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Chapter 18: Zombie Horde


Lin Feng had a bad feeling when he saw how nervous Dong Wu was.  


“The horde is coming!”  


Dong Wu, who was standing in the middle of the living room, said this nervously.  His eyes were full of fear, as if he had encountered something terrible.  


Zombie horde!


It was the first time Lin Feng heard this word after having been in this apocalytic world for several days.  Although he had never heard of it, Lin Feng could tell from Dong Wu’s expression that this so-called zombie horde wasn’t a good thing.  


Dou Yuxin, who was on the sofa, couldn’t help but shiver when she heard Dong Wu’s proclamation that there was a zombie horde.  


“A zombie horde does not happen regularly.  ”


When Dong Wu saw Lin Feng’s vacant look, he remembered Lin Feng saying he was from a place without zombies. He slowly explained everything to Lin Feng after calming down.  


Originally, the zombies in this world were not intelligent.  Some cla.s.s two zombies and above possessed intelligence.  Moreover, as the rank went higher, the zombie’s intelligence was also higher.  


The zombies seemed to have a strict hierarchy; all low cla.s.s zombies had to take order from the higher cla.s.s zombies.  


Also, some high cla.s.s zombies cannot deal with high level cultivators alone. Therefore, these high cla.s.s zombies would organize a group of low cla.s.s zombies, along with some other high cla.s.s zombies, and attack the human base.  


As the matter stood, it was very hard for humans to fight back under the numerous attacks by zombies.  If the zombies are successful, the base would fall, and the humans would become zombie food.  


If the zombies failed, it was humanity’s victory and there would be a moment of peace.  However, no one knows when the next zombie horde will come.  


As a result, when a group of zombies attacks humans, it is called a zombie horde.  


The arrival of a zombie horde is extremely frightening. Hundreds of thousands, or even tens of thousands of zombies attack the base.  Even though the base has strong defenses, it would still be possible for the zombies to break in.  


If the zombies enter the base, some ordinary people will become infected and turn into zombies,adding to the zombie army.  


Also, those high cla.s.s zombies were very fearsome. Dong Wu heard that one cla.s.s five zombie attacked a large human base, completely destroying it, resulting in countless ordinary people and cultivator casualties.  


Zhan Lang base encountered a zombie horde one year ago, and, at that time, the zombies broke into the base.  There were countless people infected. Despite Zhan Lang base gaining the final victory over the zombie horde, it took three months to completely clean the rest of the zombie corpses.  


Before, Zhan Lang base had about 100,000 people. After the zombie horde, there were only 40,000 people left.  Up until now, it had gradually increased to more than 50,000 people. This shows how terrifying a zombie horde was.  


After listening to Dong Wu’s explanation, Lin Feng was silent. He didn’t think that there was such a thing in the apocalyptic world. As the matter stood, even in the base, it wasn’t 100% secure.  


“As such, once the zombie horde arrives, we won’t be safe even if we stay in a building. ”


According to Dong Wu, if the zombie horde was this fearsome, there would also a possibility of being captured by zombies.  If that was the case, that would infect many people in the base.  That means that staying in the building was also unsafe. Lin Feng did not want to experience being surrounded by zombies.  


At that moment, Lin Feng decided that the three of them would leave together. He also wanted to see what the zombie horde looked like.


At present, Lin Feng and Dou Yuxin were cultivators. Despite Dou Yuxin just becoming a cultivator, her fighting strength was already 200. Furthermore, she had the wind soul crystal; her survival wasn’t a problem.  


Dong Wu was an ordinary person, however, Lin Feng discovered something astonishing; Dong Wu had unexpectedly good marksmanship.  


There weren’t many antibiotic delivery missions today. During their free time in the afternoon, Dong Wu and Lin Feng were practicing with the guns.  Lin Feng had not touched a gun from this world, and wanted to take this opportunity to practice.  


Lin Feng didn’t want to say it at first, but Dong Wu’s marksmanship completely shocked him.  Dong Wu was quite accurate with the M-16 pulse rifle. Be it a zombie standing still or moving, he could land shots in both eyes.  Dong Wu, being this good with a gun, was not bad at all.  He was even more fearsome than an Olympic champion. Even Lin Feng was speechless.  


Upon questioning him, Lin Feng found out that Dong Wu’s father was originally the gunning world champion, and taught Dong Wu how to fire a gun from a young age.  


After Dong Wu’s father retired, he opened a shooting club. Since he loved firing guns so much, Dong Wu was constantly practicing in the club all year round, and his marksmanship was not bad compared to his father’s.  


Afterwards, when the apocalypse happened, Dong Wu was separated from his parents. Not knowing whether they were alive or not, Dong Wu was all alone.  


Despite having good marksmanship, Dong Wu couldn’t afford a gun after the apocalypse happened. Let alone a gun, he already had problems with clothing and food.  This idea was put on hold until he met Lin Feng.


There was a villa in the center of Zhan Lang base. It was brightly lit, and there were armed guards everywhere.  Although they were dressed differently, the thing that united them was the shoulder patch of a black wolf on their left arm.  


“How many zombies are there this time?”


There were many people gathered in the villa’s hall. The middle-aged man sitting in the most conspicuously placed armchair opened his mouth and said this.


The man was dressed in a camouflage outfit. He had a swarthy complexion, with a very obvious knife scar on the left side of his face.  This person was the leader of Zhan Lang base, Wolf.


“It too dark to see clearly. However, the young brother said that there at least several thousands when he looked through the scope. ”


The middle-aged man replied to wolf after hearing what he said.


“There is no need to mention the cla.s.s one zombies. According to the young brother, the strangest thing was that there were several hundred cla.s.s two zombies, and a few dozen cla.s.s three zombies. The young brother who was scouting withdrew after seeing these things, and did not see whether or not there were any cla.s.s four zombies. ”


The middle aged man continued to speak.


“The zombie horde is three kilometers away from the base. In another 30 minutes, they will reach our base. ”


As the middle aged man said this, there were many people in a discussion with each other.  The expressions of everyone was different. Some were anxious, fearful, and there were even some who had excited looks on their faces.


“It definitely isn’t this simple. ”


Wolf stood up from his chair, and said this as he wrinkled his brows.  


“According to the previous bases that encountered the zombie horde, if there are several hundred cla.s.s two zombies, then there will be several thousand first cla.s.s zombies.  And even if there is only several thousand first cla.s.s zombies, the normal zombies may even reach tens of thousands. ”


Tens of thousands of zombies!


Hearing Wolf’s words, everyone in the room couldn’t help but let out a cold breath.  

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