9. There’s no way that I win against the strongest scheming b.i.t.c.h.

Finally, the morning when Aizawa would be expelled arrives.
All students have already gathered in the gymnasium, they sit down after the roll-call.
On the front are third-year students, behind them are second-year, first-year students are the last. In other words, when I speak, I will face a large number of upper cla.s.smen. The trauma at the time in primary school is brought back, my strongly rumbling heart feel like it’s being cut.
S, such a thing, can I really do that……?
Little by little, my body begins to shake. But at that time, I hear the conversation of the boys from neighboring cla.s.s.
「It’s Aizawa. Maa, she’s surely cute, but I’ve suspected such a thing before」
「An amorous woman who bought branded goods and soon replaced them, that picture surely confirmed that she’s a prost.i.tution」
And from the boys from my cla.s.s, I can hear the same conversation.
「She prost.i.tuted after all. If we pay money, she will be delighted to do it, right?」
「If that big-breasted Aizawa does it then it must feel the best! Kuso! Before she’s expelled I want to ask her to do some pounding!」 (どくん – dokun, means thumping/pounding)
It’s different…..Aizawa is not such a girl. She’s not a prost.i.tution or something like that!
Despite her gaudy appearance, the truth is she’s really pure, a very innocent girl!
However, the insults can also be heard from the girls’ direction.
But I don’t see any change in their appearance from a month ago, my anger springs out even more. [1]
Aizawa is a very good girl, but there aren’t anyone supporting her other than an otaku like me……
I notice that on the stage, the vice princ.i.p.al is giving an order, everyone sit down after bowing.
On the stage, sitting on 4-legged pipe chairs that were prepared are the civic guidance teacher and the vice princ.i.p.al, sitting on the chair that is the second nearest to the speech stand is the princ.i.p.al, and next to that is……
While looking downward, Shinonome Ibuki sits down with a cool-looking appearance. Currently, she seems to think nothing at all about Aizawa’s expulsion, that calmness is exactly like still water. [2]
As expected, that girl, she approached Aizawa just to obtain me……
I will never allow it. Aizawa truly likes Shinonome and thinks of her as a friend and yet……
When I thought so, everyone makes a stir as a new student appears on the stage.
Shouldn’t you be house arrested right now?
Sitting on the only chair which was prepared on the right side is Aizawa, it seems like she would admit that herself who told a lie is bad with resolution. [3]
First-year students begin to make noise. The boys are noisier than the girls. To see a truly erotic woman with their own eyes,
they must be excited.
But the upper cla.s.smen (especially the boys) are the same, they look at Aizawa with indecent eyes.
As one would expect, Aizawa, who is exposed to those l.u.s.tful eyes that much, ends up blushing and looking downward.
Soon, the teachers calm the students down, the explanation about the current matter is accomplished by the civic guidance teacher, subsequently the vice princ.i.p.al starts a strict talk that looks like lecturing so that the similar act won’t happen again. (the similar act here is about the prost.i.tuting thingy)
What is this……
*hisohiso* The students are talking to the person next to them. (ひそひそ – lit. whisper-whisper)
Isn’t this, completely look like Aizawa is a criminal being exposed to public view……!?
When the vice princ.i.p.al’s talk is over, the princ.i.p.al who has a mustache and excellent body build stands up on the stage. Although the princ.i.p.al only compiles the story of the other two teachers and finishes, the meeting soon reaches its climax.
「Everybody, good morning. I’m the board chairman representative, Shinonome Ibuki」
A sweet voice similar to the bell sound resounds through the microphone.
My eyes that are looking at Aizawa immediately turn to Shinonome.
Although she’s gentle in front of everyone except me, the atmosphere today is indeed different. If I have to say then this is the cold feeling close to when she contacts with me.
As you hear from the teachers’ talk, it’s found out that a student performed compensated dating this time, she’s progressed to be expelled. But, the education principle of our school, there is something called 『Students become the core to build the school』」 [4]
Shinonome talks without changing expression.
「For this reason, if there are any dissenting opinion about the school’s decision, we will listen and consider」
But even when seeing that, Aizawa doesn’t seems to be sad particularly, she listens quietly while looking down.
Perhaps, she must have believed that Shinonome had done so much for her sake. [5]
And yet that girl, unaware of such feelings……
「Then without delay, please raise your hand if you have any dissenting opinion about Aizawa Manaha-san’s expulsion」
Dokun, Dokun! My heart begins to throb violently.
Honestly, I hoped that someone would help a popular person like Aizawa. But I was naive. The scene in the building becomes still, the standstill is like a picture in which no one is moving.
「No one? Anyone with dissenting opinion, please raise your hand……」
At that time, Shinonome’s eyes meet mine.
Her eyes which look somewhat anxious stare at me, I turn away momentarily.
W, what’s with her, is she vexed by any chance……?
I calm down and think about it, I didn’t surrender to her after school yesterday, it could be said that the possibility of me becoming her pet disappeared. If I declare/say it loudly here, the story may be different, such a thing is not possible, I think Shinonome won’t wish for that. [6]
In other words, it is too late at this point, only Aizawa is lost and Shinonome gains nothing.
Then, is she surprised because Aizawa’s expulsion is pointless?
Iya, that fellow only used Aizawa, thinking like that is impossible.
「Is, is there really not anyone having opinion……?」
Other than that, I must quickly appeal for Aizawa’s innocence!
I want to help Aizawa by any means. Therefore, I order my shaking limbs to move towards. But, they don’t listen to what I said at all. Just remembering the past make my breathing become difficult, my whole body refuses to stand out (苦しく = painful/strained/agonizing/difficult….)
W, what are you doing, me! If you don’t do it here, Aizawa will be expelled!
But, it’s that Shinonome Ibuki who created this situation. In order to make me surrender beforehand without fail, by piling up a.n.a.lysis and calculations, she has prepared an absolute wall that is impossible to breakthrough, it’s that meeting.
Speaking of the result, as expected I wasn’t able to conquer it.
「A, ano……really no dissenting opinion……」
「Board chairman representative, it’s about time」
Looking at Shinonome taking more time than necessary on the stage, the princ.i.p.al becomes impatient and calls out to her.
Right after that, my eyes meet Shinonome’s again. Does she by any chance expect me to speak up?
「E? A, aa……r, right, it is」 ( in the raw, it’s「E?, A, aa….so, sou, desune」)
Shinonome returns to her senses, after having taken an att.i.tude while trembling a little, her expression tighten.
「Well then, finally I would like to announce Aizawa Manaha-san’s punishment」
Shinonome says so with calmness on her face as before. It is completely similar to a judge announcing the judgment to the accused.
It’s over. It’s completely over.
After all I’m just an ordinary otaku, who can’t do anything……
The intense remorse overwhelm me, I feel like almost being thrown into despair at any moment.
『Nii-san, if it’s painful you can run away you know? I will always be by Nii-san‘s side』
R, right……Sharte is by my side. Even with someone like me, we will always be together.

