Niece 17Delicious water

「Onii-chan, waking up like that, are you alright?」
She gets close to me horizontally and looks at my face worriedly. It’s dark but I understand how close the distant is.
「Ma, Makoto-chan!? Why I, horizontally……?」
「Un, Nana-chan and Onee-chan said and quarreled about sleeping horizontally with you, but I scolded them! They seemed to understand when I told them. Therefore, I……」 (うん、奈々ちゃんとお姉ちゃんが横に寝るって言ってケンカしてたけど、メッ!‥‥って言ったら分かってくれたみたい。) 
As expected of Nana-chan’s older sister. While having the exact opposite character, perhaps her potential threatening, or rather, intimidating air is not less than Nana-chan’s.
When I look from the loft, in the futon spread on the floor, Momoko and Nana-chan are lying down while turning their backs on each other. On the other side are Akira-chan and Asari-chan……tte, are?
「Ano, it looks like Yoko-chan isn’t there……?」
「Etto, while Onii-chan is sleeping……Yoko-chan went out by the taxi her mother called. Probably, Nana-chan said something to our mothers by phone……and Yoko-chan’s mother who heard that…… 」
The Nana-chan at the amus.e.m.e.nt park, was having that “completely snapped” feeling. However, don’t tell me, she went for the use of force……
「Yoko-chan, until just before she left, looked at Onii-chan’s face worriedly. She might even cry a little. Sorry……Nana-chan did such a thing……」
Makoto-chan doesn’t need to apologize, and yet her face is extremely apologetic and quiet. Somehow, she feels sorry to me.
「B, but, she said she would absolutely come back again tomorrow, you know? Until then…..t, this, if it’s me, she wanted me to keep this, was what Yoko-chan said」 (私だと思って持っててって) 
The thing she handed to me, is her own pantsu, which probably is the spare she brought. A cute bear-san is printed on it.
「I, I see……then I felt relieved. When she returns, I must apologize to Yoko-chan」
When the towel used for wiping cold sweat in my hand touches my forehead……are!?
「A!……That, is, my pantsu…… I thought, Onii-chan would like it……」
Before I know it, my setting has become “pantsu fetish”. ……no, actually, I’m happy, but……
「Sorry Makoto-chan, I even made you worry a lot. But, after all, in Nana-chan’s case, it was my bad, so you don’t need to blame yourself, okay?」
Makoto-chan curled just like a frightened cat, put her hand on my thighs and remained like that. It’s a completely opposite atmosphere, enough to make me doubt whether she’s Nana-chan’s sister or not.
「U, un, Sorry onii-chan……but, at least until morning……during the time Nana-chan is asleep, I will look after you, okay……?」
When she makes upturned eyes as if embarra.s.sed, Makoto-chan puts her hands on my trunks which was wet with sweat and is about to take it off.
「E, Ma, Makoto-chan!?……What happened?」
「Because, Onii-chan wanted to go to the toilet, right? I intend to help you. After that, I think you would be thirsty, so I will also prepare the water」
S, somehow, it’s the normal 「Looking after」……that’s right. Makoto-chan of all things……. no matter how many times I was told that she’s Nana-chan’s sister, it’s not possible, right?
In the first place, in this kind of situation’s setting, sisters are having exact opposite personalities, aren’
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t they? (そもそも、こういった場合の設定では姉妹は真逆の性格だもんな。) That’s good……Makoto-chan, among the nieces, is the only one I can rely on, the oasis of my heart! As expected, no wonder she’s Michika-neechan’s daughter!
I who felt relieved even remove my trunks, excuse myself and go down from the loft, finish my business. The moment Makoto-chan who accompanied me appeared in front of the toilet, she held out a cup of water placed perfectly on a tray to me.
「T, thank you Makoto-chan. You are really thoughtful……you can become a good bride」
「Is……that, so? Thank you, Onii-chan. That water……it must be really delicious, right? Because, it contains my blood」 (uh oh)

E!? J, just now……what did I hear!?

「Yesterday’s morning……my cut finger, you tasted it with your mouth, right? Because you like me……because, my blood, is tasty……you tasted it, right? Because the wound hasn’t closed yet, if I push it strongly, blood will ooze out……I think Onii-chan will gladly receive it」

Makoto-chan’s smile which was illuminated by the dim lightings of the corridor was boundlessly pure. (純粋極まりないもの) But why……? Nana-chan’s illusion overlaps there.

「I won’t tell Nana-chan or Yoko-chan, but you know……? I also, somehow, fell in love with Onii-chan, sort of」

When she separated the wounded finger held in her mouth, from her lips, a thread of drool which was slightly blurred with blood was pulled.

Aa……Ma, Makoto-chan. You……also?

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