Boss's Death Guide

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Nie Yi was also stunned by the change in his own ability nucleus .

According to reason, a level three ability user’s ability nucleus wouldn’t have a solid form . This sort of gummy-shaped ability nucleus would be squeezed flat in some minds, while some would be squeezed into a vertical shape . If one’s ability capacity increased, the shape would even change .

For example, his previous fire ability nucleus appeared like a red blood cell that could be found in blood; it was oblate shaped and also was indented in the middle . As for his water ability nucleus, it was also flat, but its surrounding had little feelers that spread out into its surrounding cracks, appearing like a jellyfish .

But now, his ability nucleus had become circular; perfectly smooth and round without the slightest blemish!

In the crystal-like ability nucleus, a cloud of red was circulating inside . Water and fire, both entirely different abilities, had surprisingly blended into one now . They didn’t even have the slightest rejection towards one another…

The fire ability and water ability clearly should be combative; in his last life, Nie Yi, in order to maintain a balance between his two ability nuclei, even had no choice but to suppress his cultivation . When using his abilities, he would use his two abilities as much as possible to avoid one of the abilities decreasing too much and breaking the balance .

He had to admit that doing such things was extremely troublesome . However, Nie Yi needed the destructive powers of dual abilities, even more so after knowing of the water ability’s importance in the latter stage of the apocalypse . That’s why, even if he was reborn, he had never thought of giving up the water ability .

But now, his two completely different ability nuclei had, after shattering, actually fused into one!

This ability nucleus had both water and fire energy; would it really not explode?

When Nie Yi saw that ability nucleus, he didn’t even have time to think about why his ability nucleus would suddenly recover; after all, this ability nucleus was too strange .

Qi Jingchen was also like Nie Yi, as all his attention was attracted to Nie Yi’s strange ability nucleus .

His spiritual strength did not retreat from Nie Yi’s mind and instead wound around the ability nucleus . In the end, he couldn’t resist poking at Nie Yi’s ability nucleus with his spiritual strength .

Previously, one touch from Qi Jingchen led to Nie Yi’s ability nucleus’s outer grey sh.e.l.l disappear . This time, his touch unexpectedly caused his spiritual strength to indescribably fuse a small portion!

Suddenly realising his spiritual strength and become less, Qi Jingchen couldn’t help but become frightened, even subconsciously wanting to retreat from Nie Yi’s mind . However, he soon discovered that his spiritual strength had been filled up .

What filled up his spiritual strength seemed to even be Nie Yi’s spiritual strength!

Nie Yi’s spiritual strength fused into his and gave him a feeling like Nie Yi’s mind was his domain . Nie Yi’s ability nucleus also made him feel especially familiar, and he was unable to resist bringing his spiritual strength to wrap around it . Then, his spiritual strength closely interacted with the ability nucleus .

Qi Jingchen had such a feeling, and Nie Yi naturally did as well . When Qi Jingchen’s spiritual strength had just entered his body, Nie Yi had honestly felt a little uncomfortable, even subconsciously wanting to ward off Qi Jingchen’s spiritual strength . Of course, this sort of instinct was finally restrained .

But now ne, he could feel Qi Jingchen’s spiritual strength was especially intimate with him, so much that it was like it was a part of him . m

Every cell in his body couldn’t resist wanting to get closer to Qi Jingchen .

Both of them were shocked in their hearts, feeling as if they had some indescribable connection with the other . However, when they wanted to find it, they couldn’t find where this connection was .

Moreover, their minds being intertwined felt unprecedentedly good, so much that they wanted to continue being tangled up like this until the end of time .

“Boss, what’s wrong with you?” Ping Shengchao’s voice rang out by their ear, waking them up with a start .

Qi Jingchen swiftly withdrew his spiritual strength and opened his eyes, then just so happened to meet Nie Yi’s gaze .

“Boss, are you okay?” seeing this, Ping Shengchao asked again .