「First year cla.s.s C, Aizawa Manaha-san, from today onwards」

Therefore I’m not particularly scared.
From the start, the expulsion is because Aizawa was bad in the first placeーー
Then I meet Aizawa’s eyes on the stage.
She calmly smiles. As if both worrying about me, and feeling relieved……

「From, today……」

Then an abnormal event happens.
I who was about to stand up stop moving, the inside of the building becomes noisy in an instant.
Shinonome who is in the middle of pa.s.sing the judgment sinks into silence, she casts her eyes down.
I’m finally convinced there.
As expected, the current Shinonome is not the true Shinonome Ibuki.
Aizawa opens her eyes wide as she’s surprised, she stares anxiously towards Shinonome.
Why does Shinonome fall into such state now?
Iya, it’s unnecessary to think about such a thing.
As it is, the judgment would be pa.s.sed and a girl would be expelled. In that case, that fellow would be troubled.
What did Shinonome say?
With a calm face, 「I’m the next head so friends or companions are not necessary」 was what she said? What a stupid thing. Then why such a person desires for a pet?
Why can she pa.s.s a judgment on her friend?
In short, Aizawa is a completely different person from expectation, that fellow is the same, isn’t she? [7] In truth, she is a lonely person, a shy person, a clumsy girl isn’t she?
Then, why such an incomprehensible thing……?
I suddenly remember the words Shinonome said.

