hing at her yelling "I"m Walking here" while his mother gives her a Disgusted look. She was in New York for lest then 30 minutes, and she was already getting b.i.t.c.hed by trying to be nice.

When she realizes this, she rents another car and goes for a ride up to Maine. Then just for fun takes a Trip to Canada. The day she went into Canada, 9/11 happened. When she heard about this on the news, she initiates an emergency in game Vacation and goes talks to the other G.o.ddess"s about this.

None of them had anything to do with this Tragedy, this was purely Human Induced. During the meeting Gerard, (another G.o.d who was interested in helping with the game world project) joins them and tells the ladies what he saw during the attacks. He tells them he was playing a round on earth when the attacks. .h.i.t the building next to him as he was pitching a kids show to someone.

"Hang on, I was just in New York, why didn"t I see you?" Athena asks him.

"I don"t know, I didn"t know you were in the area, but anyway I"m doing my own thing down there. But hey I"m going to go back down there and Write some songs about my close call. This Time period is sweet compared to the Victorian Era I last played in" He said as he Teleports away and back into the game.

"Look we will keep an eye on the situation down there on earth" Alexandria told Athena.

"Alrighty that"s good. Here are my idea"s so far" Athena said as she hands the other 2 girls a book full of her ideas for this world. She then waves goodbye to the girls and sp.a.w.ns back into the game.

She wakes up in her hotel room and goes out and explores all of Canada for about a month. One day on her trip She ends up going to a Restaurant and buys some poutine. She loved this stuff at first bite. While she was eating it, she decided to cross the street while snacking on it, only to almost get hit by another person driving a Honda Civic. After this near miss with that car She decides she wants to design a Desert region for the game and send that idiot there.

Thinking really hard about this p.i.s.sed off spur-of-the-moment decision, she agrees that this game does need at least 1 region with desert. She wants to fly out the middle east, but realizes that war has begun, also with 9/11 just happening a month ago it really messes up her ability to fly anywhere in this world now. So, She Drives back to the U.S. and heads to New Mexico.

She knew America has its own desert region and decides she will make do with what she had. When she arrives at New Mexico, she takes a chance with a portion of her left-over money and gambles some of it and wins way more back then she did last time.

She laughs at the fact Christians Believe that "G.o.d" saw gambling as a Sin. Only if they could see the irony in this. After she won, she opens up another bank account and puts 15k in it and pulls out $300 for her to use now. She takes this time go shopping for more clothes and Realizes shes going to Identify as a Country girl since those people were so friendly and had all the same interests she has.

She buys a lot of Country girl Clothes and a Jo Dee Messina CD.

She then randomly Chooses that she wanted to learn how to Ride a Dirt bike in the New Mexican Desert. She finds an Instructor and falls several times but ends up learning it in a day and a half. She then pairs up with a group of riders goes and has an Off-road adventure in the new Mexican Desert. During water breaks they she would pull out her pen and paper and drew what came to mind about this Area. She spent all Day riding and had a blast. However, when she road back to the Trail head with everyone else, she got cut off by Off an idiot who was driving a Modified off road 4x4 Honda Civic Dune buggy. She ends up crashing into the idiot at 15 miles an hour before he ended up oversteering in the soft dirt and rolling his car over.

This causes everyone in the group to check on Athena, and the idiot driver who rolled his car.

She was okay, but the Man got cursed out by Athena, and got his pride hurt a little bit. She rides the bike back to the Rental area, and they offer to give her a 2nd day free on them as an apology for what his Son did to her. She declines the offer and decides 2 wheels are just too dangerous. If she does it again it will be on an ATV.

She then leaves and grabs a hotel for the night. She notices weird lights in the sky here and remembers something that Discord did a while back ago. She Messed with the game coding in this area to make the inhabitants see weird shapes, and lights in the sky when an Admin wants to open up a view screen from another Dimension and examine the Area. She also remembers a similar prank Discordia pulled in other areas besides this one. Like in some area"s instead of lights and shapes in the sky the game Shows a Creature they call "Big foot" lurking around following the View screens the Admin see"s through. She laughs at all the s.h.i.t Discordia has been allowed to get away with. She wishes they could ban her from this server since she was always causing trouble here and enjoying it.

