She was shivering in the night air, and so he lay beside her, pressing his body to hers, infusing her with his warmth as he savored the silky softness of her skin.

He needed her. It was humbling how much he needed her.

He was hard, hot, and so desperately wracked with desire it was a wonder he could still see straight. And yet even as his body screamed for release, he was possessed of a strange calm, an unexpected sense of control. Somewhere along the way this had ceased to be about him. It was about her-no, it was about them, about this wondrous joining and miraculous love that he was only now beginning to appreciate.

He wanted her-G.o.d above, he wanted her-but he wanted her to tremble beneath him, to scream with desire, to thrash her head from side to side as he teased her toward completion.

He wanted her to love this, to love him, and to know, when they were lying in each other"s arms, sweaty and spent, that she belonged to him.

Because he already knew that he belonged to her.

"Tell me if I do anything you don"t like," he said, surprised by the way his voice was shaking over his words.

"You couldn"t," she whispered, touching his cheek.

She didn"t understand. It almost made him smile, probably would have made him smile if he weren"t so concerned with making this, her first experience, a good one. But her whispered words-you couldn"t-could mean only one thing-that she had no idea what it meant to make love with a man.

"Penelope," he said softly, covering her hand with his own, "I need to explain something to you. I could hurt you. I would never mean to, but I could, and-"

She shook her head. "You couldn"t," she said again. "I know you. Sometimes I think I know you better than I know myself. And you would never do anything that would hurt me."

He gritted his teeth and tried not to groan. "Not on purpose," he said, the barest hint of exasperation tinging his voice, "but I could, and-"

"Let me be the judge," she said, taking his hand and bringing it to her mouth for a single, heartfelt kiss. "And as for the other..."

"What other?"

She smiled, and Colin had to brink, because he could swear she almost looked as if she were amused by him. "You told me to tell you if you did anything I didn"t like," she said.

He watched her face closely, suddenly mesmerized by the way her lips were forming words.

"I promise you," she vowed, "I will like it all."

A strange bubble of joy began to rise within him. He didn"t know what benevolent G.o.d had chosen to bestow her upon him, but he was thinking mat he needed to be a bit more attentive next time he went to church.

"I will like it all," she said again, "because I"m with you."

He took her face in his hands, gazing down at her as if she were the most wondrous creature ever to walk the earth.

"I love you," she whispered. "I"ve loved you for years."

"I know," he said, surprising himself with his words. He had known, he supposed, but he"d thrust it from his mind because her love made him uncomfortable. It was hard to be loved by someone decent and good when you didn"t return the emotion. He couldn"t dismiss her, because he liked her and he"d not have been able to forgive himself if he"d trampled on her emotions. And he couldn"t flirt with her, for much the same reasons.

And so he had told himself that what she felt wasn"t really love. It had been easier to try to convince himself that she was merely infatuated with him, that she didn"t understand what true love was (as if he did!), and that eventually she would find someone else and settle down into a happy and contented life.

Now that thought-that she might have married another- nearly left him paralyzed with fear.

They were side by side, and she was staring at him with her heart in her eyes, her entire face alive with happiness and contentment, as if she finally felt free now that she had spoken the words. And he realized that her expression held not one trace of expectation. She hadn"t told him she loved him simply to hear his reply. She wasn"t even waiting for his answer.

She had told him she loved him simply because she wanted to. Because that was what she felt.

"I love you, too," he whispered, pressing an intense kiss against her lips before moving away so that he could see her reaction.

Penelope gazed at him for a very long while before responding. Finally, with an odd, convulsive swallow, she said, "You don"t have to say that just because I did."

"I know," he replied, smiling.

She just looked at him, her widening eyes the only movement on her face.

"And you know that, too," he said softly. "You said you know me better than you know yourself. And you know 1^ would never say the words if I didn"t mean them."

And as she lay there, naked in his bed, cradled in his embrace, Penelope realized that she did know. Colin didn"t lie, not about anything important, and she couldn"t imagine anything more important than the moment they were sharing.

He loved her. It wasn"t anything she"d expected, nor anything she"d even allowed herself to hope for, and yet here it was, like a bright and shining miracle in her heart.

"Are you sure?" she whispered.

He nodded, his arms drawing her closer. "I realized it this evening. When I asked you to stay."

"How ..." But she didn"t finish the question. Because she wasn"t even really sure what the question was. How did he know he loved her? How had it happened? How did it make him feel?

But somehow he must have known what she could not verbalize, because he answered, "I don"t know. I don"t know when, I don"t know how, and to be honest, I don"t care. But I know this much is true: I love you, and I hate myself for not seeing the real you all these years."

"Colin, don"t," she pleaded. "No recriminations. No regrets. Not tonight."

But he just smiled, placing a single finger on her lips to silence her plea. "I don"t think you changed," he said. "At least not very much. But then one day I realized I was seeing something different when I looked at you." He shrugged. "Maybe I changed. Maybe I grew up."

She placed her finger on his lips, quieting him in the same manner he"d done to her. "Maybe I grew up, too."

"I love you," he said, leaning forward to kiss her. And this time she couldn"t reply, because his mouth remained on hers, hungry, demanding, and very, very seductive.

He seemed to know exactly what to do. Each flick of his tongue, each nibble of his teeth sent shivers to the very core of her being, and she gave herself over to the pure joy of the moment, to the white-hot flame of desire. His hands were everywhere, and she felt him everywhere, his fingers on her skin, his leg nudging its way between hers.