『Remember what that woman said, but not remember what I said』

Shinonome said those words for what reason?
Although I try to think, the surrounding noise becomes big so I can’t remember. But when I recall some words Shinonome said, it’s connected from point to point and the truth faintly surfaces. [8]
To Shinonome, Aizawa is a friend. Then who was that?
Those eyes I felt in front of the audiovisual room.
Those eyes I felt before entering the love hotel.
There is no way that Shinonome would manipulate someone to set Aizawa who is her friend up. (the raw used 手駒, which means game pieces under one’s control)
And, the words Shinonome said once again run through my head for an instant, everything is connected.
Shinonome continues to keep silent without change as before, *gayagaya* the students keep making noise happily (がやがや = chatter chatter)
Nothing is scary anymore.
The time when I was the third-grader in primary school, I tasted h.e.l.l because of the impact from helping Sharte. But, it was wrong to say that I regretted. Rather, at that time, I must have regretted if I hadn’t helped her. Moreover, before my eyes right now, there are two girls that need my help.
One person is an innocent girl who falls into a crisis of being expelled unreasonably. And the other one, the girl, who is sulking although I don’t understand even a little, has invited this serious situation.
With all my might, I inhale and stand up,

「Oi All studeeeeeeennnnnttts——!! Please, just a little, be quieeeeetttttt——!!」   [9]

My shout echoes in the hall, I who stand up quickly gather the eyes of all students and it becomes quiet.
But the one surprised the most, are two girls on the stage who I know well.
I, to continue the speech, stare strongly at Shinonome, [10]
「Oi Shinonome! What you said to me, I remember them fully and perfectly you know!!」
「……W……what are you saying……?」
Because of the words towards herself, Shinonome is unusually confused.
Just you wait. I will show you that I can absolutely help both of you!
With my thought fully operating, I drag out the words from my memory [11]

「Innocent until proven guilty! Shinonome, they are the words you said to me!」

A month ago, I doubted that Aizawa did prost.i.tute, when I asked Shinonome who was particular about school regulations why she didn’t supervise it. At that time, Shinonome said so.
「And yet Shinonome, right now, you are going to punish Aizawa without any decisive evidence!」
It doesn’t mean that I talk to Shinonome in particular.
Rather, to help those two, the talk is to all students in this place.
「The evidence is just a photo! With that alone, don’t you think it’s too rash to judge that Aizawa was a prost.i.tution!? This modern age, a great amount of photoshopped pictures can be made! Moreover, the other party who sent the picture to newspaper club is someone we didn’t know! Such a thing was sent by an unknown person and yet you believed it, a student is forced to be expelled, isn’t it absolutely ridiculous!?」
It seems like many students can sympathize with my words, they listen to my story unexpectedly quietly.
Then, next is the teachers’ turn.
「Remember, Shinonome, you also said this! 「If there is no evidence, an evil person is not evil. [12] In case you are judged for an uncertain reason and subsequently it turns out to be a false charge, no-one will take responsibility」!」 [13]
The adult are reluctant with the word “responsibility”. Several teachers went towards this way to stop me, but their movement stopped after hearing those words.

「Also Occam’s razor. The theory of thought saving!」

Perhaps, right now, to help Aizawa I need to reveal the culprit,  I have to persuade the everyone in this place that she was set up.(raw: 犯人像を提示して – show the criminal’s image)
For that reason, I decide to remove unnecessary information and to give only necessary one.
「To surely drive the popular Aizawa into expulsion, the culprit thought of the method of spreading a decisive photo to the whole school at once. It’s by the newspaper club’s extra. Perhaps, the culprit knew that our newspaper club is a professional club which publish rare extras nowadays, this person also knew that the club’s address was opened to the public on our school’s homepage. Therefore, the culprit must be a person of this school. ……But, there are too many suspects. So, I will use Loire’s exchange principle, a famous way of thinking of criminology’s bacics」
Now both the teachers and the students are listening attentively to my talk, the voice resounding in the building is sufficient even if I talk normally. (so, you means that you’ve been shouting since that bolded lines?)

