Chapter 2: Comrade

Seeing the faraway shadow waving its hand, Lin Feng slowed down. From its appearance, the shadow was clearly a human. At present, Lin Feng had just come to this world, and did not understand it at all. The most important thing now for Lin Feng was to meet survivors of this world in order to understand what exactly is the condition this world is in. At the same time, Lin Feng didn’t let down his guard. If this person was a zombie, Lin Feng was prepared to use the car to immediately crush it.

When the car drove nearer to the figure, Lin Feng cautiously examined that person.

“Big brother, big brother, stop the car and bring me with you, you see I have no weapons on me.” Saying this, the individual raised both hands.

That person was a fatty, however it was clear that it was because of long time malnutrition, or it just be because he was puffy. Fatty raised his hands, and shouted out to Lin Feng at the same time.

Seeing that the person could speak, Lin Feng relaxed. The car stopped in front of Fatty, and Lin Feng signalled to him with his eyes, indicating that he get in the car. Lin Feng, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, was secretly using his left hand to hold the handle of the long knife, to avoid getting caught off guard.

Fatty could still be considered agile. He thanked Lin Feng profusely as he opened the door and climbed in the car.

“Why are you walking alone on this road? Are you not scared of being attacked by zombies? Such courage!”

After exchanging names with each other, Lin Feng found out that he was called Dong Wu, then Lin Feng feigned ignorance and asked.

“Such courage? Big Brother are you making fun of me? If not for the strange rotten rain three years ago, the young me would have lived an elegant and unconventional life. Who would have thought that coming out to do this hard job of killing zombies would be so fun?” Fatty feebly said, as he may be somewhat drained. Looks like the apocalypse happened a while ago, actually having been already three years. Looks like this fatty is also not that simple, being able to live in this apocalyptic world. It is highly unlikely that anyone here would be simple. Lin Feng thought, and pretended to carelessly ask, “Do you dress like this when you come out to hunt?” Seeing how the fatty didn’t have any weapons on him, Lin Feng definitely had some doubts.

“Ai, it’s not because I lack strength to hunt. If this young master was a cultivator, would I still need to use a machete? I would have already armed myself with firearms long ago. Seeing the cultivators in Zhan Lang base, they are nothing but one level of cultivators. With firearms, Lao Li also wouldn’t have needed… just because of a cla.s.s one zombie…” As he said this, Fatty’s eye was slightly red. “Really, what’s the point of saying this? Today, this fatty’s life has been saved by you. Little Lin, if there’s anything in the future, I, Dong Wu, will not hesitate to help!” After saying this he looked at the car. Being able to exchange gasoline in order to come out and hunt, he reckoned that there was nothing he could help with. Of course, he didn’t know that this was a beautiful misunderstanding. The inside of that warehouse was completely empty, hunters won’t stop there. It was just accidentally found out by Lin Feng. Of course, the goods in Lin Feng’s hand was more than enough. That was why there was this misunderstanding, both of them did not even think of this.

Lin Feng didn’t pay attention to fatty examining the condition of the car, and only tried to understand what fatty said. This fatty was exhausted, yet he still says so much. Looks like he’s a chatterbox. This was good. Whenever a chatterbox speaks, they don’t use their brain. There’s no need for Lin Feng to think of a way to get him to speak about himself. Lin Feng was glad to have not met someone boring who didn’t speak much. Looks like all survivors in Zhang Lang base had strength: Cultivators? Martial artists? Magic or abilities? Furthermore, being divided into ranks by cultivators, like a cla.s.s one zombie, maybe zombies also had categories according to rank. The zombie Lin Feng saw when just starting out in the warehouse should not be considered a cla.s.s one zombie. After all, fatty’s movements were extraordinarily nimble. Not even two people could stop him. Thinking of these things, Lin Feng’s appearance was very clean, causing fatty to think that Lin Feng was a very powerful survivor. Of course, taking into consideration that Lin Feng’s strength was just ordinary, whatever fatty said was not completely untrue. If he didn’t coincidentally meet with Lin Feng’s car, and a cla.s.s one zombie appeared on the road, the unarmed fatty could have possibly been a live target. It would not be an exaggeration at all if he said this.

By chance, at this moment, Lin Feng heard fatty’s stomach growling, probably due to hunger. After all, in apocalypse novels food is extremely scarce. When driving past the farmland, there were also no signs of anyone tending to them; maybe in this world, food is extremely precious.
Lin Feng focused in his heart, and temporarily came to the supermarket. From the shelf filled with food, he took a box of luncheon meat cans. After ripping off the plastic trademark and expiration date, he brought them back to reality.

