Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Battle in the Forest of the World Tree 1

「Arachne will shoot spiderwebs from its mouth to bind its opponent. Other than that, it has high mobility, and able to jump from tree to tree.」

Lucia explained it while observing the monster which has a upper human body and a lower spider body. But from her tone, I could guess that this is her first time witnessing this sort of monster, and her explanation is only the information from her mind.

From the content, it seemed to be a monster that has evolved until it is suited for the forest.

「The spiderwebs are weak to fire. Other than that, with regards to bows and spears, this monster seems to be better than the People of Light soldiers.」

In other words, their weapon skill is probably Rank 3?

「Then again, during the journey when we flew here, we did not see anyone escaping.」

「The transfer gate we used is a military transfer gate, which is a secret. The transfer gate that the usual People of Light uses, is situated somewhere else so they should be escaping towards there.」

「So that means, the monsters also followed?」

「Perhaps so, those that are staying here, are the troops that are not partic.i.p.ating in the pursuing.」

The leftovers huh.

Even so, there are at least 30 Arachne in the entire village.

If the opponent has only up to Rank 3 skill, even if there are 30, we should be able to defeat them…...

「Anyway, can we rush in?」

Tamaki seemed to be irritated with waiting and hence asked.

Indeed, we cannot keep hiding. Should we just attack directly?

I took the chance to add Support Magic on everyone. First is the default 《Keen Weapon》,《Physical Up》,《Mighty Arm》and《Clear Mind》. Then I gave Mia and Lucia 《Smart Operation》, next is 《Deflection Spell》 and 《Resist Element: Fire》.

Then I use 《Deflection Spell》 on Mia and had her cast 《Fly》, giving everyone the ability to fly.

As her body floated up lightly, Lucia shouted with panic. The silver haired girl grabbed my waist in reflex, and her exceptionally voluptuous beast pressed on my arm just like that.

Arisu glared at me unhappily. Wait, just now was still within a tolerable standard, so I had narrowly avoided a crisis.

You were saying you are willing to accept a harem, but actually you are easily jealous.

Of course, Arisu’s jealousy is a compliment to me.

「Kazu-san, you are smiling very dirtily.」

Arisu puffed up her cheeks

Yes, sorry, I got carried away.

「Tamaki, you will go and attract the enemy’s attention, remember to be careful of the spider web; Arisu and Mia will support from the back; Lucia will wait with me here.」

Then again—— I better ask Lucia:

「In the view of the People of Light, while defeating the enemies if we destroyed the village completely….. Will we incur their hatred?」

「If we have to destroy it no matter what, I will explain for Kazu-san. But if you destroy the forest under an unnecessary situation, they will not feel happy about it.」

That’s true.

Then again, compared to the village being destroyed, they hated the forest being destroyed even more.

「And there could be survivors inside.」

「But this place is already occupied by the enemy?」

After saying, I remembered the looks of the girls who were cau

ght by the orcs and turned into playthings in the Middle School dormitory. Will these monsters called Arachne do that too?

「Perhaps they will be used as sacrifice for the monster called Globster.」

Ah, I see, that fellow——

I should ask more about the responsibility of the Globster, but there is no time now.

「I understand. Anyway I will try to destroy the enemy in a gentle way. Tamaki…...《Haste》」

「Mmm, leave it to me! I am off!」

With the red glow from 《Haste》, Tamaki jumped out from the bushes. She kick off the ground and spin in the air, towards the 3 Arachne on the trees.

The Arachne noticed Tamaki immediately.

「《Lightning Arrow》」

Mia released 7 lightning arrows, as there are only 3 targets, so each of them is targeted by 2 to 3 lightning arrows.

But the lightning arrows seemed to have cast enormous pain to the Arachnes.

The spider like monsters gave out a cry and their attention on Tamaki was drawn away for an instant.

Tamaki took that moment and got closer to the enemy. The Arachnes hurriedly and grabbed their spears…...

「Too slow!」

Tamaki swung her white sword.

The distance between her and the Arachne is about 3m, and I was about to say that she was too hasty——

In the next second, her sword seemed to have extended.

From the position where she was still far away from the enemy, the slash that Tamaki used, left a white light in the air, and split the Arachne body into halves.

Huh—— that was…...

「Mmm, leveled up.」

Mia mumbled in a low voice.

◆ ◆ ◆

「Did you see that? Kazu-san! My sure-kill technique!」

「Ah, mmm, I….. saw it.」

Once we reached the white room, Tamaki jumped over happily.

Anyway, I caressed her head first. But that is…...

「Because it was ineffective against Mekishu Grand, so I did not use it until now.」

Arisu revealed a bitter smile.

「When her skill reached Rank 8, Tamaki’s power is able to stretch very far when she slashes…..」

「Oh oh, a mysterious light.」

Mia stared blankly with her mouth opened.

Ah, the feeling is indeed mysterious, so even I am shocked.

「Then how did you do it?」

「I feel that I can hit the enemy that has a bit of distance from me, so I shaaaa—— slashed out, then tsuuu—— then again doooo—— like that!」

「Speak in j.a.panese.」

Ah, I probably know the difference.

「Hmm, it seems like a move called Toate in martial arts but the power from Tamaki is stronger.」

Mia said.