「『An incident is not born without any contact point』, thinking about this case in that way, the number of targets will be narrowed, right?」

Maybe because they are breaking my words into pieces, the surrounding area is ominously quiet.
「It’s very likely that the culprit is in Aizawa’s cla.s.s, or someone who’s always together with her」
There aren’t any reactions from the upper cla.s.smen and the teachers at all. But the centre of cla.s.s C which is my cla.s.s, realizing the truth, the students *zawazawa* begin to make noise (ざわざわ – sounds of people talking)
On the stage, Aizawa seems to realize something, she spins around, staring at something in puzzlement. Speaking of Shinonome, even now she’s still fl.u.s.tered because of my action and stares at me in astonishment.
I rearrange my thought for the last time.
The person peeking the literature club’s movement, inducing us to go to the love hotel.
The familiar person taking the picture of Aizawa entering the love hotel.
Aizawa asked me to have a date with her. Aizawa had a request to kiss me.
There is only one person who can induce her.
「In other words, the criminal」

「Ikuno-kun, it’s enough!」

Before I finish speaking, on the stage Shinonome says so through the micro.
I look at the desperate Shinonome, and notice that next to her, Aizawa is looking downward.
Aizawa is a pure girl with a very clear heart. Such a girl is aware that her friend is the culprit, she must be hurt. For that reason, Shinonome must have stopped me from announcing the culprit.
That Shinonome, after all she’s always think of Aizawa carefully, isn’t she?
I immediately look at the yurufuwa (ゆるふわ), brown-haired gyaru in the neighbor cla.s.s D. She looks down with her eyes wide open, little by little, she trembles while clenching her teeth. The first graders who realize the culprit rumor the answer using relaying method, eventually it spreads through the whole building and it becomes noisy. [14]
Alright, with this Aizawa is saved, it’s decided that I would help Shinonome who got caught in my plan and hasn’t moved since then. [15] For a moment, I think so. But on the stage, the principle with a sulky face whispers something to Shinonome, I notice her looking down, seemingly fl.u.s.tered figure.
Come to think of it, Shinonome decided the punishment forcibly. Then it’s difficult to withdraw now, isn’t it? If it comes to the board chairman representative being argued away by only one student, the reputation of the school side will be completely ruined. Then, doesn’t that mean no matter how much I did, the outcome wouldn’t change?
I soon become exhausted and about to fall apart immediately.
But before I can do that, it’s the voice of the beautiful girl who I absolutely don’t want to make an enemy of. [16]
「Ikuno-kun, for the explanation according to instruction, thank you」
The girl who was anxious a while ago is not there anymore.
Standing there is Shinonome Ibuki who brushes her black hair coolly, while having the smile of a tactician.
「Firstly, I apologize to the all teachers. This time, there were dissenting opinions, I carried out my own opinion and decided the punishment, I’m very sorry」
People who know Shinonome’s nature make a stir.
「However, at that time, the opinions about expulsion were numerous, there wasn’t any choice but to make such a decision temporarily. Moreover the students were restless about it, it was necessary to make a severe disposal to control the situation」
Perhaps Shinonome thought that I would, with 100% certainty, surrender before the school meeting, surely I really had such a thought. But to save Aizawa, off the cuff I did an act which contradicted myself.
「In that chaotic situation, even if we explained it was very likely that the picture was fake, perhaps no one would believe. Therefore, I chose the method of picking one occasion, using this place where all people in the school gathered, to explain Aizawa-san’s innocence to everyone」
After that, Shinonome accepted my cooperation because I said I wanted to help Aizawa who was my club member, and entrusted the explanation to my own reasoning.
「According to Ikuno-kun’s explanation, it’s conceivable that the culprit is someone in the same grade. The culprit’s motive is unknown, but despite being in the same grade, Aizawa-san is cute and popular, she’s also a scholarship student with school expenses exemption. It’s enough to have unpleasant feelings. In other words, it’s reasonable to think that Aizawa-san is going to to be expelled according to someone else’s scheme」
But in case the photo is genuine, this reasoning won’t make sense. So the remaining opposing people become noisy, but Shinonome says bluntly with a bang to stifle them.
「At most, in case there are sayings that Aizawa really did prost.i.tute herself, the culprit, please come here by yourself and testify that that photo is not fake and it was truly caught in the act. In that case, I think the story would change……ufufu」
There’s no way the culprit would testify. Because it’s like saying to everyone that oneself is the worst kind of person who tried to make one’s friend become a dropout.
Shinonome, already with her usual gentle smile, surveys every corners of the crowd to confirm there isn’t any opposing person, and corrects her posture.
Dumbfounded by the unexpected development, Aizawa can only stares at Shinonome.
Soon, Shinonome, as the board chairman representative, stiffens her expression and dignifiedly announce.

