Burning Sands

Chapter 53

Lord Blair, hat in hand, stepped on to the platform, and, at a sharp word of command, the guard of honour presented arms.

He did not seem to see the crowd of waiting dignitaries: he stared at Muriel and Daniel, a wide smile revealing the two even rows of his false teeth.

"Dear me, dear me!" he exclaimed, kissing his daughter"s cheek. "My dear Muriel! How are you, Daniel? This is capital, capital! You two, arm in arm...."

"Yes, Father," Muriel laughed, "we"re going to be married, ... please."

"Aha!" chuckled Lord Blair. "I knew it, I knew it! A little bird told me. Well, well!-I"m delighted. A Lane and a Blair: capital, splendid!"

Frank Lestrange stepped forward anxiously glancing at the native Princes. "Their Highnesses, sir, ..." he whispered.

"Ah, yes, to be sure," said Lord Blair, turning to them, and holding out his hand. "I beg you to excuse me for speaking first to my daughter and my future son-in-law."


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