1. There is no way my subs.p.a.ce is being eroded like this.

「Ikuno-kun, it’s morning. Time to wake up」
Together with the chirp of the sparrow leaking from the window, a gentle voice pa.s.sed through the room.
Feeling the warmth wrapped from my chest to my lower half, I slowly open my eyes.

「A,…..are, morning already?」
「Yes, that’s right. You, sleep so soundly like that……you must be tired」
To heal my exhausted heart, she shows a smile full of affection.
In the same futon, the girl who is smiling on my chest is Shinonome Ibuki. Working as the chairman (委員長) in the same cla.s.s, she’s a beautiful girl with graceful looks. The silky, beautiful black hair as if it is maintained carefully, gently carry the good smell of shampoo. (The kanji means committee chairman but I didn’t remember that she was one, I did remember that she was his cla.s.s rep so I translated that word as “chairman”) 
「Un, I guess…..Well…..the literature club is in such state. Other than that, Shinonome……why are you here, in such a place?」
Rubbing my eyes, I ask while my consciousness hasn’t cleared yet.
「Why you ask……Yesterday, didn’t you invite me? You still seem to be half-asleep」
「E, me…..invite you……?」
Shinonome replies calmly, she then pushes her cheek which already changed its color against my chest.
「Thanks to that, finally I became one with you. With this, Ikuno Kousuke is mine. Aizawa-san or Takatora-san, imouto-san as well, I won’t hand you over to them. Because you made me a woman, please take responsibility properly」
Looking closer, Shinonome who is covering me doesn’t wear anything. (覆いかぶさる = to cover / to fall upon someone a pressure, I think both meanings can be used in this case)
In the dark room where the morning sunlight is blocked by the curtain, from the futon I can see her white, slender shoulders and collarbone, it looks awfully s.e.xy.
「Is that so……I and Shinonome, became one」
Shinonome, declaring that she will somehow make me her subservient pet, has joined the literature club [1]
A clear-headed, well-conducted in public, beautiful and intelligent ojousama. If it’s Shinonome who is said to be completely flawless, it must be easy to do something like ensnaring an otaku like me.
……Perhaps to a flawless superwoman like Shinonome, there is no problem that can’t be solved.
Also, I’m sure that she doesn’t have any weak point.
While dozing, seeing Shinonome’s pure smile that she doesn’t usually show, I think of such a thing.
But, suddenly after thatーー
n? Wait.
I and Shinonome……became one……?
The moment I think so, my hazy consciousness begins to awake.
A man and a woman greet each other in the morning. The sparrows are chirping as if to bless those two. We also don’t wear anything.
This, what is this called……Aa, I see.

It’s asachun, isn’t iiiiiiiittttttttttttttt!? 

Finally, having understood the situation, I shout in my mind.
Shinonome is a neat-type b.i.t.c.h who will do anything to obtain what she wants.
Then, if what that fellow just speaks of is trueーー
tte, impossible! Because last night, I’m sure that I slept alone in my bed! And yetーーwhy did I sleep together with Shinonome!?
「Are, why are you confused Ikuno-kun? Or perhaps, having spent one night with a cute girl like me, you are so excited that your voice can’t come out? Maa, anyhow, it’s understandable that you actually feel it at this late hour. Because last night, after seeing my naked body, you did such a terrible thing…… (すごかった = terrible or amazing/wonderful) 
Shinonome puts her chin on both hands, a flirtatious and mischievous smile appears and her cheeks are dyed red. There is a sign of satisfaction somewhere in that smile, extremely erotic.
「Terrible you said……Iya, wrong! B, because. for me to sleep with a b.i.t.c.h like you, there is no reasoーー」
Saying that, I realize
That’s right……this is a dream!
Unless it is, there is no way that I would do an indecent thing with a b.i.t.c.h who I should be cautious of like Shinonome!
「This must be a dream. You are thinking like that, aren’t you?」
The voice of my heart was read, I become dumbfounded.
「Because it was a miserable thing you did. The crime you committed while completely in a trance, you can’t accept it. But, unfortunately this is reality. Hora……you understand, don’t you?」
Glued to my sweaty body, She hugs me and turns my consciousness there.
「……n, no way!」
Certainly, her warmth can be felt clearly. On top of that, her soft, small b.r.e.a.s.t.s are squashed on my chest, that moist feeling of wet sweat is strangely clear and realistic.
「Then, I really with Shinonome……」
「Yes. Therefore, I will have you take responsibility. From this day, Ikuno Kousuke, you are my subservient pet. But don’t worry, as an owner I will properly take care of you. Pillow talk (睦事) with you, it’s not such a bad thing and……it may become a habit」
Having an indecent smile, Shinonome crawls up slowly like a female panther.
「Then, let’s sign the contract. With this, you are officially mine」
Lowering her long eyelashes, her amazingly well-featured face comes closer.
「Oi, wait……a bit」
My face becomes stiff because of the fear, I am thrown into despair. Like that, her lips approach,
「That, I become a b.i.t.c.h’s thing like that……a, aaーーー」

It can’t beeeeeeeeeeeeee!! [2]