「Using the board chairman’s authority, I withdraw Aizawa Manaha-san’s expulsion」

A voice echoes through the machine. However, there isn’t anyone responding to the voice. But immediately after that, an applause leaks out from somewhere, that sound rapidly become louder, expressing the consensus opinion of the ma.s.ses (大衆の総意). And then, in the blink of an eye, the inside of the gymnasium is overflowing with thunderous applause.

「Gusu, gusu……e, everything is truly fine. Aizawa-san wouldn’t be expelled〜……」 (ぐす – sniffing, while crying)
During our cla.s.s’s 1st period, Hiiragi-sensei is crying aloud.
The homeroom teacher Hiiragi-sensei who understands Aizawa well, she must be the first teacher opposing her expulsion.
「A, ara ara……gomennasai. It’s just, sensei is very relieved……」
Hiiragi-sensei wipes her tears with a handkerchief, soon she smiles brightly as usual.
「Etto, other than that, about Aizawa-san……just in case, Sensei told her that it was fine to be absent until she could calm down. Although it may take some time for her to comeback, when she attends school, please get along well just like before〜」
Although everybody’s response is dull, Hiiragi-sensei, thinking that it can’t be helped, begins the cla.s.s.
Aizawa, who was thought to be a prost.i.tution, had her innocence proved in dozens of minutes. (数十分の間) It will take a little time to accept the fact.
But perhaps, other than that reason, everybody looks down with gloomy face because of the strong feeling of guilt, isn’t it? Almost everyone spoke ill of Aizawa in the meeting……
「A, that reminds me, I forgot to say〜. About Shinonome-san, she has many disposition to deal with as the board chairman representative, I think she can’t come to the cla.s.sroom today. Therefore, if she can’t take note, someone will show her tomorrow, okay〜」 [17]
For sensei’s request, both men and women reply with cheerful voices that mingled together.
Particularly about Shinonome’s decision to expel Aizawa temporarily, everybody seems to show an understanding, don’t they? I mean, that fellow is still an amazing, popular person as ever……
「Also, thank you Ikuno-kun〜. Sensei, didn’t know that Ikuno-kun was unexpectedly such a courageous boy, was surprised〜. Fufufufufu〜」 (the “thank you” here is otsukaresama, which can also means good job)
「A, w, well……ha, hahaha」
Although I’m surprised because she brings up that subject suddenly, Hiiragi-sensei, other than saying her grat.i.tude, doesn’t involve in any further.
The time when I calmed down after the whole school meeting was over, my legs couldn’t stop trembling *gakugaku* (がくがく – trembling, shaking)
After all, I stood out that much. Recalling the experience during primary school, the intense regret and uneasiness surge forward
But, surprisingly, it’s nothing……
That time in primary school, immediately after I helped Sharte, the ostracism began.
However, after leaving the gymnasium until the cla.s.s began, such a thing like being ignored didn’t happen, rather, I received the words of grat.i.tude from many people, both men and women.. Such things like hostile stare, I didn’t feel them at all, also I was not in the state of attracting attention particularly, it almost remained as usual.
For the reason, perhaps it’s thought that I moved according to Shinonome’s instruction, I think?
Therefore, Shinonome’s reputation (株) suddenly rises, her degree of attention (注目度) also increases, and I don’t particularly stand out.
That b.i.t.c.h……the way she used the pinch/crisis to raise her own reputation is truly amazing.
But, suddenly I think.
Perhaps, to protect me, she tempted in order to purposely attract attentions to herself?
The reason I received hara.s.sment at the time in primary school, was that I incidentally stood out in front of all the students.
Then, moving with that thought, that fellow Shinonome will suffer the same as me……
……N, no no, I thought too much.
Shinonome, on top of being a popular person, is the board chairman representative. There isn’t anyone wanting to oppose her, isn’t it?
I shake my head and try to concentrate on the cla.s.s.
Although Aizawa and Shinonome’s problems have been settled, I have to face a new problem.
Only 2 days……perhaps, I think it’s already impossible……
I’m exhausted because of today’s problem, my life is 0 now…… (the ラィフ – life here means life point/HP or something like that)
Losing an important place to immerse myself to my hobby is truly painful. But as the result of having tried earnestly to save the girls I wanted to help, I won’t feel bad even if I lose it.
I said so until after school.


