Episode 2

When today’s s.e.xual hara.s.sment, the basic training ended, Rizetta asked.
Rizetta who swung the sword with all power each time her body was poked by me should be worn out. She went towards the clothes she took off while thanking me and staggering unsteadily.


When I say so, Rizetta stops and looks at me.
Because of fatigue, there is no power in Rizetta’s eyes, just like after being raped. That makes me really excited.

「Wearing clothes after training is over, can you become one with nature with that? Awesome. Aren’t you a genius?」

To those words of mine, *pikun* Rizetta reacted, she stopped picking up her clothes.

「S, sword saint-sama, how much time, has you spent in nude……?」

It seems like Rizetta thought I also spent time in nude to become one with nature.
Baーka, why should I do something stupid like spending time in nude? The reason I make you undress is that I want to see your naked body. It’s just that.

「About 5 years」
「F, five years. Sword saint-sama, 5 years……」

Hearing my answer, Rizetta who opened her eyes wide hanged her head down while murmuring.
If mine is 5 years, then Rizetta must spend about 20 years in nude. Though, I think she’s no match for me even if 20 years pa.s.s.

「If you understand, cleanse your body with water」
「Ha, hai. I’m sorry……」

It’s not necessary to apologize, but for some reason Rizetta apologizes.
She seems to have quite the quality to use sword, but she’s still a brat. Simply because she’s a brat, there would be a part where she’s conceited in her talent.
But, knowing the difference in status with me and the way where she should aim was too far, she came here.
It’s enough stick. Then should I give the carrot soon? (it’s whip and candy in the raw because carrot and the stick = candy and the whip in j.a.pan)
It’s me who would be troubled if her heart broke and she returned.

While Rizetta cleanses her body by the side of the waterfall, I began the preparation for dinner.
The beasts living in this area are extremely ferocious and strong. But the meat is tasty. And the plants growing in this area have very high efficacy.
I generated the fire with the scale of the flame dragon I hunted previously, roasted the meat of the beasts I hunted beforehand and made the soup with high-efficacy plants.
Soon, Rizetta who finished bathing in cold water came.
The water should be cold. The snow-like white skin increased its whiteness, the pink nipples erected *binbin*. And, the red hair which got wet with water is seductive. Furthermore, the raped eyes which lost their light are irresistible.
Aa, I want to do her soon.
But, be patience. I dislike rape.
Using the relationship called master and disciple, repeating the s.e.xual hara.s.sments while pretending to train, slowly developing and conquering. And I will make her swing her hips lewdly voluntarily in the end.
That sort of thing is really good.

「Sit down. It’s meal」
「T, thank you……」

Rizetta thanked me feebly and sat down on the chair which was made from a tree’s stump I prepared.
The place Rizetta sat was in front of me, between us was a bonfire.
Because the sun already sets, the area is dark.
Illuminated by the bonfire, the naked body of Rizetta stood out in the dark.
Because of being tired and feeling down, the sense of shame would fade. Rizetta doesn’t close her thighs although she’s naked. For that reason, the single line, smooth p.u.s.s.y is in full view.


I became excited while stealing glances at Rizetta’s smooth p.u.s.s.y, said calmly.

「Ha, hai……」

Rizetta says feebly and looks at me with raped eyes.
I don’t like rape, but I love raped eyes.

「You are young, Furthermore, a girl. Thinking of your body structure, it’s more disadvantageous than a man. You have quite good apt.i.tude, but men who have more talent than you are countless. But, think why I made you my disciple」

To my question, Rizetta shook her red eyes. And, she answered nothing.
The reason I made Rizetta my disciple was that she was cute. Only that. If I must say, then because she’s still young, the calculation was that I might enjoy her for a long time.

「Entering the kingdom’s Chivalric Order, becoming the strongest knight. If it’s the aim of that level, the difference between men and women’s body will be important. If talents are the same, a man is surely better. But, similar to me who will be victorious even if I make all the military forces of this world’s countries my opponent, to reach that domain (領域), the difference between men and women’s body is meaningless. Talent is also meaningless」
「The difference between men and women’s body, talent, are meaningless?」
「The domain where I am isn’t sweet enough to be able to reach with boring things like talent. The limit beyond the limit, even the other side beyond that limit. To reach there, talents and the like can’t be applied. Male, female, it’s irrelevant. You must throw away the limit called “human”」
「Human’s limit, throw away……」
「Aa, that’s right.」

When I nodded, tears acc.u.mulated in Rizetta’s eyes, and she began to tremble *purupuru*.
The story is too outrageous, and she couldn’t see the road, right?
Maa, saying it now is completely fine.
Then, it’s carrot time.

