Proofreader: Zhu Yuan

After solving the problem of little Watermelon, Bo Yu feels that the sunshine of the next day seems brighter.

Holding a plastic bone in the mouth, silly Dandan barks.

"Call little Watermelon out of the washroom." Bo Yu kicks Dandan"s bottom and points to the direction of the washroom.

Dandan"s eyes light up. He runs to the washroom and keeps on scratching the door.

When little Watermelon hears the sound of the scratch outside the door, he is engaged in wiping his bottom. So, he speeds up.

"Little Watermelon, come and play with Daddy." Bo Yu feels bored with the script in his hands.

Little Watermelon comes running to him with bright eyes.

"Daddy is going to recite the lines today, so we don"t go anywhere and stay at home." Bo Yu reads the script with little Watermelon in his arms and says with a headache, "I desperately try to make money for you."

Little Watermelon is very considerate, "Papa, I will not disturb you."

Children who grow up in a single parent family are more likely to be precocious.

"Little Watermelon, do you know Daddy"s mobile number?" Bo Yu suddenly becomes stern.

Because of the ident.i.ty of the star, he specially buys a new SIM card for the teachers to contact him when he sends little Watermelon to the preschool cla.s.s.

As for his private number, Bo Yu lets little Watermelon remember it.

Little Watermelon nods, takes out his drawing book from the drawer and sits down to draw pictures. He doesn"t disturb Bo Yu at all.


Secretary Chu quickly takes the towel to wipe coffee stains that the boss overturns in excitement, braces himself and says with tightened mouth, "Yes."

The boss"s facial muscles are tightened with deep eyes, referring to the sign of danger. After a long time, he says lightly, "How old is it?"

"Almost two years old." The back of Secretary Chu is covered with cold sweat.

The boss tightly holds the pen and then says indifferently, "Go out."

Secretary Chu hurriedly leaves the president"s office with the doc.u.ment in his hands.

The door is closed. But in the next second, Secretary Chu hears the sound of a coffee cup smashing violently in the room, and his heart trembles.

The boss picks up Bo Yu"s information and glances at it with a serious expression.

Bo Yu, who teaches his son to paint flowers and plants at home, doesn"t know that he attracts attention of a man. He is covered with sweat with a brush in his hands and says, "Forget it, I"ll buy you a new drawing book tomorrow."

Little Watermelon bends over the side of the table and sees Bo Yu doodle in his drawing book. "Oh." He says lightly, comes over and consolingly wipes the cold sweat on Bo Yu"s forehead.

"Papa, we won"t draw flowers and plants next time. Let"s draw matches."

Bo Yu is inexplicably stung by his son.

Bo Yu finally arouses the interest of doing parent-child interaction with his son, but he is stricken mercilessly by the reality, "..."

"Papa, I don"t want to have rib noodles for dinner." Little Watermelon follows Bo Yu to walk into the kitchen.

"Well, let"s have chicken noodle soup today. I remember that there is half of the chicken in the refrigerator." Bo Yu agrees gladly.

The expression of little Watermelon looks like he is about  to weep. He shakes his head in a hurry with the swinging pigtail behind his head.

Bo Yu laughs.

On the other side. Qi Yan, wearing in a luxurious nanny van, turns to his manager and says, "The third supporting male role is Bo Yu."

The manager nods.

Qi Yan smiles slightly, but his smile doesn"t come from the bottom of his heart.

"Bo Yu, you chose to leave at that time. Why did you come back now?"

"You are really an obnoxious person."

Bo Yu only finds out it is  Qi Yan who plays the protagonist on his first working day.

Qi Yan is the first lover of Bo Yu"s wicked ex-boyfriend.

It is also the reason why Bo Yu leaves when he is pregnant.

Qi Yan is also surprised when he sees Bo Yu, and then comes over to be friendly, "Bo Yu, long time no see. It is unexpected for me to play a role with you."

Bo Yu furtively pulls out his hands with a gentle and humble smile. "That is what I should say."

Director w.a.n.g glances at them and says with a strange look, "Since you are acquaintances, there is no need to introduce yourselves. Let"s begin the shooting."

Then Director w.a.n.g lifts his feet and leaves thoughtfully.

Qi Yan nods and gazes after Director w.a.n.g till he leaves Qi Yan"s sight. Then he says with a smile, "I have never considered that you will come back after such a long time."

"Why didn"t I come back?" Bo Yu laughs. If he knew that Qi Yan would be in this crew, he would never have auditioned for the role.

Qi Yan sits in his exclusive deck chair with n.o.body else around him, so he says what he wants, "I heard that you took away the role from a trainee. You have been away for two years. But you"ve truly gone back in time."

Bo Yu doesn"t care about the malice in his words, "I really look younger than you."

Qi Yan"s eyes darken.

Bo Yu sneers, "The vicissitudes of life go on your gaunt face! Wow, fortunately, Mr. Song still likes you."

Mr. Song is the ex-boyfriend of Bo Yu.

Perhaps because the words of Bo Yu touch Qi Yan"s sensitive nerve, Qi Yan suddenly stands up, gloomily looks at Bo Yu, and turns to leave.

Bo Yu goes back to his seat and sits down with the script in his hands, having quite relaxed smile on his face.

Bo Yu is young and handsome with the gentle image of films. Now he smiles and immediately attracts the eyes of some young female a.s.sistants around him.

The makeup stylist blushes, helps quickly Bo Yu with make-up and whispers, "You will start shooting later. Best wishes to your first scene."

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Handsome guys always have more privileges.

"Thank you."

Coincidentally, the first scene of the crew"s startup is a rival scene between Bo Yu and Qi Yan.