「Let me step on you」
「So sudden……what?」
Entering the clubroom, I retort unintentionally.
Standing next to the window, Shinonome is looking at the rain falling outside.
I sit down on the sofa and stare at the other party who has many things I want to hear.
「Shinonome, although it’s rushed but I want to hear why you was going to let Aizawa be expelled」
Fluttering her beautiful black hair, Shinonome answers in an icy tone while looking toward the window.
「You, don’t understand such a thing?」
「B, because I don’t understand so I want to hear it……」
Nothing good will come if I anger a b.i.t.c.h. This time proves it, I hug myself, slightly having a fear towards Shinonome who begins to emit an angry atmosphere.
But I vaguely have a clue.
『Remember what that woman said, but not remember what I said』
And if I’m not mistaken, the strange states I felt before and after hearing these words.
Then, it’s like that? Iya, but no matter how you look at it, doing that for such a stupid reason
……But, it’s the only thing that makes sense……
「Although this is simply my conjecture. By any chance, you did such a thing because you was jealous of Aizawa……?」
「It’s not jealousy or envy or anything」
She immediately looks back and glares at me with sharp eyes. But, I feel like her cheeks is slightly red.
Haa, then what is it……
Despite thinking so, I understand Shinonome Ibuki more than before.
This fellow is, in fact, a lonely person, a shy person, a clumsy, perverse person, she is only an ordinary girl.
Therefore, I calmly say.
「My bad. But truly I can’t remember what I said to you. Therefore, can you tell me if possible?」
「……Seems like you truly can’t remember. Good grief, how far would this livestock disappoint me, I wonder? I think you had better quit being a human」
「Un, it may be so」
Toward Shinonome’s back, I nicely become a yes-man.
「You, are awfully obedient today. Perhaps, you are making a fool of me? Just because I favor you a little, don’t get c.o.c.ky, understand? Because, I will get angry and think of not wanting you to be my pet」 [18]
「I’m not making a fool. It’s just, I want to hear the reason of your anger. Is it no good?」
This time, I’m sure that I can prevent Shinonome’s calmness from disappearing. Therefore, I ask with a gentle tone in order to comfort her wounded heart.
「You are truly a thickheaded, below average, the worst kind of man…… Although such a cute girl like me volunteered to look after someone like you,
you are the worst of the worst for not showing any interest at all」
If you think I’m the worst that much, you are supposed to not think of meeting just the two of us. But now, Shinonome has waited for me in the literature club’s clubroom.
「……a person, with much effort, reserved the whole restaurant personally, wore new youf.u.ku just like what you prefer, everything was perfectly prepared. But in the end, you spoiled my clothes……Worrying about Aizawa-san excessively, you returned home and forgot the walk with me. And yet, I still believed and waited all the time」
I finally remember what I said, sweat erupts from my whole body.
Right. That day when I sent Aizawa to her house, I promised to have a date with Shinonome.
「Go, gomen Shinonome!! I really didn’t have any ill will!!」
I rush to the window where Shinonome is, and apology immediately.
「At that time, my head was full of Aizawa’s thing, so I had spoiled your clothes, even the promise was blown off……T, therefore, it’s truly not on purpose!!」
「Don’t touch me」
*pachin* The hand reaching to her shoulder is brushed off with a snap.
Being refused by a b.i.t.c.h like Shinonome, I shouldn’t have thought about anything and yet, my heart feels a pain for some reason.
After that, I wonder how long was she there, waiting for me?
She made various preparations. Although it’s surprising, she must have looked forward to the date.
And yet, I spoiled her new clothes which she prepared with much effort, and leave her alone like that……
The always beautiful and elegant Shinonome Ibuki. Such a girl wore a torn, shabby youf.u.ku, muttering a few words in that room alone, just thinking about that makes me feel like running away. [19]
「I’m truly sorry……」
「You don’t need to apology, I don’t have any intention to forgive」
I had torn the pride of a n.o.ble, high-minded girl to pieces so it’s natural.
However, Shinonome continues.