「The reason I made you my disciple. It’s your eyes」
「Because I thought after seeing your eyes. There are something different about this girl」

Hearing my murmuring, Rizetta stared in puzzlement for a moment, then light dwelled in the eyes which used to be the raped eyes and they began to shine *kirakira*.

「Is, is that true!?」

Standing up vigorously, Rizetta blushed and raised her voice.
The devil king that all countries of the world couldn’t stand a chance against, even if they concentrated all power. Being told “there are something different” by this me who defeated that devil king easily by myself and was even called the sword saint, seemed like it was something worth becoming happy.

「Didn’t I just say? Both talent and gender gap are meaningless. The essential thing is the not-broken heart. Tasting true despairs many times, the strong heart which overcomes that is more important than anything. That strength, I saw it from your eyes」

When I gave her the carrot again, the brightness of Rizetta’s eyes increased, she had a whole face smile.
Aa, the simplicity of this kid is good. Making such a simple, pure girl lewd without her knowing it is irresistible.

「If you understand, then eat the meal. The necessary thing for the current you is stamina. The road to the strongest is long and severe. There’s no shortcut. Exactly because it’s endlessly long, the stamina to advance step by step is important. Eat a lot, sleep a lot. Then work hard by training a lot」
「Hai! Hai! Hai! Thank you very much, master-sama!」

Rizetta answered many times and thanked me vigorously, she began to eat the meal hurriedly.

「D, delicious! Such a delicious thing, it’s the first time eating in my life!」

Eating the meat of the beasts roasted by the scale of the flame dragon, Rizetta is delighted.
Flame dragon, from its name, it’s the dragon governing flame, it’s among four dragon G.o.ds governing fire, water, earth, wind, (the kanji for flame and fire in this one is different, honoo and hi)
When a thing is roasted using the dragon’s inverse scale which is said to carry the eternal flame, it will carry the attribute of flame. By eating it, it’s possible to obtain the attribute of flame.
It’s meaningless when it comes to my level, but to a normal human, that means obtaining an absurd power.
And, the beasts of this area inherited the negative power the devil king left behind. They are devil beast.
The meat of devil beast covered by miasma, eating it means instant death in general. But by toasting it with the fire of flame dragon, the miasma is purified and only the pure magical power remains. It’s possible to hold the magical power contained in that body by eating it.
With only that much, the body will suffer from the burdens, but the high-efficacy plants of this area has the effect of the so-called miracle drug, it reduces the burden of the body and it’s possible to recover stamina in an instant. By the way, it increases vitality too.
With that, even if one doesn’t train, it’s possible to become strong just by having meals as usual.
Maa, it’s something like compensation for being hara.s.sed s.e.xually.
It’s a sequel, but the devil beasts’ meat or the miracle drug, everything becomes energy, so there’s no p.o.o.p. However, because the soup contains water, only pee will come out.

In the morning, I who was lack of sleep washed my face at the bank of the waterfall.
Fuu, last night was the best. I thoroughly ogled the sleeping defenselessly Rizetta’s naked body without saving.
Speaking of bad luck, I couldn’t *kupaa* that single line, smooth p.u.s.s.y (sound of v.u.l.v.a opening)
It’s too soon to *kupaa* it. Right now, it’s important to get Rizetta’s trust.
If she trusts me wholeheartedly, perhaps Rizetta won’t resist even if she is *kupaa*‘d
Aa, I want to *kupaa* that single line, smooth p.u.s.s.y and *peropero* her c.l.i.toris soon. (lick-lick)
By the way, won’t today’s training be fun? Because, from today, I will carry out Rizetta lewd-ification plan.

Rizetta woke up, she cleansed herself at the bank of the waterfall after greeting me.
Rizetta came back, just like yesterday, her wet hair was seductive and the pink nipples erected *pinpin*.
Honestly, irresistible.