“I’m fine . ” Nie Yi said after he came back to his senses . He currently had an especially strong urge to kiss Qi Jingchen, but there were outsiders here…

“Pa’r ubbv atja sbe’gf olcf!” Qtfc Ulcu Vtfc.u.mtjb rjk atja Rlf Tl ageis kjr olcf, tf kjr olcjiis gfilfnfv . Aera cbk, Rlf Tl jcv Hl Alc.u.mtfc ybat revvfcis mibrfv atflg fsfr jcv vlv cba rqfjx obg j ibcu alwf; la gfjiis ujnf tlw j ogluta . Hl Alc.u.mtfc jibcf lr jigfjvs fcbeut, yea Rlf Tl vfolclafis kbeivc’a riffq bearlvf . Lf fnfc atbeuta atja rbwfatlcu tjv tjqqfcfv ab Rlf Tl .

Zhang Zihai had already created a bonfire at the side . Seeing that Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen had awakened, he asked, “Nie shao, want to warm yourself by the fire?”

Nie Yi carried Qi Jingchen and sat by the fire, then asked Qi Jingchen, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Qi Jingchen said . Originally, his spiritual strength only had its greater part recovered . But just now, after a circle around in Nie Yi’s body, it unexpectedly became completely recovered . Who knew what happened…

Also, Nie Yi . At this moment he had an urge to ‘fondle’ Nie Yi all over with his spiritual strength .

“You warm yourself here . I’ll go try my abilities . ” Nie Yi took out a thick groundsheet from his backpack and spread it on the floor for Qi Jingchen to sit . He then walked to the side, wanting to form a fireball .

A round ball appeared in his hand, but inside contained fire and water energy, and was beautiful like his ability nucleus… Nie Yi looked at this fireball and suddenly felt something was amiss .

He swiftly threw this half-fire half-water ball out .

This ball was tossed into a nearby bush, and immediately an explosion rang out . The leaves and branches of the bushes exploded into flying about in all directions, and a few pheasants had even flown out near the core of the explosion . They cried out in alarm as they flapped their wings and ran around mindlessly, unexpectedly running over to them!

“Pheasant!” Ping Shengchao swiftly rushed over and caught one of them, then snapped its neck . At the same time, he created several waterb.a.l.l.s and slammed them into the other remaining pheasants . The water had even caused the pheasants to become confused and disoriented, and made them into drenched chickens that couldn’t fly .

There were overall five pheasants . Nie Yi lifted two of them and killed them with proficiency . Just as he was about to use his ability to boil water and defeather them, he suddenly thought of his situation .

He tried to create a waterball in his hand . As a result, once he used his ability, what appeared was, again, the thing that was both water and fire ability!

Fortunately, he had already prepared himself, and tossed his ability to the side… Then, an explosion went off again .

“Boss, your ability became even mightier!” Ping Shengchao looked at Nie Yi in fervently, his face filled with excitement .

Nie Yi’s face, however, darkened . His ability had become like this . In the future, he couldn’t even pour Qi Jingchen a gla.s.s of water even if he wanted to; how could it be like this?!

His expression was rather ugly . He wanted to try to mobilise only one ability, yet couldn’t grasp it for a time .

“I’m hungry,” Qi Jingchen suddenly said . Currently, he was very hungry, and felt as if he could eat a whole chicken! Of course, this was because the size of a pheasant was truly very small .

“I’ll make chicken soup for you,” Nie Yi said . Perhaps later when Qi Jingchen used his spiritual strength to touch his ability nucleus again, his ability would be fine, so he didn’t have to worry .

Nie Yi no longer thought too much, and first washed two pheasants with the hot water Zhang Zihai boiled and the cold water Ping Shengchao had set aside . Then, he took out the alcohol stove he brought along and had Zhang Zihai light a few solidified alcohol with his fire ability, preparing to stew chicken .

Zhang Zihai now could also help other people light a fire, but Nie Yi did not really want to cook with another’s ability, so he simply chose to use an alcohol stove .

The alcohol stove he brought wasn’t large, and not even a whole pheasant could be put in . Nie Yi simply cut a pheasant into pieces and put it in to cook, while the other pheasant was directly placed over the fire Zhang Zihai made to be roasted .