A far away voice similar to calling me pa.s.sed through the s.p.a.ce, my conscious is quickly scooped up.
「ーーNii-san, it’s morning. Please get up」
「U, uu……a, are, that voice is……Shar, te……?」
When i seriously open my eyelids, before my eyes there is a pretty face that could be mistaken as an angel’s. Bathed in the morning sunlight, her sparkling silver hair is lovely, the white skin looked like fresh snow is beautiful.
「Good morning, Nii-san. ……Other than that, are you all right?」
The usually expressionless Sharte, wearing something called a white shirt, is continuously looking at my face.
So, as expected, it was a dream just now……?
Becoming something like a neat-type b.i.t.c.h’s thing, I don’t even know how I would be treated.
It’s good because it’s really a dreamーーThinking so, I breath a sigh of relief.
「Gomen Sharte. I had a slightly scary dream」
「As expected……Nii-san, because you made a terrible sound just like having a nightmare」
I’m stared with a quiet gaze without emotion.
I’m sure that other people won’t know what Sharte is thinking right now.
But I who have been together with her for many years know.
「Sharte, you don’t need to worry. Because it’s already all right」
「Nii-san, lying is not good. Because, your body is still trembling」
Only after she said so, I notice that my whole body is trembling weakly.
In middle school period, I experienced trauma because of a neat-type b.i.t.c.h. In short, I had to act as a practice partner for her to acc.u.mulate experience to go out with her favorite boyfriend well, it seemed to take root in my depth psychology unexpectedly [3]
To make me feel relieved, Sharte hugs me tightly, burying my face in her chest. The slender, pet.i.te body is warm, feeling the warmth of a family member, my trembling gradually lessens.
Why I had such a realistic dream, I can understand a little.
Maa, it’s just the usual thing, Sharte is always glued to me like this before I get up.
「Sharte, thank you. Thanks to you, it seems all right now」
「Is it true?」
「Un. Therefore, can we separate soon?」
After having stared at me fixedly, she once again buries my face in her chest and hugs my body tightly.
「I hate it」 ( 嫌です) 
「E……hate, why?」
「……Nii-san, there is a scent of woman when you come home recently」
Shinonome sticks to me in the clubroom frequently, when Aizawa talks to me, somehow she’s close to me too. Therefore, perhaps the smell of perfume and such are transferred. This Sharte is surprisingly sensitive……
「Etto, Sharte. But only that, why do you not want to separate?」
「Nii-san, this is marking」 (the word マーキング in j.a.panese basically means rubbing part(s) of the body against something to leave the scent to indicate things/territory/…., unlike animal marking which is often related to urine/feces) 
Because of those unexpected words, I unintentionally make a sound.
「Iya, marking you said……you are not an animal, why such a thing……」
Then, Sharte raises her head and with a small voice.
「Nii-san is, my nii-san」
*gyuu* again, she pursues me with her slender arms. In order to completely transfer her smell. [4])
Does she not want me, her brother, to be taken by someone else very much?
Haha. Such jealousy, this girl Sharte is so cute.
I think so and pat my imouto’s head while smelling the fragrance of shampoo from her.
「Sharte, I will be your older brother forever. Don’t worry」
「……Things like not returning home, you won’t do it?」
「Of course. That time, I promised to always be by Sharte’s side, didn’t I?」
Sharte raises her head, the usual eyes in which you can’t feel the life are open wide. After fixedly staring at me for a while, Sharte eventually raises half of her body and sits astride on me quietly.
「Really, Nii-san always think about me in the first place, right?」 (i’m so tempted to keep the “ne” as i don’t think right/isn’t it tag questions can show the character’s emotion) 
Of course. Sharte, when I’m not there, would search my room to confirm her brother’s preference in detail, just like a restraining-type (束縛) imouto b.i.t.c.h, but the fact that she’s my very important imouto doesn’t change. [5]
「It’s natural for you to be the first. After all, Sharte is my irreplaceable important family member」
「……the first……then……Nii-sanーー」
Sitting on my thighs, the expressionless Sharte shakes her lower half back and forth as if asking me (ねだる = tease/ask/solicit) 
「While you are thinking that I’m important, please make me a woman」
…..is it déjà vu, this topic?
I recall the content of the dream a while ago, then raise half of my body and face Sharte.
「Hold on Sharte, I did say that you and I are brother and sister before, didn’t I?」
「Hai, But as expected, I’m not interested in any man except Nii-san」
「Not interested you said……Iya, being loved by a cute imouto like Sharte is surely nice. But according to me, you are an existence which is more important than a girl」 [6]
Because of the circ.u.mstances of my parents’ works, in the past I often felt lonely. But because Sharte came, such bitter feelings had disappeared.
「I’m truly grateful to Sharte. Therefore, there’s no way we can have such a frivolous relationship……because for me, Sharte is a very important person」
Sharte doesn’t avert her gaze, she continues to look at my eyes fixedly.
But she suddenly gets off from the bed and turns her back, which is covered by her silver hair, around.
「Nii-san, I must prepare the breakfast soon」
「E…..uwa! It’s that time already!?」
Looking at the clock, it was the time when it would be bad if I didn’t get up.
Although it feels like the talk was glossed over, I get out of the bed and go towards the door. And just like that, as usual Sharte entwines her arm with mine.
「Nii-san. Today’s dinner, there will be Nii-san’s favorite borsht and beef stroganoff」
「E, seriously!?」
Sharte was a war orphan from Russia who was taken by my parents.
The Russian cuisine which Sharte occasionally serves are very delicious, they are my favorite.
「Are……But today, is not some special day, isn’t it?」
While opening the door, I ask.
The expressionless-as-ever Sharte doesn’t reply, only comes close to me as usual. Etto, somehow I don’t understand well.
But for now, today’s Sharte seems to be in a very good mood.


Inside the air-conditioned train.
I lend my chest to a beautiful girl.
「A, sorry Ikuno……for grabbing you, because there isn’t any place to hold」
「U, un. It’s really crowded, isn’t it? So you don’t need to mind particularly」
Having finished breakfast with Sharte and left the house, I happened to ride on the same train with Aizawa. Behind Aizawa is the door, standing in front of her is me.
When she separates her hand from my chest quietly, Aizawa looks up at me while having an embarra.s.sed smile.
「The train is always crowded in this hour, it’s troublesome isn’t itー ahaha」
The blond, big-breasted, beautiful gal, Aizawa Manaha.
Today as well, she’s wearing the uniform stylishly, while carrying high-quality branded goods.
NonethelessーーAlthough Aizawa seems to be a gaudy, easy girl no matter how you look at her, in fact she’s a good girl who is very pure and always thinks of her family.
Having joined the literature club when it was in danger of being abolished, for me she’s an angel-like existence. Well, but……
Although I understand that she’s not a b.i.t.c.h, the fact that Aizawa is a beautiful girl doesn’t change.
All the beautiful girls whom I met so far, they were creatures called b.i.t.c.h (hateful woman).
I wonder if because they are b.i.t.c.hes so their faces become good, or because their faces are good so they become b.i.t.c.hesーー
Such a mechanism doesn’t matter.
But, because Aizawa is a beautiful girl, the possibility of her growing into a b.i.t.c.h is possible.
Therefore, just in case, I’m thinking while including Aizawa in the b.i.t.c.h group……

