Chapter 77
Chapter 77 - Dou Yuxin’s Thoughts

After three days not much had changed at the Nan Shan base (Southern Mountain), and had remained similar to when Lin Feng had Left. People were still bustling around and living their day to day lives. 

The car traveled to the Nan Shan base Hospital, in the population of three hundred thousand, there was only this hospital. It helped all those that were injured and wanted medical attention. 

Lin Feng parked his car to the side of the hospital and entered the two story building. Across the hall was Ling Tian’s ward. Lin Feng saw Dou Yuxin helping a sick person in their room. 

After asking, Lin Feng found that Ling Tian had slightly recovered, and the most significant dangers were gone. But since he still had mithril in his bloodstream, he was still affected by it. 

When Lin Feng knew that Ling Tian’s injury wasn’t severe, he nodded, thinking to himself how the he was really lucky. If anyone else were hit by a heavy sniper rifle, they would most likely be dead by now. 

He looked in another room and saw the doctor. He took a devil’s snare flower from his apocalypse watch and gave it to the doctor. 

Taking the devil’s snare, the doctor took half of the flower and gave the rest back. Removing the toxins from the body would only require half the flower, and if there were any complications, then they wouldn’t have to find another flower. 

Removing the mithril from Ling Tian’s blood was a simple procedure, they only needed to crush the devil’s snare and boil it in water and have Ling Tian drink it. 

Going back into the hospital ward, Lin Feng felt some empathy seeing the dark circles around Dou Yuxin’s eyes. She didn’t know Ling Tian, but after bringing him here it looked like she watched over him day and night. He guessed that this was her way of paying him back for what he had done for her, and nodded his head. 

At that time Dong Wu came back with some dinner that he bought, and was carrying a bag of stuffed steamed buns. They were called stuffed steamed buns, but they were really wild herbs stuffing made with a little bit of flour made to look like bread.(*) Even though the Nan Shan base grew lots of wheat, it was mainly used as reserves in case of emergency, and stored in the grainery. The only grain that the people in base ate was old grain taken from warehouses. But even this much made the living conditions in this base much better than in many other bases. 

(* instead of a hamburger with meat and a thick bun, it is a thin tortilla covering some vegetables made to look like a burger)

After seeing Dong Wu, Lin Feng left and found a patient room without a patient. There when no one was looking he handed Dou Yuxin a second cla.s.s yellow crystal. 

Dou Yuxin’s talent was good, and after absorbing a white crystal was able to become a second cla.s.s cultivator, and even though she was slower than Lin Feng, she was still considered faster than most cultivators. 

After asking her, Lin Feng found out that her combat ability was measured at over three hundred, which was average among second cla.s.s cultivators. 

Following Lin Feng’s directions, Dou Yuxin absorbs the yellow crystal into her soul crystal. 

Time pa.s.sed and Lin Feng could feel the energy coming off of Dou Yuxin increase as she absorbed the crystal, and the color in the crystal gradually faded. 

Lin Feng sees as Dou Yuxin’s expression shakes and a silver light flashes across her head and disappears. This was a sign that she had broken through her cultivation, and after absorbing the yellow crystal she had gone from a second cla.s.s to third cla.s.s cultivator. 

Lin Feng was surprised, thinking that if Dou Yuxin was able to reach the peak of second

cla.s.s with this crystal, then it would be good. He didn’t think that she would overcome the bottleneck and reach third cla.s.s in one step. 

Originally Dou Yuxin had soul energy of three hundred and sixty. If Lin Feng absorbed the yellow crystal he would have had in increase of around two hundred. After she absorbed the yellow crystal, Lin Feng asked and found out that she had now had five hundred and ten, surpa.s.sing the threshold of five hundred that distinguished second and third cla.s.s cultivators. She had absorbed one hundred and fifty units of soul energy, not as good as Lin Feng, but much higher than a normal cultivator. 

Usually if a cultivator absorbed a yellow crystal, it would be good talent to absorb one hundred units of energy, with some rare talents absorbing over a hundred, while terrible talent individuals could only absorb a few dozen units of energy. Absorbing one hundred and fifty units, going from three hundred and sixty to five hundred and ten and breaking through the bottleneck showed just how talented Dou Yuxin was. 

Dou Yuxin didn’t think that she would get promoted the the third cla.s.s so quickly either. Before she could feel her own weakness, but now she felt both strength and speed. She could now fight second cla.s.s zombies, and she felt like she could deal with them easily. 

These were all things that Lin Feng had given to her, and she was grateful since to her it was a big deal to give these kinds of things away when you were as young as Lin Feng. Without Lin Feng, Dou Yuxin might still be living in the slums of the Zhan Lang base. A woman, in the apocalypse, if they had no strength, would have a miserable fate. 

If she didn’t meet him that day and stay by his side, she would still be stuck in the slums to live a life as those men’s plaything. Even if she was a cultivator, if she didn’t have any crystals she wouldn’t be able to absorb any energy and gain strength. And who would be like Lin Feng and continue to give her crystals for her to absorb?

Since Sou Yuxin joined by his side, Lin Feng has never stopped giving her white crystals to absorb. In a short period of time, she had  became a cultivator, and not only that Dou Yuxin had already become a third cla.s.s cultivator. Although she didn’t know the situation in the outside would all that well, but after hearing those around her, she understood that it was difficult for cultivators to breakthrough. If that weren’t true, than there would already be groups of high level cultivators showing up and there wouldn’t be so many low level cultivators. 

Seeing her grateful expression, Lin Feng understood what she was thinking. Without saying anything, Lin Feng left the room. 

If Lin Feng wanted to make in the apocalypse by himself it would be very difficult, but if he helped a friend gain strength, it would be a large help to himself as well. If he was using something to help himself that he had extra of, he didn’t mind helping others as well. Only when a strong group of people was formed could you easily survive in the apocalypse. 

Lin Feng left the Nan Shan base hospital, he wanted to become familiar with the area. He had been here for so long, but he never really had a good understanding of this base. 

The Nan Shan base was lax in its regulation of cultivators, therefore Lin Feng didn’t suppress his cultivation as he moved around. Even with his status as a fifth cla.s.s cultivator he wouldn’t make big waves in a base of this size. 

He didn’t drive, but walked around on the streets of the base. Looking at the people around him, and he saw that even in the apocalypse that there would be people that could find joy. 

Lin Feng saw an old man and his wife, around sixty or seventy years old, holding each other up as they walked down the street smiling. The two had each other and that was enough to bring them happiness, even when they lived in the apocalypse. 

Sometimes life didn’t have to be complicated. Many times in life, if you stopped worrying, then you might be happy. Not everyone sought fame, and as long as they had someone to accompany them into old age that was enough. 

“I was here for so long, what were you trying to do?”

As Lin Feng was walking, for no reason, he hears a voice behind him. 

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