Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 21: Cla.s.s Three Zombie


Chapter 21: Cla.s.s Three Zombie

Due to his many years of hunting and killing zombies, it only took a glance for Wolf to notice that there were two cla.s.s three zombies outside the base.

A cla.s.s three zombie was considered a high cla.s.s zombie in the zombie hierarchy, a normal person was unable to deal with them. Some were fairly large, others were small and thin. However their movements were extremely quick, and the difference between them and that of ordinary zombies was like that of Heaven and Earth. The two cla.s.s three zombies moved around in the zombie horde, actively dodging the bullets.

Ordinary guns were not that much lethal to cla.s.s two zombies, let alone a higher cla.s.sed cla.s.s three zombie. Due to the quick movements of the cla.s.s three zombies, the sniper rifles were unable to lock onto them. Even if they were hit by the rifle bullets, it would not cause much damage to them. The body of a cla.s.s three zombie was much more st.u.r.dier than that of a cla.s.s two zombie.

The cla.s.s three zombie was incredibly fearsome. However after spending the past three years defending against zombies, humanity had found a quick and effective way of dealing with these cla.s.s three zombies.

The guards on the gate wall kept their pulse rifles into their apocalypse watch, and took out a laser guided bazooka. Dozens of were fired at once, causing ma.s.s destruction within the large ma.s.s of zombies. An innumerable amount of zombies were blown to bits by the explosive power of the bazooka. Even if the bodies of the cla.s.s one and two zombies were st.u.r.dy, they still cannot withstand the enormous firepower of a bazooka.

The cla.s.s three zombie was formidable, even under the explosions of the bazooka, it still continued moving toward Zhan Lang base. Even if the shrapnel hit it, it only caused minor injuries and was insufficiently fatal.

At this time, the gates opened slightly, and dozens of cultivators rushed out.

The bazookas were meant to eliminate the other zombies. The fact that the cultivators were formidable is not false, however if they had to deal with a large quant.i.ty of zombies along with a cla.s.s three zombie, it is highly likely that they would die of exhaustion.

This time only half of the cultivators were deployed, however they were of low levels, being under level 5.

The cultivators were quick. They covered more than 100 meters in the span of a minute, and arrived in front of the two cla.s.s three zombies. The bazookas eliminated the zombies within a 20 meters radius of the cla.s.s three zombies. Now the two cla.s.s three zombies were left in open before the base.

All the cultivators had cold weapons, and were completely unafraid of the zombie virus. When dealing with high cla.s.s zombies, cold weapons were the most effective.

The cla.s.s three zombies were formidable, however they were unable to deal with so many cultivators. After killing a level 2 cultivator, the two cla.s.s three zombies tried to escape, however they were encircled by the level 4 cultivators and were quickly killed.


Lin Feng was fighting an intense battle. The zombie corpses had piled up to several meters high, and the rear zombies continued marching on, only to be killed by humanity. There was a large pile of corpses that had formed in front of the base, the mere sight of it made Lin Feng feel disgusted.

However after looking at everyone around him, Lin Feng realised that they were completely used to the current scene, and did not show any form of disgust. After a heavy sigh, Lin Feng continued to fire at the zombies outside of the base.

“Cla.s.s three zombie!”

The guards on the wall called out.

Lin Feng heard the guard, and hurriedly looked out. Ever since he had arrived in this apocalyptic world, Lin Feng still had not seen a cla.s.s three zombie before. Within Lin Feng’s line of sight, a thin figure appeared. That zombie seemed much thinner and smaller than the zombies beforehand. This zombie was incredibly agile, and was much quicker than the other zombies. It was almost as though it was a human running. The speed of the zombie horde that marched forward was slower than that of a human walking, it was obvious that this zombie was a high cla.s.sed one.

This small cla.s.s three zombie dodged the sniper rifles as it ran towards the base, and did not even acknowledge the normal bullets that struck it. It seems like ordinary bullets caused no damage to it at all.

That cla.s.s three zombie quickly outran the zombie horde, and in a moment was just a dozen meters away from the base.

All of sudden, four people jumped off the wall, who were the cultivators that were sent by the base to defend it. Although the city wall was high, the cultivators were not at all fearful.

After the four cultivators landed, they ran towards the cla.s.s three zombie. These four cultivators did not use guns. Three of them used knives, and another used an iron hammer, seemingly having the strength soul crystal.

The cultivators were much more faster and stronger than a normal person. Strictly from a fighting strength standpoint, a cla.s.s three zombie was equal to a level 5 cultivator.

At present these four cultivators were all level 4. Individually they were inferior to the cla.s.s three zombie, however when grouped together, they were evenly matched with the cla.s.s three zombie.

However the base also sent high leveled cultivators. Lin Feng heard that on this wall there were several level 5 cultivators, and even a level 6 cultivator. All of them were sent here by the base.

At this moment three-fourth of the zombie horde was heading for gates of the base. The remaining one-fourth were heading for this side of the wall. Therefore the main force was at the gates. However in order to prevent any accidents from happening, the base had also sent more than 20 cultivators to this side.

Leading the fight was one of the two level 6 cultivators in the base. The base had only two level 6 cultivators, both of which were Wolf’s a.s.sistants.

Seeing the cla.s.s three zombie, it was important not to send out high leveled cultivators. At present the zombie horde had just started, if they deployed high leveled cultivators at this time, the following fight would become more difficult.

Humans were humans, no matter the level of intelligence the zombies would possess, it would never exceed that of a human’s. Under the coordination of the four cultivators, it took them only a few dozen coordinated strikes to kill that cla.s.s three zombie.

“This is a cultivator!”

Seeing the four cultivators, Lin Feng declared this to himself.

Lin Feng that his strength and speed were similar to those cultivators, and was only weaker in his style. Lin Feng also felt that, if he fought those several people alone, he would win.

“I just don’t know what were their Cultivator levels. ”

Seeing those four level 4 cultivators, Lin Feng said this in his heart.


There were more and more zombies outside the gates of the base, and more cla.s.s three zombies appeared. Even the cultivators started to present casualties. After killing more than ten cla.s.s three zombies, the dozen cultivators that were sent out before were killed, as they looked dearly at Wolf who was standing on top of the wall.

Cultivators were extremely precious. Every cultivator that died was a big lose to the base, as they represented the influence of the base dropping by one point.

Suddenly, Wolf noticed a figure that appeared in the zombie horde.

“Cla.s.s four zombie!”

Seeing this figure, the always calm Wolf couldn’t help but blurt this out.

“It really is it!!”

After looking carefully at the cla.s.s four zombie’s appearance, a sense of fear developed in Wolf’s heart.

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