But, Aizawa is truly a good girl.
As the only child of a fatherless family, she works in a maid cafe to get money, even just a little, to help her mother. Besides, her family finance is tight so she tries her best to study, she is a hardworking person who was enrolled as scholarship student with school expenses exemption.
Even if I accidentally did an ecchi thing, she would seriously listen to my excuse without using violence like two-dimensional heroines [7], even if I fell down or had a nosebleed, she would anxiously nurse me devotedly. Such a very good girl.
……Therefore, well, that.
For me, perhaps this is the first time I met such a beautiful girl……
She’s really a special girl.
While thinking about such a thing, I send my gaze to Aizawa unintentionally.
She’s grimacing as if felling painful somewhere and looking slightly downward.
「Etto, Aizawa. By any chance, your physical condition is not good?」
「E? A……uun, it’s not, like that but」
Saying that, perhaps Aizawa too
「Then, are you tired because of the club activities?」
「Club activities? A, maybe a little」
As expected. Maa, it’s natural because of the current situation.
「A, but……right now it’s not that, I……uu」
Looking closer, despite the thin make-up, her pure white cheeks become slightly red.
W, why suddenly. What happened?
Although I feel slightly uneasy, I notice that Aizawa’s left hand is drawing near her b.u.t.tocks as if to brush something off while she’s moving restlessly.
Looking to Aizawa’s left side, there is a standing ojisan (reading the newspaper while smirking), whose hand is about to touch her easy delivery-shaped b.u.t.tocks, his hand is reaching out to her short skirt persistently.
Wait, e……this is……

Chikan, isn’t it!?

I become stiff unintentionally.
After all, speaking of chikan, it is reported in the news or in the articles on the internet.
Before such an unrealistic act, there is no way that my head isn’t confusedーーbut.
「……d, don’t……」 (……や, やだぁ……) 
Hearing the frightened-like shrieks that seems to burst into tears at any moment, I calm down.
The androphobic Aizawaーーmy angel who helped the literature club, what are you doing to her, ossan?
Before thinking about such a thing, my body naturally moves.
「Gomen, Aizawa. Please endure a little until the next station」
*gyuugyuu* In the already stuffed train. I forcibly put my body in a state that my b.u.t.t is facing that ojisan, and hug Aizawa who almost broke her posture. Thanks to that, the two warm, big swellings suddenly push against my chest and change their forms, the sweet smell drifting from Aizawa makes my heart throb faster. (ぎゆうぎゆう: ぎゆう is the squeezing sound)
「Wai, what are you doing……Ikuno, everyone around us can see」
The abashed Aizawa says in a low voice, moves slightly to resistーーat that moment.
Gatan! (SFX: crash) 
The train shakes, Aizawa leans against my body vigorously.
「……Aizawa, it’s dangerous, so please stay like that for a while」
This, this is to protect her from the chikan.
By no means my purpose is to thoroughly enjoy Aizawa’s small, soft body.
「……U, un」
Seemingly resigned, despite worrying about the surrounding’s eyes and blushing, she nods deeply.
to, somebody is touching my b.u.t.t. Turning back, it’s the hand of the ojisan a while ago.
Sawa, sawasawa……sawasawasawasawasawasawa! (さわさわ: rustling sound, indicate touching)


It seems like this ojisan has a unique fetish, he looks gladder than the time he was about to touch Aizawa.
And in the end, I continued to endure that disgusting feeling until we arrived at the next station.

