Chapter 91: Feast

We flew back to the cliff from the deeply scarred plains.

In midst, we listen to the eagle’s voice.

No, it should be the female voice from the eagle.

The eagle that is like a familiar, is currently being hugged by Mia using both her arms.

「We are Ara Furaara. In human terms, it means People of the Light. The Protector of the World Tree. My name is Rirandarukarak.u.muru Ra Furamusa…...」(TL note:アーラ・フラーラ and リーランダールカラークムール・ラ・フラームサー)

「Wait, wait a minute, can you put your name in a simpler form please?」

「...... Then call me, Rin.」

「Okay, I understand. Good girl, good girl.」

Mia began caressing the eagle’s head as it seems displeased after being interrupted with her self-introduction.

And also she continued to the eagle’s throat region.

The eagle closed its eyes, seemingly feeling very comfortable.

「Wait a minute, this eagle is my familiar. If you do that, ahh~ oi, wait a second, ah!」

The eagle seems to be giving off a weird sound.

Ah, this person seems to be linked with it?

This feels like my Rank 8 Support Magic 《Synchronize》, although I have yet to learn it. (Tl note: 《シンパサイズ》)

「Ah so cute, Kazu-chi, look look.」

Mia turned towards this side and smiled happily.

Wait…… Be careful.

The other party is an important source of information, you should know when to stop.

The eagle flapped his wings and escaped from Mia’s arms.

Just like that, it began to fly in the sky

Ah, it got angry.

「Sorry, my bad, so please tell us the information.」

「Mia, you…...」

「Because the voice is too cute, so I did it.」

We, who have gotten to the cliff, were surrounded by the people who escaped from the city.

Because we defeated the giant centaur, so we were quite well-liked.

Especially Arisu and Tamaki who gave the final blow, were very welcomed.

The natives lowered with heads and with their hands facing up while crying. This should be the meaning of their grat.i.tude.

「Oh, G.o.ddess of Destiny Aru=Sazaru. Ah thank you for your guidance. Oh Great Magic User’s servants, the n.o.ble female warriors, may the protection of the G.o.d of War Garugosu protect you.」

Aru=Sazaru and Garugosu.

The G.o.ddess of Destiny and the G.o.d of War.

The beliefs of these seems like ancient greece and roman, giving off a feeling of multiple religion…...

Wa...wait a minute.

Great Magic User…… Ah, did they get something wrong?

Don’t tell me…...

From how it seemed to them, Arisu and Tamaki are the familiars that I summoned?

Mia used an awkward tone and explained that they are humans.

They were shocked and troubled.

「They are humans just like us…… and they can battle with the divine soldier?」

「Nnn. Yes. That is the power of the Great Magic User and magic.」

The crowd seems to be in commotion.

Oi oi, you should not say something unsuitable.

Although I am a bit mindful on the term divine soldier.

I hurriedly and said that those were the abilities of Arisu and Tamaki, and pushed the people’s thanks to the 2 of them.

They began to worship Arisu and Tamaki again.

「Hey hey, Kazu-san. What are these people saying? What is it?」

Tamaki was shocked.

Ah s.h.i.t.

I gave Arisu and Tamaki 《Many Tongues》.

To Arisu and Tamaki who are now able to understand them, they indeed panicked after hearing the worship-like praises.

Maa…… I can also understand these words, and even if you don’t understand their words, they will probably still react in the same way.

At there, Arisu found the wounded people among the citizens.

And gave me a look.

「Arisu, can I ask you to heal them?」


Arisu began to hurriedly heal the citizens’ wounds.

Ah, anyway I feel that she is completely being idolised.

The birth of a Saintress…...


The eagle in the sky is still circling as though it is still pouting.

There is no other choice.

The time has already reached noon.

Suddenly I felt hungry.

Maa….. Now there isn’t any danger here, so I guess it is fine?

I used 《Summon Feast and Set》.

Slim tables are lined up on the cliff.

On the pure white table cloth, the delicious cuisines are still steaming hot.

Things like roasted whole bird, a bowl full of salad, white soul, roasted beef, paella like thing, pizza like thing and potato salad etc.

Drinks, wines, beers, juices, everything are there.

Even if there is 100 people, the amount is enough to fill them up.

Under the blue sky, a banquet appeared in an instant.

To the citizens who had their eyes wide opened, I told them let’s eat together.

Because I can’t waste my MP, so I did not call out the servants. Although even if I call them out, they will thank the butlers and the maids.

Time to eat.

Arisu and Tamaki just followed and ate a bit of salad.