Is it something like Hado Ken or Sonic Boom? This is already something that can’t be explained with logic right? (TL note: Hado Ken = go play Street Fighter and you will understand )

Skill Rank 8 is really scary…...

「But it is useless to enemies who are too far away and even if I used it, the power is not too strong, so I did not use it against Mekishu Grand」

「So, how far can it stretch?」

「If I slash like just now, then probably 2 or 3 steps is the limit. If I just want to blow them away, then it is fine even if they are 10 steps away.」

Oh oh, if it is used right, it feels that it will be convenient. But once it is about whether Tamaki has the ability to use it as the situation needs, made me feel…...

Is it something that everyone can use once their skill reaches Rank 8?

Or is this the power of the white sword and Rank 8?

Let’s do an experiment. I summoned out a sword and pa.s.sed it to Tamaki.

「I want you to use this and use that Toate towards me.」

After I finished, I stood in a position about 10 steps away from Tamaki.

Tamaki said「leave it to me!」, and swung the sword in her hand…...

The wind pressure is indeed shocking, no wonder it is Rank 8.

But it is just that.

「Argh, huh?」

「Tamaki use the white sword to try next.」

「Right, I know!」

Tamaki changed to the white sword and slashed. Even though we are apart by 10 steps, those light still stretched.

When I noticed it, my body is already blown away.

I slammed heavily on the wall of the white room, my back was. .h.i.t hard, causing me to give a sound like a frog being stepped.

「Kazu-san, are you okay!」

「Wah, wah ahh, Kazu-san!」

Arisu and Tamaki ran towards me.

Tamaki is still teary. Argh, it was me who said I want to try it, so don’t mind it.

I looked at my stomach, and an extra black mark on my clothes. Is this the power of……. Toate?

Or rather the extra ability of the white sword?

I remember that the General Orc did not use such a power…...

Wrong. I remembered.

「It was using the power of the white sword to increase his flicking power!」

I am unable to forget it, the power of that attack is strong enough until it is able to tear Mia’s arm apart. That is just flickering out a stone and yet it has unexpectable destructive power, perhaps that is the power of this white sword.

When we got the white sword from that fellow, it was already after we sealed that flicking, so I did not notice it.

Ah, anyway even if we don’t know the truth, or the answer, it does not have much meaning.

「Hmm—— Kazu-san, do you want me to try and flick a rock to see?」

「Please don’t, there is no need for Tamaki to do such complicated stuff, you just have to cut down the enemy before you.」

「I understand! Hmmm, why is Arisu and Mia looking at me with such warm gaze?」

Tamaki was dumbfounded and I caressed her as though I am pacifying her.

It is fine, you are fine just like that. Isn’t there a saying that a kid is cuter when they are stupid?

Okay, let’s put these aside. I turned to Lucia.

「If there is something you want to know, you can ask now.」

Lucia was originally looking at our interaction meekly, and only after I asked, she recovered and looked at me.

We are both silent for a period of time. Ah, so awkward…...

Forget it, I will speak first.

「For example, you felt inconceivable that why I am afraid of a mere soldier.」

「Yes, Kazu-san, I felt that you are just like a cowardly normal person. But once you are in battle, then you can observe more calmly than anyone and make correct decisions.」

「That is because until the day that is 2 days ago, I was indeed a cowardly normal person. You also know it, that the reason why we could survive these 3 days was all due to the Skill System.」

But my mentality cannot grow just like skill. Perhaps after adding 《Clear Mind》, the result will be different, but sad to say, the effect of my Support Magic happened to end at that moment,

The me without magic support is only to this extent.

「Your situation is very unstable.」

「Mmm, I hope you can understand it….. Perhaps it will be smoother if you are responsible for command.」

Lucia shook her head.

「Even though there is only 3 days of experience, all of you have acc.u.mulated years of experience worth of normal people. From the familiar ways of battling, I know it. Comparatively, I don’t even know what time to use the magic I have gotten and unable to utilise them.」

I see, that is indeed so.

I have already lost count of how many orcs I killed and the number of Hobgoblins are not little too.

And there is the Mekishu Grand, even facing that divine soldier level monster, we can face battle bravely.

In the battle with the monsters as our opponents, our abilities are indeed better than hers.

「You don’t have to worry, Kazu-san, I don’t intend to take away your position. Even if you are bad at everything except battle, I can also support you from behind. But I have some things that I must say…… Please do things properly as a commander, as long as you do that, the People of Light will gain courage from this party.」

I see, perhaps this is so. The reason why that soldier is so angry, is perhaps after seeing the highly antic.i.p.ated strong reinforcement was a weak guy like me, and felt unhappy.

I shrugged my shoulders.

Ah, forget it. Currently it is better to settle the situation before us.

Then….. That’s right, I have to ask another thing.

「Can you tell us the details about the Globster? Ah, because you have mentioned that name just now, so I remembered. What….. Is that?」

「Globster huh…..」

Lucia lowered her gaze and became silent for a moment.

As though being pushed by something to make her decision, she shook her head 2 to 3 times before raising to look at me.

「That is the motivation for the monsters to invade, and also the weapon to end everything.」

The princess of the ruined kingdom clenched her fists that were before her chest.

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