「Ikuno, thank you for helping me a while ago!」
Leaving the ticket gate, while walking on the street, Aizawa, who is next to me, thanks while smiling like an angel.
「It’s fine. It’s not such a big deal. Ha, hahaha」
In the heat of the end of June, I laugh with a disheartened face.
Haa……it’s how it feels to have your b.u.t.ts touched by an ojisan, huh?
Making the girls feel unpleasant like that, those chikan are really the worst.
Aizawa, who continuously averted her gaze from my face a while ago, is looking at me with a gentle expression. While shaking her golden hairdo lightly, [8]
「Ikuno. But, although you usually seems unreliable, at times like a while ago, you are very reliable, aren’t you? [9] I, after the matter a while ago, have to review Ikuno again♪」
She shows a pure smile that can capture any boys, my chest throbs unintentionally.
「I, iya……you don’t need to review」 [10]
I mean, until when we left the ticket gate, Aizawa was bright red and taciturn, and yet……she changes so fast, doesn’t she?
That simple part of her is the same as before. [11]
「Other than that Aizawa, the other day, thank you for treating me」
I become ashamed after suddenly mentioning the story a few days ago.
「He? Aa, is it, by any chance, about the date last week?」
「Un. Five days has pa.s.sed since that day, it is very late but」
「I told you, it’s fine. Surely, it was a date for me to gain my love experience, but hora, it also had a meaning as my grat.i.tude because Ikuno helped me with my expulsion problem」
I recall what happened a few days ago.
Several days after the expulsion disturbance, I and Aizawa had a date. During that, because a rain suddenly began to fall, Aizawa’s mood became bad, but when we entered the same umbrella together, for some reason her mood brightened up. After that, following my choice we entered a small fashionable coffee shop for a tea break, then we did window shopping at the nearby outlet mall (the place where we bought Aizawa’s underwear), we was fully enjoying the mock date.
「Maa, it may be so but. I enjoyed it too, so I seriously want to thank you」
「……Is that so? Ikuno too, enjoyed it」
Aizawa looks downwards and murmurs emotively. And, she bites her lips tightly.
「Ikuno, that……a while ago, why did you help me?」
「E? Why you ask……well」
It’s pointless to deceive in particular, should I answer honestly?
「When I thought that I must protect Aizawa, it was like my body moved on its own, I think?」
「Your body, on its own?……It, it’s so」
After looking at me and blinking *pachipachi*, she looks downwards once again and suddenly smile (パチパチ + blinking = incessantly) 
And then, suddenly she goes around and stands in front of me with her hands crossing behind. [12]
「Ikuno! After school today, can I treat you something again?」
「E? Why suddenly? It’s particularly fine but, something like that make me feel bad」
「Uun, don’t worry about it! Because I want to do it. What would you like? Crepes, cakes or donuts? As for me, I recommend the pastry shop in front of the station」
Aizawa, without wariness, shows an innocent smile at point-blank range, my face turns red unintentionally.
「tte, all of them are sweets, aren’t they……Aizawa, you always eat something like that?」
「W, what……is it bad? I didn’t become fat in particular so it’s fine, right?」
Surely she didn’t become fat.
Or rather, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s boasting about its full-of-s.e.xual-feelings deep cleavage did. [13] She has a thin waist too, and her legs which are wrapped in the loose socks are slender enough to make the models envy.
……Nevertheless, maybe it has been a while since the last time I saw Aizawa get angry.
Incidentally, she has androphobia.
Thanks to that, she always seems to have a forced smile in front of the opposite s.e.x. But for some reason, she seems to be able to come in contact with me as her normal self, and occasionally gets angry like this.
Haha, why, I wonder?
Aizawa shows her angry face to me, but maybe because this is like a preferential treatment, I don’t feel bad.
「Gomen gomen. A, other than that Aizawa, have you read that manga?」
「E, manga……?」
「Un. The one I lent to you a few days ago. Though I think you said that you would read and return it in a day」
I think it was the day after the recent date.
Knowing that I love manga, Aizawa suddenly said 「I want to read Ikuno’s favorite work!」. Therefore, this week’s Monday, I lent a certain manga to her.
「……a, aa! That manga. Etto……In fact, I was busy with my part-time job so I haven’t read it yet…… I, I will finish reading and return it properly so please wait a little more. Ahaha」
Aizawa smoothes down her beautiful golden hair restlessly and laughs awkwardly.
「Is that so? Maa, in that case, it’s fine in particular」
Because Aizawa is a good girl, she won’t do something like borrowing without returning.
But, because I want to hear Aizawa’s impression even just a little sooner, I want her to hurry as much as possible.
While thinking of such a thing, I and her arrive at school.
Then, from behind us, a black limousine pa.s.ses and stop in front of the school gate.
「Today too, appearing with a luxury car as usual huh?」
When I smile feebly, a middle-aged man goes down from the driver seat and opens the rear seat’s door.
Taking that male retainer’s hand, from the inside of the car long and slim legs wrapped in tights can be seen.
And, the person who is treated like a princess of a country has appeared, someone who also appeared in today’s dreamーー
「A, Ibuki!」
「Ara, good morning Aizawa-san. You looks lively today too」
Right, it’s the neat-type b.i.t.c.h, Shinonome Ibuki.
Smiling gracefully to Aizawa, the envious look from all the students going to school are sent.
And then, as if it’s natural, my figure is captured by the sharp eyes, she joyfully laughs thinly.