「Maa, Although I thought of doing so……this time I will specially forgive」
「E! You really forgive!?」
「……After all, what I said, you remembered a lot……」
I see Shinonome turning away with an embarra.s.sed face reflected in the window gla.s.s.
By any chance, you are glad that I remembered what you said?
But an instant after I saw that face, Shinonome notices and looks back.
「Ufufu, although you said that you remembered, you still made a mistake. Because you talked about it without noticing while br.i.m.m.i.n.g with confidence, I almost laughed unintentionally you know?」
「E? I, it, it’s a lie! I didn’t make any mistake particularly, I think!?」
「You made a mistake. Moreover, at the last, most important time. An incident is not born without any contact point, before that, 『Loire’s exchange principle』 was what you said, right?」
「I surely said so. But, according to my memory, it should be correct」
「No, it’s wrong. The correct one is not Loire (ロワール – rowaaru), it’s 『Locard』 (ロカール – rokaaru). Although one character was different, I heard it properly. Fu, fufu……You, seems to be very proud. Really, because it was serious, I had to restrain from laughing you know?」
Ku……I am seriously ashamed and want to die when she said that……
「It, it can’t be helped! Unlike you, I’m not flawless!」
「Fufufu, that’s right. But since you mentioned Loire, I remember France’s world heritage, the famous Loire valley. There are a lot of old castles there you know? For example Amboise (アンボワーズ), Blois (ブロワ), Chambord (シャンボール), Chenonceau (シユノンソー), all of them are beautiful castles which I want to look for once」
Just a while ago, you was angry that much, and now you are showing a defenseless smile just like a girl.
What, suddenly having such a face although you always have a proud, cold face.
「Oh well, I’ve decided. When you become my official pet, we will have a two people trip to Loire」
「A trip……Again, an unexpected talk」
「You are not going to say you won’t, right? This time, because you did a terrible thing to me, if you do not accept keeping company with me to Europe, it will not worthy as a payment. The promise……will you keep it?」
Maa, surely I’m aware that what I did was cruel. Therefore, that promise is rather fine. [20]
「I understand. Ma, I won’t become yours or something like that」
「I’ll show you that I can surely obtain you. Not only you made my clothes unusable. you are also the worst kind of men who forgot his promise…… However, you didn’t yield despite the strength of the enemy this time. I think very well of that point of you. Therefore, in someday, I will show you that I can surely make you my pet」
Shinonome is a shy person who makes use of something like a walk just to have a meal between two people.
Then, what does she mean by this “trying to obtain as a pet”?
Because pet is a close existence, it’s at the level of a boyfriend, or well……a partner (伴侶 = partner/spouse) . In that case, Shinonome want to k-kiss me……also, she did think of doing such a thing…… [21]
ーーーNo no no! It’s not possible!!
I don’t understand such a thing like an ojou-sama’s sense of values, maybe its meaning is really a pet. Un un, it must be so!
「O, other than that Shinonome, my question hasn’t finished yet. You, if Aizawa who you truly considered important was expelled, what would you intent to do?」
This fellow attempted to expel Aizawa, is the result of her wanting to make me a pet by any means.
However, there was a possibility that I didn’t surrender before the meeting, she was supposed to understand that the possibility of her important friend Aizawa being expelled was not zero.
Shinonome looks away a little awkwardly.
「That……Having a.n.a.lyzed you beforehand, I predicted that until the meeting, you would surely surrender so I started the expulsion. But of course, its meaning was also to calm the surroundings down temporary. But the day before, you left just like that. In other words, I didn’t think that you didn’t have the guts to abandon your important club member [22]. In that aspect, it was truly my miscalculation」
「I, in short, my incompetence was beyond what you expected, the fact was that Aizawa who should be absolutely safe was jeopardized, it’s like that……?」
It means, to the end, Shinonome used the existence of the picture and Aizawa was in a dangerous position for a moment. [23]