「Rizetta, smear this to your body. Entirely without saving anything」

Saying so, I tossed a container to Rizetta.
Rizetta caught the container which drew a parabola with both hands and looked at me in puzzlement.

「It’s miracle drug. By smearing on the skin, it becomes easy to perceive the change of the atmosphere. However, as the side effect, you will taste some pain, but again, pain is also a training」
「Ha, hai!」

Rizetta answered without doubting and began to smear the miracle drug on her body.
Fufuーn, I don’t say a lie. The miracle drug is a thing that make the nerve hypersensitive. Therefore, it’s true to say that it becomes easy to perceive the surrounding presence.
However, because the skin becomes sensitive, if it’s smeared on the place which feels pleasant, the sensitivity will increase greatly. That’s the side effect.
Even so, there’s another side effect. Perhaps this might be said as an effect, not a side effect, but she will be clad in an evil-destroying aura (破魔の霊気)

Rizetta smears the miracle drug on her body diligently, but she seems to be troubled as her back doesn’t get wet.
Rizetta looks at me *chirachira* while fidgeting (SFX: seeing > not seeing > seeing and repeat…..)
Fufu, exactly like the script.

「What happened?」

While being happy and excited inwardly, I said with a sigh.

「A, ano, sono, there is a place I couldn’t smear the miracle drug by myself……」

Rizetta who was asked a question had seemingly apologetic, upturned eyes, while enduring my urge to laugh frantically, I once again leaked a sigh.

「Do you think the master is a servant or something?」
「I, I, I’m sorry!」
「Well, fine」

Rizetta bowed many times, I had the “good grief!” feeling (yareyare)
Seemingly shocked by the direction and having no interest in Rizetta’s body, I emphasized that.
I received the container from Rizetta and went around to her back, swallowed my saliva *gokuri*
Fufufu, with this, I can enjoy Rizetta’s skin as I please

「P, please treat me well」

Rizetta raised her voice apologetically and raised the her ponytailed red hair with both hands, exposing her back.
Because she raised with both hands, her childish, smooth armpits are in full view.
Armpits, why are they so erotic?
By the way, I don’t have another chance to smear the miracle drug to her armpits. Besides, the area of p.u.s.s.y and b.u.t.tocks isn’t smeared, too. Although it’s the place that can be smeared by oneself.
Really, the p.u.s.s.y must be smeared the most, right?

「Ha, hai!」
「I will smear it to your back, but the coating of other parts is weak. Smear it more. I certainly said “entirely without saving anything”. If the coating is uneven, the sensation will be scattered」
「Ha, hai! I’m sorry!」

While being angry at Rizetta’s thoughtlessness, I began to smear the miracle drug to Rizetta’s back.
Nuu, such smooth skin. Okay, this is good. Rizetta’s appearance is cute, but her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are *punipuni* (bouncy), her skin is white and smooth, it’s the best, in various meanings.
Wait, it’s dangerous to smear too much. Let’s moderately maintain the status quo at enjoying Rizetta’s skin. She will go mad if the sensit.i.ty rises too high.

「Rizetta, I finished smearing on your back. I will give instructions, so smear it yourself afterward」
「Ha, hai! Thank you very much!」

When I held out the container while calling out to Rizetta, she received it while thanking me.

「Smear it on the back of your neck well」
「The armpits, too」
「Smear it on the base of your thighs and genital too」

Rizetta who obediently smeared the miracle drug according to my instruction became puzzled after hearing “genital”.

「I said everywhere, from head to foot. If there is a place which isn’t smeared, the balance of sensation will crumble」
「Ha, hai!」

It must be embarra.s.sing. The blushing Rizetta replied and smeared the miracle drug to her finger. And, she becomes bowlegged a little, spread the miracle drug to her single line, smooth p.u.s.s.y.
EROTIC. Moreover, doing that in front of me. I thought she would surely hide, but it appeared as if she trusted me that much. All right.

「Like that, smear it to the b.u.t.t hole and that area」
「Ha, hai!」

Rizetta became red to the ears, once again became bowlegged, touched the area of the crotch and spread the miracle drug on the b.u.t.t hole and nearby area.
Irresistible. Irresistible. I want to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e using the scene before my eyes as side dish, but be patience for now.