「Isn’t it Ikuno-kun? Was you with Aizawa today, I wonder?」
「W, well. We were on a same train by chance」
Uu……as I had a dream about doing ecchi thing with that girl this morning, I can’t take a straight look at her face.
「We happened to ride the same train by coincidence! And then, Ikuno repulsed a chikan for me」
「Hee, Ikuno-kun did? To be able to protect a club member as if it’s natural, aren’t you a wonderful club president?」
Uwaa, that unable-to-stomach-something-like manner of speaking. And that smile seems scary too……
「Other than that, we will become a hindrance if we stay here. We should move soon」
Aizawa and Shinonome, two popular, great beauties that our grade is proud of.
If such two girls keep standing in front of the school gate, many students will stop moving and surround them.
Although I, who hate standing out, feel awkward, I begin to walk together with these two.
「A, Shouko (祥子) and Mutsumi (睦美), ohayoー!」
And, being called out to by her two friends, Aizawa begins to talk with them like that.
Are? I think they are certainly talking about the chikan story but.
Shinonome suddenly let out a sigh, her well-featured face becomes slightly clouded.
「Oi Shinonome, perhaps, you are tired because of the club activities, aren’t you?」
Being asked, she opens her surprisingly clear pupils wide.
「Ara, Ikuno-kun worrying about me, isn’t such a thing unusual? Worrying that much?」
「I, iya……it’s not like that in particular. But I’m more or less a club president, if my club member is like that, I think I should quickly do something about the busy situation currently」
「Is that so?ーーFufu, maa, I wonder if I should leave it like that」
Shinonome says so and have a suspicious laugh, then she says while her hair is fluttering.
「But, it’s the fact that I am tired because of the club activities」
「As expected? It’s like that, isn’t it」 (そりゃそうだよね ) 
「Right, moreover, together with that I’m the school festival’s executive committee now. Being the cla.s.s chairman and the student council president’s a.s.sistant, the executive committee and the current literature club, I become tired as expected」
About 10 days left until the arrival of Urotan high school’s school festival.
Each cla.s.s’s committee members are scheduled to hold an additional post as the school festival’s executive committees. So it has, without question, finally come into the hands of Shinonome, who was already overloaded with other works. [14]By the way, in the meeting a little while ago, it was decided that our cla.s.s would do a maid cafe, the preparations have already begun.
「It would be nice if someone could heal my fatigue. Right, Ikuno-kun?」
「Ano, I’m not your slave. I won’t ma.s.sage your shoulder even if it’s an order」
「Aren’t you misunderstanding something?」
「……W, what is that?」
「I get you to listen to my request in exchange for joining the club. You didn’t forget that, right?」
Because there are people around us, she kindly says to the end.
That reminds me, didn’t she say something like that the other day? As a result, it was Shinonome who finally saved the literature club. I was very grateful, and wanted to do something to help her.
「……Because of that, what do Shinonome want me to do?」
「Well, what’s good I wonder. You who usually don’t listen to what I said is now listening to my request. I end up hesitating because it feels like a waste……Ufufufufu」
It’s seriously scary, you know!?
As a neat-type b.i.t.c.h who excels at planning, no doubt that she would request some unthinkable thing. In fact, she joined the club for that purpose……
From there, Aizawa who has finished talking with her friends comes back.
「Sorry you two, I’ve let you waitーーother than that, Ibuki, about the maid cafe’s clothing, I have bought the re-corrected version based on everyone’s opinion, can you check it later?」 [15]
E, the correction instruction was given yesterday and yet, you already remade it? Aizawa is amazing.
However, Shinonome smiles as if to say it’s as expected.
「As one would expect, Aizawa-san. After all, putting you who said 「Sewing is my forte」 as the leader of sewing group was a correct answer. Well then, can you show it to me later I wonder?」
「Un, of course! Also Ibuki, about the CD I borrowed yesterday, thank you. Listening to the violin made me calm down very much. Again, if there is any recommendation, I want to borrow if possible」
While entering the entrance, Aizawa takes out a cute pouch from her bag and pa.s.ses it to Shinonome.
「It’s good if you are pleased. Well……Because you like Heifetz (ハイフェッツ), who is called『King of violinist』, next would be, for instance, Ginette neveu (ジネット • ヌヴー), I think? The timbre is very bewitching, I really love it」 (艷やか = glamorous/charming/bewitching/elegant/beautiful) 
「Is that so? Then, next time can I borrow that person’s? I am, the type that think of wanting to know such things like the preference of the people I love, so I am very happy to know Shinonome’s favorite things♪」
「っーーーーーHaa……mou, you are truly an honest person, aren’t you?」
Her cheeks slightly redden, although Shinonome is astonished she shows a smile full of intimacy
「Because, I like Ibuki very much♥」
「Fufu, aren’t you really a child? Other than that, we can’t take off the uwabaki like this so can we separate?」 To the friendly Aizawa who is hugging her, Shinonome who doesn’t seem to be annoyed asks.
Uーn, what can I say?
Really, these two are steadily getting along well with each other.
Seeing that is very pleasantーーHowever, on the other side they are b.i.t.c.hes who lead the boys around by the nose.
But, then I suddenly think.
Are? Just now, Aizawa said she wanted to know the preference of the ones she loves, didn’t she?
Then perhaps, when she borrowed my favorite manga……in other words, to me……