Pretending to take it from the back of the car, Lin Feng gave the luncheon meat can to Dong Wu.

“Here, hungry right, eat first, and tell me what happened in Zhang Lang base. When the zombies appeared, I was at a farmhouse for vacation. That small village was quite remote; there weren’t any zombies. Now I really need to thank my boss for giving me a holiday when everyone was working. Otherwise, on a normal holiday, I would have never thought of staying in that village.” Seeing how fatty excitedly took the can, Lin Feng unrestrictedly lied. At any rate, there’s no one in this world that recognizes him. Who knew where his boss was? This way, it provided a reason as to why he was completely ignorant of enormous changes in this world.

In the apocalypse novel that Lin Feng read, the inside of the bases of survivors are very complex. There are some that restricted the entry of strangers, that is why it was necessary to understand this base.

In order to understand this base, he had to first let fatty taste the sweetness. One can to Lin Feng, who had a supermarket, was nothing.

“This…This can is too precious. When you saved me, I couldn’t thank you enough. A fatty, such as I, is too ashamed to want this precious thing of yours.” Although fatty wanted to eat the luncheon meat in the can, he knew this can was of much value, and can be used to exchange for something useful. He licked his lips, then resisted the enormous temptation before pa.s.sing the can back. He restricted himself from looking at the can as much as possible. “There’s nothing that I can’t say about whatever happened in Zhang Lang base. The value of this can is several dozen white crystals.”

Seeing that Dong Wu’s expression obviously meant something else, Lin Feng actually laughed. This fatty’s character was indeed very good. The several dozen white crystals should be this apocalyptic world’s currency. Being barely able to prevent himself from taking it already means that his character is very good. After all, Lin Feng already said when the apocalypse happened, he had never entered a base, and with respect to the value of food, had no knowledge. However, despite knowing that Lin Feng didn’t know the proper rules, Dong Wu didn’t eat what was in the can. This made Lin Feng trust him a bit more. After all, he was the first person Lin Feng met after entering this world. Of course, Lin Feng didn’t randomly take out the can; First, it can be preserved for a long period of time, taking out a fairly fresh one won’t seem that abrupt. Second, fatty is now unarmed, but Lin Feng had a long knife in his hand. Furthermore, Lin Feng is an expert in martial arts. This, without a doubt, enabled Lin Feng to be put in a safe and secure position.

Knowing roughly what kind of person Dong Wu is, Lin Feng became more sincere, and explained to fatty, “That holiday village didn’t have anyone at first. When I went there, there weren’t even any tour guides. Actually, over my holiday, apart from the local farmers, there was no one that came to this kind of small mountain village. When I came out, I found a supply depot with no one there on this road. That’s why this can is nothing much, eat it.” Dong Wu heard what Lin Feng said and revered him even more. After all, being able to travel so far alone in this apocalyptic world, he suspected whether or not Lin Feng was a cultivator. Of course, this was also a beautiful misunderstanding.

Since the apocalypse, it has already been two years since Dong Wu tasted whatever was in a can. Hearing Lin Feng say this, he couldn’t resist not eating. He immediately picked the can, opened it in a hurry, and ravenously ate. In a few mouthfuls, he completely finished, and soon, after licking his lips, he desired for more. Seeing how Lin Feng looked at him differently, Dong Wu embarra.s.singly laughed. Thinking of what was said before, Dong Wu started to give an introduction on the base to Lin Feng, and conveniently talked about the state of the outside.

Dong Wu could still talk. Once he started on the topic, he incessantly talked about it to Lin Feng, and simply could not stop.

As it turns out, there was a strange rain three years ago, and 80% percent of the entire world’s population were infected and turned into zombies. The rest struggled to survive.

Soon after, people encountered a never-ending struggle against the zombies, and started to establish bases of different sizes. There was also a variation of people who, due to the rain, became cultivators, but only an extremely small number.

These varying cultivators had speed and strength that no ordinary person could have. As a result, they organised their own military army, established a base, and formed a force of their own. Zhang Lang base is one of the many bases, and, of course, the founders of the base are cultivators.

From the time this world entered into the apocalypse three years ago, the greatest shortage was of food and medicine. More often than not, people will kill each other in order to steal these. But at this point, the condition of life was low and mean, like the can Lin Feng gave to Dong Wu just now, in the base it can be exchanged for several dozen white crystals, it could even be exchanged for a wife. Saying this, fatty Dong Wu looked at Lin Feng with a thankful look for a long time, and saw Lin Feng feeling scared.