After watching the weird shapes and lights in the sky. She goes inside and goes to sleep. But in the morning, she wakes up feeling little bit lonely. She packs her clothes, and dresses nicely, and doubles checks to make sure her hair was all nice and tidy since she is so uptight about her fashion and looks. She gets in her car depressed and puts on the song: "Heads Carolina, Tails California" by Jo Dee Messina. She Flips a Coin and the coin tells her to head to head back to the Carolina"s. Mid way there, she decides to take a trip to Florida before she shoots North.

This long journey there was tiring, but when she enters the state of Florida, she absolutely fell in love with the place. Right up until she gets in a Car Crash with some idiot who was driving a Honda Civic who decided to run a Red light. The idiot forced her to go to the hospital for a broken wrist.

When she gets out of the hospital, she goes to a bar, and ends up meeting Ryan"s future Father. She gets drunk and goes home with him. Then the next day She and him go on a date to the beach. He then shows her around the area, and she in turn offers to cook dinner for him.

She impresses him with his cooking, and she offers her to stay with him for a few weeks. She agrees to this, and they get to know each other even better. She tell him about her Travels around the world, and he tells her about his job fixing Cars, Building and Racing Racecars, his surfing hobby, and tons of other things.

She remembers him taking her on a fun date, like going out and hunting deer, going fishing out on his boat, and even teaches her how to Drive a Stick shift for fun. He teaches her this so he could stick her in his Racecar for a racing date on the weekend.

One he puts her in his racing suit, and she crawls into the car and does a Heat race for him on a Dirt track. She does surprisingly well, and she had a Blast doing it. He offers for her to do another race with it, and she takes him up on the offer. She does another race and haves fun again, but accidently Blows the engine. Before finishing the race. When they pull her off the track, He gives her a hug and picks on her. He jokes with her and tells her "she gets to help him pull the engine out and rebuild it"

She takes him on that offer and helps him pull out the engine and has a blast learning about how these things work.

She hangs out with him for about a month, and then decides to go and get a Job as a flight attendant.

He jokes around with her and tells her shes crazy going into that field with the War going on in Afghanistan.

She tells him she wants to continue Exploring but asks if it"s okay if she can come back here and spend more time with him.

He agrees to this, and she kiss"s him. They have wild s.e.x that night, and she leaves the next morning.

She flies around the world and starts taking notes of the Cultures this time around. She flies all over for about 2 months. She called him every chance she got and wrote him letters.

However, at this time 9/11 time introduced a Recession that ended up making her lose her job. She catches a Plane from j.a.pan back to America When she landed in LA, she was introduced to a Culture that was just so weird to her. Shes never been to California and this place Scared her. She calls Her Boyfriend and tells him she was going heading back via Car. But she was going to Travel along the Northern States. He asks if she has ever driven in the snow before, and she tells him no. He warns her to stay away from the north in December, and she listens to him. She Gets on I-10 and follows it all the Home to Florida.

Due to her getting lost, and her being Adventurous she decides to drive through Alabama, and then heads to Georgia. When she gets lost in Athens, she Laughs at herself. When she calms down after she realized she got lost in a town named after her, she decides to this time to go and explore the town on foot. She Falls in love with this place as well like she did with Florida. She then asks for directions and runs down south to Savannah and grabs a Hotel for the night. She heard during check in that this town was haunted, and she decided to go see if this zone was glitching with earths Purgatory room. She walks around a cemetery and some of the other hotpots the town had and doesn"t see anything. Feeling bored and restless She walks into a bar and buys a Drink.

Then she notices something weird. There was a 21-year-old girl who looked like a Discordia playing a Golden Fiddle on stage against some 18-year-old boy. They appeared to be dueling, and the crowd in the bar were cheering on for the boy who was kicking her a.s.s. When the battle was over The Girl who clearly lost, lays her Golden fiddle by the Guys feet and gives him a kiss on the cheek and walks away Smirking. She walks by Athena and pats her on the back.

"Didn"t expect to see you here Athena" The girl said with fa while sitting down next to her.

The girl had White Pale skin and had black hair held back with a Red Skull hair tie. She wore a Black low-cut shirt with black skinny jeans and Red Lipstick.

"What are you doing here?" Athena asked seeming shocked.