HA! W, what are you thinking, me!?

Wrong wrong, Aizawa decided to borrow on a whim.
Such a charming, gaudy and popular girl, there is no reason to show an interest in an otaku like me. Moreover, she seemed to understand she must give preferential treatment to someone else as she has already borrowed from Shinonome. (extremely not sure about this one, but maybe it’s to avoid jealousy?) [16]
Un. As expected, it must be on a whim.
And then, while three of us are going towards the cla.s.sroom. In front of the infirmary, we come across a familiar face.
「A, Kousuke!」
A small girl having an unique hairstyle with nekomimi-like bunches.
She’s undoubtedly my childhood friend ー Takatora Tenko.
「Ten-nee. ……Etto, what happened?」
It was Ten-nee who first spotted me and suddenly showed a cheerful expression, but she seemed to remember her companion whom she lent her shoulder to, she now has a serious look and says awkwardly.
「That, as her physical condition seemed to be bad, club president collapsed in today’s morning training……」
At a glance, Ten-nee’s body is wrapped in cheerleading-like costume, with a short vest that makes her navel visible and the so-called pleated skirt. [17]
Next to her, borrowing her shoulder, there is a female student wearing the same costume and looking downward.
On the opposite side of Ten-nee, there is another senpai-like girl supporting that girl.
「Collapsed you said……Takatora-san, is the club president all right?」
Being asked by Aizawa, Ten-nee who is preoccupied with me finally notices that existence.
「……Aizawa Manaha. Also, Shinonome Ibuki. You people, didn’t do something strange to Kousuke, did you?」
Being vigilant against these two, Ten-nee stares at them with sharp eyes, but Shinonome, having a cool smile, replies. (the word here is “kawasu”, as in exchange arguments, but reply seems easier to understand) 
「We did nothing particularly. Other than that, you said president of cheer club, then isn’t this Kameno-senpai (亀乃)?」
「E……Who? Did you, know me……?」
Muttering with a frail voice, the person called club president who is supported by two girls raises her face.
The girl with idiosyncratic hair type whose hair pops out here and there, she puts her long, light brown hair into a braid behind her back. [18] About her height, she’s the highest among the girls here.
A woman with good quality, her big, drooping eyes possess both intimacy and loveliness. [19]
Also, it’s amazing……her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, so big.
They are one size bigger than Aizawa’s, making the logo on the uniform swell out *panpan* (SFX: something filled to the point of bursting) 
While I’m astonished, Shinonome looks deeply at me while smiling. [20]
「Nice to meet you, I’m the student council president’s a.s.sistant, Shinonome Ibuki. I heard the rumors about Kameno-senpai from the president for quite a while. A very popular person similar to the president, and from your cla.s.smates you are a dependable person」
Heeー. A frail person like that, having such a side is unexpected. 
「A, it’s like that…… If I’m not mistaken, Ibuki-chan is the girl who stood out very much in that meeting, right? Two people there, too. ……Was it different, I wonder?」 (this girl uses “kana”, which is used by both men and women, while Shinonome uses “kashira”, which is more feminine, both are translated as “I wonder?” tag question) 
Although she seems to be in pain, Kameno-senpai smiles wryly, her eyes are blinking with surprise.
But then, the black-haired girl supporting her anxiously interjects.
「Wait Ayumu. Your physical condition is bad, so don’t just stand there talking and go to the infirmary」
「E, but……now isn’t it the rare chance to meet the noticeable first-year students?」 [21]
「Ayumu, think about your body even just a little! Because, me too, everyone is the club as well, are worried about you!」
「A, Yuki-chan……」
Being persuaded with a loud voice, Kameno-sempai has an uncomfortable face.
Uwa, somehow it’s very awkward here.
Only silence flows. Even Shinonome and Aizawa too are at a loss and are perplexed.
Then Ten-nee makes a smart move in panic,
「E, etto……! T, the one I’m lending my shoulder to, working as the president of cheer club,
is Kameno Ayumu-senpai. And this person is the vice president, Kurashima Yuki-senpai……and then……after that」
Ten-nee is at a loss. Being unable to just watch without doing anything, soon Kurashima-senpai’s grim face suddenly becomes softer.
「Tenko, and also you three, Sorry for making you worry. Third year, Kurashima. Please treat me well」
I thought she was a scary person, but when she smiles I feel like she’s a kind oneesan.
She has l.u.s.trous black, shoulder-length hair, and has a calm atmosphere around.
Although she doesn’t have b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her thin hands and feet and her slender figure make me unintentionally watch in fascination.
「Yuki-chan is really hot-tempered, right? Sorry, everyone. I think we have made you scared」
After being irritated by those words, Kurashima-senpai breathes a serious sigh.
「You know……I don’t want to get angry at Ayumu too. But, because you acted rashly and did your best too much, I had no choice but saying those words」
「But, it’s for our last tournament. I think it is inevitable to force myself to work hardーーー」
「I understand what Ayumu wants to say. But, it’s meaningless if you, the crucial member, collapse, isn’t it? Besides, the club is in such a state too……to observe the situation, you should also take a few days offーー」 [22]
「ーーI can’t allow such a thing」
The gentle-looking drooping eyes, change to those with sharpness instantly.
Hee, she’s able to make such a face too.
Because she’s the club president of a veteran school, she has a strict side as a result.
「You understand that we don’t have much time until our last compet.i.tion, right? I believe the other schools too have entered the phase when they focus intently on it, I have come this far so there’s no way I can cut corners. Besides, to support our advisor – Kawagishi-sensei who just took a maternity leave, the only thing that we can do is to leave behind a result, right?」 [23]
「That, is right but……more than that, the club’s members is in such a state thenーー」
「Yuki-chan! We promised not to talk about that story except in front of the club members, right?」
As if the story is a great taboo, the Holy Mother-like face becomes strict.
「Go, gomen, Ayumu……unintentionally, I」
Kurashima-senpai looks down in remorse state.
Seeing that figure, Kameno-senpai doesn’t criticize her anymore.
Kameno-senpai separates from two girls supporting her and stand up by herself, shows the original comfortable smile. 「Ma, that’s why, Yuki-chan, pay attention from next time, okay? And, my physical condition improves
just by talking like that, seems like it’s fine even if I don’t go to the infirmary」
When she claps her hands *pan*, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s also shake *purun* (purun = sfx, shaking like jelly) 
「……What are you saying, Ayumu? Your complexion is still bad, you must take a rest now」
「T, that’s right buchou. Even if the club doesn’t take a day off, right now……」
Although Kurashima-senpai and Ten-nee say so.
「I told you, I’m fine. Other than that, we still have a little time, let’s return to practice」
「Wait……with that body and yet you still intend to do!? A, wait Ayumu……!」
Then, Kameno-senpai turns back as if remembering something.
「Aa, anyway, Ibuki-chan, Ikuno-kun, Manaha-chan, the next time we meet, let’s talk slowly, okay? Bye bye」
「A, hai……good bye」
When Aizawa was in danger of being expelled, because we stood out in the meeting so it seems like she remembered our names.

Other than that, what kind of bad story that only the club member can hear?

I see the two senpais off while thinking of such a thing. And then, Ten-nee runs towards me.
「K, Kousuke, I’m glad to be able to meet you this morning……then, see you later」
Looking up at me with moist eyes like she’s excited, the blushing Ten-nee leaves while smiling joyfully.
Ten-nee, her face seems to be very happy. Does she still like me?
……uh, as the opposite s.e.x.
To be honest, I was very embarra.s.sed although I haven’t known how I should cope with it yet.
「Such a pa.s.sionate love call in the morning, right, Ikuno-kun?」
「U……it’s fine, I think?」
「……Ikuno, somehow you are effeminate」(なんかにやけてる) 
Aizawa mutters some words, for some reason her leaked voice sounds like she’s sulking.
Etto, this depressing atmosphere is just my imagination, right……?
When I’m having trouble responding, Shinonome looks downwards and smiles, then changes the topic.
「Incidentally, other clubs also have trouble with the activities too, right? We also should do our best」
「A, ahaha……certainly. But perhaps, I think the situation today would be the same too」
「Aizawa, it will be helpful if you do not talk about it……」
Thinking about the thing after school, my one-day motivation begin to decrease.
Haa……Please, return to the normal literature club today.

Such a wish of mine cannot come true.
After school, we dejectedly walk on the special ridge to the clubroom. [24] Seeing the students lining up in the corridor, Shinonome too puts her hand on her forehead and sighs.
「Finishing the preparation for the school festival and then facing this amount, it’s tiresome, as expected」
But, we have no choice but to do it.
Because, the literature club right now, its job is to listen to the troubles of the studentsーーー


「My boyfriend is cheating.What do you think I should doー?」
The three of us is sitting on the sofa, in the form of an interview we are listening to the story of the consultant.
By the way, the number of consultants compared to yesterday has increased two-fold, becoming about 20 people.
「With just that much, it’s not possible to say anything. In the first place, do you know something that might be the cause?」
As the consultant is a third-year student, Shinonome asks using honorific language.
「Ano, I think so, too. You said 「He loved me so much」 and yet, suddenly boyfriend-san is having an affair, it seems unthinkable so……」
「Aizawa’s opinion and mine are the same. Do you remember doing something bad to boyfriend-san?」
I ask the girl with the gyaru-like appearance, she answers in a bothersome way.
「Aー, I had an affair recently, I think? But seriously, I only did that much, I don’t understand why he is cheating?」
Seriously, what is this b.i.t.c.h saying?
Disregarding the dumbfounded me and Aizawa, Shinonome puts on a scary smile.
「First, I think you should come to be able to understand the feeling of the other partyーーNext」

