Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 97 - Strengthening the Bloodline Lineage

Chapter 97 - Strengthening the Bloodline Lineage

As the golden light enveloped him, Lin Feng felt warmth all throughout his body. Instead of the feeling of his blood vessels inflating and causing him pain, Lin Feng felt instead a comfort. 

Lin Feng felt his whole body lighten and knew that the bloodline lineage was strengthening his body. The demonic shadow wolf bloodline lineage had the effect of increasing agility, and with this intermediate bloodline strengthening, Lin Feng felt like his own speed was being increased to a whole new level. 

The light surrounded his body for about ten minutes and then slowly dissipated. When it disappeared, Lin Feng felt something new inside of his mind. 

Lin Feng understood that now the bloodline lineage could increase his speed by 80% for five minutes or could increase both strength and speed by 50% for one minute. 

Running around the supermarket, Lin Feng found that besides the bloodline lineage his speed was 20% higher without even using any energy. 

As the matter stood, Lin Feng"s overall strength had increased significantly. With this speed alone, Lin Feng was as fast as a sprinter when he jogged. 

Although the bloodline lineage only gave a pa.s.sive increase of twenty percent and allowed a temporary burst of speed and strength, it was still something that could save Lin Feng"s life in case of emergency. 

The cost of this life saving measure was obviously high. Lin Feng spent one hundred thousand white crystals, which was most of his current wealth. But all of this was worth it, as crystals were things that were easy to obtain, but strength was difficult to obtain even if you had money. 

After strengthening his bloodline lineage, Lin Feng exited the supermarket and went into the living room. He came across Qian Zongguan and the Ma brothers talking and came over and sat down. 

"Because we have been rushing around and constantly on the move, I didn"t have enough time to purchase tea leaves, I am very sorry."

Qian Zongguan apologized when he saw Lin Feng walk into the room. 

Qian Zongguan managed the Qing sect, so even if tea leaves were an incredible luxury, it wasn"t a difficult matter to obtain them. 

Lin Feng was actually mistaking the situation, as it wasn"t that Qian Zongguan wasn"t the manager of the Qing sect, but that Qian Zongguan himself didn"t have that much wealth. Everything that he used to buy goods belonged to the sect, as his own wages weren"t that high. Like with this house, It wasn"t that Qian Zongguan owned the house himself, since he used the sect"s wealth, the sect owned the house. 

Qian Zongguan was someone who had worked in the Qing sect for many years and earned Ling Nanshan"s trust and became his most trusted person. Ling Nanshan gave Qian Zongguan control over the sect, showing his incredible trust. But for these kinds of things, like getting tea, Qian Zongguan wouldn"t use the sect"s money, and would never steal, but would use his own money. 

Of course, all of these things were things that Lin Feng remained unaware of, and when he saw the table without tea leaves, he thought nothing of it. Lin Feng instead took some Longjing tea from his apocalypse watch. Since he knew that there weren"t many tea leaves in the apocalypse, Lin Feng put some into his apocalypse watch along with cigarettes and other items. Lin Feng valued these kinds of things and knew he needed to carry them himself if he wanted to have them in the apocalypse. 

(Longjing tea is pan roasted green tea from Zhejiang in china)

Lin Feng understood that the apocalypse world had increased land ma.s.s and science, but everything else was pretty much the same. This meant that Lin Feng had no problems taking out goods from the supermarket, otherwise people might ask about where the goods came from. 

Seeing Lin Feng take tea leaves out of his apocalypse watch, Qian Zongguan and the Ma brother"s eyes twinkled, as not everyone could drink tea in the apocalypse. In the apocalypse, tea started to be sold by the gram, and even the worst trash tea was worth a white crystal per gram. Good tea leaves were worth a sky high price, and even if you had the money you might not be able to buy the tea. 

Seeing boiled water off to the side, Lin Feng opened the box of tea and pulled out some leaves in order to make tea. 

He placed some of the Longjing tea into the water, causing the aroma of tea to spread into the air. Qian Zongguan"s nose twitched, taking a deep breath of the the fragrant tea. He hadn"t smelled such a wonderfully fragrant tea in a long time. With such an aroma and fresh and good looking tea leaves, Qian Zongguan knew that these were high cla.s.s tea leaves that Lin Feng had brought out.

While making the tea, Lin Feng observed Qian Zongguan and the Ma brother"s expressions. Seeing them appreciate the aroma of the tea without looks of greed or desire, Lin Feng secretly approved. 

Lin Feng still wondered if Qian Zongguan was being completely honest, and stayed on the alert. Qian Zongguan suddenly appearing and offering him the position of sect master was like a pie falling from the sky. Qian Zongguan was convincing and what he said made sense, but how could Lin Feng just believe everything that he was told. 

So whenever he had the chance, Lin Feng would look out for every detail to see if Qian Zongguan was being truthful or if he had other goals. 

Until now, Lin Feng hadn"t seen anything that worried him. He felt a little relieved and continued to make the tea. 

What Lin Feng didn"t know was that he had been thoroughly investigated by Qian Zongguan as well. When Qian Zongguan found out that Lin Feng was in possession of the coiling dragon bracelet, he immediately called for an investigation into Lin Feng. The position of sect master wasn"t some child"s play, and the bracelet could have been stolen or Ling Nanshan could have been murdered, every single aspect of this matter had to be thoroughly investigated. 

According to the investigation, Lin Feng had gone with Ling Tian to Zhanlang base hospital and cremated someone together. They also knew about Lin Feng"s activities in Zhanlang and Dongshan bases. But when they tried to find out where Lin Feng was before these places, they couldn"t find anything out.  

But this was enough to know that Lin Feng had been with Ling Nanshan in the hospital and hadn"t just killed him somewhere. Where Lin Feng came from or where he was before wasn"t important. To Qian Zongguan, the one who held the coiling dragon bracelet was the sect master, nothing else mattered. 

Seeing Lin Feng pull out the tea leave, besides being a little bit surprised, Qian Zongguan didn"t say anything else. 

After soaking the tea leaves, Lin Fen and the others drank tea and chatted on the sofas. Lin Feng"s stomach started to grumble shortly after, and he realized that he hadn"t eaten anything in a while. One couldn"t function properly on an empty stomach, and not eating for an even longer time would make things even worse. Even fifth cla.s.s cultivators needed to eat. 

"Let"s go see if there are any good places to eat nearby. "

Since Tianlong base was one of the largest bases in Tianqi city, it definitely would be a place that would have cuisine incomparable to what you could find in the smaller bases. Having eaten dry rations in the Tianheng mountains for several days, Lin Feng wanted to eat something good for a change. Since Qian Zongguan had been here often, Lin Feng wanted him to lead them to a place that was good to eat. 


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