The scene is that finding his girlfriend/his first love cheats on him, the tech geek Ji Shu runs to the rooftop in a rage, and the tutor Ze Hua, worried, runs over and comforts him.

The body of Ji Shu leans half out of the railing. His expression is covered by black broken hair, his hands tightly clutch the railing, exuding the decadent despair.

Ze Hua looks at him from a distance with a tight mouth.

Ji Shu laughs and says in the hoa.r.s.e voice with a drop of glittering tear in his eyes, "I always believed I would hold his hand and give him a lifetime of happiness..."

Ze Hua is stunned. His education view is completely overturned at this moment--men should be ready to realize his aspiration anywhere all over the country, and could not be involved in love affairs.

Ji Shu is very handsome but not sentimental and feminine. Ze Hua is familiar with Ji Shu"s gentle and meticulous care for the people around him, but now Ze Hua is not accustomed to seeing his infatuation and sadness.

"She gives up our happiness, so I can only choose to let her go." Ji Shu"s chin is raised slightly, but his moony expression includes pride that Ze Hua seldom sees.

That is the pride that belongs to Ji Shu.

"Everything will be fine…" Ze Hua whispers.

Director w.a.n.g claps the table angrily and yells, "Cut!"

Bo Yu and Qi Yan stop together with puzzling feelings.

Director w.a.n.g says angrily without thinking, "Qi Yan, is this your line? You can"t change your lines like that even on the spot!"

Ze Hua"s line in the script is not "Everything will be fine", but a meaningful sentence "You deserve a better one, but she doesn"t deserve you."

Nowadays, the plots of queer-baiting in movies and TV plays can be seen everywhere, but most of them are more attractive because of the balance of a defined boundary. Director w.a.n.g and the writer also intend to use the rooftop scene to hype the coupling of the protagonist and the third supporting male role in order to get more audience ratings.

Qi Yan, who plays the protagonist Ze Hua, has a slight embarra.s.sed expression. He is unexpectedly attracted by the acting of Bo Yu and makes such a stupid mistake-forgetting his lines.

Bo Yu leans against the railings and feels the breeze and sunshine with a good mood.

If his rival in love feels bad, he will have a good mood.

The first scene is unsmooth because of the protagonist"s mistake, which makes Director w.a.n.g lose his temper like the ignited gunfire. In the shooting of the next scenes, Director w.a.n.g frequently becomes angry.

The protagonist Qi Yan fails to adjust his state in time, and only sc.r.a.pes through after NGing many times in the next scenes.

But Bo Yu films the scenes in one take.

The contrast between them makes Director w.a.n.g"s face become gloomy. The crew become more cautious for fear of unluckily making Director w.a.n.g angry.

Qi Yan sits in the lounge with the darkened face. a.s.sistant Lily hurries over and hands Qi Yan a cup of coffee with careful actions.

Qi Yan takes a sip of coffee, and suddenly pours coffee on a.s.sistant Lily with a frown and scolds, "I want iced coffee, not hot coffee. And I don"t like sugar!"

a.s.sistant Lily is a girl in her early twenties. She dares not cry when she is spilled with hot coffee, fearing that Qi Yan will be angrier. She has to apologize again and again.

Qi Yan waves impatiently, "You are in my way. Go out!"

a.s.sistant Lily feels a release, pushes the door open and leaves quickly.

It happens that two makeup stylists pa.s.s by with their suitcases. They cannot help looking at each other when they see a.s.sistant Lily running out in a mess with red-rimmed eyes.

"She..." The young makeup stylist cannot help frowning.

"In this industry, it doesn"t matter that he doesn"t know how to get along with people quite well. After all, he has many good opportunities." Another makeup stylist pouts and takes his companion out of here.

"Bathroom, cut one and take one--action!"

Ze Hua innocently looks at the sprinkler stuffed in his hands, and he doesn"t know how to use it. But shy Ze Hua is embarra.s.sed to ask Ji Shu to come in and teach him, so he randomly presses the switch. Hot water sprays out.

The young nerd is frightened at once, slips and falls to the ground.

The heroine, the daughter of the landlady, comes to charge rent and hears the sound from the bathroom. She thinks that there is something wrong and rushes into the bathroom from outside, but sees the scene she shouldn"t.

"OK!" Director w.a.n.g breathes a sigh of relief. The protagonist finally films the scene in one take.

Qi Yan still cares about his approachable image in front of outsiders. So, he gives the heroine comforting eyes when he takes the clothes handed by the staff and puts them on.

The heroine is a trainee. Because she is afraid of s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g up her first performance, she is in a tense mood all the time. But she feels relaxed with her cheeks flushed when Qi Yan comforts her.

The TV series revolve round men. In order to avoid the heroine"s limelight overwhelming the meaning and the center of it, Director w.a.n.g and the writer all agree that they"d better choose a trainee.

Standing outside the crowd, Bo Yu takes a sip of mineral water and thinks that Qi Yan"s acting skills are good although he is geeky.

After Qi Yan clears up his feelings, he quickly throws himself in the acting mode. And he almost films the next scenes in one take.

The acting parts of Bo Yu are less. So, he knocks off at 3 p.m. or 4 p.m..

Qi Yan watches Bo Yu leave the crew from a distance with the mobile in his hands. He makes more exertion to his fists, as if he is going to crush his mobile.

At this time, the message that Qi Yan has been waiting finally comes in.

I have a meeting today. Let"s talk about it next time.

Although the content of the eleven words in the message is not surprising, Qi Yan feels great joy with slight trembling hands.

He finally texts back. This is also a breakthrough, isn"t it?

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