「The gaps between fingers and toes too, smear them well」
「Ha, hai!」

Rizetta who became bowlegged and smeared the miracle drug on her b.u.t.t hole received my instruction and replied.
Because she will suspect if I only obsesses in her p.u.s.s.y or b.u.t.t hole. So I gave instructions to smear on other places.

She finished smearing the miracle drug of increasing sensitivity, and I started today’s training. Although I said that, it’s just doing the same thing like yesterday.
The difference is that, because of the miracle drug, the sensitivity of Rizetta’s whole body increases remarkably.
Receiving my instruction, Rizetta who became blindfolded like yesterday readied her somewhat small sword.
When I ogled for a while, Rizetta’s cheeks began to change color, her breathing became rough. And, her pink nipples became erected *muku*.
Kukuku, the miracle drug is effective. With this, just a blowing wind should make her feel it.

「Su, sugoi. This is the power of the miracle drug」

Rizetta whose cheeks became red and breathing became rough still held the sword and muttered something.

「Feel. The atmosphere. My whole body seemed to become the eyes completely. But……」

Rizetta who muttered again clenches her teeth in vexation.

「Despite this much sensation, I don’t feel master-sama’s presence at all. By having obtained this sensation, I finally noticed the difference between our dimension……」

By becoming hypersensitive, Rizetta who was in the state of being able to feel the change of the atmosphere, seemed to finally understanding my awesomeness.
Really, what an idiot. Who do you think I am? I mean, I will become more awesome if I begin to be serious. You completely understand my true awesomeness, right?
Aside from that, should I try to s.e.xual hara.s.s Rizetta today too?
Saying that, while erasing my presence, I poked Rizetta with my finger.

Rizetta’s whole body becomes vermilion, and her breathing roughens *zeezee* (breathing roughly sfx)
Her skin is poked by me continuously, half a day has pa.s.sed and it looks like she’s quite completed.
I don’t touch her anymore and yet, her pink nipples become erected to the point of rupture, the ecchi juice leak out from her single line, smooth p.u.s.s.y.


When I poked her back *tsun*, Rizetta let out a somewhat sweet voice and swung the sword a moment late.
Because her skin becomes sensitive, the reaction velocity increases just by being poked. But she feels by being poked, her movement becomes dull.

「Rizetta, your reaction steadily becomes slower. What’s the cause. Say honestly」

When I asked Rizetta that question, *biku* she trembled. And the already red face became deep red as if burning.
She feels it when she is poked, saying something like that is embarra.s.sing.

「If you can’t say then I will. You feel pleasant when your skin is touched, right? Your sense becomes sharp, so it’s natural. And that pleasant feeling becomes wicked thought. The miracle drug’s true side effect is that wicked thought. Don’t run away. Noticing yourself that pleasant feeling, accepting it, overcoming it. You will advance a level if you can」
「Ha, hai! Thank you for your teaching!」

Feeling pleasant is natural, besides, overcoming it before advancing, Rizetta was told so, her expression softened as if she was relieved somewhere, but she immediately stiffened her expression and replied.
Feeling pleasant is natural, by being told so, she understood that it was not just her who felt it, and would be relieved.
Fufufu, it’s carrot and the stick.
Rizetta corrects her posture and tightens her expression. It seems like she’s gathering her consciousness, looks like she is trying to overcome the wicked thought caused by the pleasant feeling. But, the more she concentrates, the sharper her sense becomes, the pleasant feeling increases.
Fufufu, Rizetta, steadily becoming erotic without knowing is good.


When I poked Rizetta’s arm while grinning, she trembled *biku* and let out a sweet moan. And she swung her sword considerably late.

「Haa, haa, haa」

Drool drip from the edge of her cute lips, while her body is trembing *pikunpikun*, Rizetta’s breathing roughens.
*binbin* her pink nipples erected, ecchi juice streamed down from the inside of her thighs.
Even if the miracle drug was quite effective, perhaps because she concentrated, the pleasant feeling grew instantly.
A young girl writhing because she feels good, p.u.s.s.y juice overflowing while nipples becoming erected, that drooling appearance, such immorally-like thing.
At this rate, the lewd-ification could be faster than I thought.

When today’s training ended, Rizetta came to bath in cold water, I prepared the meal.
When Rizetta came back, I decided to have an evaluation meeting while having a meal.

