Edited by Ahzinal

When Ren Zhouyuan returned home, Fan Wenfeng had already sent An An back home. When he opened the door, Ren Zhouyuan hadn"t yet stood firm before An An"s soft body rushed over and pounced on him, causing him to nearly tumble to the ground.

“Ah, you finally came back,” Fan Wenfeng, hearing the voices, came out and, when he saw it was him, he was quite relieved. “Your son asked me no less than 20 times today about just when Dad would return!”

Ren Zhouyuan smiled and picked up An An. Seeing his son"s face made him forget a lot of troubles in an instant.  He kissed An An on his head and said: “When Dad was not here, hopefully An An did not do any tricks. I must listen to what Uncle Feng has to say.”

An An, seeing his Dad, smiled until his eyes almost disappeared. He hugged Ren Zhouyuan excitedly and shouted: “Didn"t! Didn"t!”

The few people happily ate a homemade meal, and, during that time, Fan Wenfeng was always teasing An An. He kept talking about how much the little child missed his Dad in the past two days, and the bet he made with him about not calling his father too soon, making An An very bashful. An An shrieked and threw himself into the arms of Ren Zhouyuan, hugging Ren Zhouyuan and incessantly giggling.

Ren Zhouyuan gave Fan Wenfeng a thankful look. He didn"t dare to pick up An An"s phone calls in front of Leonid. Thus, he sent a text message to Fan Wenfeng in advance to have him help trick An An. He didn"t expect An An to really not throw a tantrum and call him. Handling An An, Fan Wenfeng really had his ways.

After sending off Fan Wenfeng, Ren Zhouyuan did not need An An to stick to him this time. He took An An into the bathroom to take a bath together on his own initiative. Only after two days of separation, he felt that he had not seen An An for a century. He finally understood how An An felt when he couldn"t see him all  these years. 

The father and son were like conjoined twins this night. Wherever Ren Zhouyuan went, An An would follow him. Ren Zhouyuan later just carried An An on his back. Although it was almost the same situation as usual, but the two of them were obviously even more harmonious tonight. When the time to sleep came, one would give a kiss and the other would give one back, neverending, amusing An An until he laughed heartily. Nested in the arms of Ren Zhouyuan on the bed, he rolled into a small fluffy ball. He was soft and sweet smelling, and the softness extended all the way into Ren Zhouyuan"s heart.

Early the next morning, the two were sweet this way all the way until the entrance of the kindergarten. An An pouted his small mouth and didn"t want to go to school. Ren Zhouyuan"s heart hurt and he also didn"t want to send his child to school. Teacher Chen stood at the door and, seeing that the other children had already sat down in the room, yet the two people, one big one small, were still there motionlessly hugginging, could only helplessly remind them that cla.s.s was starting soon.

Ren Zhouyuan left the kindergarten and felt that his heart was empty. When he went halfway, he just thought that the company still had a headache inducing issue, and he formed the idea of going back and taking An An home with him. He difficultly walked in the direction of the company, but he did not expect that  by the time he returned to the company, Leonid was not in the office.

"Is the boss on a business trip?" Ren Zhouyuan was a little surprised. Usually, if Leonid was not on a business trip, he was almost all the time at the company, but they just came back from the new base of operations yesterday, yet today there was already no sign of the other. Although this meant he didn"t have to face him and could relax a little, yet he didn"t know which corner of his heart felt a little weird.

Rowan lazily responded to him while playing on his mobile phone: “He went out,” he looked at the time. “If it goes smoothly, he should come back in two hours, but it"s hard to say. Maybe he won"t come back today.”

When Rowan said this, he was a bit disdainful. Although Ren Zhouyuan was curious, he only said “oh” and went back to do his work.

On the other side, Leonid, at this time, was sneaking around An An"s kindergarten, peeking out like a thief outside the wall.

When they came back yesterday, he heard Ren Zhouyuan say a lot about An An. After going back, Leonid"s heart itched and finally couldn"t help but have Rowan transfer the information about Ren Zhouyuan. Then he secretly went to his address. Thinking about whether he would be able to take a look at him, for this reason, he was ridiculed by Rowan and not lightly.

Unexpectedly, he wasn"t able to see his son, but he saw the good friend of Ren Zhouyuan coming out of his house at night. Leonid imagined up a lot of different situations in his brain for a period of time. The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he was. He accidentally waited for an entire night downstairs the house of Ren Zhouyuan.

Until the next morning, he not only did not see the figure of the so-called friend, but also saw the father and son who were in his heart.

Leonid, when he first saw An An, perhaps it was because he did not feel much about his own face, but he didn"t think that An An was like him very much. However, his eyes were nailed to An An"s face, that dear little face wouldn"t let him move his eyes for a second.

In this way, the two of them went to kindergarten, and he saw the scene where the father and the son loathed to part. Leonid could not wait for himself to be there, hug them together, and wrap them up together to take away.

He waited and waited, waited until Ren Zhouyuan was willing to separate from An An, until seeing him walk far away, only then did he get off the car and plaster himself to a wall to take a peek inside.