「I send love letters many times! But the other party hasn’t answered even once!」
「Etto……this is just my intuition, but she’s not a girl in our school, right?」
「E? Of course, because it’s the energetic idol on TV, Shimura Yukari (志村ゆかり)」
To the third-year boy with otaku-like way of speaking, Aizawa understates while having a forced smile.
「Ano, that, rather than love letter, it’s just sending fan letter, isn’t it……」
「W, what!? Are you saying that the letters I sent are not filled with my feelings!?」
「I, iya, it’s not like that……」
While Aizawa is taken back, Shinonome finishes off with a whole face smile.
「It’s recommended to love someone suitable to your stature……next」 [25]

「My face is bad so I’m never popular. You guys, please become my girlfriend!」
「Kyaa, don’t touch me!」
Being touched by the hand of a third-year male student, the androphobic Aizawa becomes frightened and clings to me.
「W, what’s this rudeness! Isn’t the literature club the place where any wishes would be granted?」
Seemingly angry about making a move on Aizawa, Shinonome is having a smile while her cheeks are twitching.
「We are not spirits of the lamp. And, before blaming your face for your unpopularity, firstly, how about polishing your inner self as a human being?」

Such exchanges repeat dozens of timesーー
Today, we finished dealing with everything somehow.
「Haa……It’s finally over. Rather, still the amount of consultations about love is numerous, isn’t it……」
While being buried among the backrests (背もたれ) in the middle of the sofa, I sigh deeply.
「Maa, when I worked in student council’s consultation office, almost all the matters were about that subject too. Speaking about adolescent students’ consultations, the first thing we can expect is always that」 [26]
In a tiring state, Shinonome murmurs while drinking the black tea I made.
「As expected, it’s impossible if I’m alone……If Ibuki or Ikuno aren’t there for me, perhaps men’s consultations would become too scary to listen……uh, like the person approaching forcibly like today, I think」
Even if you don’t have androphobia, that will still be scary.
「It’s fine, Aizawa. Usually, I think me or Shinonome will be there too, so don’t worry」
But then, while Shinonome is drinking black tea elegantly.
「Together with me is okay, but it is dangerous if Aizawa-san is together with Ikuno-kun」
「E, Ibuki……why it’s dangerous if I’m together with Ikuno?」
The pure Aizawa understands nothing, looking in puzzlement.
Shinonome, staring at me with her side glance, smiles.
「Because this morning, Ikuno-kun was looking at Kameno-senpai’s big b.r.e.a.s.t.s with indecent eyes. Because Aizawa-san has big b.r.e.a.s.t.s too, when you are alone together, won’t he do ecchi things to you, I wonder?」
「E, Ikuno……to me?」
The next-door Aizawa glances at me, I understand that her body is stiffened maybe because she’s a little nervous.
Kuu, Shinonome talked about unnecessary things and she becomes cautious, doesn’t she……?
Somehow, I hold a sense of impatience in my heart.
However, Aizawa who is blushing and looking downward, says.
「S, such a thing, Ikuno won’t do it……because, he’s not ecchi……probably」
Ugu……Being told like that, my heart hurts for some reason.
But, Aizawa seems to trust me considerably as a man.
In order not to betray Aizawa’s feeling, I must work hard to behave like a sage.
「It’s worth seeing when your mask comes off, right? Ikuno-kun」
「I, I’m not detestable like what Shinonome thought」
Then, when Aizawa is not watching, Shinonome quietly leans in close to me and whispers to my ear.
「I wonder. Do you really not want to do it? Ecchi things to a girl……」
To tempt me, Shinonome holds the edge of her Pilates skirt and raise it. (it’s ぴらっとスカート in the raw, not sure about this)
The inside is too dark to see.
This fellow Shinonome, she’s completely teasing me.
Seeing me in panic state, she smiles happily.
「……O, oi, Aizawa is nearby so stop it」
Being warned in a low voice, Shinonome who seems to be already satisfied backs away and drinks black tea coolly.
Meanwhile, the blush of Aizawa’s face has faded considerably.
To gloss over this awkward atmosphere, Aizawa smiles feebly while touching her hairdo. [27]
「Other than that, the consultants come suddenly, to the point that although it is the second day, the number has doubled, doesn’t it? Perhaps, there will be much more tomorrow……」
「Haha, please pardon me. But with the current impression, what Aizawa said would become true, it’s scary」
If the consultants continue to increase as it is, the literature club’s activities will become impossible.
I can’t enjoy my hobby if that happens.
In other words, the necessity of having this place is lost.  (there’s no reason to have the room, when he doesn’t have time to do his stuff)
We avoided the club-abolishment crisis with much effort and yet, so unreasonable.
But, I feel like it will continue to increase as it is.
「Just my thought but this too is surely because of the meeting last week, right? Because Ikuno and Ibuki saved me there, I think everyone has acknowledged you two. The current situation is surely difficult, but when I think you two are recognized, I’m very happy♪」
Aizawa is happy like it’s her own thing.
While I smile wryly,
「I think the one who is recognized more is Shinonome」 [28]
The consultants increased suddenly from yesterday, maybe it was really a result of the meeting last week as Aizawa said.
There is no reason other than that.
However, I feel like forgetting something important.
At that time, the neighboring Shinonome suddenly stands up.
Holding the teacup and saucer, while letting her graceful, l.u.s.trous jet black hair flutter, she sits down on the opposite sofa with a refined demeanor. (濡れ羽色のしっとりした黒髪, too many words to describe one’s hair)
「The reason we become busy, do you two really think that it’s really caused by the meeting?」
Closing her eyes, with the usual calm expression as if having confidence somewhere, Shinonome asks.
「Ibuki……What do you mean?」
Aizawa speaks for the voice of my heart.
Shinonome, with an expression just like a kind G.o.ddess’s,
「Consultants suddenly increased, it’s not because of the recognition from the meeting last week」
「……Wait, Shinonome. You mean there is a reason other than that?」
She nods, puts the cup on the table and raises her index finger to announce.
「In other words, what I want to say is that this busyness must be a thing contrived by someone」
Being struck out of the blue, I and Aizawa are at loss for words. (虚を衡かれた)
Shinonome, seeing our reaction, complements.
「Maa, strictly speaking, the meeting last week is unrelated. Because, just maybe, I think it become the starting point, leading to the matter happening lately」
「……it was planned? Then someone saw the meeting last week, and want us to suffer?」
Aizawa seemed to think about the same thing as mine too.
「The present time is also when everyone is busy preparing for the school festival, such thinking is reasonable. But, I couldn’t say so about this stage」
Saying with a worried look on her face, from her pocket, Shinonome slowly takes out a piece of pager.
「You two seemed to forget because of the continued busyness from yesterday, but do you remember this letter, I wonder?」
Aーーーthough I do think that I’m forgeting something.
That’s right, I finally remember.
「That letter……If I’m not mistaken, after school on Monday, it was stuck in the literature club’s doors, wasn’t it?」
But, given the subject, we thought it was a prank and let it flow.
However, this happens, and we understand the importance of the subject.
Shinonome unfolds the paper, and begins to read its contents.