"Enjoying my 69th Temporary ban from the G.o.d Realm" She replied with a Smile.

"No, I mean what are you doing HERE in this State?" Athena Asked seeming annoyed.

"Oh, just starting s.h.i.t." She said while smiling and downing a shot of whiskey.

She looks over at the golden fiddle the Boy had in his hand and smiles. A Drunk guy walks up to the stage and tries to steal the Fiddle from him, but the boy punches this Stranger and knocks him down. This causes the man"s Drunk son to get up and charge after his a.s.s. Suddenly The boys Brother and father jump in, to defend him along with a quarter of the bar patrons.

"Excuse me I will be right back, I just thought of something funny" Discordia said as she gets up. She walks over to the Jukebox while the 4 were fighting and puts on the song " Night"s Alright for Fighting" By Elton John.

She then walks back to the table with an evil Smirk on her face and sits down. As soon as she sat down the whole bar was engulfed in a Ma.s.sive bar fight.

Discordia downs another shot and Laughs at the Chaos she caused.

"Oh, what no golden Apple?" Athena Said in a rude tone while taking a sip of her Margarita.

"Nah, a golden fiddle works easily as well. He won the battle, but I won the war" Discordia said as a man picks up a Table and slams it over the 18-year old"s head.

"I see your still Immature as h.e.l.l" Athena Said shooting her an annoyed look.

"That"s Right b.i.t.c.h. Whoo-hoo!" Discordia screamed as she downs another shot. She then Throws all 3 of her shot gla.s.s"s into the crowd of fighters. One of her shot .h.i.ts a Bald buff man in the back of the head, and he grabs the man behind by the throat and starts wailing on him.

"What are you doing here exactly?" Discordia Ask while laughing at this cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k she caused.

"Down here getting Ideas for a new Game World We are Designing" Athena Said while ducking her head and avoiding a Beer gla.s.s that went flying over the top of her head.

"Oh, you"re doing another project? Can I join in? My "Temporary Ban" is almost up. I"ll do all the annoying stuff like The Code balancing, and Textures" She said all excited.

"Oh, h.e.l.l no! You don"t take care of this Server, so you think we are going to let you help us out with our new one? NOPE. We are not letting you anywhere near our project. Your too immature and annoying." Athena Said in a b.i.t.c.hy mood.

"That"s what Hades Said when He kicked me out of his realm!" She said with a proud Smirk.

"He kicked you out because you kept Breaking s.h.i.t in the underworld and convinced his Succubi Rebel against him. Its stuff like that why we are not letting you anywhere near our project" Athena told her in a stern tone.

"Hmm well see about that" Discordia said with an immature tone while crossing her arms.

"Come again Little Girl?" Athena replied with a challenging tone

"You know what, never mind I asked that. I"m going to head over and grab a hotel. I"m headed over to the Mississippi Delta Crossroads tommorow to start some more s.h.i.t." She said while smiling at her. She gets up and takes Athena"s drink and takes a Large sip from it and puts it down. Discordia then shoots her a mischievous stare as she walks out.

Athena Shakes her head in disbelief and finishes her drink and walks outside just before a swarm of police come rushing into the bar. She walks over to her hotel lays in her bed. She thinks of her Boyfriend and can"t wait to see him tommorow.

She falls asleep, and then in the morning before leaving she goes to a Church and continues to learn about this Faith and the lies that ended up getting put in the bible. She also learned about Christmas that was coming in 3 weeks and laughs at the fact they got Aesculapius"s Sp.a.w.n date Wrong.

She then Turns on the Radio of her car and Starts driving Home to She Jams out to the song "Any Man of Mine" by Shania Twain

When She gets to her boyfriend"s house about 3 hours later, she greets him, and she explodes on him with affection and they get right to having s.e.x.

After that they talk a little bit and she shares her journeys with him.

They spend Christmas together and spend New year"s together. She loves how great this life is coming out for her and enjoys the fact she has a man who seems perfect for her. She decides she wants to officially move in here with him, and he accepts this.

One day when he was at work, she decides she wanted to paint the house Yellow and blue. When he comes home, he was amazed at the job she did, and she Returns him a little "favor" for his compliment on her Skill.