No, Tamaki began moving at the roasted beef as though it is nothing.

If you eat too much, you may not be able to move you know.

「Be..because it looks super delicious! It tastes really good!」

「Oh, oh…… then eat to your fill. Take it as replenishing after exercising. After I still have 7 MP, if necessary, I can summon another table.」

「Ah, that…… I can’t eat that much…...」

There is a total of 87 people from the citizens left.

3 soldiers.

Around 10 elderly, 30 children.

Because anyone who can fight are recruited, so most of the fit young men who are able to work, are all killed.

In such a situation, how will they survive from now on?

Don’t I have to consider about this now?

Also was it lured by the smell of food? The eagle flew down and landed at the side of the table.

Arisu placed some appropriate meat on the plate and the eagle began to eat with relish.

Is it satisfied with the taste of the cuisine? The eagle looked over here.

It’s black pupils seems to suck one in.

No, should I say in the depths of the eagle’s eyes, are the serious looks of that person?

「I wish to continue talking with you, Kazu-chi.」

「Please wait a second. That is what Mia used to call me. Hmm, call me Kazu.」

「I understand, Kazu. Let me put this straight, wouldn’t you come to the World Tree?」

World Tree…...

The word from fantasy came out.

A giant sized tree huh…...

A leaf that can revive someone, but in reality it is an orbital elevator.

Ah right.

I talked to the soldier who is chewing on his meat.

The middle-aged guy who told me the name of the giant centaur.

「Do you know about the World Tree?」

「Yes, Great Magic User-sama. It is the place where the People of Light and the Demi-humans stay. It is a huge tree that pierce through the sky, that is what the protectors of the World Tree of Beginning said.. If such a thing really exist, then we will be able to see it from a faraway place…...」

「Ah I see that this world knows what is curvature」

「Curvature…… what is that?」

The soldier was stupefied.

No, even if I know that, it has no use.

Whether the land is a flat surface or it is a sphere, anything is fine.

Anyway, hmmm, demi-humans huh…...

It is possible that they may look down on humans.

No, before that, what kind of people are the demi-humans?

「Oh oh, don’t Rin-chi have long ears?」

「There is no such thing….. Wait please don’t get near me.」

When Mia got near, the eagle moved its wings and landed on the gra.s.s.

It seems to be determined to not get closer or rather, decided to ignore her.

「Chii, aren’t you an Elf?」

「Wait a minute, Mia. If an Elf does not have long ears, then they may not be an Elf.」

「Oh, is it?...... Then how tall is Rin-chi?」


Ah, the eagle went silent.

Is it some inferiority complex?

「Once you see me, you will understand.」

I get this feeling that we will meet soon…...

「Don’t tell me you stay near here? Rin-san?」

「No, if you began to walk from here, it will take about a month.」

Then if we keep walking around to meet each other, wouldn’t it be bad…...?

「Activating a transfer gate. This familiar is prepared for invoking such a magic.」

A transfer gate.

We looked at each other.

That word is our clue.

That fearful and disgusting piece of meat, the Globster.

The existence that transferred us to this place.

The existence that summoned out the giant centaur.

「As long as we use that, we can transfer from here to the World Tree immediately…...」

「I see.」

「The place where the World Tree is, is it safe?」

The eagle went silent again.

Oi, don’t keep quiet at that timing…...

Maa…… although it is good to be honest.

「Rin-san. Please explain to us about the danger that the World Tree is in.」

「...... Currently, we are under a large-scale monster attack.」

Is that so.

So they wanted our power?

If it is just that, perhaps we can work together.

If the owner of that voice understand the geography of this world, perhaps they can help us get back to the mountain where our school is at.

Even if we don’t know the exact location, if we can get the gathered information…...

No, with the investigation ability of the eagle and the transfer gate, there is the possibility that we can return to the Cultivating Centre in an instant.

But that is under the premise that we can block the monsters’ a.s.sault.

If there are stronger monsters than that giant centaur…… there is such a possibility.

「How big is that scale?」

「There are about 20 thousand with the orcs as the main force.」

Oi, wait a moment.

Aren’t there too many enemies.

「Ah, how many people are there at the World Tree?」

「In our army, there are about 2000 soldiers who are apt at battle in the forest and there are about 1000 soldiers who survived and evacuated here. Other than that, there are about 2000 animals like wolves and bears.」

There are also much more combat power on Rin-san side than I expected.

If it’s the bears, then they are definitely stronger than the orcs.

If there is so many of them, wouldn’t they be able to fight on par with the orcs in the forest?

No, it can’t be that simple.

