Chapter split into 3 pages

In the next moment, as they returned to their original location–

In the rolling hot air, I turned my eyes to the Arachne warrior.

Arisu"s body twisted in the air, plummeting downwards towards the Arachne warrior, attacking the still-oblivious enemy conductor with a sudden stab.

But the Arachne warrior seemed to sense something off, and turned around immediately. Arisu"s spear only grazed the side of its abdomen.

The enemy leader"s skin was cut open by the spear. Blue blood flew everywhere.

Almost at the same time, Tamaki started battling the legendary Arachne.

Still in the air, Tamaki made an awkward attempt to land a blow. The Arachne with red and black skin dodged, as if it had already seen where she was.

This G.o.d-level monster soldier opened its mouth.

Oh no, it was webbing!

Even if Tamaki was an idiot, she would be able to guess what the enemy was about to do. Relying on the force of her blow, she turned her body and changed the trajectory of her flight, trying to avoid the huge range of cobwebs…

But she failed. The legendary Arachne"s cobwebs could spray further than other Arachnes, and it blocked her escape route completely.

These cobwebs weren"t soft and sticky like the other ones, but hard and sharp like spears. They stabbed through the girl"s left shoulder, right abdomen, and right thigh.

Tamaki let out a suppressed moan of grief.


"No worries, it"s just a small wound!"

Twisting her body, she pulled the wires out forcefully and continued to spin through the air, moving behind the legendary Arachne.

The legendary Arachne could really see her movements. It turned towards Tamaki, who was falling to the ground, gripping the red and black spear with a silver handle.

"Arisu, I"m sending the fairies over! Respond for Tamaki…"

"Yes! Tamaki!"

I signalled the fire and wind fairies, directing them to go towards the Arachne warrior.

The warrior and Arisu were almost equal when it came to attack or defense, but its attention was drawn away by the two attacking fairies.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Arisu took a few steps back, trying to distance herself from the enemy commander.

"Distance healing."

Thanks to Arisu"s healing magic, Tamaki"s wounds gradually closed.

"This way I can keep fighting!!"

Her spirits high, Tamaki charged at Arachne. At that moment, the Arachnes around turned to look at us.

Seems like the effects of "complete invisibility" had disappeared…

The next moment, there was another huge explosion behind us. This one was much smaller than the previous one, but even so the rippling stream of force was enough to blast me into the air.

Ah, it must"ve been Lucia"s work…

Was she physically okay?–As a I spun, I opened my eyes to make sure and saw Mia hurriedly supporting Lucia, who was limping.

Mia held Lucia in her arms as she cast a wind spell on the Arachnes around them, a level six "Storm". The resulting hurricane blasted away all the spider people.

Seeing me suspended in the air, Mia flew towards me, Lucia still in her arms.

"All the mages should be finished off now."

"I see. Thanks for the hard work. Next we have to deal with the Arachne warrior and the legendary Arachne…"

I glance at Arisu and Tamaki.

Arisu and the two fairies were forcing the Arachne warrior into a corner.

Faced with the legendary Arachne, however, Tamaki could only stay on the defense.

Thankfully, none of the surrounding Arachne could find a way to intervene in high level clashes like these. Yet…

One after another, they looked up into the air at us. d.a.m.n, we"re exposed!

Of course, that was to be expected. The two explosions were shocking in their power.

One after another, the spider people put arrows to their bows.



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