She then makes him dinner and decides in the morning find a job painting houses. She gets one and starts making some good money. On Valentine"s day he takes her out to a mud pit with a jacked-up truck and she has a blast with him. Everything was fine until they got stuck. It was pretty cold outside, but they had to track through knee high mud to hook up to another truck and get them pulled out. When they get back into the cab of the truck the Heater was running and it felt amazing, and they share a pa.s.sionate kiss. They then continue to glide through the mud, and after that was over, He takes her out to dinner. When they get back home Athena doesn"t hold back on him and they all have a Crazy night again. She ends up sending him to work with bite marks and hickeys all over his body.

She keeps going to work painting houses, Then in March she gets a special house a.s.signment that required her to drive to Georgia and get it painted in a Week. This house was a huge mansion and required her to sleep in hotel that the company was going to pay for. She tells her boyfriend about this, and he agrees with her to take the job. That night She and him Decide to try something "Different" and not wear anything at all.

While they were having s.e.x, Alexandria who was stuck with Creation duty, she gets a weird error on the Earth screen and she goes to investigate it.

Athena Was Flagged to get Pregnant tonight. Upon hearing this she scratches her head in confusion.

"I thought We turned off her pregnancy mode?" She said in panic.

Suddenly she Summons Harmonia in the room.

"Random question. Am I going Crazy, or is this a glitch? It says Athena is Marked to get pregnant tonight which is weird because I thought I turned her Pregnancy mode off" Alexandria said while shaking her head in confusion.

Harmonia then smiles at her and laughs.

"Oh, you turned it off, you"re not going crazy, but She was Talking s.h.i.t about my brother and that p.i.s.sed me off. When Hecate came walking in being "Weird" I turned it back "On" She said while smiling.

"Oh, that was a b.i.t.c.h move on your part! Now she can"t leave the game for another Year!" Alexandria said in an angry tone.

"Hey, she was being a b.i.t.c.h, so I merely Returned the favor and then some" She said while laughing.

"Wait what else did you do to her?" Alexandria said seeming p.i.s.sed off.

"I gave her that Cursed neckless of mine Disguised as something else that I sometimes use to f.u.c.k with people" Harmonia said while laughing at her.

"Wait you turned her Pregnancy mode on, and you gave her bad luck? That"s f.u.c.king Evil Harmonia!" Alexandria screamed at her in disgust.

"A G.o.ddess has never been pregnant in the game before! Shes royally f.u.c.ked till that thing comes out of her. At the same time shes in charge of designing the map layout for the world so I can"t Move forward until she gets back. This Pushes our completion date off by an Earth year now!" Alexandria screamed in Rage.

"Look she asked for this by being a b.i.t.c.h. Look let"s do everything out of order and upload Map outline later" Harmonia said calmly.

Alexandria walks around the room angry and tries to calm down. When she cools her jets, she sits down and thinks about what she is going to do now.

"Fine, go work on the Graphics engine, I need to create a soul for this Kid shes going to have to push out in 9 earth months because of you" She said as she shots her the bird.

"Why not just hit randomize. It"s just a mortal They won"t live that long, so don"t waste your effort on a unique build. " She asked in an Impatient tone.

Because we both know Athena is going give us an a.s.s whooping for letting this happen to her. That is inevitable. But at the same time if she found out I hit "Randomize" on her kid, That would be so disrespectful to her and I may get my a.s.s knocked out, and when I come to, I might be reincarnated as a North Korean. I don"t want that to happen! So, I need to do this all by hand" Alexandria said while opening up a Pop-up screen.

She types some things into the screen and starts creating a body and Soul combo by hand. She thinks hard about what she wants to make and starts inputting her ideas.

"I will make it a boy, and I"ll make him 5 foot 11" give him Auburn hair, Green Eyes, and I"ll give him an above average Starting intelligence score " Alexandria said outload.

Harmonia puts her hands on her hips and thinks about what she has can do to help her. She comes up with some ideas and opens up a control panel to help her create the soul.

She looks at the screen that shows a lot of Personality Attributes Like Resilience, Problem Solving, Leadership, Fairness, Respect, Craziness, creativity, Caring, and 50+ others.

"Hey, do you have any idea of what his Attributes are going to be like??" Harmonia Asked while playing around with the settings.