He was pulling her closer, rolling her on top of him as he slid onto his back. His hands were on her bottom, pulling her so tightly against him that the proof of his desire seared itself into her skin.

Penelope gasped at the astounding intimacy of it all, but her breath was caught by his lips, still kissing her with fierce tenderness.

And then she was on her back, and he was on top of her, and the weight of him was pressing her into the mattress, squeezing the air from her lungs. His mouth moved to her ear, then to her throat, and Penelope felt herself arching beneath him, as if she could somehow curve her body closer to his.

She didn"t know what she was supposed to do, but she knew she had to move. Her mother had already conducted her "little talk," as she"d put it, and she"d told Penelope that she must lie still beneath her husband and allow him his pleasures.

But there was no way she could have remained motionless, no way she could have stopped her hips from pressing up against him, nor her legs from wrapping around his. And she didn"t want to allow him his pleasures-she wanted to encourage them, to share them.

And she wanted them for herself as well. Whatever this was, building inside of her-this tension, this desire-it needed release, and Penelope couldn"t imagine that that moment, that those feelings wouldn"t be the most exquisite of her Me.

"Tell me what to do," she said, urgency making her voice hoa.r.s.e.

Colin spread her legs wide, running his hands along her sides until they reached her thighs and squeezed. "Let me do everything," he said, breathing hard.

She grabbed at his b.u.t.tocks, pulling him closer. "No," she insisted. "Tell me."

He stopped moving for the barest of moments, looking at her in surprise. "Touch me," he said.



Her hands on his bottom relaxed slightly, and she smiled. "I am touching you."

"Move," he groaned. "Move them."

She let her fingers drift to his thighs, swirling gently as she felt the soft springiness of hair. "Like this?"

He nodded jerkily.

Her hands slid forward, until they were dangerously close to his member. "Like this?"

Abruptly, he covered one of her hands with his. "Not now," he said harshly.

She looked at him in confusion.

"You"ll understand later," he grunted, spreading her legs even wider before sliding his hand between their bodies and touching her most intimate place.

"Colin!" she gasped.

He smiled devilishly. "Did you think I wouldn"t touch you like this?" As if to ill.u.s.trate his point, one of his fingers began to dance across her sensitive flesh, causing her to arch off the bed, her hips actually lifting them both before sagging back down as she shuddered with desire.

His lips found her ear. "There"s much more," he whispered.

Penelope didn"t dare ask what. This was already an awful lot more than her mother had mentioned.

He slid one finger inside her, causing her to gasp again (which caused him to laugh with delight), then began to stroke her slowly.

"Oh, my G.o.d," Penelope moaned.

"You"re almost ready for me," he said, his breath coming faster now. "So wet, but so tight."

"Colin, what are you-"

He slid another finger inside, effectively ending any chance she had for intelligent speech.

She felt stretched wide, and yet she loved it. She must be very wicked, a wanton at heart, because all she wanted was to spread her legs wider and wider until she was completely open to him. As far as she was concerned, he could do anything to her, touch her in any way he pleased.

Just as long as he didn"t stop.

"I can"t wait much longer," he gasped.

"Don"t wait."

"I need you."

She reached up and grasped his face, forcing him to look at her. "I need you, too."

And then his fingers were gone. Penelope felt oddly hollow and empty, but only for a second, because then there was something else at her entrance, something hard and hot, and very, very demanding.

"This may hurt," Colin said, gritting his teeth as if he expected pain himself.

"I don"t care."

He had to make this good for her. He had to. "I"ll be gentle," he said, although his desire was now so fierce he had no idea how he could possibly keep such a promise.

"I want you," she said. "I want you and I need something and I don"t know what."

He pushed forward, just an inch or so, but it felt like she was swallowing him whole.

She went silent beneath him, her only sound her breath running raggedly across her lips.

Another inch, another step closer to heaven. "Oh, Penelope," he moaned, using his arms to hold himself above her so as not to crush her with his weight. "Please tell me this feels good. Please."

Because if she said otherwise, it was going to kill him to pull out.

She nodded, but said, "I need a moment."

He swallowed, forcing his breath through his nose in short bursts. It was the only way he could concentrate on holding back. She probably needed to stretch around him, to allow her muscles to relax. She"d never taken a man before, and she was so exquisitely tight.

All the same, he couldn"t wait until they"d had a chance to do this enough so that he didn"t have to hold back.

When he felt her relax slightly beneath him, he pushed forward a bit more, until he reached the undeniable proof of her innocence. "Oh, G.o.d," he groaned. "This is going to hurt. I can"t help it, but I promise you, it"s only this one time, and it won"t hurt much."

"How do you know?" she asked him; He closed his eyes in agony. Trust Penelope to question him. "Trust me," he said, weaseling out of the question.

And then he thrust forward, embedding himself to the hilt, sinking into her warmth until he knew he was home.

"Oh!" she gasped, her face showing her shock.

"Are you all right?"

She nodded. "I think so."

He moved slightly. "Is this all right?"

She nodded again, but her face looked surprised, maybe a little dazed.

Conn"s hips began to move of their own volition, unable to remain still when he was so obviously near to a climax.

She was pure perfection around him, and when he realized that her gasps were of desire and not of pain, he finally let himself go and gave in to the overwhelming desire surging through his blood.

She was quickening beneath him, and he prayed that he could hold out until she climaxed. Her breath was fast and hot, and her fingers were pressing relentlessly into his shoulders, and her hips were squirming under him, whipping his need into a near-frenzy.

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