「Then eventually after I became your thing, you intended to help Aizawa. Wait, that means, you already knew who the culprit was before?」
「Yes, of course. By the way, Kuroki Ami had confessed after being summoned to the board chairman room for cross-examination. The motive was worthless like envious of Aizawa-san’s cuteness. Because it would be absurd if there wasn’t any punishment, I told her not to approach Aizawa-san for a while」
「Something like that, as expected」
That gyaru, she wanted people to think of herself as the prettiest……
「Return to the talk. I knew the culprit. Therefore, it would be good if Ikuno Kousuke surrendered. But I was surprised because you said nothing the day before. But I believed that surely you must take action, somehow or other, at the meeting……」
For that reason, she looked at me anxiously when there wasn’t any dissenting opinion appearing.
「But it’s just an excuse. Everything was my responsibility for misreading the person called Ikuno Kousuke. ……However, if possible I want you to be silent about this matter to her……」
The reason why Shinonome acted rashly is because I forgot my promise. Also that pure Aizawa, she will be shocked if she knows that Shinonome, despite the outcome, had used her. I have no choice but to nod.
「Thank you, livestock……」
「It’s fine. Besides, I was afraid of becoming your thing, the fact that for a moment I wanted to abandon Aizawa is not changed. After all, I’m not different from you……」
As expected, I’m no good. (だめだめ = no good/completely worthless/entirely useless, pick whatever you want) 
Such a girl, I’m sure that only someone like my imouto Sharte can take her on.
But, just like that, my cheeks are gently caressed.
「You don’t need to be pessimistic. Certainly, maybe you wanted to abandon Aizawa-san for a moment. But in the end, didn’t you properly save that girl with your own hand?」
「Iya, that was because there were your words……」
「You are being humble. Because only I know that it was truly your achievement, it’s fine to brag even more in front of me you know?」
「I’m not bragging particularly. I only did so because I wanted to help Aizawa and Shinonome」
Being taken by surprise, Shinonome opens her eyes wide, soon her white cheeks become red.
A, are? Did I say something weird……?
「Fufu, as expected, you are……very interesting…….」
Immediately after Shinonome quickly get close to me and stretch herself, there is a hot feeling spreading on my cheek.
While I’m absentmindedly hardened, Shinonome gently whisper to my ear.
「Please do not misunderstand. The thanks is combined with sterilization」 [24]
Shinonome, to avoid seeing my face, goes towards the entrance at a slightly quick pace.
「Wai……y, yo……!?」 (he said ちょっ……お、おまっ……, ちょっ – cho = chotto = wait, おま – oma = omae = you) 
Is the sterilization in regard to the kiss from Ten-nee, what did this person suddenly do, the tactless words like that didn’t come out because I couldn’t hide my astonishment.
Because, Shinonome Ibuki is a perverse person.
The girl who said differently from her true feelings, surely there is some hidden meanings in that action…… [25]
N, no no no, there is no way that that girl likes me right!?
That fellow is the neat-type b.i.t.c.h, perhaps, maybe to make me think so is her aim.
While shaking my head, enduring my puzzlement, I remember something on that subject.
「O, oi Shinonome! Please answer one last question. You, why did you say that the contents of what I said at the meeting was your instruction?」
At first, I thought just like a cunning neat-type b.i.t.c.h, it was surely for the sake of raising her own reputation.
But, it didn’t seem like that.
「You, aren’t you weak at being stood out?」
「I unexpectedly noticed that condition of yours while in cla.s.s [26]. Although I didn’t hear what happened in your past in detail, “my pet must have felt painful, wasn’t it” was what I thought」
「Shinonome, you……」
「It’s only on a whim. It’s not for you in particular」
……Kuso, as expected I’m no match for this b.i.t.c.h.
Shinonome said that in order to obtain me, she would instill her good point in to me.
Therefore, to not go the way she wanted to, I thought hard and should have been cautious…… [27]
Because just a little, I did think good about it. [28]

「Shinonome, arigato」
Although I know that Shinonome is a b.i.t.c.h, right now I can only thank her obediently.

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