"Not really I am designing his face and appearance features right now. Click on the option on the screen that says, "Scale with Parents" and go from there. Alexandria told her.

Harmonia Clicks on the "Scale to Parents" option and The Attributes in front of her start scaling automatically.

A slider Named "Inheritance Scale" appears in front of her. There was a slider that Had: Scale to mother on the Left of the bar and "Scale to Father" on the right. The b.u.t.ton was in the default neutral Position.

Not really wanting to be here any longer then she has to be, Harmonia Drags the slider all the way to the left. Then Backs it off just a little bit. She Scales his Personality at 90% Mother and 10% Father. She scans through the scales and everything looked semi okay. But when she saw his Craziness stat it said:

"Craziness: 85 ( [Stat Locked]. Dormancy Mode: Active) She wonders what this meant and saw that the Craziness stat was a little high. She worried this may cause a problem and tries to move The Slider on the Stat back some. But it was locked, and she couldn"t move it.

"Alexandria, Dumb questions what does "Dormancy Mode: Active" Mean on the Attribute screen?" Harmonia Asks seeming confused.

"It means a stat will appear to be lower and locked in a "Dormant" State until something critical happens" Alexandria told her while Tapping on her screen.

"Ugg d.a.m.n it!" Alexandria screamed as she hits the Reset b.u.t.ton.

"What happened?" Harmonia Asked her.

"I Screwed up his face, so I need to start over. Hey, you think I should give him a Huge Weiner to go along with Athena"s Huge ego?" She laughed while she draws new facial dimensions on the screen.

"Nah. Make him Small. It would be funny" Harmonia said as she edits in a few more personality stats.

"No that would be mean. I"ll Just make him Average" Alexandria said while giggling.

"Make him Average +1" Harmonia replied back.

"Hmm okay. Should I put that extra Inch Length wise or Width wise?" Alexandria said while saving the face blueprint.

"Put it Length wise. I like length" Harmonia said while clicking on the boxes: "ADHD, Extraversion, Mild Ambivalence, and Affectionate " and adding them to the Personality list.

"Wait you do? I didn"t know that. I like width myself." Alexandria said while editing the Body"s growth variables for age 11-15"

Suddenly Aphrodite comes walking by the hallway and says, "Size doesn"t matter to me".

"n.o.body asked you for your opinion s.l.u.t!" Harmonia screamed at the doorway and Selecting "Enter" on the control pad

"But honestly where are you putting that extra inch?" Harmonia asked seeming curious.

"I don"t know yet I"ll just choose it at random. Hang on" Alexandria said while spinning around 10 times. She then closes her eyes and randomly puts her finger on the screen and chooses something. Then with her eyes closed she hits enter and the input was accepted.

"Ahh there we go" She said with a smile.

"That"s not helping! What did you select girl?! The suspense is killing me" She said seeming paranoid.

"I don"t know, and don"t care to. Let the suspense kill you. That"s your punishment for making us have to Create this Person" Alexandria said in a teasing tone. She then hits "Create" and sends the blueprint down to Earth.

"The deed is done. Alexandria said while opening up a View screen to the earth. The screen shows Athena and her boyfriend getting it on.

The girls frown at each other as they watch Athena get torn up and wait for the fireworks. Aphrodite then awkwardly comes walking into the Room with a bowl full of Popcorn and sets it in front of the girls and watches this with them. The girls don"t say a word and grab a handful of popcorn and start snacking.

When the fireworks go off, you can see Athena smile in pleasure on the screen. Suddenly a Loud acceptance beep can be heard in the room.

"Glad you"re on Birth control. That was Quite the Deposit I put inside Your bank account" He tells her in a perverted manner while kissing her neck on the screen.

"I"m glad I"m on birth control too! Do me a favor and hold me tight. It feels so amazing to have you in my life and in my presence right now" She said while he lays down on top of her.

"Alrighty, we"re going to h.e.l.l when she gets back here" Alexandria said while covering her face and walking out of the room ashamed.

On the way out of the room she closes the View Screen.

Hecate then walks in wearing a clown suit chewing bubble gum and blowing a bubble with her Scythe in her hand and sits down in the Creators chair and starts getting to work on her Shift.

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