In the morning, it was time for everyone to collectively do the morning exercises. More than one hundred children stood in the middle of the playground in rows and rows and clumsily followed the teacher"s movements, performing the exercises. The picture was enough to make people not know whether to laugh or cry.

An An was a little taller than the other children around him. His distinct, foreign looking face made Leonid pick him out from the crowd at a glance. He looked at An An earnestly watching the teacher and stretching his arms and legs along with him, and his heart turned so soft it melted into a pool of water.

After the morning exercise, the teachers of each cla.s.s returned to the cla.s.srooms with their children. Leonid stuck himself along the outside wall and followed them as they each walked into the cla.s.srooms. Looking in from outside the window, it was fortunate that he was tall enough, so he didn"t take long to find where the cla.s.s An An was in is located.

He saw An An obediently returning to his seat as soon as he entered the cla.s.sroom. He took out the mini drone from his small bag and started to move it back and forth. Before, when he listened to the teacher in the course, the teacher had praised his behavior, but now he saw it with his own eyes. He had to admire that An An was worthy of being his own child, look, how precise were his movements!

He unconsciously compared his brother"s chubby son with An An. That brat was both chubby and mischievous, and he was at home all day long making trouble, causing the whole family"s heads to hurt. Now, compared with An An, An An was obediently sitting there playing with toys. He felt that An An was good in every aspect.

Watching him go from the drone to the robot, taking them apart and then putting them back together, really, the more he looked, the more he liked him. Unconsciously, Leonid stood there outside of the kindergarten and watched for a good hour.

Kindergarten courses are generally very simple. If it wasn"t letting children play house, or let them knead some play-doh, they"d draw pictures. In spite of that, Leonid watched two cla.s.ses in succession. The other children were playing together in their little tables. Only An An would take out one robot after another. After dismantling this one, he would dismantle the next one, and if he was done with all of them, he would go dismantle the blocks buildings of the other small students.

This time, Leonid was depressed. He saw a child running to An An"s side, and his heart moved. He couldn"t help but cheer for the little boy, but it only took two seconds before the child ran "deng deng deng" back to play with other kids.

Then, there were a few children running around. Occasionally, one or two would stand near An An to watch him dismantle the robot, but all of them ran away after watching him for a while. There was a little boy in the middle who asked An An some questions. An An glanced at him, nodded, then continued to play with his own stuff as if there were n.o.body else present.

This time it could be said that Leonid had figured it out. This child is simply super antisocial. He didn"t know if it was because his thoughts were just too great and others would not understand, or if his personality was just too cold and detached. It was difficult for other people to enter his world!

Leonid himself is also a quiet person, but when he saw the other children playing games together, and An An playing with his robot parts alone in a small corner, the strong contrast made him feel that it was very hard to take.

He did not know if Ren Zhouyuan knew about An An"s situation at kindergarten. He looked at the teacher in the cla.s.s, and it appeared that she turned a blind eye to it. He was angry, but also helpless. Then he hated himself for being incapable of taking action.

Leonid stood there, thinking a lot. He thought about his relationship with Ren Zhouyuan, Ren Zhouyuan"s att.i.tude towards himself,  how Rowan"s private investigator"s report found out nothing about the father and son pair"s past, andAn An"s existence. All of which made his heart hurt. He hated his lack of action these years and even if he had only been forced to accept the political marriage because he was unable to find Ren Zhouyuan, it still deposited more guilt in his heart towards this father-son pair.

Leonid"s returned to the car with an ashen face, and his finger joints that gripped the steering wheel were faintly white, the blue veins highlighted. Only after a long time, did he calm down.

When he returned to the company, it was close to noon. Leonid returned to the office in a bad mood. When the elevator doors opened, Ren Zhouyuan immediately looked up and their gazes intertwined in the air. Ren Zhouyuan"s eyes that were fixated on him made his heartbeat go chaotic.  Shoot, why did his face look so dark like he was ready to kill? 

When Leonid pa.s.sed by Ren Zhouyuan, his footsteps paused for a moment before he lifted his feet to stride forward. Just before he entered his office, he shouted to Rowan again..

Rowan put down his mobile phone and followed with a look of helplessness on his face. Ren Zhouyuan saw the behavior of these two people and was. .h.i.t with an indescribable feeling of discomfort. He didn"t know why, but he felt that him sitting here was a bit unnecessary, just like a child that had been isolated.  A familiar uneasiness slowly crept into his heart again.

But even after he turned his head away, he wanted to look again. Only now did he think that the distance between them was correct. He and Leonid should have maintained this not too far, not too close distance from each other since the beginning.

The author has something to say:

*At the kindergarten, the two holding each other and whispering in the author"s little theater *

An An: Dad, I discovered a big bad guy who is following us.

Ren Zhouyuan: An An don"t be afraid, wait for Dad to shout 1, 2, 3 and then we will run!

An An: Dad don"t be afraid, An An will protect you!

Ren Zhouyuan (with a touched expression): An An is so well-behaved, Dad wants to kiss

An An: =3= An An also wants to kiss Dad

– So thus the two began to exchange kisses as if no one else were present

Leonid, who had become a bad person in the distance: Wuwu, they are too meng, I want to pack them up and take them away.

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