He brought many things for Qi Jingchen to use and had not prepared condiments . However, Ping Shengchao had all of that with him, so Nie Yi, in the end, roasted the pheasant into a delicious thing .

He prepared the two pheasants well, and Ping Shengchao was the same . With Zhang Zihai helping to be his fire, he first made simmer fried chicken pieces, then stewed a large pot of chicken soup .

When the few who had gone hunting returned, they discovered that the people who had originally agreed to wait for them to bring food back had already begun eating

Dabie mountains still had many green plants during winter, but there wasn’t much prey, let alone the fact that these people had no experience in hunting . As such, they didn’t bring much back and it was just two rabbits . Fortunately, Ping Shengchao had left chicken meat and chicken soup for them .

They all brought rations, and placed the rations over the fire to roast a while, then ate with the pheasant stew . The flavour was very good .

Even Qi Jingchen felt that the pheasant soup’s flavour was good . He had unexpectedly eaten half the pheasant Nie Yi had stewed with the alcohol stove!

After eating, he fell asleep in a daze— Although he had recovered his spiritual strength, he still felt very tired .

Seeing Qi Jingchen eat his fill, Nie Yi peeled the meat off the other half of the pheasant and put them back in the soup pot, throwing away the bones, then put in a handful of millet to continue boiling . Then, he himself ate two steamed buns— If he ate that roasted chicken, he would only be five parts full .

The group waited downhill for a very long time before Shao Zhenglan and Fei Xuelei clambered back down from the cliff . The happy expression on their faces couldn’t be concealed, and Fei Xuelei had even loudly said, “It’s truly a good location up there! If we can reach the inside of the valley, it can become a paradise after being remodelled by earth abilities!”

“In the future, we’ll have earth ability users come here every day to change the environment,” Nie Yi said .

The others naturally agreed .

Now, it already close to evening . The group simply roasted the two chicken and ate a good meal before leaving . Of course, Nie Yi first woke Qi Jingchen up to eat before he himself ate .

When returning, they walked for over two hours, to the extent that the sky had completely turned black when they finally reached the village they were staying in .

There were no survivors in this village, and after all the zombies were cleared away, everyone found a house to sleep in; at the same time, they left the village chief’s house for Nie Yi and the others .

In developed areas, the villagers wouldn’t think that the village head had much of a difference from them, but in a small mountain village that was relatively closed off, a village head was equivalent to the local tyrant, and his house was also the best .

The three-storied building was a little old-style, and there was even a red pentagram pasted in the front . It was very rustic, but the inside was decorated very well . It was probably because there were many family members, so there were several bedrooms .

Nie Yi chose a bedroom on the third floor . He first brought water and cleaned up one side before placing the heavily sleeping Qi Jingchen down .

Qi Jingchen was sleeping very deeply . He kissed Qi Jingchen on the body several times, then told those sleeping on the same floor such as Qi An and Ping Shengchao to keep an eye on Qi Jingchen . He went downstairs and came to the riverside behind this house to train his abilities .

This place was relatively s.p.a.cious and he could also see the room Qi Jingchen was sleeping in; it was definitely the best location for him to cultivate his abilities .

This river should be called a brook; it snaked towards from the side of the mountain and flowed past the village then travelled far, moistening the village’s soil and increasing this village’s beautiful scenery, so much that they did not lose to those famous scenic spots .

Tomorrow, he could bring Qi Jingchen here to look at the scenery; that is, if he didn’t destroy the scenery… Nie Yi looked at the window behind him, then sat by the streamlet and began carefully studying the ability nucleus in his mind .

His two abilities had completely merged together, and because of this, when he mobilised his ability from his ability nucleus, both abilities would emerge together .

Was there any way to separate the two abilities?

Nie Yi thus sank his spiritual strength into his mind and began observing his ability nucleus, trying to mobilise his energy .

As a result, he had just begun researching when he suddenly felt someone approaching .

