_The Chronicles of Froissart._ (Globe Edition. Macmillan.)

_Grandes Chroniques de France._ Foucquet. Bibliotheque Nationale, Berthaud Freres. 5 fr.

_Alfred the Great._ B. A. Lees. (_Heroes of the Nations._ Putnam.)

_St Anselm._ R. W. Church. (Macmillan.)

_English Monasteries._ A. H. Thompson. (_Cambridge Manuals._)

_English Monastic Life._ F. A. Gasquet. (_Antiquary"s Books._ Methuen.)

_The Chronicle of Jocelind of Brakelond._ (_King"s Cla.s.sics._ Chatto and Windus.)

_Chivalry._ F. W. Cornish. (Fisher Unwin.)

_The Making of Ireland and its Undoing, 1200-1600._ Mrs J. R. Green.


_Mediaeval Art._ W. R. Lethaby. (Duckworth.)

_Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages._ J. J. Jusserand. (Fisher Unwin.)

_Mediaeval England._ M. Bateson. (_The Story of the Nations._ Fisher Unwin.)

_Social Life in England from the Conquest to the Reformation._ G. G.

Coulton. (Cambridge University Press.)

_Bibliography of Mediaeval History, 400-1500._ Leaflet 44. Historical a.s.sociation.

* _A Picture Book of British History._ Vol. I, to 1485. 190 ill.u.s.trations. Ed. S. C. Roberts. (Cambridge University Press.)

* _Guide to Bayeux Tapestry._ Victoria and Albert Museum. Department of Textiles. 6_d._

* _Oxford Supplementary Histories._ (Source books. Henry Frowde and Hodder & Stoughton.)

* _Old Stories from British History._ York Powell. (Longmans.)

* _Heroes of Asgard._ Keary. (_Everyman"s Library._)

* _Beowulf._ C. Thomson. (Marshall.)

* _The little flowers of S. Francis._ (_Everyman"s Library._)

* _The Knights of the Round Table._ Malory. (Blackie.)

* _Stories of Robin Hood._ (_Told to the Children_ Series. Jack.)

* _A History of Everyday Things in England._ Vol. I. M. and C. H. B.

Quennell. (Batsford.)

* _Suitable for Children._

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