Translated by Amaryllideae, Edited by Yume76

Ren Zhouyuan put on his bag, but when he stepped out of his bedroom, he saw An An An-An carrying his own little bag sitting quietly on the sofa waiting for him.

Ren Zhouyuan hesitated and suddenly remembered that today was the day of An-An"s compet.i.tion. This time he felt guilty. Originally, he didn"t want to appear in Vichy with An-An, but now that this situation has happened, he is even more unable to take him. But An-An"s bright, raven-black eyes were full of expectations. Looking at him, Ren Zhouyuan couldn"t so easily refuse. After all, An An had been looking forward to the compet.i.tion for so long.

An An seemed to have realized himself that Ren Zhouyuan had not been intending to take him out there. He pursed his lips and whispered, “Dad want to go to work?”

It seems that in An An"s heart, besides Ren Zhouyuan"s work, there is no other thing that is as important as him. However, sometimes An-An would feel that Ren Zhouyuan"s work was more important than himself, as just like it was now.

Ren Zhouyuan hesitated for a moment and walked over to An-An, squatted down and said to him: “An -An, be obedient, Dad has a very important thing to do right now.” Seeing An -An"s little grieving face, Ren Zhouyuan"s heart couldn"t take it, he thought about it again and said : “I will take you to Uncle Wenfeng"s place. If Dad"s problem is solved, I will you take to the compet.i.tion, will that be okay?”

An-An lowered his head and studied his finger meticulously. After a while, he silently nodded his head.

Ren Zhouyuan took An -An to the company where Fan Wenfeng was located. This was the first time he came here as "An Yi". Even when he signed the contract with the company, he just only entrusted Fan Wenfeng to resolve it. Throughout the whole company, only Fan Wenfeng knew that he was “An Yi” himself.

This time, with such a thing happening, Ren Zhouyuan could not just wait for news at home, even if it wasn"t his “An Yi” pen name,. Even the others, they were all something he had painstakingly built with all his effort. They were more than just his own effort, but also Fan Wenfeng and the rest of the company"s efforts. And so, as he walked to the company lobby, Ren Zhouyuan still had a kind of feeling that he was about to tear open his surface and reveal the illusion within himself in front of everyone.

[T/N: I"m sorry if this is confusing, I think it"s talking about how he"s about to reveal himself as An Yi thought.]

When Ren Zhouyuan arrived at the company lobby, he called Fan Wenfeng and said that he had arrived. Fan Wenfeng was shocked when he received the call from Ren Zhouyuan. He said a few words to the person on the phone and then rushed to get him.

“Why did you come?” Fan Wenfeng anxiously asked: “Didn"t I ask you to wait for news at home? Don"t worry, we can handle it well.”

Ren Zhouyuan patted his briefcase and said to Fan Wenfeng as he walked: “I brought some materials that were gathered at the time I had written with at that time, I hope that it can help.”

Fan Wenfeng looked down at his bag and also saw An An, whose hand was held by Ren Zhouyuan. He looked up and said: “How come An An also came?” He saw An An also carrying a small bag and suddenly remembered: “An An, today are you not going to the compet.i.tion?”

Ren Zhouyuan sighed and looked down at An An. Since they set off to now, Anan An-An has kept his head down. Ren Zhouyuan"s heart broke seeing him like this, but there was really no other way.

He shrugged at Fan Wenfeng, Fan Wenfeng probably guessed something from his eyes, and then did not mention the compet.i.tion anymore, just a simple statement to Ren Zhouyuan about the progress of the current discussion.

It seemed that the rest of the company knows who Fan Wenfeng is going to pick up. When they walked to the door of the conference room, it seemed to be quiet inside. Fan Wenfeng gave Ren Zhouyuan a cheering look, and then pushed in. When the door opened, more than a dozen people sitting inside pushed it together and looked at the people at the door. This time, Ren Zhouyuan"s heartbeat also accelerated a lot.

“Everyone, let me introduce you to someone,” Fan Wenfeng entered the door with Ren Zhouyuan behind him and came into the middle of the room. “This is Mr. Ren Zhouyuan, who goes by the pen name “An Yi”. Because of this paper, Mr. Ren wanted to come over in person and see if he can help.”

When they entered the door, the people in the conference room were guessing at the ident.i.ty of Ren Zhouyuan. At this time, a person was brought in by Fan Wenfeng. Apart from “An Yi”, they did not think of anyone else it could be. However, when they saw this person so young, people raised some doubts.

And so, when Fan Wenfeng said that this person was “An Yi”, many people"s faces had unbelieving expressions, and there were a few pairs of eyes with a bright light, like seeing a tree that grew money.