「Rizetta. It looked like you sensed the pleasant feeling quite a lot in today’s training, but from which place was the pleasant feeling big?」

When she was asked that, Rizetta who was eating the devil beasts’ meat *hamuhamu* (chomping, eating sfx) blushed immediately.
She swallowed the meat *gokuri*, then looked at me *chirachira* with upturned eyes.

「If you smear the miracle drug on the spots where the pleasant feeling was big, it will become even bigger. If that is one, it will become difficult to unify the spirit. Because of the difficulty, you will grow up the moment you climb over that wall」

Rizetta who heard my talk with her deep red face tightened her expression and nodded *kokun*.

「M, my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and the area nearby, between my thighs, and even the base of my thighs and inside them, my b.u.t.tocks too」

While blushing as if she’s burning, Rizetta obediently answers.
Wow, the erogenous zones seems to be more than I thought. Furthermore, the entrance of her b.u.t.t hole too, huh? (しかもケツ穴もイケる口か) Well, if I train her carefully, it seems like she would became quite a pervert.

「Before sleeping, smear the miracle drug on your body. And, on the places you said by yourself just now, smear more miracle drug. Because I’m your opponent during the training, concentrating would be difficult. For that reason, except during training, practice to unify your mind alone. We don’t have time to waste」
「Ha, hai! Thank you for your teaching!」
「But, don’t get impatient. Eat the meal properly, and also rest fully. The important thing is having a sharp body」

Rizetta nodded strongly to my words, she ate the devil beasts’ meat *moshamosha* (munch-munch) and drank the soup *gokugoku* (gulping repet.i.tively)
If she properly eats the meat of the devil beasts roasted with flame dragon’s scale and drinks the high-efficacy soup boiled with the same flame dragon’s scale, worrying about sickness or injury will be unnecessary and stamina will recover explosively. In addition, with the miracle drug she is smearing on her whole body, she can acquire the aura of evil-destroying.
She will become strong without doing anything.
Therefore, I will keep her company although it’s just playing. Perhaps she won’t match me, well, she will become a swordswoman of the world’s strongest cla.s.s.
Therefore, I will s.e.xually hara.s.s you as I please. I will do it strongly in my own ways. (それなりに強くはしてやるよ。)

Rizetta finished eating the meal and immediately began to smear the miracle drug on her body.
If she couldn’t smear it on the back by herself, feigning a “can’t be helped” air, I would do it.
Aa, as expected, Rizetta’s skin is soft and smooth and irresistible.
I finished smearing the drug on Rizetta’s back and ogled Rizetta who is smearing the drug alone.
Rizetta soaked her finger with the drug completely and smeared a lot *nurinuri* on her pink nipples which became erected *binbin*.

「Haa♡ Haa♡ Haa♡」

To smear the miracle drug, her figure becomes “touching nipples with fingers” Rizetta is breathing roughly with a deep red face, her body shakes *bikun bikun*
Pure, obedient, simple and diligent disciple is the best. (yes, yes it is)
Rizetta who smeared the drug on her nipples fully also smears the areolas which are pink-colored similar to her nipples with lots of drug, which can be said as slightly dangerous. And the *pukkura* swelling b.r.e.a.s.t.s too, she smears the drug as if it isn’t enough already.
Rizetta finished smearing the drug on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and began to smear a lot on her armpits.
Armpits didn’t enter the list of erogenous zones she said a while ago, but it seemed like the sensitivity was high.
To get the result by training, it seems like she intends to smear a lot on the places where the sensitivity is high.
She finished smearing on the armpits and also smeared a lot on her abdomen, then she prepared to smear it on the area where the uterus is.
By any chance, did her uterus ache?
Rizetta smeared the drug on the other side of her thighs and the crotch again, and that event occurred.

「Haa♡ Haa♡ Haa♡ Haa♡」

The breathing roughly Rizetta smeared the drug on her single line, smooth p.u.s.s.y, then *pakkuri* (open sfx) she opened her p.u.s.s.y with her fingers and began to smear the inside, too.

「a♡ u♡ fuu♡」

While shivering *bikubiku*, Rizetta smears the drug on her bright salmon pink meat wall.
From the exposed small meat hole, *kopu* p.u.s.s.y juice overflow.