He had already ordered those on patrol to not come over if there was nothing . Now, it was a winter day and so late; why would someone suddenly come over?

Nie Yi no longer studied his ability and looked over with a cold face, and saw a familiar face— That half-sister of Qi Jingchen was wearing a military cloak and walking over to him .

Xu Yehui and Qiu Tong were both short, and their daughter Xu Qiuyu also grew up to be very delicate . The long military cloak covered even her lower legs and contrasted against her face, making her appear especially small .

Her hair was draped over her shoulders, and she had put on makeup . In the hazy night scene, she looked especially alluring . Of course, this attractiveness was targeted to straight males .

Nie Yi had never been straight and simply could not appreciate a female’s beauty . Even if a man had come, the current him was already disinclined to even give an extra glance .

The him who had experienced the apocalypse had long lost a proper sense of aesthetics, and now he felt that only Qi Jingchen alone looked attractive .

“What did you come here for? f.u.c.k off!” Nie Yi coldly said .

“Nie Yi, I like you, I really like you a lot!” Xu Qiuyu suddenly said, then rushed over to Nie Yi . At the same time, she opened her military overcoat .

Her military overcoat had only been draped over her shoulders and held together with her hands; she wasn’t wearing anything underneath at all!

Xu Qiuyu, this time, was risking it all . In the beginning, although she had a favourable impression of Nie Yi, it was just that . She, who looked beautiful and had a good family background, had never lacked suitors and even dated twice, so she couldn’t have possibly fallen in love with Nie Yi at first sight and became willing to bear his child .

At that time, her main consideration was still herself and she had wanted to obtain benefits from Nie Yi .

But Nie Yi had rejected her and treated Qi Jingchen that well… She didn’t know when it began, but Xu Qiuyu spent day and night, every hour and every second thinking about Nie Yi!

However, Nie Yi did not look at her at all, and would only give Qi Jingchen the utmost care .

Xu Qiuyu was so jealous she was about to go mad!

After she asked around from those who lived in the same village as Qi Jingchen and learnt that Qi Jingchen had always been a very ordinary person, she was set even more off-balance and all the more desirous of obtaining Nie Yi .

However, Nie Yi’s meaning today was actually to leave them Z County survivors here…

They were left behind, but Nie Yi and the Chenguang Team would definitely leave . When that time came, could she still possibly see Nie Yi?

The apocalypse was different from before . Once she started living in this village, perhaps she wouldn’t be able to leave, nor would she dare to leave until her death… Xu Qiuyu gritted her teeth and made a decision, intending to stake it all for once .

She did not believe that Nie Yi truly would not like her!

Men, didn’t they like girls her age the most?

After Xu Qiuyu made her resolve, she actually did find an opportunity—Nie Yi had been keeping close to Qi Jingchen for the past few days, but had come to the riverbank alone on this night!

Xu Qiuyu took off her clothes and went to find Nie Yi with just a military overcoat . She was convinced that once she hugged Nie Yi, he definitely would not be able to stand firm!

Xu Qiuyu gritted her teeth and endured the cold wind to throw herself at Nie Yi . However, Nie Yi instinctively wanted to use his water ability to push her away .

Nie Yi’s former water ability would only thoroughly drench Xu Qiuyu and freeze her to near death, then push her away . However, Nie Yi’s current ‘water ability’…

An explosion reverberated and Xu Qiuyu’s entire body was thrown out . At the same time, a shriek tore through the night sky .

Qi Jingchen had originally been sleeping very soundly but was rudely awakened by a scream . He got up from the bed and went to the window to look down to see many patrolmen running towards the riverside below the window .

These people were all holding torchlights, and under these light’s illumination, he could clearly see the situation at the riverside—Nie Yi stood there, ashen-faced, while a girl held her face in her hands and was rolling on the ground continuously nearby .

When that girl rolled around on the ground, the military overcoat on her body was tossed up and unexpectedly revealed a pair of smooth and bare legs… She unexpectedly wasn’t wearing anything under the military overcoat!

Qi Jingchen’s face darkened— someone actually dared try to seduce his man!

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