Among the monsters, there are some who are very strong.

Until now, those that we have fought before are the Elite Orcs, General Orcs, and…...

「Are there any monsters like the giant centaur?」

「Currently it is unconfirmed if there are any divine soldiers. But there is the possibility that it is a back-up.」

「Then what is the possibility?」

「Currently it is just a possibility.」

She seemed to have answered the unadvantageous things properly.

Rin-san seems to be honestly conversing with us.

If it is like this, I nodded and glanced at the soldier who is dumbfounded beside me.

Then at Arisu, Tamaki, Mia in this sequence.

Tamaki who was busy eating, did not look over here.

Mia who seemingly wanted to listen in, kept looking over.

「If it is without our power, is it possible for you to defeat the monster army?」

But she is quite faraway.

「Honestly speaking, I don’t know too. In the situation where a divine soldier enters, a tough fight will be unavoidable.」

「So for that, you need our strength?」

「Yes. If we want to win, we will need your a.s.sistance, so please consider.」

She is indeed frank.

No, or rather it should be that there isn’t much time to negotiate with us?

Or is it that she just wanted to show her sincerity.

If it is like that, then we should make some request of our own.

「Can we bring all of the survivors in this city? We can’t just leave them here. Although it is best that your people can protect them…...」

「We have that intention since the beginning. Even if you decided to decline the invitation, they will also accept it.」

Hmm? Why?

I have a feeling that I don’t want to understand.

They can’t depend on them as combat strength.

And when the battle begins, these people will only become burdens.

Doing nothing but consuming food.

Maa, perhaps they can provide abit of labour, but it can only be till a certain extent.

And the demi-humans in the World Tree, will probably reject outsiders…...

No, the ones rejecting, would they be the citizens here?

Anyway, I don’t think that they have a very good relationship.

「Then after that, what plans do you have?」

「After gathering the survivors, after the war, there is the important thing of reviving the world.」

Ah, I see.

…...Ah, how should I do this.

「Hey, Mia」

「Kazu-chi, did you need me to explain something.」

「No…… I wish to hear your opinion on my weird feeling in the conversation.」

Mia nodded

「The world is facing destruction. The only hope, is the humans’ last fortress which is the World Tree, is that right?」

「Ah…… Is that so…..」

The eagle’s eyes turned over here.

「Currently, we have judged that there are 7 bases in this land that have the ability to battle with the monsters. The World Tree is one of them. The majority of the places in this land are occupied by the monsters and destroyed. We, the humans, will be exiled out from this land.」

We faced each other and gave out a “waaa” sound.

This feels bad…...

Isn’t this the state whereby it is at checkmate?

What are the aims of the monsters, how do they fight etc. Although there are all sorts of things that we wanted to hear about…...

There are 2 choices.

Are we going to interfere with the war in this world?

If it is so, then it will go against their wishes, but no matter what, we must protect the Cultivating Centre.

「Kazu-chi. Even if we run away, it is definitely useless.」

「I understand. Actually even if there isn’t a choice, it is fine too. But everyone’s opinion is also…...」


Mia shrugged her shoulders.

「Arisu-chi and Tamaki-chi are fine with being affected by Kazu-chi?」

Arisu nodded seriously.

Tamaki’s mouth is dirtied by the sauce and nodded while chewing on the meat in her mouth.

Okay, you can eat slowly.

After all, we don’t know when we can eat again slowly after this.

I looked at the eagle once again.

「I understand. Then after we finished eating, please activate the transfer gate. Bring those among here who wish to partic.i.p.ate through the transfer gate. Of course all of us will go.」

「Thank you for your decision, Great Magic User Kazu.」

「Kazu is fine. Don’t use any other excessive names.」

From the conclusion, it seems like all of the survivors from the city have all decided to go to the World Tree with us.

Even if they stay in this place, it is hard for them to survive.

So even if they have to lower themselves to those who call themselves demi-humans, they must also survive.

That is their role, while the women who scolded the soldiers roughly said while smiling.

Hmm, sounds like there are some racism.

Anyway, I have warned them that it is forbidden to hold an aggressive att.i.tude.

I recalled all the summoned familiars.

We must be sincere to those who are moving.

And currently Arisu and Tamaki are around…...

「Then, activate the transfer gate.」

The eagle landed on the centre of the cliff and its wings gusted up strong winds.

The white light scattered outwards and engulfed the place where less than 100 people were gathered.

Dizziness and disgust.

It feels like being swallowed by a huge whirlpool.

Our conscious blurred.

Just like being transferred away by the Globster.

Then, we…...

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