「Fuu♡ Fuu♡ Fuu♡」

While blushing like her whole body is burning, gushing out sweat and clenching her teeth, Rizetta who was drooling dipped her finger into the drug fully and put that finger to her small hole. Then *tsupu* she pushed that finger inside the hole.
The faint *chupuchupu* sound of water echoes.
Putting the finger inside the small hole, Rizetta is moving it in and out (抜き挿ししている in the raw, which means drawing out then putting in movement)
Oi oi, don’t tell me, she begins to smear it even to the inside of p.u.s.s.y.
The urge to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e was unbearable, but I watched that carefully while thinking frantically.
Rizetta who was smearing the drug to the inside of the p.u.s.s.y fully, is also smearing it to the urethra.
The urethra is dangerous. She will be attacked by a strong feeling whenever she urinates. It is interesting in that case, but the amount of coating is a bit dangerous.
Maa, I have the antidote. If she went mad, would it be fine If I made her drink it?
Finished smearing to the urethra, Rizetta again did a surprising action.
She peeled the c.l.i.toris and began to smear the drug to that standing out *puri* meat bud.
The c.l.i.toris is seriously dangerous. The sensitivity is abnormally high under normal situation, but if that place is smeared with miracle drug, perhaps she may go mad for real.
Should I stop her here and make her drink the antidote?
But, there’s a feeling of wanting to see it.
Besides, if she seriously aims at me, enduring the thing of this degree is natural. And if Rizetta is serious, perhaps she may endure it.
In a sense, it’s do-or-die (need a better translation for 死線, it means the point between life and death)
If she endures it, will I recognize her a little?
Rizetta finished smearing the drug to her c.l.i.toris and was about to put the peeled skin back with her finger. But the c.l.i.toris erects too much and the skin can’t be put back.

「a♡ aa♡ hya♡」

Trying to forcibly put back the skin, Rizetta ends up playing with the c.l.i.toris (クリコキ in the raw, which I translated according to and not sure if correct)

「Hi♡ a♡ Hiu♡ auuu♡」

The childish body twitched *bikunbikun*, Rizetta frantically tried to put back the skin and spasms *bikubikubiku* violently, *pyuru* urine spouted from her urethra.

「Aa♡ aaa♡ aaaaa♡」

Rizetta bended backward, her body trembled while she let out sweet screams.
It seemed like she came. Judging from the reaction, is it her first time c.u.mming?
*Byurururu* I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside my pants, grinned while being infatuated by pleasant feeling.
Knowing the peak of feeling good, can she really overcome the pleasure?
Even if she can endure from going mad, if she becomes the slave of pleasure, she would become a female kid only desire pleasure.
Rizetta, whose b.r.e.a.s.t.s pushed out *pukkura* and body trembled *gakugaku*, clenched her teeth *giri* while urine spouted *pyuru* from her urethra. And, when she stands up while her knees are trembling *gakugaku*, she dips her finger to the drug.
Does she intend to continue smearing? Perhaps I can expect from this fellow.
The finger which was dipped fully with miracle drug, Rizetta moves it to her back. Does she intend to smear it to her b.u.t.t hole?

「A♡ aa♡」

The hand which she moved to the back was filled with lots of power, *bikubiku* the convulsing Rizetta let out a sweet voice.
Will she put the finger inside the b.u.t.t hole?
Following that guess of mine, a weak *nupunupu* sound can be heard, Rizetta pushed out her tongue.
*buwa* Sweat gushed out from the blushing skin as if it was set ablaze, the standing erected nipples and c.l.i.toris became harder and more pointed *bin* Only by touching the b.u.t.t hole, she came with such force.

「O♡ oo♡ ohoo♡」

While she drooled slovenly, her eyes opened wide and her tongue was pushed out, *byubyu* urine vigorously came out from the convulsing *bikunbikun* Rizetta’s urethra.
This fellow, c.u.m with just her b.u.t.t hole. Moreover, she smeared this much miracle drug and didn’t go mad.
More than having the talent for the sword, didn’t she have the talent for lewdness?

Although she somehow finished smearing the drug, that day, until early morning, the childish gasping can be heard continuously.
Because she knew the peak, it seemed like she m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed until morning.

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