Part 2Ren Zhouyan froze for a moment before replying. " Yes. h.e.l.lo.""I am pleased to inform you that, after the first round of interviews, you have met the initial requirements for our admission. We hereby invite you to the second interview at Friday, 2 o"clock in the afternoon. "Ren Zhouyan knit his eyebrows. In front of him, Fan Wenfeng wore a doubtful expression. So he was a little reluctant in saying to the person on the phone, "Sorry, I have decided not to go to your company."As Fan Wenfeng listened, he immediately realized who was calling. His expression turned serious. The personnel officer on the other end of the phone didn’t expect that he would refuse. There was a few seconds of silence before he said: "May I ask why*?"

*MTL: Can understand why?"I found another job." Ren Zhouyan lied.Director Wen Yan Zheng then politely, but a bit arrogantly, said: "Well, congratulations to Mr. Ren for smoothly finding a new job. Goodbye." After he finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone."What is it about?" Fan Wenfeng immediately questioned after waiting for him to put down the phone. "Is it Vichy? Did they hire you to go to work?"Ren Zhouyan chuckled. "It"s simple. He just asked me to go to the second interview." He didn’t intend to continue the topic, but Fan Wenfeng had no intention of letting him off. So he continued once more*.

*又开始了游说的行为 MTL: Again started lobbying behaviour"Vichy is really good. Their working shifts are from 9 to 5. Not many companies can do that. An is in kindergarten now, right? If you go to Vichy, the school I helped you find is near them so you can go pick the child up, really good ah."Ren Zhouyan shook his head. "I already refused.""Such a good opportunity." Fan Wenfeng looked at him with pitiful eyes. "I don’t understand how you think. Refusing the opportunity that other people would gladly take*." He sighed. "I heard my friend say that the company’s boss was stationed overseas for a long time. It is estimated that it will soon be developed globally. Anyways, their business is originally a foreign-owned enterprise……Ai, this is a great opportunity you’re talking about, ah!"Fan Wenfeng kept talking endlessly, lamenting in regret that he wasn’t going to Vichy. Ren Zhouyan heard him say that other people have been excluded for a long time*. It was a bit convincing*, but he immediately overruled himself.


*MTL: movingSeeing that Fan Wenfeng was about to say something, Ren Zhouyan took the file and shook his hand, putting on the appearance of getting ready to leave. "Thanks for today. I was going to ask you to dinner, but let’s wait for next time when it"s good. Again, I’ll treat you to a meal next time. I"ll go back and check the information."Fan Wenfeng"s face revealed a bit of sadness. The two of them had not seen each other for so long, plus he had also postponed some of his work for this meeting. But Ren Zhouyan quickly stood up while taking the bill. Fan Wenfeng hurriedly pressed down on his hand. Ren Zhouyan glanced downwards. Fan Wenfeng felt something like an electric shock run through him, making him loosen his grip*. He thought for a moment and pulled him to a stop once again.

*范文锋又像是触电般松了开来"We are both friends, yet you still say these." He slowly moved Ren Zhouyan"s hand from the bill and forcefully grabbed it away. "This time, you don’t have to treat me. Wait until next time when you take along An to go out. You should treat me then."Ren Zhouyan paused, a trace of a weird feeling in his heart. But when he saw Fan Wenfeng"s kind and gentle smile, the feeling disappeared. He pulled lightly on the bill, however it was crushed under Fan Wenfeng"s grip. He could only helplessly shrug.When he and Fan Wenfeng parted ways, Ren Zhouyan went back home. Only after he washed the dishes from this morning did he sit at his desk. He carefully took out the doc.u.ments Fan Wenfeng picked out for him and reviewed them seriously.The ma.n.u.script invitations were varied, but they all involved language and writing, mostly focusing on cultural communications. He noted down his own ideas on each topic. Those two pages of a4 paper didn’t look like much, so when he finished, a few hours had surprisingly pa.s.sed by in a flash.Ren Zhouyan smiled when he saw the last topic.Although Fan Wenfeng said that the origin of the people were unknown, he still included the subject inside."Does foreign culture have to follow the local customs when entering the local territory?" Ren Zhouyan rocked his chair lightly, biting his pen while whispering the question out loud.In the early summer afternoon, it was hot with a trace of silence and tranquility. Ren Zhouyan leaned proudly over the table, the brush in his hand flying like dragons and dancing like phoenixes as he wrote out the words*——

*also: Ren Zhouyan leaned over the table and flamboyantly wrote out the words.

Many thanks to BarelyEnoughtoReachTheApex and kcao1199 on NUF for this. I chose the more poetic version of the line though, because I feel that that part needs to be fancy. Should I change it? Should I use the simpler version?Taking the European and American cultures entering China as an example, the evidence ill.u.s.trates that foreign cultures must "adapt*" to China’s culture.

*MTL: transform

TL note: //peeks out from wall// h.e.l.lo? Sorry it’s a bit later than promised. But tada! Here’s the rest of chapter 4.

I couldn’t open systranet, so I had to make do with only Google and Bing. Also yabla and pleco. Forgive me wuwuwu

Oh, and…

Merry Christmas!¦ ¦ next chapter >>

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