Ren Zhouyuan has rarely had to respond to this kind of scene, and shrugged his shoulders uncomfortably. After being greeted by everyone, he was led by Fan Wenfeng to sit.

However, when the few people sat down, everyone saw that there was a child from behind Ren Zhouyuan. A beautiful mixed-race child could easily attract the attention of others. In a flash, everyone"s eyes were transferred from Ren Zhouyuan to An-An.

Ren Zhouyuan didn"t like when others stared at his son. He frowned and looked at An-An.

An An was still so quiet, obediently letting them move him, wherever Ren Zhouyuan went, he went, where they wanted him to sit he sat, but his hand was still rubbing his little drone, his little body curled up on the chair, causing Ren Zhouyuan to sigh helplessly.

“Sorry everyone,” Ren Zhouyuan said suddenly. “My son needs to go partic.i.p.ate in a very important compet.i.tion today, but this time the issue regarding "An Yi" is very important for me. If you can, I hope I could have a favor,” he looked at Fan Wenfeng next to him and turned his head again. “I hope Wen Feng can take my son to the compet.i.tion for me.”

An An raised his head and his eyes sparkled. He looked at Ren Zhouyuan and looked at Fan Wenfeng. The expectation of those eyes could not be covered.

Most of the people in the room were more than 30 to 40 years old, and the expression of the child has also touched their hearts, not to mention that this was not that important of a thing, and quickly agreed.

Ren Zhouyuan and Fan Wenfeng went outside the conference room. He first explained a few words to Fan Wenfeng. Then he squatted down and kissed An-An"s forehead and said : "An An, Dad has something to do, and can"t leave, I will have Uncle Wen Feng send you to the compet.i.tion. When the issue on Dad"s end is over, I will go to see An An immediately, all right?"

Although An An felt that it is a pity that Dad can"t see his game, it is much better than not being able to partic.i.p.ate in the compet.i.tion. He nodded and turned to Ren Zhouyuan to say: “Dad needs to fight on! Anan will also be fighting!”

[T/N: "Fighting" is also known as "add oil" or "jia you"]
Ren Zhouyuan sent the two people into the elevator before returning to the conference room. When he sat down, the discussion started again.

Fan Wenfeng has said a lot to Ren Zhouyuan on the way up. He said that all the people are discussing the worst possibilities at present. So until now, Ren Zhouyuan has not been able to string together the causes and effects of the happenings from beginning to end.

The cause of this incident was a person pen-named “Sikong” who posted a post on the Internet, listing a lot of “evidence”, pointing out that Ren Zhouyuan"s paper that caused a sensation in the past, in which paragraphs and sentences “plagiarized” the results of the findings of the archaeological team that year.

Ren Zhouyuan looked at the information they handed over. He thought that the other party was just a person who deliberately poured black water. (try to smear someone"s name) However, after reading the contents of the other party"s evidence, he found that the person named Sikong was not an ordinary scholar, at least from the other party"s writing and from an a.n.a.lytical point of view, this so-called proof of the article is a very high level of “thesis.”

He thought for a long time, if there was a man named “Sikong” on the archaeological team, but no matter how hard he thought, he couldn"t remember such a character anyway. However, from the point of view of the other party, only someone from the original team would be able to cite the materials that seem to be “truth”.

Even then, that year he didn"t even stay long enough with the archaeological team, how could there be any core materials for him to steal?

[T/N: I think this is referring to how RZY left in the middle of the study because of the things they said about An An and him.]

Ren Zhouyuan took out the materials he brought over, and discussed with them for a long time, and made it clear that his paper was 100% original.

The meeting lasted for more than two hours. Compared with the situation at the beginning, when everyone had no clue what to do, the information provided by Ren Zhouyuan strengthened their hearts, so that they had more evidence for the turnaround.

The meeting was still going on hotly. Suddenly, a ringing tone interrupted the discussion. Ren Zhouyuan"s face flushed, and he took out his mobile phone and tried to hang up, but when he saw the three characters of "Fan Wenfeng" on the screen his heart jumped a bit.

He made motion in apology, and walked outside of the meeting room in two or three steps. When he picked up the phone, he heard Fan Wenfeng say:

“An An had an accident, hurry and come over!”

The author has something to say:
Leonid: What kind of person is Sikong?! The idea that someone actually dared to play Laozi"s person, let me set them straight!
Ren Zhouyuan: You should first try to actually get into the plot.
Rowen: Line up upstairs
Fan Wenfeng: Line up upstairs
Xiaomi: Line up upstairs
Leonid: Don"t run upstairs!

Notes: Nooooooooooo An An ;-;

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