In short, whatever he told Lin Feng since he was young was about it. Having listened to fatty’s introduction, Lin Feng could understand this world a bit more.

Dong Wu also talked about his day, about how he and his only friend, Lao Li, came out to hunt today. Unfortunately, because he wasn’t armed well enough, Lao Li was infected by a cla.s.s one zombie. If Lao Li didn’t tightly hold the cla.s.s one zombie before he changed, Dong Wu reckoned that he wouldn’t have been able to escape. Not to mention the case of Lin Feng, after saying this, Dong Wu’s expression darkened again.

“Common people want to survive, but only those who have the strength go out to kill zombies. Surely you have also realised, Little Lin. When zombies die, their brain produces crystals. It is said that these crystals possess a type of energy, and can supply cultivators in order to increase their cultivation. Of course, us normal people don’t know how to use it. We can only go kill zombies in order to exchange for food and weapons to survive.” After eating what was in the can, Dong Wu had a bit of strength, and briefed Lin Feng clearly on the business in the base. He still suspected that Lin Feng was a cultivator. That’s why, upon saying that the crystals could boost the cultivation of cultivators he looked at Lin Feng, “Of course the crystals could also be used in different areas to improve capabilities, anyway, now crystals are this world’s currency.”

Zombies had ranks. After going through Dong Wu’s introduction, Lin Feng finally understood. The zombie he encountered before was just a cla.s.s zero zombie, which was just a person who had turned into a zombie.

But there is still a variation of zombies. It is possible that animals that have turned into zombies are more savage and violent. Once this happens, then there will be rankings. For now, zombies across the world have ranking divisions. Cla.s.s zero zombies are not counted. The variation starts from cla.s.s one onwards. However, this is all only theory. When the world turned into an apocalyptic world three years ago, Dong Wu heard that the highest rank for a zombie was only cla.s.s five. From the news that was spread throughout the base, that cla.s.s five zombie instantly destroyed a medium-sized base.

But only the crystals released from the brain of a cla.s.s one zombie are white. The crystals of a cla.s.s two are pale yellow, while cla.s.s three crystals are dark yellow. As for those above, an ordinary person, like Dong Wu, had never seen them before.

A crystal from a cla.s.s two zombie, in theory, can be exchanged for 100 cla.s.s one crystals. However, similarly, this is all in theory. The difficulty of killing a cla.s.s two zombie is way higher than 100 cla.s.s one zombies. That is why only cla.s.s one zombie crystals are this world’s currency.

This time, Dong Wu and Lao Li came out to hunt zombies. If Lao Li had a gun, he wouldn’t have lost his life. However, the price of heated weapons in this apocalypse was very expensive. In general, practically no one has heated weapons unless they were policemen or soldiers before the apocalypse, but even these kinds of people, who had guns, were very few.

Listening to Dong Wu’s presentation, Lin Feng understood. In this world, it was based on respect for strength. However, what’s the precondition for strength? It was goods. In an apocalyptic world, you only need goods to get whatever you desire for.

Now, Lin Feng possessed an entire supermarket. The supermarket Lin Feng supplied was a large chain supermarket. The goods were completely varied. There was even medicine. In this apocalyptic world, whatever that was brought was worth hundred of times more than in the in the normal world.

However, before improving his strength, Lin Feng didn’t plan on taking out that many goods. Lin Feng knew that, in this apocalyptic world, if people knew that someone possessed a great amount of goods, it will definitely lead to an uproar. If this wasn’t enough, it’ll also bring Lin Feng unnecessary trouble, so much so that his life would be at stake.

That is why Lin Feng decided to take it slow. He needed to consider how to use the resources from the enormous supermarket in this apocalyptic world safely and survive.

The car was going pretty fast, and Dong Wu didn’t travel that far away from the base. Under Dong Wu’s directions, only 10 minutes later, and they reached the entrance of the base. This was the Zhang Lang base that Dong Wu was talking about.

“Lin Feng, in order to get a place in the base you need one white crystal, does your apocalypse watch have white crystals?

When they were about to reach the entrance to the base, Dong Wu asked Lin Feng.

“Apocalypse watch? What’s an apocalypse watch?”

The apocalypse watch that Dong Wu mentioned earlier, Lin Feng had completely no idea what it was.

“I almost forgot. You’ve never entered a base before. This apocalypse watch is a super-intelligent smart watch. After the world became apocalyptic, everyone changed its name. However, despite it being super-intelligent, this thing can’t be eaten, so one can be bought for one crystal. It’s very cheap.”

Hearing Lin Feng say that he didn’t have an apocalypse watch, Dong Wu racked his brains, and said it in a flash.

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