「『Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Literature club.
Though it’s sudden, right now I (boku – normally used by male, but this case it’s in katakana instead of normal kanji) have fallen into a very difficult situation.
Therefore, I think of wanting you (kimitachi – plural, often used when talking to juniors), who played an active part in the meeting a few days ago, to settle.
But unfortunately, I did not completely trust you.
Therefore. Firstly, I intend to give a few trials to test your ability.
In case you succeed, at that time I intend to show up before you and make my request.
Well then, do you best.
Your sincerely』」

When Shinonome finished reading, she folded the letter neatly and put it on the desk.
「The trials, I think it’s probably about what is happening these two days. Besides, the subject, it’s not definitely saying about wanting us to suffer. According to the writing, I can only think this is merely to test our so-called potentiality. But anyway, it’s undoubtable that this person is the culprit causing the recent disturbance」
Aizawa puts her finger on her lips and says.
「This letter, was sent on Monday, two days ago, wasn’t it? Because we became busy from the following day which was Tuesday, then as expected, the sender of this letter is suspicious, right……?」
「Yes, it’s like that. In case in the meeting on Wednesday last week, the literature club became a place where many people can rely on, then from that day, or the following Thursday, we were supposed to be busy. But the number of consultant suddenly increase from yesterday, it must be the work of this letter’s sender」
I a.s.sent after listening to Shinonome’s speech.
「Then, if we identify this letter’s sender, we can say goodbye to the current busy days, is what you mean?」
「Ikuno-kun is right. But, in the current stage, because we don’t have even one information of the culprit, it would be difficult to search for that person」
「E, why? At least, we know that it’s a male student, isn’t it?」
The writing style too is that of a man, and only a student can use the consultation office like that.
But Shinonome shakes her head.
「This letter, the opening greeting (頭語) and season’s greeting (時候の挨拶), even the leading words (起こし言葉) are nonexistence, only the concluding sentence is written while pretending to not know the basic configuration of a letter. I thought we could decide that it was written by a student as first, but an adult understanding fundamental things purposely doing such a thing, that possibility is undeniable……Besides, the subject 『Boku』 makes us believe that it’s a man, but the concluding sentence is what women use 『Kashiko』 (your sincerely). Also, please look at thisーー」
Shinonome once again opens the letter and shows the blank backside.
Some letters written there.
Because until today, the one who was managing the letter was Shinonome, this is the first time I and Aizawa see it.
While Aizawa looks puzzled with a complicated face, she reads the letters written in hiragana and katakana aloud.
「『Hanikamu Iyo』……?」 (はにかむイヨ, hanikamu = shy/bashful)
「『Smiling Iyo』 it means, maybe? E, but Iyo is a woman’s name isn’t it?
However, isn’t the first person p.r.o.noun 『Boku』 strange?」 (イヨは笑ってる, waratte means laugh/smile/etc but I don’t know any relationship between that and shy/bashful)
Perhaps, this must be the name of the sender because when I ask, Shinonome quietly nods deeply.
「In other words, conflicting information is put together in order to make us unable to know the culprit’s age and gender.
Obviously the culprit confuses us and enjoys it by not providing any information」 [29]
I see.
So that’s why it’s 『Hanikamu Iyo』……?
In brief, if one were to speak of what kind of thing did this letter’s contents show.
「As if we are unable to grasp the tail, forcing us into a situation where we have no choice but to accept the trials」 (an idiom: discover crucial information, can also mean that knowing one’s weakness)
As long as the culprit’s ident.i.ty wasn’t found, following it and catching are impossible.
Dealing with the trials and waiting for the culprit is the only way, that’s what it means.
「……Something like that, it’s slightly unfair」
Aizawa who understood the other party’s intention murmurs with a grim face.
Because Aizawa has an honest personality, it seems like she’s unable to forgive such an unfair move.
「I understand Aizawa-san’s angry feeling. But let’s look at the pluses. If we finish the trials and the culprit appears, it means we will be freed from this busyness」 (plus = positive side)
「A, is that so……that’s right, Ibuki♪」
With Shinonome’s tenderly soothing, the forward-looking Aizawa changes immediately and shows a bright expression.
It was good. For the time being, if I endure until that time, I can thoroughly enjoy my hobby in the clubroom again.
And, the two important members won’t feel busy and will be at ease.
But, with that purpose, surelyーー
The super-troublesome neat-type b.i.t.c.h who I antagonize, her strength will become essential……
Nonetheless, I vow in my heart to do my best without depending on Shinonome as much as possible.
After all, the president of the literature club is me. I cannot leave it to another person.
And, thinking about the number of consultants increasing even more the next day, I will be surprised.

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